Jack And Jill - The Second Book - Cover

Jack And Jill - The Second Book

Copyright© 2007 by Old Fart

Chapter 25

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 25 - The soap opera continues. Many of the questions from the first book will be answered; many new ones will be asked. You can probably get by without reading the first book, but why would you want to?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

I heard Sara gasp as I turned to see Jack standing in the doorway. When I looked back at her, she was as white as a sheet. I'd heard that expression before but this was the first time I'd actually seen it happen to anyone.

Jack waited her out for a bit, then said, "Sara, you didn't answer me. If I tell you I'm not interested once again, are you going to leave me alone or are you going to turn into some kind of a stalker?"

Her hands shot up to her mouth and she stood up. I thought she was trying to make a run for the bathroom but instead, she pushed by Jack so she could race down the hallway and out of the apartment.

Jack watched her until she was out of sight, then came into the room, shaking his head. He walked over to me and all of a sudden I was no longer in the chair but being held in his arms. If I'd had any doubts about his love, the kiss he gave me would have quashed them.

He lowered me back into the chair and got himself a glass of juice, topping mine off without asking while I caught up on my breathing.

"I thought you took the dogs for a walk."

"I did. Mary saw me before we left and convinced me to take Dino, too. Controlling three dogs at a time isn't that easy. And there's just so much shit you can fit in a baggie."

"You did bring them back, didn't you?"

"Yes, Dear. They're all running around the back yard like a bunch of fools."

I nodded at the doorway. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough to know that I should have paid a lot more attention to what you've been telling me all along. I owe you an apology."

"She's never been that up front about it before. I knew what she was up to but she was really good at never doing anything she couldn't explain away."

"What do you think of her declaration of war?"

"When did you come in?"

"She was talking about quitting karate, looking for a sensei who adores mutilation, putting together a victims' group..."

"So you heard all about how she knew she could get away with going after you since nobody would listen to me because of my reputation?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, then, I can just ignore the whole thing. I doubt she's going to try a whole lot now that you know what she's up to. If she does, you should be able to see through it. And if she still manages to get away with something, I'll be here to set you straight. She kind of dug her own grave when she tried to shove my face in it while you were watching."

"How are you with her decision about karate?"

"I'm fine with it. We'd never have been best friends but I could probably have been able to have a fairly decent social relationship with her if she wasn't trying to shove me aside to get at you. My only point was that she shouldn't pretend to be part of the group if she wasn't going to play by our rules. She needs a sensei like the wicked one in Karate Kid. He would be proud that she tried to castrate some guy for touching her tit. Sara has a lot of hate in her. I know she went through a lot with her parents and that had to hurt. And for some reason, after lusting after you for years, she finally made her move and you shot her down. I'm sure she was feeling pretty vulnerable at the time and that didn't help."

"She probably needs to get laid."

"Oh, there's no doubt that's what the body needs. But I don't think the girl could handle it. Even if it was with you. You and your mom and to some degree Mary have helped her develop some self-worth but she's got a long way to go. Until she can accept herself and others, it's just going to be rubbing mucous membranes together, as our good friend Woodrow Wilson Smith would say. And from where I'm standing, the chances of her hating whoever she does it with when it's all over are better than 50/50."

"I don't know if I can handle her living downstairs."

"Oh, come on, Jack. You're a man. You aren't scared of little Sara, are you?"

"Not scared, but uncomfortable, that's for sure."

"Well, I was."


"No. Scared."


"Really. Why don't you go get my dog and then we can relax on the couch and I'll tell you about it."

"I have a better idea. Why don't you get ready for bed and we'll relax there." He did a really lousy Groucho impression, leering at me while moving his eyebrows and flicking the ashes off an imaginary cigar.

"All right, but I really want to talk about this. It's something that's been on my mind for a while."

He walked over to me, pulled me out of the chair again and kissed me.

"OK. I'll try to behave."

I went into the bathroom and got cleaned up for bed. Jack and Bozo were in the kitchen when I came out. I said hello to Bozo while Jack went in and took care of his stuff.

I was pretty sure Jack would let me say what I wanted without too much intimidation but would probably be ready for some playtime afterwards. I got a pitcher and filled it with ice water and grabbed a couple of glasses and took them into the bedroom. Just so he wouldn't be too distracted, I put on a nightie that wasn't too transparent.

Watching Jack undress to come to bed with me makes both my heart and my breathing speed up. Tonight wasn't any different. I hope I never lose that. Jack didn't put on a nightie or anything else. What slid in bed next to me was all Jack.

He held his arm out so I could lay on his chest. I snuggled in and idly rubbed his chest with my right hand.

"So, what's this thing you want to talk about?"

"This jealous streak you think I have."


"Yeah. Oh."

"So, I take it you don't think you've been acting jealous?"


"OK, I know what happened with Sara tonight. But you've acted weird about her since way back. And what about that comment you made the other night about Ms. Beevers. That had to be bothering you a long time for you to bring it up like that."

"I didn't say I wasn't bothered. I said I wasn't jealous."

"Well, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."

"It might not be all it quacked up to be. I already told you in the kitchen. I was scared."

"What did you have to be scared of?" Somehow his hand had made its way down behind me and my nightie was up in back as he played with my butt. I reached back and swatted his hand the best I could.

"That's enough of that. I really want you to hear this."

He brought his arm up around my shoulder and lay it on my arm. "All right. I'm listening."

"OK. So, the first thing we have to establish is that all men are pigs."

He tensed up and was ready to interrupt. I put my hand over his mouth. "You said you'd listen. Don't make me get rough."

He relaxed. "Yes, Dear. All men are pigs, huh?"

"You got that right. What do you do when you see a woman whose tits are hanging out?"


"See? All men are pigs."

"So, you mean you wouldn't look if you saw a guy's dick hanging out?"

"Maybe. But it would only be to compare and see if you're really the stud I think you are."

"Oh, I see. Some other guy's dick is going to decide how much a stud you think I am?"

"Jack, you're getting off the subject. You told me you would listen. If you want to have a discussion with me about other men's dicks, we can do it some other time. You told me you'd listen, so hush."

"Yes, Dear."

"So, as I was saying before I got so rudely interrupted. All men are pigs. It's a proven fact." He tensed a little. "Uuuhhh! Shush.

"So, now that we've established that, we know that they're going to check out anything with tits and a pussy. Whether or not she's worth checking out. They can't help it. It's like Bozo sniffing another dog's butt."

"So, you want me to sniff their butts?"

"Hush, you. I'm lying on top of you and you're naked with all your goodies exposed and I know karate. You don't want to get me mad at you."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"No, I don't want you to sniff their butts or suck on their titties or eat their pussies or stick your cock in them."

"I wouldn't..."

"Hush! It's my job to keep you interested enough where you are so you won't want to do any of those things. And part of it is to not accuse you of doing something you're not. If you get everything you need at home, there's no reason for you to look for it somewhere else. And if you do look for it somewhere else, you really are a pig and I should just kick you out on your ass."

"I'd never..."

"Hush. I know you'd never. That's why you're still in my bed."

"Your bed, huh? I thought it was my bed. Maybe ours..."

"Don't start with me. I'd hate to have to hurt you."

"Yes, Dear."

"So, it's just the way men are built. They have these things between their legs and they like to use them to spray with. Whether it's writing their name in the snow or humping everything in site, men love to use their wangers."

"We have this urge to propagate the species, Dear."

"You can propagate all you want with me when we're ready. You don't need to go looking anyplace else."

"Yes, Dear."

"OK. Now, let's take a look at women."

"Oooh, I like to look at women."

"Quiet, you. We've already established that. That's because you're a man and men are pigs. Women are different.

"Women want to propagate, too, but they want to do it with one man. They want someone to go out and kill the food and watch over the cave to protect them from bears and tigers."

"Well, I must be doing a good job. Have you seen any bears or tigers lately?"

"Stop it. This is important. Are you listening to me?

"I'm sorry. I'm listening."

"That's better. So, a woman wants to keep her man around, and she's always afraid that when he's going around checking out every woman in sight he's going to find someone better than she is."

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