Just Another Job - Cover

Just Another Job

by Alistair Acorn

Copyright© 2007 by Alistair Acorn

Incest Sex Story: A gang leader sends his son under the guidance of another to get a letter which he wanted badly. There was no restrictions on how they got the letter, just to get it.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Incest   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Black Male   Violence   .

"I don't care what you have to do get that letter and any other useful documents from that bastard." These were the words Duncan's father said to Walter. Walter was from Uganda, when Duncan's father went on a safari holiday a few years ago and Walter returned with him, now Walter was one of my father's enforcers. I was a member of Walter's team of four. There was Loo, who was a Cambodian and Henry a large Geordie and Duncan.

According to Big John McGregor, Duncan was to be treated as any other member of the organization, even though he was his son. He was being taught the ropes from the ground up in the import and export trade and any other dirty work that could be picked up. In other words the lot of them were crooks and nasty ones at that.

The letter BJ was referring to was a letter held by a judge on behalf of a friend of his and BJ wanted it. BJ knew he had it for one of the judge's friend who BJ had in his pocket passed the message on to him.

Walter was huge, standing over six feet four and large boned. Georgie was almost as big, but no brains, someone had to be with him all the time to tell him what to do. Loo was only about five seven or eight and wiry, he could lay a man out with one swift kick or a jab of his hand. Duncan was over six feet and on his own looked a well-built young man of twenty-two, but standing alongside Walter and Geordie, looked skinny.

They knew the judge had the letter in a new Chubb safe in his house and had been specially made for him and the only way it was going to be opened was by the judge himself. They knew when he arrived home and the alarm security was going to be temporarily cut off from the central control for ten minutes after his arrival. In that ten minutes they had to gain entry, which was going to be easy, for they had a set of keys for the whole house, again supplied by one of BJ's contacts.

The four of them sat in the Nissan Patrol just outside the judge's house and the judge arrived home right on time. He was in his early forties and didn't look at all fit, for he now had the start of a paunch. The Bentley car he drove just glided into his driveway with just a whisper. The garage doors swung up and he drove straight in. In the few seconds the doors were to close the four men dashed in and under the descending door. As they were running they pulled on dark silk stockings which distorted their features.

"What do you want?" Was all he could say as he stood with his umbrella and briefcase in his hand, surprised by the speed the four men got into his garage.

"We won't keep you long judge, all we want is the letter given to you by George Tomwell, nothing else" Walter asked.

"There is no way in this world that I will hand over that letter or any other document, so get off my property, for I'm calling the police," he snapped, taking a mobile phone from his pocket. Walter hit him on the left cheek and the briefcase and umbrella went skidding across the garage floor as well as the judge bouncing off the front wing of his car.

"Pick him up and bring him inside," Walter barked at the other three as he walked into the house through the access door from the garage to the main house. Geordie just grabbed the judge by the back of his jacket and lifted him off the ground as if he was a kitten.

Duncan took up the rear as all four of them entered the house. Loo stopped at the security panel, pressed some buttons and smiled. "Now all the doors and windows are locked, the only way anyone can get out is to smash the windows." That was another of Loo's expertise; he was the computer expert of the group.

Inside the house and sitting at the table were two women and an early teen girl still in school uniform. There was also a housekeeper or at least a servant serving at the table. Now they were frozen in shock as the judge was thrown on to the floor, in front of all of them.

"Is he dead, have you killed my husband," the woman whose face was thick with make up on sad raising her hand to her mouth.

"He will be if he doesn't give us what we want. Now all of you get into the sitting room. Lock the maid in her room, she has nothing to do with this," he said first t o the people sitting at the table and looking at Loo to lock up the maid.

A dining chair was dragged into the lounge and the judge was strapped to it, with plastic ties, his legs to the legs of the chair and his arms to the main supports to the back of the chair and leg. Walter had used two ties for each attachment, so there was no hope of even pulling his arms and legs free. Walter had a lot of experience in Uganda, using this method for interrogation.

The judge was now sitting facing his family and fully aware of what was going on. Geordie Loo and Duncan stood behind the seated females. The scene looked like a group is being lectured to, the only difference the tied up judge at the front.

"One more time Judge, give me the letter, or I will have to start a more unpleasant means of getting it." Walter said looking at the women seated. There was no doubt what he intended, by the sneer on his black face.

"You wouldn't dare," the judge shot back in a voice he may use in the court, but now was riling up the four men.

Walter just leant forward and pulled the old woman by the hair on her head in front of the judge. "Who is this?"

"Please that's my mother-in-law, please don't hurt her."

"Well it is all up to you."

"Oh please darling give them what they want, they are hurting mother."

"I can't it would be a breach of trust, no I won't give in to their threats."

"Strip this old hag," Walter said looking at Geordie and Duncan. Just at that moment there was a bark, the sound of a large dog. Duncan recognised the bark, for he had a dog which barks just like that.

"Is that a Malamute?" He asked the wife of the judge.

"Yes, but please don't let him in, he stays outside."

"Why have a good gentle dog like that and keep him outside?"

"Bruce isn't kept out all the time, it's he embarrasses women at certain times of the month."

Duncan knew exactly what she meant. "Can I let the dog in?" He asked looking at Walter.

"Do that, but better take our friend along too in case you need to lift the security."

Loo and Duncan went back down the passage and loo lifted the security on the back door. Duncan opened the back door and in bounded the biggest Malamute he had ever seen. When he knelt down to pet him his head was level with his. The hardest part was stopping the dog licking him. He followed Duncan into the room and for a minute he then started sniffing and then walked over to the woman and tried to push his nose up her dress. Duncan knew then the woman was having her periods, for some dogs acted this way. Duncan dragged the dog back and shut him in the kitchen while he helped Geordie remove the clothes off of the old woman.

The woman was crying, not from pain, but humiliation as the last vestige of her clothing was removed and she knelt on the carpet on the trying to hide her pendulous breasts.

"Now get your son-in laws cock out and get him hard," Walter said dragging her so she was between the judges legs.

"Why humiliate her, what has she done to you," the judge said.

"You can stop her humiliation any time you like, just open the safe and everything will end."

"Please Peter, do as he says," pleaded the old woman. All Peter the judge did was look up at the corner of the ceiling.

"Come on you know what you have to do," Walter shouted in her ear.

Slowly she drew down Peter's zip and plunged her hand in and drew out a shrivelled up penis that didn't even fill her fist.

"Christ call that a cock, but you had better get hard soon, or we will try something else. Come on woman, you are old enough to know what to do." Walter said pushing her head down on to the limp excuse for a cock.

The old woman's hand was squeezing but with little success. Walter pushed her head down so her mouth was over the penis. "Now get that worm into your mouth and get him hard." The old woman just sucked and in went the limp excuse for a man's pride and joy, but it worked and as the men watched he started getting hard. It appeared the woman was enjoying herself, for now her hand was moving up and down the shaft as her head bobbed.

"Enough of that granny, you just use your hand and keep him hard. You!" He pointed to the girl, who cringed as Walter spoke. "Get over here." The girl rose and walked over. "Are you a virgin?" He asked.

"Yes," she replied in a soft voice.

"Well not for long sweetheart. Sit this girl on her fathers lap."

The girl was as light as a feather and was easy to lift as Duncan placed her splay legged on her fathers lap.

"Right hag, put that cock into the girl's pussy."

"But she's wearing panties and please don't be so cruel."

"Well take them off and do as I say or I'll get you to do a blow job on all of us."

Within seconds the girl's panties were off and she was once again sitting on her fathers lap. When she had guided the tip of her fathers cock to her pink indentation, Walter pushed down hard on the girl's shoulders. The girl let out a cry, but no longer could you see the man's cock, it was buried in his daughter's pussy.

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