High School - The Final Year - Cover

High School - The Final Year

Copyright© 2007 by Bruce Fin

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Follow Rob, Nick, Lucinda, and Becky as they experience a wild final year of high school.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism  

In the first week of October a new family moved into the house next to Becky's house. The family had a daughter whose name was Kelly. When Becky went over to introduce herself she found out that Kelly had already enrolled at the high school and was in a lot of the same classes as Becky, so she offered to help the new girl to catch up on what she had missed in the first month of school. Kelly gratefully accepted and the two spent the next week working on the new projects as well as getting Kelly caught up on the old ones, and on Friday they went and watched Nick's team win their fourth game of the year. The season was eight games long, and the team was hoping to be the first team to ever go undefeated in this league. After the game they went back to Becky's house, then watched a movie before Kelly headed home and Becky went to bed. The next morning when Becky woke up she went to take a shower before she headed to work, as she got to the door she found that it was open so she went in and was shocked to find Joe standing naked at the sink, just finishing shaving his face. Becky stared at him in shock then turned to go back to her room.

"Becky," he called. "I'm done in here so you can have it now" and with that he came out of the bathroom, walking right by Becky on his way to his room. Unsure of what had just happened, Becky went into the bathroom, took her shower, grabbed a bite to eat, then headed to work. When she got home she went to Kelly's as she had promised to, and when she was there she told Kelly what had happened before.

"Did you see his dick?" Kelly asked. "I saw everything." Becky replied. "Is he big?" Kelly queried. "This is my mother's boyfriend we're talking about," exclaimed Becky, "but I think he wanted me to see him." Becky then explained how Joe had taken his time going by her in the hall, and that he even bumped against her in the hall. Hearing this Kelly wasn't sure what to think.

"You're family's not as bad as mine though," Kelly told her. "when my parents get their friends over and they get drinking, they usually end up playing strip poker. I walked in on them a couple of times when they were playing." Becky agreed that Kelly's situation would be more uncomfortable than hers, and with that they turned their attention to the movie they were watching.

Rob's season was going extremely well, in four games he had rushed for over a thousand yards, averaging close to 300 yards per game. There was even some talk that he could turn pro right out of high school if the NFL would let him, and everyone figured that he would turn pro after only a year of college. Rob was also learning to live with his increased role as a heartthrob, as he could rarely go anywhere without a girl hitting on him. It was this exposure that was starting to turn the once mild mannered, quiet running back into somewhat of a playboy. Rob was sleeping with three girls, and there were many others who wanted him. One day when he was doing homework at school before a practice, Mrs. Smith a 32 year old teacher at the school noticed that he was getting annoyed at the people who were keeping him from doing his homework. She came up to him and invited him to work in her office, but when they got to her office, she locked the door behind them, and started kissing Rob. Since Mrs. Smith was a very attractive woman, Rob decided to go along with this and he soon had Mrs. Smith lying naked on her desk while he, standing beside the desk, and between her legs, repeatedly thrust his large penis into her vagina. Then with Rob still inserted, Mrs. Smith, sat up, rapped her legs around Rob's waist before Rob lifted her up and held her against the door. They went at it for a few minutes before Rob ejaculated, then because of the time, they both quickly dressed and Rob headed to practice.

Lucinda and Jason were spending more and more time together. In fact it seemed like whenever they both had free time, they spent it together. This was causing Lucinda's parents to become suspicious of whether their precious little Christian daughter was acting immorally. Their suspicions were finally confirmed when Lucinda didn't come home at night after a date with Jason.

After going to see a movie, the couple had headed back to Jason's apartment. Because both had worked a lot, this was their first chance to be alone together in over a week, and they were very eager to release their pent up sexual energy. As soon as they stepped inside the door of Jason's apartment Lucinda reached for and undid Jason's pants, then pulled his dick out. While she was doing this, Jason pulled Lucinda's tight little t-shirt over her head exposing her naked breasts. Then he lifted her skirt and shoved his cock deep into her pussy as she wrapped her legs around his body. Jason leaned against the wall and fucked her vigorously until they both came and collapsed in exhaustion. Throughout the rest of the evening they fucked in a variety of different positions producing countless orgasms, and they eventually worked their way to Jason's bed where they fucked each other to orgasm one last time before they both passed out from exhaustion.

When Lucinda woke the next morning she knew she was in a lot of trouble.

"Fuck! My parents are going to kill me!" she told Jason as she hurriedly dressed.

"Why don't you move in with me?" Jason urged. "Then you wouldn't have to deal with their strict rules."

"If I moved in with you they would never talk to me again." Lucinda replied. "I'm going to have a hard enough time explaining why I didn't come home last night." And with that Lucinda ran out the door.

When she arrived home her parents asked if she was with Jason, and knowing she couldn't lie to them, she admitted where she had been. In less than an hour later she was walking back to Jason's apartment with all her worldly possessions. Her parents had told her she couldn't come back until she stopped her sinful behaviour and repented. Since Lucinda didn't feel she had done anything wrong, she knew she'd never be going back home.

Nick and his band had just finished recording their album and it was now going through the mastering process, where the record company prepared the record for mass production. With all the work they had put into the album, their social lives had suffered and they were eager to get a chance to just hang out. They knew however that they would have to put off that idea for just a little longer, as they were scheduled to play at a local bar that night. After this gig they would have a month off before they would play again.

The show went extremely well. The place was packed and the crowd really got into the music. After their ser was over the band mingled with the crows, even though they were too young to drink. Nick started talking with two blonde bombshells who had spent the entire night in front of the stage. They were both interested in him, and he was able to make out with both of them, but when he invited them back to his place, only one, Nicki, agreed to go.

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