Family's Traditional Wedding - Cover

Family's Traditional Wedding

Copyright© 2007 by The Jint Fan

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - John is told about the family's traditional marriage. He finds out who his wife to be is. His grandmother, Lucy

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Grand Parent   Exhibitionism  

John Williams pulled at his collar. He couldn't believe it was his own wedding day. He made the wedding announcement only two months prior to this date. He paced in the back room of the church for twenty minutes. He couldn't believe it was happening to him. He loved his bride. He loved her for so long that he couldn't count the days or years.

John walked around the small room. He was aware of the age difference between them but he still loved her. The rush on the marriage was the family's idea, not his.

The door opened and John thought it was the minister but it was his mother, Beth Anne. She walked inside of the room. John greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek. " Hello mother."

" John, you look really nervous. Don't be. She isn't nervous at all. She looks so beautiful in her wedding gown. I just saw her in front of the church with my sister. I haven't seen her so pretty before in my life." Beth Anne told her son.

As his mother spoke, John looked at his mother's outfit. She was wearing a pink dress which showed a lot of leg. White stockings are on her legs and pink high heels on her feet. The shoes have a four inch heel.

She wasn't just the groom's mother; she was the maid of honor for the wedding. She smiled to her son and told him that everything was going to be ok.

Beth Anne departed to go and line up with the bridal party. John waited for his best man, Larry to arrive. Larry was running around doing some last minute errands with the church personnel.

The door opened and Larry pulled his head around the door. " They are ready for us. Are you ready for your wedding, buddy?"

The minister came out just as the music began. Everyone turned their attentions towards the back of the church. Two hundred pairs of eyes watched as the two flower girls started the procession. His little nieces are wearing sea green dresses. The next out was his sister, Joan. She is the mother of the flower girls. The next is his aunt, Jane. All the bridesmaids are dressed in the sea green dresses like the flower girls.

The music changed and the attention was on Beth Anne as she walked down the center aisle. John smiled at his mother. Beth Ann stood at the end and kissed John on the cheek. "Again good luck."

The doors opened and the guests watched as the bride stepped out. Everyone smiled at the sixty-year old Lucy stepping out of the back. John was proud all of the sudden standing there. He smiled as Lucy, his grandmother dressed in a white wedding gown walked down towards the front. He couldn't believe this was happening to him.

John closed his eyes looking back on how this happened...

John arrived at his grandmother's house after receiving a phone call from his mother for a meeting. John arrived at the house and was ushered into the den by his mother.

" What's going on? What's so important to bring me a hundred miles? I have many things going on at work"

Beth Ann sat down next to her mother. She placed her hand on her mother's knee, almost on the thigh. " I will tell him for you."

Lucy smiled and nodded her head. She crossed her legs.

John noticed how smooth and clear her legs look for a sixty year old woman. John didn't understand why he was looking at his grandmother's leg like that. She is his grandmother.

John nodded his head. " So what is this about?"

" This." John's mother replied and kissed her mother on the lips making out with her like lesbians. They are French kissing each other. Tom spoke softly. " What the hell is this?"

The girls broke off their kissing and smiled to Tom. Lucy spoke up. " Don't get scared. It is a family thing."

" A family thing?" John repeated.

Beth Ann turned back to her son. " It has been happening for many generations and it is your time to join."

" My time?" John asked. He is still staring at them with disbelief.

" Yes. We need you to marry your grandmother. She has been waiting for this time to come for many years." Beth Ann told him.

John stared at his grandmother. She was very close to tears. John couldn't believe what they told him. He looked over to his mother. He couldn't believe they were hiding it from him. He started to realize now why he was having feelings like that. He had some strong urges towards other female family members. John moved himself down to his knee and looked up at Lucy's teary face. " Will you marry me?"

Lucy started to cry at John's question. " I will marry you. Thank you so much."

John smiled to her. " Can I watch you two kiss each other again?"

" Anything for you, my wife to be." Lucy replied and turned back to her daughter and started to kiss her again.

John watched the two stared to kiss again. Their lips clamping down on each other. Their tongues playing together inside of each of their mouths. The mother and daughter kissed for awhile.

Lucy broke the kiss and asked John. " Do you want to kiss your mother?"

John grew hard quickly. He nodded his head.

Beth Ann walked back over to Tom. She sat down next to John. She tilted her head and started to kiss him on the lips. He felt her tongue tasting his lips. He slowly opens his mouth for her.

John and his mother were lip lock. John played with Beth Ann's tongue. He really enjoyed kissing his mother. He was enjoying the surprise that she was good at it.

John pulled away to get some air. He started to shake as it was feeling too good. He couldn't believe how good she was at kissing. She is twenty years older than him and it was so good.

John pulled his lips off of his mother. " That was the greatest."

" Thank you. Now kiss your mother." Beth Ann told him.

John moved himself over to his wife to be and sat down. He looked into her eyes and he saw that she wanted him. " I love you."

" Me too." She replied and then kissed him on the lips. Her lips were so smooth as she pressed them against his. Her tongue slowly darted into his mouth. He was French kissing his own grandmother and it was great.

He rested his hand on her breast and felt the firmness of her breast. He heard his mother speak up. " He is feeling those new enhanced breasts, Mother."

John couldn't believe his ears. His grandmother had plastic surgery done to her breasts. He couldn't wait to see how they look on her.

Lucy broke off the kiss and answered. " I know but it feels so good there."

John couldn't believe he was doing that. He smiled at the naughty thoughts of having his grandmother as his bride.

John watched as Lucy stopped next to him. He looked down at her wedding attire. The white wedding gown was down to her ankles. Her sleeves are long and drops down to her wrist. She had white stockings on her legs, and white high heel pumps with four inch heels on her feet. He wondered how she could walk in them.

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