Jack And Jill - The Second Book - Cover

Jack And Jill - The Second Book

Copyright© 2007 by Old Fart

Chapter 83

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 83 - The soap opera continues. Many of the questions from the first book will be answered; many new ones will be asked. You can probably get by without reading the first book, but why would you want to?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

I headed over to my school locker and emptied it into my rolling bag. I ended up with two books that wouldn't fit so I carried them. When I made the turn for the senior parking gate, Charlie was right in front of me.

"You want some help with that?"

"That's OK, Charlie. Just make sure you unlock the door right away."

Truth be told, the two books I was carrying were really heavy and the edges were digging into my arm. I had my history book and my huge dictionary as well as my gym bag, my laptop and my rolling bag and I'd put some effort into getting myself balanced so I could make it out to the car. It was just easier to suffer for half a minute than it would have been to stop and rearrange my load.

Charlie opened the back door and I threw my books on the back seat. He eased the gym bag up from around my neck and put it inside. I took the laptop off the top of the roller and put it on the seat, then put the bag on the floor. When I went to close the back door, Charlie was standing next to the open front door, like a chauffeur.

He ran around and got in. He put the key in the ignition and was all set to turn it when he looked at me.

"You should have let me take those books. Look at your arm."

I looked down at it. There were a couple of lines indenting the skin where the covers had been.

"That's OK, it'll heal. Anyway, what was it? Thirty seconds to get here after you asked if you could help?"

"Hey, that's long enough to cut off the blood to your brain and make you loopy. The last thing I want is your father coming after me claiming I made you loopy."

"That's one thing you don't have to worry about, Charlie. Daddy already thinks I'm loopy."

"So, are we going straight home?"

"I think so. Let me check my phone."

I got it out and turned it on. There wasn't any missed call or voice mail indication but I called voice mail anyway. No new messages. I called Silverwood and it rang a few times before anyone answered it.

"Let me talk to Claude, please."


"Claude Dandridge. He's the Master Carpenter George hired on Monday."

"Oh, I know who you are. You're that chick with the thing. Hang on a minute."

I heard the receiver plunk down, then a male voice yell for Claude to get the phone.

"This is Claude."

"Hi, Claude. It's Jill. The chick with the thing."


"Never mind. Something the guy who answered the phone said. I'm just checking to see if there's anything new we should come in for."

"OK, I know you are putting together a web site but exactly what is it you need from me?"

"Part of what we're doing is photographing the whole job. We're going to make a big deal about how George was making cabinets for everybody else, then saw the light and did his own kitchen. We already took pictures of the sales pitch and I've got a CD of her kitchen and the various combinations of wood and styles they went through. We're going to try and get a picture of every step of the job. That would include all the various steps in the factory and then the installation."

"So you want us assembling the cabinets, putting on the trim, the hinges, staining and polishing. All that?"

"Yeah. I'm not saying we'll use it all but it's a lot easier to have it and not use it than not have it and need it."

"Gotcha. OK, there's nothing we did today that we can't get pictures of next week. Most of the crew has already taken off and we're closing the doors in a half hour so there wouldn't be anyone here for you anyway."

"OK. So I'll see you tomorrow for Thanksgiving, right?"

"I'll be there."

"Good. I'll see you then. Anything you want to say to Charlie?"

"No. You just let Charlie concentrate on driving."

"OK. I'll see you tomorrow, Claude."

I put the phone away. "He didn't have anything to say to you."

"I didn't think so. My father's a man of few words. So how did it feel knowing it was your last day?"

"Kind of weird. Hard to explain. Numb, I guess. Like when the whole class takes a test and you finish way early but the only thing you can do is sit there with your hands folded. I went through some stuff before, thinking how this week was a waste because everything we were doing was different from what I would be doing next week. There was never any sadness or anything like that. I've enjoyed talking to some of the people in classes of mine and even a couple of teachers but it's not like I'll miss them. If I really want to talk to someone, I've got a phone and email. This is a decision I made that means a lot to me and going to school was actually stopping me from moving ahead on it. I guess it was more 'hurry up and get it over with' than anything else."

We were just pulling up to the curb when my cell phone rang. I got it out of my purse and looked at the display.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, Honey. Can you talk?"

"Sure. I just got home."

"I hate to ask you this but I ran into some stuff and I need a big favor. Can you keep Laurie overnight?"

"I guess so. She's got her nightclothes and her bathroom stuff over here."

"I'll bring some clothes over for her tomorrow. The only thing she'll have to get along without is her book."

"I don't know if she'll make it through the night without that, Daddy."

"Come on, Jill. I know you can do it."

"What's so important? Somebody having a new baby?"

"No. I had some things come up that I didn't plan on. It just takes time and I have no idea when I'm going to get home."

"Is everything all right?"

"Everything's fine. I'll explain it all to you tomorrow."

"OK. You know we're going to have to drag her along on a job tonight. You're going to owe me big time."

"I know. I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to."

"All right. I just don't want you slipping into bad habits. You know this is the last week Mary is supposed to watch her."

"I know. That's part of what I'm trying to take care of."

"OK, Daddy. You do what you have to do and I'll take care of her. Bye, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, Jillian."

I heard the back door open and twisted around in my seat. Charlie reached in and grabbed my laptop and handed it over the seat to me. Then he got my gym bag, tested its weight and gave it to Laurie, helping her put the strap around her neck. Mary got the two books and he took the rolling bag.

"Come on, Jill. Get the door for us."

"Aye, Aye, Sir."

I ran across the lawn, stopping to give Laurie a quick tickle, then went up the stairs. I put my leg in front of the door, stopping Bozo when he tried to get out.

Laurie was the first one in. I waved her through the door.

"On the couch. Everything goes on the couch."

She put my gym bag down, then turned around and fell back on the couch like she was exhausted and couldn't take another step.

Mary and Charlie came in and I looked at Bozo.

"OK. Go ahead."

He took out through the door and down the stairs.

"I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee. Would anybody else like some coffee?"

Mary and Charlie looked at each other and then he looked up at me.

"Sure. I'd love some coffee."

"OK, let's go sit down in the kitchen. It won't take long. I think Jack got some cookies from the bakery at Sam's yesterday. And I've got orange juice if you've got enough energy to make it into the kitchen, Little Girl."

We went into the kitchen and I got my coffee beans out of the freezer. I pointed to a plastic box on the counter with a couple of dozen cookies inside.

"Mary, get those cookies and put them on the table. The coffee mugs are in that cabinet over there. Don't forget your brother."

I put the old filter with the grounds in it in the trash can under the sink, then put a new filter in. I filled the pot, poured the water in and pushed the button. I had a half gallon of orange juice in the refrigerator. I normally get the frozen stuff and mix it but I needed orange juice for my cranberries and decided to spend a bit more and get the stuff in the dairy case. They were both made from concentrate so I don't know if there was a whole lot of difference. I took the orange juice and put it on the table, then got a plastic tumbler from the cabinet. I handed it to Mary.

"Would you do the honors, please?"


"Do either of you use milk or sugar in your coffee?"

Mary said, "Both, please."

I got the milk out of the fridge and the sugar from the its cabinet and put them both on the table. The coffee was going through its last wheezes so I got the pot and poured coffee for the three of us. I was on my way back when I heard the door open. I poured Jack's coffee for him and Bozo came into the kitchen and nudged my leg.

"Hi, Baby. You smell those cookies, don't you?"

Jack came in the kitchen.

"Just in time. Your coffee's on the table."

We sat down and Jack and I each took a cookie. Laurie said, "Can I have another cookie, please?"

"Just one. I don't want you spoiling your dinner."

I slid the box over to her, then looked at Jack.

"I never thought I'd hear myself say that. Have you got anything going tonight?"

"Just our trip over to meet with Paul about his web page."

Mary said, "Who's Paul?"

I said, "Sensei. I told him we might observe your class and take some pictures."

Jack said, "I think we should go for the last half hour. That way I can get some shots and then we can stay later and find out what he has in mind."

"Sounds good to me. Laurie, that was Daddy on the phone when I was in the car. He's got some things he has to do tonight and he wants you to stay overnight. Is that OK with you?"

"Uh huh."

"Do you want to eat here or downstairs?"

"What are you having?"

"I have no idea."

"OK. Here."

I looked at Mary. "We'll keep her and take her with us. That way you and Charlie won't have to watch out for her."

"That's good because we're going to go get a burger afterwards."

"Good for you. You guys want more coffee?"

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