Schoolgirl Spankings - Cover

Schoolgirl Spankings

Copyright© 2007 by Shani 34

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Two schoolgirls are put through an extensive caning session by their headmaster, with a sadistic prefect enjoying her power over them. The girls learn a lot about each other, and about life, in the course of the afternoon. Later at Jennifer's home, her dad gets excited when he sees the marks on her bum. And then mom gets involved, offering to persuade the headmaster to let the girls off further spankings. Mother ends up taking far more from him than she intended.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Daughter   Spanking   Humiliation   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Water Sports   Voyeurism   School  

Susan and Jennifer get the Cane

The door opened and the prefect stuck her head out. "Truscott, you are first, in you come."

The prefect, Alison Chambers, gave Susan a grin that did not suggest sympathy as she waited for 14 year old Jennifer Truscott to go inside. She followed, and shut the door, leaving Susan standing hands on head out in the corridor totally terrified and humiliated. Why oh why had she ever agreed to go with Jennifer on that stupid prank? How many strokes would Jennifer get? Surely her punishment would be less than Jennifer's, because it had all been Jen's idea. Susan waited breathlessly listening to hear the strokes to see how many Jen was getting. Would Susan only get half of what Jen got? She hated the cane and knew she couldn't stay down for another full sixer!

Susan waited and waited, it seemed the Headmaster was taking a long time to lecture Jennifer, why did he bother? Girls knew they had done wrong and were reluctantly willing to accept the punishment, why not just get it over with? Why did he humiliate them more by making them stand squirming in front of him while he told them how bad they were and how they deserved what they were going to get?

The door opened. Susan couldn't believe it, she hadn't heard any caning strokes, and knew from past experience that they could be clearly heard out in the corridor. Were they both going to get off with just a lecture? She watched incredulously as Jennifer came out, and was a bit surprised that Jen didn't look at her, just took her place beside Susan and put her hands back on her head. Why was she staying, why hadn't she been told just to go back to class?

"Okay Stoddart in you go," said Chambers, grinning that sadistic grin again. Susan hated her, she was the cruellest of all the prefects and delighted in her turns as Punishment Supervisor. Susan put her hands down and walked past Alison into the Head's study. The Head was sitting behind his desk, and the cane was out lying on the desk, why hadn't it been used on Jennifer? She took up a position in front of his desk, and folded her hands neatly behind her back, eyes respectfully lowered. She had been here once before, and remembered the shame and fear as she had tugged her panties down and lent over the desk for what had been a frightful sixer. But this time it seemed she was just going to get a telling off and then presumably she and Jen would be sent back to their class, it just sounded too good to be true.

The Headmaster's gravely voice jerked her back to reality. "So, Stoddart, I gather this stupid prank was all your idea?" Susan looked up, and stared aghast at the Head, what ever made him say that? Surely Jennifer hadn't lied to him?

"No, Sir, no that's not true! It was Jennifer's idea, I just went along with her, I'm sorry I did even that Sir, I won't ever do anything like that again. But it was Jen's idea!"

The Headmaster sat back in his chair, and folded his arms in front of his chest. He sighed. "Oh dear. It sounds as though one or other of you is lying! What can I do to resolve this? Chambers, bring Truscott back in again." When Jen came back in, she wouldn't meet Susan's glare, and Susan understood why. The bitch had lied to the Head! How could she do such a thing? Jen walked over and stood beside Susan and, like her, folded her hands neatly behind her back, and looked down at the carpet.

There were several minutes of awful silence while the Headmaster studied the two terrified girls.

"Well, young ladies, I will give you a few minutes to think about this. Before you came in, I had decided that the instigator would get twelve strokes and the other girl six, but if the instigator won't own up, then I will give both of you twelve. Either of you wish to own up? No? Very well. Chambers, show them where to stand for a dual caning."

Chambers led Jennifer out to one side of the Headmaster's large desk to a small red square in the carpet. She told her to put her hands on her head. She then showed Susan a similar square on the other side of the office. Susan reluctantly took her place on her square, and looked nervously at the headmaster.

"Now girls, you are not to move your feet without permission, is that clear?" Both girls nodded reluctantly.

"Well, girls, we know you are both going to get the cane, and that is always administered on the bare. So you might as well both take down your panties now. To your ankles, please, don't lift your feet, just raise your skirts, pull your knickers down, and leave them lying over your shoes. Then stand up straight and put your hands back on your heads."

Susan blushed scarlet as she reached up under her dress to do as the Head had ordered and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her white cotton panties. Then after pushing them down past her knees she stood up again, wriggling her knees so the panties slid to her feet as she tugged the skirt back down. She put her hands back on her head, suddenly and rather surprisingly aware how this made her breasts stand out against her tight school uniform top.

He took his time before speaking, studying them, watching the squirming and the biting of lower lips, and the sweat beading on foreheads.

"Chambers, pin their skirt hems up behind them."

Susan watched as Alison raised Jen's skirt high up behind, and used a safety pin to fasten it just below her collar. That had the effect of raising the entire skirt up almost to her waist, and Susan could see the little bush of Jen's pubic hair visible below the front of her raised skirt! She was shivering as the prefect came round behind her and did the same to her dress, and she flushed at the way the Headmaster blatantly looked down at her crotch as he went on talking.

"Is either of you willing to confess to being the instigator? No? Well I will give you a few minutes to think about it. Alison, are there any others waiting for punishment?"

"One, Headmaster, Millicent Howard from the lower sixth, for running on the grass."

"Bring her in, I will just give her a hand spanking over my lap."

Susan and Jennifer watched as little Millicent was folded tightly over the headmaster's thighs, skirt raised, and given a sound spanking on her white panties, then made to stand and remove them before going back down for a second spanking on the bare. Then the girl was returned to the corridor sobbing, holding her panties, with instructions to go straight back to her class. She would have to leave her panties on her desk for the rest of the day so everyone knew she had been punished.

Susan trembled as she remembered the look on the Headmaster's face as he spanked Millicent's tight little bottom, there was no doubt that he was enjoying it. And she knew that he was going to enjoy the canings that were about to happen. Please, Jen, she thought, please tell him the truth, I can't cope with twelve of the cane! As though sensing Susan's unspoken thoughts, Jen kept her eyes lowered but said nothing.

At last the Headmaster stood up. "Right, I think I will give you your strokes in turn, that way if the instigator finally decides to own up then it is possible the other girl can be let off with just the six strokes she deserves. I would remind you both that it is very wrong to lie, and even worse to let another girl suffer because of something you have done, so if I ever do find out which one of you is lying, you can be sure that you will be back here for severe punishment. Much more than just the twelve strokes you deserve for that prank. Is that clear?"

Susan waited breathlessly, surely Jen would own up now? But no, nothing! She watched the Head pick up the cane and flex it, it looked frightfully whippy! He came slowly round behind them.

"Who shall go first? Alphabetical order, I suppose, Stoddart please bend over and put your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Keep your feet close together and your knees straight. Truscott, you can stay standing for the moment, and watch the start of Stoddart's punishment."

Susan was close to tears as she took up the humiliating position, with her bottom right up in the air. She could feel the rest of her dress slowly sliding down towards her armpits, and realised that if she held this position for long her breasts would become visible! How humiliating! But the Headmaster touched her bottom with the cane, then raised it high over his shoulder, and she forgot all concerns about pride and dignity! The cane swished down and landed with a loud crack full across the meatiest part of Susan's tightly folded bum.

Somehow Susan managed to stay in position, but she couldn't stop the loud yelp of pain escaping. She briefly bent her knees, but the Head didn't comment, he knew that it was hard for a girl to keep completely still under such agony. He waited. Susan suddenly remembered the rules, and gasped "one thank you Headmaster". She wondered if she was meant to stand up while Jen got her first stroke, but nothing was said so she stayed put with her hands on the floor and her bum sticking upward, the welt from the cane a blaze of fire, hardly aware of how her tunic was slowly moving up her body toward her armpits, the underside of her breasts now exposed.

"Right then Truscott, adopt the position." Susan's long hair had tumbled down around her face and she couldn't see Jen bending over, nor the Head positioning himself. But she heard the swish and the thwack and the loud yell of agony, and she felt some pleasure that Jen had made more noise than she had. By now the band of fire across her own bottom had changed to a throbbing ache that she knew would last for days. Through the mask of her hair she saw the Head's shoes as he took up position beside her, and she clenched her teeth, and without realising it she also clenched her bum cheeks.

"Relax your bottom, Susan, at once." Susan mumbled an apology and did her best and the second of her strokes landed slightly below the first. Again she yelped and briefly bent her knees but she managed to retain the basic position. This time she remembered to say thank you without delay, and the Head went over to Jennifer.

The caning continued until Jen's strangled voice panted out "Six thank you Headmaster" when to the girls' surprise the Head told them both to stand up! Was he letting them off the rest? Oh please, thought Susan, please say that's enough, let us go now! She stood, aware that her dress had indeed risen up under her armpits during the caning and now that she had stood up the front of her dress was caught up on the tops of her breasts so the Head could see her nipples! But she didn't dare attempt to tug it down, she stood hands on head again and let the Head see the whole of the front of her. Anyway, really she didn't care, all she wanted was to be allowed to leave the study and go sit in a cold bath for an hour!

The Headmaster went back to his chair and sat down and studied both girls as they stood shivering before him. Finally he spoke.

"Right then girls, I am going to let you have a short break now. You can pull your knickers up. Chambers, take them outside and have them stand in the corridor for a while. No talking, hands on your heads, but use the time to decide if you are going to tell me who instigated the prank. If I know who the guilty person is before we finish this caning, I won't add any extra punishment for lying, and will just give the instigator the additional six she deserves. Chambers, make them stand well apart so they can't whisper to each other."

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