Heaven On Earth - Cover

Heaven On Earth

Copyright© 2007 by Sahebji

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A fantasy...I wish it was true...

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

It was 27th of December. It was freezing outside but inside the house it was warm and comfortable. I sat in my favorite easy chair by the window and watched the snow fall. It had been snowing heavily for the last three hours. It looked as Nature had covered itself with a white sheet. The branches of the trees were bent with the weight of the snow and occasionally it slid to the ground with loud crash.

My name is Raja Mather. Today I am 35 years old. Six feet tall, muscularly built and weighing about 160 lbs. I had just finished lunch and was relaxing with my wives and children in the main hall. I had five wives and twenty children, five boys and fifteen girls. Strictly speaking they were my mistresses because I had not married any one of them. Let me introduce you to them in the same order as they came to live with me.

First one was Shanti. She was in her early forties. She was followed by Radha, 24, who was Shanti's daughter by a previous marriage.

Then came Dolma, 25. Dolma was the wife of Bahadur, a Nepalese watchman of the building where I resided. Although I had fucked Dolma before Radha, she came to live with me much later.

She was followed by Mantra, 26 and Nasta, 28. Actually Shanti found Nasta and her three lovely daughters abandoned, sick and starving in the cold and brought them home ten years ago.

Now they had five children each except Shanti. Shanti could not conceive when she came to work for me.

They were all naked. As per house rules no one except me was permitted to wear any clothes. As soon as a child was 'potty trained' he or she was not allowed to wear clothes anymore. The ladies wore panties when they had their period.

Shanti, being the eldest, was in charge of everything, from household to discipline and from shopping to which two will share my bed at night. In all matters she was fair. No one dared to go against her orders. She ruled the roost with an iron fist.

She had different styles of enforcing discipline depending on the circumstances.

For example:

Five years... no I think it was four years ago. It was 12 noon, the time Shanti allocated the days duties. After assigning the duties she said that Mantra and Nasta will share my bed that night.

Radha protested, "Nahin, aaj meri baari hai aur papa mujhe chodainge aur Mantra ko nahin (No, it my turn and papa will fuck me tonight and not Mantra)."

"Nahin meri baari hai. Papa mujhe chodainge (No, it is my turn. Papa will fuck me)," Mantra said disputing her claim.

"Radha, I've said that Mantra will sleep with papa tonight," Shanti said quietly.

"No, you are not fair. Main dekhti hoon ki papa Mantra ko kaisse chodete hain (I'll see how papa fucks Mantra)," Radha said belligerently. Shanti lost her cool.

"Main tujhe dekhati hoon ki papa Mantra ko kaisse chodenge (I'll show you how papa will fuck Mantra)," Shanti said and catching Radha by the ear, dragged her towards the main door.

"Amma, what are you going to do?" Radha said alarmed.

"You have to learn to obey," Shanti said opening the door.

"Amma, please I am sorry. I'll never argue again," Radha begged.

Radha's pleas had no effect on Shanti and pushing Radha, naked as she was, out of the house, closed the door. In was the month of September. It was very cold outside.

Radha banged at the door and kept repeating that she would obey her and never argue in future.

"Please amma, forgive her," Mantra said, "She can take my turn and sleep with papa tonight."

"Please let her in," Dolma and Nasta begged, "We will ensure that she will obey you in future."

All her children cried their eyes out for their mama. "Shanti, she has learnt her lesson. It is very cold outside. Please let her in otherwise she'll freeze to death," I said.

"Let her die," Shanti said stubbornly, "I can't run a household of four cock starved choots and their dozen children if they are rude and do not obey me."

Radha had started to turn blue. I opened the door and picking up Radha carried her to the main hall, where it was the warmest, and wrapping her in a blanket laid her on the sofa.

"You three rub her limbs vigorously otherwise my baby will die," Shanti said with her tears flowing freely and rubbing her limbs.

Everyone was busy rubbing her limbs to stimulate her blood circulation. I forced a couple of spoonful of brandy down her throat. After ten minutes Radha opened her eyes.

"You stupid girl, you could have frozen to death," Shanti said hugging her.

"Oh amma, I am very sorry. I'll never disobey you," Radha said hugging her back, "I love you."

"Oh I love you too," Shanti said, "Dolma, look after her children tonight because my baby is going to sleep with me."

Another example:


"Shh Roma, not so loud, papa is resting. Come here and tell me," Shanti said.

Roma, Nasta's 12 year old daughter was a beautiful girl. Her boobs had just stated to grow.

"Amma, Amit keeps pressing my tits," Roma complained.

Amit, 10, was Shanti's favorite because he was the oldest among the boys and she saw him as my 'heir apparent'. I suspect the fact that he was the son of her daughter Radha had also something to do with it although she denied it.

"Roma why don't you tell amma the whole truth," Amit said, "Amma, today in the morning she caught my pee pee (cock) and made it hard. When I asked her to stop she just laughed."

"Is this true?" Shanti asked. Roma bowed her head and nodded.

"Do you like to make pee pees hard?" Shanti asked.

"Yes, so do the other girls," Roma said blushing.

"Children, let me remind you again that you can touch a boy's pee pee and press girl's tits but never, I repeat, never ever touch a girl's choot (cunt). Only papa is permitted to do so, understood?" Shanti said loudly for the benefit of everyone present.

Everyone nodded. "Okay, Roma, I see that you enjoy making pee pees hard. Then go down on your knees and suck Amit's pee pee like you suck papa's cock," Shanti said.

As per house rules every girl on her twelfth birthday had to suck my cock and swallow my cum.

Roma grinned and started sucking Amit's cock.

"Oh," Amit moaned.

Roma continued to suck Amit's cock under Shanti's watchful eyes. Suddenly Amit started to move his hips back and forth.

"OH, OHHHhhh," he shouted as his orgasm peaked.

"Did you like it?" Shanti asked.

"Oh yes, it was very pleasurable," he replied.

"Amit had an orgasm and nothing came out of his pee pee," Roma said.

"He is still young. He will start ejaculating cum when he is older," Shanti said jumping to Amit's defense.

"Amit's pee pee is dry. Amit's pee pee is dry," she repeated, clapping and jumping around the room.

"AMMA," Amit said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll remember this," Shanti said hugging him to her big breasts, "Once you start ejaculating then I'll make sure that she is the first one to swallow your cum."

Another circumstance was:

One day Nasta's youngest son Mohan, who was three year old was teasing Dolma's six year old daughter Charu. Mohan would stealthily approach Charu, who was watching cartoons on VCR, and blow in her ear.

"Stop it," Charu said. Mohan did not listen and continued to trouble her.

"Nasta mausi (aunt- mother's sister), look Mohan is troubling me," she said.

"Mohan, stop it and watch the cartoons," Nasta said. For few minutes there was peace but then again Mohan started troubling Charu.

"MOHAN, stop it," Charu said, "Mausi, do something, he is troubling me again."

"What shall I do? Papa has spoilt him," Nasta said, "Best is you complain to amma."

Mohan was the youngest of my children and my favorite. The case went to Shanti's court.

"Mohan, listen to what your mother says," Shanti said.

Mohan did not listen and continued to trouble Charu. Rima Mantra's nine year old daughter was also watching cartoons.

"Rima, next time Mohan misbehaves then bring him to me. I'll cut off his pee pee," Shanti said showing a pair of scissors.

"Okay," Rima said with a broad grin.

Mohan immediately placed his hands in front of his pee pee and came running to me.

"Papa, don't let amma cut off my pee pee," Mohan said with tears in his eyes.

"She won't if you stop troubling Charu didi (elder sister)," I said to him.

That day Shanti sat against a wall, knitting. It was her favorite place as she could keep an eye on everyone and everything.

The older children were arguing about some rule or the other of Monopoly. My four wives with their youngest off springs clasped to their breasts were watching them. The younger children were watching cartoons on the VCR.

"Sana, have you asked papa whether he wants anything?" Shanti said.

"No amma. Papa, would you like a cognac or... ?" Sana asked.

"Yes darling, just a little," I replied.

Sana, after pouring a glass, carried it to me. Sana, 14, was Nasta's eldest girl. She was pretty like Roma. I watched her big tits with big brown areolas and pointed nipples swing and jiggle sexily as she walked towards me. Her small clit was peeping out from in between the lips of her hairless cunt.

She blushed prettily when she saw me staring at her virgin choot. She knew that I was going to deflower her on 28th, her fourteenth birthday.

"Thank you, my child," I said accepting the snifter.

"Papa would you like me to give you a blow job?" she asked.

"No thanks darling. I think I'll save my cum for your choot (cunt)," I said smiling. Sana blushed pettily and sat near my feet pressing them.

I closed my eyes and lay back to enjoy the cognac. My thoughts went back as to how it all had started.

We were three brothers and sisters. Madhu was the eldest. She was already married to Sunil when I, at the age of 23, graduated as a Civil Engineer from the local university. My younger brother Rajan was studying Electrical Engineering in the same university and had one year to go.

My father owned three factories, real estate including our house and company shares etc. Sunil, my brother in law, helped my father to manage them. My parents were very conservative and old fashioned. They were God fearing and very religious minded. There was a small temple in the house, not just a prayer room.

Every morning the day started with prayers. We, including the servants, had to assemble at six in the morning after our bath, summers or winters, and join in the morning prayers. The same ritual was repeated at dusk for those present in the house.

We had five servants. A cook, who was an old man, and all the others were maids between the ages of 14 and18.

I loved my parents but this religious mumbo jumbo was not my cup of tea. I found the atmosphere stifling and oppressive. Among the four maids, Sarita was the youngest and most beautiful. Many a night I had masturbated with her picture in mind. Sarita was 14, not too tall but with boobs too large for her slim body. I wanted to fuck her but knowing my parents mindset I could do nothing except dream.

One day when I came home Sarita opened the door. She looked ravishing. For a moment I lost my head and putting my arm round her waist pulled her to me and kissed her on her cheeks. She screamed and screeched as if I had raped her. Everyone was appalled.

Sarita's father also came to check if his daughter had been ravished. "Master, my daughter is a good girl not a slut," he said admonishing me loudly for everyone to hear. My parents took a serious view of this harmless incident.

"Raja, we have not taught you to behave in this shameless manner," father had said. Then shaking his head added, "I am ashamed of you."

My mother did one better. She summed up everything in one word.

"Barbarian," she said contemptuously clasping the weeping maid to her breasts and sprinkled salt on my wounds by adding, "Oh my poor child."

Special prayers were held to purify my soul. Alms were distributed among the poor and Brahmins were fed. The worst was I was made to apologize to Sarita in front of all. I had never been so humiliated. I resolved to avenge myself if I ever got the opportunity. I also decided that enough is enough and to leave the house as soon as I graduated.

A month later I graduated with flying colors. I started looking for a job with only one thought in mind that I had to go as far away from this household as possible.

"Raja, there is no need to look for a job," my father said, "You can join the family business."

I was prepared for this line of reasoning. "I know," I said, "it is just for a year or two to gain work experience. Then I'll join the family business." This answer satisfied my father.

I applied and was selected for job to build and maintain roads and bridges in the border areas up North.

"Why so far away?" mother asked, "Can't you find a job nearby?"

"Let him go. The rugged life in the hills will do him good," father said, "besides it is a government job and he'll learn a lot."

Fifteen days later I reported for duty. The township was small and people friendly. Mr. Bachiter Singh, my boss, was a decent fellow. There was no 'singles' quarter available. Therefore I was given a two bedroom flat meant for families. My flat was on the third floor in a four storied building.

"Raja, go and settle down in your flat today," Mr. Singh said, "Start work from tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir," I said rising.

"Another thing, have dinner with us tonight," Mr. Singh said, "It's a tradition, sort of welcome dinner and all that."

"Thank you, sir," I said.

At eight o'clock I reached his house. "Would you like a drink?" Mr. Singh asked.

"No thank you sir," I replied, "I don't drink."

"You are a good boy," Mrs. Singh said and looking pointedly at her husband, added, "I don't know why some people drink."

"He will drink here to stay sane," Mr. Singh said.

"No, he won't," Mrs. Singh retorted.

Mr. Singh laughed. He was a very jovial fellow. He told jokes throughout the evening. When I was leaving I thanked Mrs. Singh for the meal.

I don't know but for some reason Mrs. Singh liked me.

"Raja, you'll require someone to cook and clean for you. Have you found a servant?" she asked me.

"Madam, he has not had a chance. It is his first day here," Mr. Singh laughed.

"Raja, come and eat here every night till you find a servant," she said glaring angrily at her husband. I ate dinner for two nights. Then it became very embarrassing and started eating in town.

After a week Mr. Singh said, "Madam wants you for dinner at eight."

First question she asked as I greeted her was, "Have you found a servant?"

"I interviewed a couple of them but they were too expensive for me," I replied shaking my head.

"Then where have you been eating?" she asked.

"In the market," I replied.

"My poor boy," she said, "Anyway I've found someone for you. It is a woman. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," I said, "How much does she want?"

"She is very reasonable," she said, "You'll be able to afford her. I know what you boys earn."

Then she mentioned a figure.

I was pleasantly surprised as it was half of what the others had quoted.

"Thank you," I said, "Is she a local?"

"No, she and her husband are from the plains like us. Her husband works in the company but is posted in Mantur," Mr. Singh said, "Do you want her?"

"Of course, I want her," I said, "Why is she so cheap?"

"Her husband has thrown her out of his house and she is in dire need of a job," Mr. Singh said, "Shanti is a good woman. Make sure you don't do any hanky panky."

"Sir, I am..." I started to protest.

"Raja is a decent boy," Mrs. Singh said interrupting me, "I have assured her that she'll be safe in your house."

That night Shanti accompanied me home. Shanti was around thirty, dark, not pretty nor ugly. She had an oval face with regular features. She was slim, 5'5" tall with melon sized boobs. I was happy as she was a good cook and kept the flat clean.

The bazaar was thirty minutes brisk walk from my flat therefore I offered to do the shopping on my way back from work.

"No, babu (a form of sir), you have so many things on your mind," she said, "I'll do it. After cooking and cleaning I have nothing to do."

Couple of days later she said that her bathroom door did not lock properly. It opens if you give it a hefty push.

"I'll have it seen to," I said but forgot.

Soon life became a routine. Her big tits fascinated me. She never wore a bra. I watched her boobs swing and jiggle whenever she walked or did something. Soon I dreamed about fucking her. I did not care whether she was beautiful or ugly. I needed a cunt badly.

The morals of the local population were not very high. I think because they were very poor. A woman was a salable commodity. The men fucked their own mother, sister, wife or daughter. They also rented them for a night or two to needy men to earn a little extra. This had been going on for generations and the women had got used to it.

At work sex was the main topic. Everyone talked about their conquests. I gave the impression that I was screwing Shanti.

"How do you prevent pregnancy?" I asked my colleagues at lunch one day.

"I don't care if they get pregnant. It is their problem, not mine," a colleague said.

"Maybe you like your children begging in the street and Raja doesn't," another colleague chuckled.

"Go to the chemist near the clock tower and ask for pregnancy prevention pills," another colleague suggested, "He'll give them to you. They are locally made from some herb but very effective and very cheap. I am using them since two years without any mishap."

"They have to be taken orally or inserted?" I asked.

"Both are available. Just take your pick," he laughed.

In the evening on the way home I bought both types. I was now fully prepared to fuck a woman.

Life was very lonely and boring. On the advice of my colleagues I joined the local club. In couple of months I started drinking. When I got late Shanti would wait downstairs for me. Many times I came home drunk. "Babu, it is not good to drink so much," Shanti would say escorting me to the flat.

Three months passed and I was still far away from Shanti's choot. I didn't know how to go about fucking her. I couldn't ask my colleague as they thought I was already screwing her.

One day I decided to try the age old recipe; make her drunk and then fuck her. Next evening I bought a bottle of local whisky on the way home.

"Shanti, bring glasses, water and ice into the drawing room and cook some tasty snacks. I won't go to the club tonight but have a drink at home," I said reaching home and placing the bottle on the table, "I'll take a shower and come."

"Yes, babu," she said.

When I returned after my bath everything was ready including the snacks. I sat down and poured myself a drink. After a sip, I said, "Shanti, come here."

"Babu, two minutes," she said, "I am frying some kebabs for you."

Two minutes later she came with a plateful of kebabs. "Shanti, bring a glass and join me," I said.

"Babu, I don't drink," she replied.

"Come on, just one drink," I said but she shook her head.

I saw my plan failing. "I knew it was mistake not to go to the club. At least there I would have had company. It is no fun drinking alone. If you won't join me then I will also not drink," I said getting up.

"Please babu, don't stop because of me," she said.

"Have you never had a drink before?" I asked.

"I used to drink but gave it up," she said.

"No, I won't drink alone," I said.

"Alright, one drink only," she said fetching a glass and sitting down on the carpet.

"Sit on a chair," I said pouring a large peg.

"No, I am alright here," she said.

"Then I'll sit on the carpet also," I said and sitting on the carpet.

After the first drink I forced her to have another and then another. Soon the bottle was nearly empty. I don't know how she felt but I was drunk. I couldn't keep my eyes of her tits and kept staring at them.

"Babu, why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"I am not looking at you but at your melons," I said thickly.

"Melons?" she said.

"Oh sorry, I mean your tits," I said correcting myself.

"You think my tits are like melons," she giggled.

"Yes, I find them fascinating," I said drunkenly, "They are sooo big, like two footballs."

"They are not so big," she said coquettishly.

"Would you mind if I touch them," I asked peering at them.

"Be my guest," she giggled pushing her chest out.

"Oooo, they are so firm," I said taking them gingerly in my hands, "May I kiss them."

"No... oh alright just once," she said undoing the buttons of her blouse.

"Oooo, your nipples are so hard," I said kissing them and sucking her aroused nipples.

"Oh babu, go on it feels soooo good," she moaned.

I continued to suck her pointed nipples and squeeze her boobs.

"Oooo, babu, you are making me horny," she moaned.

"Shanti, mujhe chodene de (Shanti, let me fuck you)," I said.

"Aapne pahele kissi ko choda hai? (Have you fucked someone before?)" she asked.

"No, never," I said moving closer to her.

Shanti pressed my crotch and felt my erect cock from top to bottom.

"Oooo, aapka lund bahut barda hai (Oooo, your cock is very big)," she said.

"Please Shanti, mujhe chodene de (Please Shanti, let me fuck you)," I begged.

"I love big cocks," she giggled unzipping my pants and fisting my erect cock. I grabbed her tried to push her flat on the floor.

"Not here. Let us go into the bedroom. We'll be more comfortable there," she said getting up.

As I stood up I staggered and knocked over the peg table. My glass fell on the carpet but did not break.

"You go and undress. I'll join you as soon as I have cleared up," she said.

"Please hurry," I said and staggered to my room.

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