Jack And Jill - The Second Book - Cover

Jack And Jill - The Second Book

Copyright© 2007 by Old Fart

Chapter 33

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 33 - The soap opera continues. Many of the questions from the first book will be answered; many new ones will be asked. You can probably get by without reading the first book, but why would you want to?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

I did sleep like rock. I remember dropping my clothes in the hamper and laying down. Then I woke up to find myself holding Jack's hand against one of my tits and feel his cock pressed into my butt. I scooted back a bit, enjoying the feeling for a moment. Unfortunately, the alarm clock rings way too soon when you're up half the night. I reached over and turned it off, pulling away from Jack.

I went out to the kitchen. After I started the coffee, I sat down at the table and called up the web site. There was something in the back of my mind. Something I forgot.

I went through the pages quickly and didn't spot anything. I was ready to log off when I saw the yellow pad next to my laptop. Maybe there was something important about one of the girls that Jack missed. I flipped back to the first page. There was the list of pictures I'd written down when Jack was displaying them.

There it was. We'd chosen the one of me catching the ball as the team shot. Annie spiking the ball was at the bottom of the home page and Beth digging hers out of the boards was on her page. I hadn't assigned the high five picture.

I clicked on Home and looked it over. It already had two big shots plus 16 thumbnails. No way I was going to get another big one on that page. I decided to check out the other pages.

The About page was the one. It was the only page that didn't have a picture; it looked naked. I cropped the sides of the high five picture and pulled in the right margin of the history I'd written a few hours earlier. Once I inserted the picture next to it, it looked like it had been designed that way.

I logged off and poured a couple of cups of coffee. Bozo came in after doing his business and stuck his cold nose between my legs. I gasped and pulled away. "You think you're cute, don't you? Go lay on your rug." I ruffled his hair just to make sure there were no hurt feelings.

Jack was getting out of the shower when I went into the bathroom. I put the coffee on the counter next to the sink and gave him a quick kiss, squeezing by to take his place in the shower.

He shouted "Which coffee's mine?"

"The one with milk in it. Just like every other morning."

"Thank you, Dear."

I had the bathroom all to myself after I finished my shower. I dried off and brushed my teeth and hair and made my way to the bedroom. Jack was just putting on his last shoe as I walked in.

"Anything special for breakfast, Jill?"

"I think there's some of that Sara Lee coffee cake left."

"Sounds good."

He went out to the kitchen as I got dressed. I followed him a couple of minutes later, buttoning up my blouse as he was putting Bozo's bowls down next to his rug.

Bozo was bolting down the food. "He's eating like he hasn't been fed in years. I know he had that leftover sandwich. Didn't Mom have any leftovers?"

"Hell, yes. He ate like a pig. And there were only two of them to split it up. Sara took Queenie with her."

I got my book bag and put the paper towel wrapped coffee cake on top of my coffee. Jack grabbed his backpack as we went through the living room.

"What's up with that? Did you find anything out?"

"Nope. Mary said that Sara got home from school, asked Mom if she could talk to her privately and they went in Mom's room for about a half hour. After they were done, Sara packed a suitcase, put it, along with Queenie's dog food and bowls in the wagon, put a leash on Queenie and took off. Mom just told Mary that she and Sara had agreed it would be better for everybody if Sara lived somewhere else. Mary did find out that Sara's going to come back to pick up the rest of her stuff on Saturday when we're all at the game."

My book bag and Jack's backpack went in the back seat, then Jack held onto my breakfast as I got in the car. I took his coffee and cake as he went around and got in. Thank the lord for cup holders. That was one less thing we had to juggle on the ride to school.

"Isn't Mom responsible for Sara until she's 18?"

"Yeah. I don't know what she's going to do about that. Sara turns 18 next month and then it won't be a problem."

I finished my coffee cake. "So, are you ready for your blowjob?"

Jack smiled and shook his head. "Not while I'm driving."

"But last night..."

"Jill, last night I was joking. You must have been more tired than I thought."

"I told you I was wiped out."

"Maybe we can go right to bed when you get home from school tonight. Have a little playtime."

"I'd like that. As long as I don't need to change a bunch of stuff on the web site."

"I don't think anyone's going to be disappointed with what you did."

"Well, you had a lot to do with it." We pulled into the dropoff area and I leaned over and kissed him. "Thanks for taking the pictures and for all your help."

"You're welcome. I've got a swim meet tonight but I could take more pictures tomorrow if you need them."

"I don't think so but that's good to know."

Half the team was waiting near my locker when I got there. Beth walked up just as I was closing it.

"Did you get it done?"

"Yes, Coach."

"Let's go to my office and take a look."

We picked up a few more girls on the way to Beth's office. I showed them all how to get to the site and typed "Jack and Jill" when I got the password prompt.

There was a lot of oohing and aahing when the site opened up. There was our team's name with the team picture right underneath it. I moved down and let the girls see the thumbnails and clicked on Beth's.

By now, the whole team was there. I showed them that clicking on Beth's thumbnail brought up her page. She'd sent me a picture of her college graduation. She was standing between an older couple I assumed were her parents. The girls kidded her about the picture, then Annie started reading Beth's biography out loud.

"Wow! I didn't know you guys took conference."

"Yeah, we had a pretty good team."

"What position did you play?"

"I played libero."

"Were you as good as Jill?"

"Better. Of course I had six or seven years more practice. That's enough about me. We don't have a lot of time. What else is on this thing?"

I clicked the Schedule link and Jack's multicolor chart came up. Everyone leaned forward a bit, concentrating on it. I scrolled down slowly so they could see the progression of the teams from week to week.

Beth was the first one to speak. "Jeez! It's so simple! I've spent hours going over that mess they sent me and I couldn't put it together like this. Did you do this?"



Annie said, "Is this the same Jack who took the pictures?"

"Uh huh."

The same one who works after school cleaning the boys' locker room?"


"What a waste."

There was a lot of agreement from all the girls, me included.

Amanda said, "Jill?"


"Do you think ... I mean ... would Jack be interested in taking some bedroom shots. For my boyfriend, I mean."

"He'd probably be interested, Mandy, but he won't do it."

"Oh. You don't want him seeing me naked?"

"No, that's not it at all. Neither of you are 18. If I know Jack, there's no way he'd take a chance until both of you were legal. He might do some lingerie shots, but he'd probably want a parent's signature and an adult to supervise the session. If you want nude pictures, either have your boyfriend take them with a digital camera or take them yourself with your cell phone. Just be careful who you give them to."

It seemed that everybody wanted Jack to take pictures of them.

"OK, OK. I got it."

I moved the mouse to the About link.

"See here?" I clicked it. "Down here, where it says Web Site Photographer. If you want to make any requests, send him an email with all the specifics. I'm too busy to play secretary for him.

"That reminds me." I clicked on The Players and then on Amanda's name. It came up on her page.

"Down here on every page is an email link." I clicked on it and a standard email form came up with amanda@highpointvolleyball.com in the To: slot. The From: address was sexyvballplayer. I looked at Beth. "No wonder I couldn't get that address."

"Shut up, Jill."

"As I started to say ... Every person has an email link on their page so anyone looking at the site can send an email to any of the players, Coach or Jack. They all have the team address up here but I've forwarded them to the email addresses you gave Jack yesterday. That means you don't have to do anything different to get these emails. If you don't want yours set up that way, let me know and I'll change it or help you change it yourself."

I clicked on Home and pointed to the logon prompt. "I assigned each of you authority to change your email. That's the only thing on the site you can change. Coach, if you want to send it to sexy player instead of the one you gave Jack, here's where you do it. Everyone's login is her last name." I typed Ohara. "I've assigned your last names as the passwords, too." I typed it again. I got a page that had choices for Admin Functions and Email Functions. "You guys will use Admin to change your password and the heavy duty email stuff like forwarding. Email functions cover your everyday stuff like reading messages, sending emails, building email lists and group lists and stuff like that. This site is set up for Pop 3 so you can have your home email program check here for messages and put them in a special box if you want to keep them separate from your personal emails. It was just easier to set them all up the same than call you at 1:30 this morning to find out what you wanted. You should all get into it and change your password as soon as possible. You don't want somebody else changing your email functions. Or reading your messages."

Nicky said, "What about our reach and jump height? I was looking at some college sites and they had stuff like that listed for the players. I didn't see that on any of the pages."

Beth answered, "Maybe next season. You know darn well that once the word gets out that we've got a web site that every team that has a chance of playing us is going to be studying it. If they want to know how far we can reach, they can figure it out by watching us beat their asses. Personally, I think percentages of shots made, number of aces, that kind of thing tell more about a player than how far away from her body she can touch the ball.

"We don't have long before you guys need to get to class. Jill put this together so she could get back on the team. Is there anybody who thinks she didn't do enough?"

They all let Beth and me know that what I'd done was plenty.

"OK, guys," I said. "I'd like to open the site tomorrow morning. That means I need signed permission slips from your parents. Roberta, since you're 18, you can sign your own. Jack emailed slips to all of you last night and I have more here if anyone wants one." I put the stack of sheets on the desk.

Roberta took one and signed it. A few others took them and put them in their bags. Amanda handed me one with a signature on it.

"Thanks, Amanda. One thing you guys should know. Jack isn't going to allow any of the pictures he took of you guys get shown until he has a signed permission slip for those pictures. And he, Coach and I are going to call every person at the number listed to make sure they saw the pictures and actually signed the slips. So, the sooner they get back to me, the sooner your page goes up. If I don't have a slip by tomorrow morning, your page will have a 'Picture Not Available' notice."

Amanda came over to me and asked for her slip back. I smiled and handed it to her.

"Guys, if you have scanners, your parents can sign and scan the form and send it to my email."

Beth said, "They can send it to me, too. Have them use coachbeth350@aol.com."

After the rest of the team left, I got into my page and got that Ohara password out of my email. I wasn't sure if my admin level would allow me to sneak in via the email page and change the site, but I didn't want to leave myself vulnerable. Besides, I didn't want anyone messing with my email, either.

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