High School - The Final Year - Cover

High School - The Final Year

Copyright© 2007 by Bruce Fin

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Follow Rob, Nick, Lucinda, and Becky as they experience a wild final year of high school.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism  

It's the first day of the new school year, for Rob, Nick, Lucinda, and Becky it will be the last one they will share. All four of them have went to school together since kindergarten, and have remained good friends through the years. After this year Rob will play football and basketball at Michigan State where he has accepted a full scholarship. Nick and his band have signed with a record company and will start touring as soon as the school year is done. Lucinda is unsure of her future. Her parents want her to attend a Christian college, but she would rather get any job singing, and not go to college at all. Becky is planning on attending the local college and trying out for their basketball team. She plans on living at home with her mother and her mother's boyfriend, Joe, who just moved in with them.

The four meet in front of the school as planned and head in together. "So, what's it like having Joe live with you and your Mom?" Lucinda asks Becky. "It will take a little for me to get used to," replies Becky "I've never lived with a guy before-it's always been just me and Mom. The hardest thing is remembering that I have to wear a bathrobe to go from my room to the bathroom. I never bothered to were one when it was just Mom and I."

The four arrive at their lockers, deposit the books they don't need, and head to home room. They arrive at home room just before the bell and take their seats. After homeroom they each go to their classes, and don't meet again until lunch. While in line for food there is general discussion on who has the best teachers and who has the worst.

When they sit down Becky asks, "so what are you guy's doing after school today?"

"I've got football practice" replies Rob.

"Our band's practicing for a few hours, then we have a meeting with Sony Records." Says Nick.

"I've got a date with Jason, the new guy." Says Lucinda happily.

"Sounds like I've got to find something to do by myself" said Becky.

That night Becky shot hoops in her driveway until she heard an argument inside her house, and went in to see what was wrong.

"... you know I have a business meeting tonight, so why the hell don't you have supper ready?" Joe was yelling. Mary, Becky's mom, was trying to explain why supper wasn't ready, when Joe took what was cooking on the stove, threw it in the garbage, and muttering something about buying supper on the way there, let the house.

"What made him so angry?" asked Becky.

"Don't worry about it," replied Mary, "his work is stressing him out. He'll be in a better mood when he gets home."

True to Mary's word, Joe was all smiles when he came home that night. He told them that his business deal had gone extremely well, and to apologize his behavior at supper time, he gave Mary two dozen roses.

Meanwhile Lucinda's date was going extremely well. She discovered that Jason had a great sense of humor to go along with his movie star looks. She was also impressed when she found out that Jason had his own apartment.

After dinner at the local restaurant, they went to see a movie. The movie was boring, at least the first ten minutes of it were. After that she wasn't paying attention to anything except Jason. She loved the way he kissed, the way he caressed her body as he kissed her, first caressing her hair, her face, and her back. Then he put his hands up her shirt and touched hr breasts like no one had touched them before, and when she thought she couldn't be pleasured any more, Jason slid his hands down Lucinda's body towards her waist. Upon reaching her waist Jason undid Lucinda's blue jeans and slid his hands down her pants. The way he fingered her was as skillful as anything Jason had done, so much in fact that Lucinda had to hold both hands over her mouth so that the rest of the audience could not hear her screams of pleasure. Shortly after that the movie ended and Jason took Lucinda home. Neither of them wanted to go home, but Lucinda's parents wanted her back in the house by 9:30 on a school night, or they wouldn't let her out on the weekends.

At school the next day Lucinda told Becky that she had a wonderful time the night before. Lucinda also said that she wasn't going to see Jason that night, because he worked Wednesday nights at his uncle's store. Since neither girl had anything planned, they decided to go to Becky's after school to study and catch up on the latest gossip.

After school Rod went to football tryouts again, while Nick worked until 7:00, and then went home. Upon arrival Nick discovered that his dad wasn't home from work, and that his mom had gone out for the night, leaving the house to Nick.

The first thing Nick did was check the answering machine. He found that his Dad had left a message saying that there was a surprise business meeting scheduled for that night, and that he wouldn't be home. Nick wasn't surprised by this, as his father was often gone over night on business.

Nick did his homework, watched some TV, and was heading to bed when his mother's car pulled in the driveway. When she entered, Nick was surprised to find that there was a man with her. Nick's mother saw the startled look on her son's face and said, "You're father's never home, so why can't I find somebody else? Just don't tell your father." And without introducing him, she led the man to her room. Nick wasn't sure if he agreed with his mother, but he decided not to tell his father. "He'll figure it out eventually," thought Nick "If he's home long enough that is."

Thursday night there was an exhibition football game, and everyone planned to attend. Rob was the starting running back, Becky wanted to watch him, Nick and his band were playing at half-time, while Jason and Lucinda were planning to watch the game, then head back to Jason's apartment afterwards.

The entire school was out to watch the football game even though it was only an exhibition game, but the fans would not be disappointed. In the first quarter Rob ran for 100 yards and 2 touchdowns before being pulled so that the coaches could get a better look at some of the younger players.

Nick's band put on an exceptional performance at half time, they had the entire audience on their feet dancing and singing along with the band's alternative music. The band finished their performance by announcing that they were going to be playing at a concert the following night and that tickets were still available. By the time the football game ended the concert was sold out.

After the game Becky and Rob went out for dinner, Nick went home for the night, and Jason and Lucinda went to Jason's apartment as planned.

At the apartment Lucinda helped Jason put the finishing touches to the meal which had been cooking during the game. Once it was ready the two sat down for a romantic candle light dinner, complemented by a fine red wine. After the meal they headed into his den, where they sat drinking wine and talking.

Jason set their glasses on the coffee table and started kissing Lucinda. First he kissed her lips, then he worked his way along the neckline of her blouse. Having worked his way back up to her face, Jason kissed her ear as he undid the buttons of Lucinda's blouse. After taking off her blouse, Lucinda laid down on the couch as Jason worked his magic. He kissed her naval and massaged her hips before he slid his hands under Lucinda, and towards the clasp on her bra. After he undid her bra, Jason fondled and kissed her breasts, the moisture of his tongue running across her breasts sent an involuntary shiver down Lucinda's spine. Jason then ran his tongue from between her breasts, down once again toward Lucinda's navel. As his tongue slowly worked its way down her body, Jason undid the buttons on Lucinda's skirt and then worked both the skirt and her underwear off. By the time Jason had totally undressed Lucinda, his tongue was only at her navel. Lucinda ached with anticipation as his tongue continued its slow pace toward its inevitable destination. Upon reaching her vagina, Jason's tongue played with Lucinda's clitoris, before driving deep and hard into her vagina. Jason inserted his tongue a few times before switching to his fingers. He repeatedly jabbed his fingers into her, twisting and turning them to give her the ultimate satisfaction. That action was all Lucinda could take as she let out an orgasmic cry of pleasure.

After she had calmed down again, Lucinda took charge. She took Jason's shirt and pulled it over his head. Lucinda kissed Jason's muscular upper body as her hands quickly undid his pants. She then pulled Jason's pants off and, despite the fact that he was still wearing boxers, started playing with his penis. Lucinda guided Jason's erect penis through the opening in his boxers and began to suck on it. At first she sucked it slowly and sensuously, then she moved to quick rapid action which went on for 20 seconds before Jason started to ejaculate. Not wanting to displease Jason, Lucinda decided to swallow all of Jason's semen, and she even licked his penis clean afterwards. They cuddled together on the couch for half an hour until Lucinda realized it was getting late and she had to go home. They shared one last kiss before Lucinda got dressed and left to go home.

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