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Copyright© 2006 by John Wales

Chapter 17

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Wally was short thin boy that was usually picked on. He was nothing special but his mind was odd. Centuries earlier a king fled his planet after his throne was usurped. The ship was nearly destroyed and somebody very special had to be found to repair it.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Slow  

"Nadac, I saw roads and more civilian traffic than I did before. Is this place secure?"

"You may talk freely. Rontem cannot intercept our thoughts but may try to find out what we are now discussing at a later time."

"Am I going to be able to complete the military training enough to do what I need to do in the ship's computer?"

"You see now the amount of effort you need to put out to gain the attributes even of the lowest raking member of the soldier caste. The answer is probably no without the king's express assistance. Your body is simply that of a weak human. Augmentation can assist you but the best is to give you a new body."

"That does not seem right to me."

"A living being wishes to perpetuate itself not the new body it inhabits. This can be overcome by the new reproductive organs altered to produce children that are very similar to what the parent was."

"That makes me feel better, I think. What would I have to do to get this body?"

"The king needs to see in you the ideals he himself has."

"He's cruel."

"He was not always such. The Aristis are a strong race and only a ruthless ruler will survive. He has hardened much in the last few hundred years. I can guide you so that you act as he had done when he was but a youth."

"Was he like me?"

"No, you are much too sentimental and weak."

"I will not be pushed into being harsh or sadistic. I fight people like that."

"Then we must think of a different way."

"What was the king like as a child?"

"He was wilful. All Aristis are that way. Once the hierarchy has been established then the fighting decreases. You may still act like the king if you show your reluctance to being harsh. You will have to find reasons for acting meek and then forcefully stick with them. He was regularly beaten by his peers until he grew strong enough to take the lead. The Aristis males do not have sex with other males for enjoyment. On occasion, one male has to show dominance over another. This has been true of human history and will continue into the future. The rape of your sibling was just such an act."

I was hoping to avoid this thought. Mona needed vengeance and I could be the instrument of that retribution but I was not going to fuck a guy. The picture of Paul cropped up suddenly and I suppressed it. Beating this guy or even getting him convicted would be good in the king's eye but I doubt if he wanted the cops to do his duty.

Nadac continued, "Rontem had a strong urge to mate. This was considered excessive by Aristis standards but was still acceptable."

"I am like him there but I cannot do that well. I am going to produce sperm soon and then I will slow down."

"You humans are like that. You use body parts other than your phallus. The Aristis males do not do this much."

"Do they fuck more often than humans?"

"On the average the answer is yes."

"What can I do so that I act more like the Aristis?"

"Training of your mind to not ejaculate prematurely would be the simplest answer but you need physical stamina too. The Aristis males have a different phallus that stimulates the females more than the human variety."

"You showed me pictures but I saw nothing different."

"The phallus of a male canine expands when within the female. The Aristis have the same ability. This gives difficulty when the Aristis female performs oral sex."

"Can't the guy keep the head small?"

"He could but he has no wish to. The male can increase his length because the phallus is actually muscular and not stiffened by blood vessels alone."

"Could I get that improvement as one of the enhancements you mentioned?"

"I could do this easily but there has to be a justification. The king will wonder about how well I treat you."

"Nadac, what if you thought of me as a son or as you when you were young? Could this help the king see me this way too?"

"That is possible. It would explain some of my actions already."

"If I was as cute as Paul then I could get what I want."

"It is not just the symmetry of the boy's features that cause him to be wanted."

"What else?"

"You have heard that the Tomma are telepathic. They are the root race from which the Aristis arose. The Aristis let this ability dwindle over the generations. The communications device similar to yours made telepathy a minor and inconvenient ability. The boy you mention has a similar ability to the Tomma. He projects a thought that tells all those that are near him to protect him. Humans have had this ability in a few individuals as you have to manipulate matter at a distance as well as perceive the flux."

I asked, "Inconvenient, how?"

"The people fought to gain supremacy. A person that could read thoughts was dangerous to all of them. Rather than have a king that would one day have this ability it was actually stricken from the genetic pattern."

"Do I have this ability?"

"All humans have this ability but it is dormant. If you are referring to ability of your friend then you do not have this either."

"Could you give this to me?"

"It could be done. Extensive scans were made of you. Both of these abilities could start to become stronger as you approach puberty."

"Could I control it? I don't want a guy to like my ass and use me the way Paul was."

"You have given me many new avenues to pursue. I had thought I covered many if not all the possibilities and now I find that I am wrong."

"A new idea has occurred to me. I needed help to completing the tasks. These new abilities may not be enough as the complexity and difficulty of new tasks present themselves. My friends could help more if they too are enhanced."

Nadac paused then said, "Your friends may not stay your friends. If they are given power then they could venture out on their own and bring the attention of others to you."

"Would they really do that?"

"Power corrupts as it did Rontem. You too are susceptible to this influence. Your friends may be the people that limit the amount of corruption. They are also a threat to you. One of the many variations of the telepathic ability of a male to gain followers. This I could do too but it needs to be constantly broadcast at a low level. This low level will only influence your friends to a minor extent. They will in turn, influence you much more when they give you counsel."

"Can this leadership thing be controlled?"

"There is little data on this ability. The cybernetic device I now live in has little memory capacity. More was added when my personality was installed. Gaining this information would be nearly impossible."

"Would the computer the king lives in have this data?"

"The possibility is low even without the damage. Why is it that you ask?"

"A soldier could use that ability but I do not want everybody to follow me."

"I might point out that you challenged Rontem to allow you to be a tech, a soldier and even an aristocrat. The ability I just mentioned will assist you in gaining at least two of these classes. I do not believe you will be successful but your quest may amuse Rontem. To not accept this ability will lower your chances of a favourable result even further."

"How will this affect my mind and personality?"

"The process will be slow to form. You may find that you will become overconfident and then fail at an important task."

"I can handle that and I have you watching over my shoulder."

"The king will be watching me as well as you. I cannot do that much and still remain the level of impartiality I am required to have. I am supposed to be a loyal servant. The best I can do is to tell you how you are hurting the king's objectives by doing or not doing a particular assignment. When you come back here for more enhancements we can talk on what you have already done."

"That may have to work but I'm worried."

My pains disappeared and I moved my muscles easily. The damaged skin looked as if days had passed. Nadac didn't ask if I was ready or not. I was put to sleep and other areas of my mind activated. I felt no different and there was no pain.

It was getting dark and had to ask how much time had passed. It seemed to be a lot more than just what was needed to work on stimulating some specific cells.

The cell phone in my pack allowed me to contact Betts but I got Mom first.

"Where are you Wally?"

"Hello Mom. It is nice to hear your voice. I am sorry I ran off like this but you would argue with me for hours then Pop would take over and do the same. I have enough funds to pay for a special education. Karate training is good but slow. I may be bringing more grief to my family by being home. When I do get home, I will be a bit better able to handle myself."

"Are you at some private military camp?"

"I wish I was. It is a place for people that are bullied to regain their confidence. I already have that but I need the skills to fight adequately. Staying out of trouble is stressed even more."

"Where are you?"

"I am only going to say that I am north of Toronto. Having people that are worried about me arriving is not going to help. You can call me though. Just do it at this time. They keep me busy most of the time."

"I do not like you running off Wally."

"I do not like to have to do it but would you have let me go without a long argument?"

"We could have driven you."

"Yes, you could but you didn't answer. I love all of you and I can help the family more by being here. May I speak to Betts?"

"Here she is. Bye Wally."

"Bye Mom."

Betts and I talked for twenty minutes and it seemed like twenty seconds. June had to talk too. She told me how she was going to obey me. She was also happy with the way Betts treated her. Patricia was next door but Pop had his turn. He was angrier than Mom at my leaving. He figured that he could protect me if I were home and under his care. I knew that this meant I had to stay in the house or only go with a lot of friends.

The call depressed me. Nadac helped by giving me work to do. A total of 3682 crystals had to be processed and I had to start. My world revolved around this task. When my mind was too fatigued to manipulate crystals, I was given exercises similar to karate katas. The images of what to do were within my mind and I just had to copy the image with my actions. The two were not usually that close. When I was fatigued in mind and body I ate then slept to start all over once more.

The routine varied only in the time I took at each activity. I could be more productive doing short periods of crystals and exercises. For a treat I could swim in the lake. Phone calls came from Paul and others. Some had not been told of my new address.

Paul had been taken by Pops to get a haircut and now he felt like a new man. Miss Lescue must have been told what to do but then again she may have come to this idea herself. Pop had stayed with Paul then he had a haircut too. Pop, as far as I knew, never had a brush cut but they both had one now. It felt good when Paul called him Pop too.

The girls phoned and wanted me to 'visit'. I would like this myself as my dick got hard when I listened to them.

Gail and the guys called more often and I gave them updates on my supposed work. They too had kept to their karate classes. Gail had not been given a break and three horny guys worked on her all the time. The guys I was told were getting good at pleasing a lady. Gail built up stamina herself and survived.

I gave her extra assignments and this required the guys to learn to dance. They were given professional lessons along with the other data an officer had to know to move politely in civilian company.

Nadac made a ceramic enclosure with a lot of ceramic fingers intended to hold the crystals. I learned how Nadac grew a bud of the living material that connected the crystals of his home. The bud was brown and flat of about twenty by thirty millimetres. It looked like thin sponge. This was placed by me in the box over thirty nine small crystals.

I had to learn how to manipulate the substrate and cause it to interface with the crystals at the point where their lines of force emerged. The crystals then had to be shifted so that their flux blended a specific way. Nutrients, water, light, heat, humidity, air with an excess of oxygen and carbon dioxide. A plant material had been bred to use the same environment and to purify the air and recycle the wastes into the preferred nutrients.

Over time the substrate and the plant would grow with it. As more crystals were added they would form a simple computer. The interface was through the crystals and a complex ultrawave generator.

The computer could be induced to grow larger. There were limits with this method but a powerful device could be made. The more powerful computers had larger crystals. This process went on until the limits of the technician to align the largest crystals. The size was not dependant on an orderly progression but the ability of the tech to envision the entire crystal and work on a portion at a time. A thousand lesser techs could not do what one master tech could do. They could make a lot more simpler crystals though.

Crystals to a small extent and computers bent the lines of force that separated the dimensions when they grew beyond a certain point. This allowed a greater density to be packed into what looked like a small three dimensional area.

Crystals were the basis of every advanced civilisation. They were in the unit that healed my skin, allowed faster than light communication and twisted space to allow a ship to slip outside our usual three dimensional universe. They made computers far better than what we could ever do without the limitations of the speed of electricity. Gravity and inertia could be nullified with the right crystals and enough power.

Every facet of modern civilisation used at least one form of crystal and the fields they supported. My ability to see these lines of force was credited with my body producing crystals of less than 73 molecules of a crystalline material. This had to be secreted into a special area of my brain and my brain somehow finding the small clumps of matter and then using them by trial and error.

I learned that Nadac had produced crystals of only 52 molecules and placed them in my brain. They were different in variety and different again in how they bent force. It was hoped that in time telepathy and the ability to exude the power of compulsion would follow.

After three weeks I found that more than my brain had been worked on. When I slept Nadac had changed my body. It was not strength or speed he improved but my cock. He had given me the cock of an Aristis. Mine was still the size I had been before. It would grow faster than the rest of my body in time. Now the head would grow if I did not concentrate to control it. It could gain a centimetre in length. This too I would have to regulate. It was actually a love muscle now but grown to resemble my original equipment.

My ability to suppress ejaculation would go up but as yet I was still a boy and it was not necessary. Nadac figured I would only be this way a month or less. I would normally suffer when the batteries had to be recharged but I could avoid a soft dick by suppressing the glandular changes that happened to the normal adult human male.

I was told that this was not all Nadac's doing. Rontem had done this to help me. This gave more time for fun but correspondingly less time for work. This must have been a joke for them or him. I needed a lot of focus to gain any of the three classes. If I could not fight the need for sex, I would be stuck as a tech. If I did not master myself then I would not rise very far in this class.

Just after the first of September I was scheduled to go home. Outwardly I had changed little. My hair was longer and I could see a faint moustache under my nose. My clothes and shoes fit well but I may have grown a smidgen. My arms and legs were better than before. I could have put the same mass on by exercising how I should have done for karate.

The only thing that really pleased me was my reaction time. This had not been augmented. It was just the exercise and the fact that Nadac used holograms to represent opponents. It was not the same as flesh and blood or even ceramic opponents but it was better than none.

There had been no outward attacks on the family in my absence. The crystals Betts had implanted could be detected by me from here. They were too far away to actually see. I worked through Nadac's drones to find each one. Mom and Pop had been implanted when they had been asleep. Betts got the rest at Wendy's house but June was the one that got Leslie as she slept.

Erica went to the doctors and the growths were removed. At Betts suggestion I wasn't mentioned.

I had been tasked during my stay with building a much more powerful computer after the first toy I made. This was a true class 88. It was not what I wanted but it was better than a 90 they were originally wanted to give me. It was far from done though. There were enough crystals to start the unit and the major processing crystals were done. I was to just finish processing the rest of the crystals as they were needed.

Unknown to Rotem, I had actually made the major processing unit for an 80. Nadac lived in an 82 and if he migrated then he would be free of the restrictions in his home and gain processing power as well. This meant a lot more work for me because of all the processing I had to do on the side along with my regular work.

I piloted the ship home and took my time about it. I orbited the earth twice and landed at the strip plaza where I had left from. The short walk was not as tiring as the walk had been the other way six weeks before.

Since I had talked by phone, I knew that I was still wanted in the family. Betts met me at the door and kissed me like a wife. The difference was in her knowledge of how much I loved her.

"You are finally home. I am ready for you now."

I kissed her tenderly and said, "I am more than ready for you. I have a watery discharge." She smiled quickly and hugged me tighter than before.

The munchkins came next and I put a hand under each butt and picked them up. They squealed. I had not been able to do this before. I kissed them quickly. I could not hold them up for long. My knee still was the same as it was before I left.

Mom greeted me next with a hug and a kiss. Pop was right behind her with a handshake then a hug. Mom said, "I hope this will end you mysterious jaunts into the wild?"

"I am sorry Mom but I need to study next summer and a week at Christmas and one in the spring."


"Mom, you and Pop went to university and had to leave home for a while. I have to learn and I cannot do it all from here."

"I was a lot older then."

"What if I were taking college level math courses?"

"You could go."

"For the summer and a few weeks through the year?"


"Well I am taking a training that will keep me alive as if I went to Japan to take advanced karate training."

"You could get that here."

"I can concentrate on one goal at a time in camp. I learn faster and better."

"Why does it have to be a secret?"

"It is far from being sanctioned. I am treated like the Japanese children of five hundred years before. It is harsh and this training would not be allowed normally."

"You could have been hurt."

"Yes, but I was not. Now if I am attacked I can better handle myself."

The guys and Gail were in the room. They stood at parade rest and waited to be noticed. I guess Gail watched a lot of movies to get this right.

Gail came forward to get the topic changed and said, "It is good to see you back Wally. We all missed you."

I walked over to her and kissed her like I had Mom. "I missed you too. Did the guys take to the rigors of the dance floor?"

Mom and Pop knew that Betts was really one of the guys and all took dance lessons. This may have not been macho but when they took karate too then nobody would question their sexual orientation.

June stood alone until I noticed her. I gave her a kiss and said, "I'm glad to see you. You look... happy."

"I have been the happiest of my life ever since you came into our family. I now have people that understand me and support me."

"We will talk later and I can get all the details."

"Yes... Sir."

I walked over and shook hands with Chuck then hugged him. Jerry and Sam followed. On a chair almost hidden was Paul. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He hurried to me and I hugged him to me too. "Long time, no-see, bud."

He simply said, "I'm glad you're back. I tried to keep your munchkins happy but I think they are more happy when you are here too."

"It was worry. With me back you will be their primary interest. I almost feel sorry for you."

Paul smiled and said, "I can take the abuse."

I put my arm around his shoulder and said, "Spoken like I would say. We both know that they only let us believe we are winning."

"I know that too."

A meal was planned but I had asked days ago that we go out and have a meal and try dancing. Gail was the chauffeur in the bus. She was a lot more comfortable driving it now and moved in and out of traffic with ease.

Our goal was a swanky hotel downtown with a good dance floor. We sat at a large table. The requirement was a suit and tie for the gents and we all qualified. Gail had whispered that the guys liked this because of the looks they got. She had them go to hair stylists and taken them out to be properly clothed. They now had very good suits that were not rentals. I had not paid for all of this because the guys had their own money to spend.

I tried not to stare at the guys. They acted suave as if born to money. Paul had a similar suit and fit in well as a junior version. The girls wore dresses that came close to being called gowns. Mom and Pop had their clothing from before but Betts had taken out June, Patricia and Liza and dressed them suitably after listening to some good advice from the experts.

It looked that we had always eaten with high society. I was actually the most uncouth individual. I had to watch what was done and then copy the others.

The guys spoke their minds at the table with a knowledge of politics at all three levels of government. Mom and Pop looked impressed and Gail looked proud.

We shifted rooms later and the guys danced with the girls. There were six guys and five girls. I chose to be the odd man out as I watched what was done on the floor. The girls never sat down but one guy had a break every dance. I tried my best. I was not as shy now and my coordination was better but I had never danced before. Over the night I got better but not a lot.

We were all beat by the time we went home. The girls had those eyes and that meant that the guys were in trouble.

Gail said goodnight and the guys went to change before going home. I don't think they made it or intended to. Paul slept over quite a few nights and now he and the munchkins were in Betts bed. June and Mom kissed and went into the master bedroom. It looked like some hang-ups had been avoided.

Betts had been sleeping in my bed ever since I left. She said it was our bed now.

We showered up quickly and went to bed. Betts wore a négligée but I knew it was just to wrap the gift I was going to get.

She stood beside the bed and waited for me. She said, "Mmmm you have put on some muscle since I saw you last."

"You have too but it looks great on you."

She just smiled in acknowledgement and said, "I have been waiting all my life for this day to happen."

"I am sorry for you having to wait a little longer."

"You're here now."

I kissed Betts tenderly. I could feel muscle where she had been soft before. Soft girls were nice but Betts made me more excited. When I pulled back from the kiss I began to slowly remove her garment. When it was on the chair I kissed her neck and said, "I love you Betts," before going back for more. Every few minutes I repeated my proclamation as I made love to her body. My hands flowed over her body finding all the sensitive spots. My lips soon followed.

When I got to her mons she breathlessly said, "I am ready now Wally."

"So am I but I want to hear you scream your joy for me."

"I was trying to hold it in."

I licked her lips. She was very ready but she relaxed more after a good cum. Once I attached myself to her clit, I got what I was after. She didn't pass out but it was close.

When she recovered I was in position and said, "I love you Betts. Are you ready now?"

"Oh god. Put it in."

My cock was as hard as bone almost. My cells had changed and the true muscle would not go down as much as it had before. It did slip in like a blunt knife. I moved back and forth slowly without penetrating her hymen yet.

She breathlessly said, "Oh god, I never knew it could be so good."

The feelings coming to me were almost too much. Even with the control I used to have, I would have gone off by now. Her flesh gripped me tightly. If anything I must have more stimulation than when I used her butt last. This had to have been done to me by Nadac.

I had to slow down but I didn't dare stop now on Betts. This was so important to her and to us. I gained a bit of control and came to her hymen. Hers had been damaged by fingers too many times to put up much resistance. One strong and unexpected push and I was home.

Betts grabbed me tightly and I stayed perfectly still. We didn't need to talk. Betts was the one that gave the exploratory thrusts.

"It's ok now."

I went very slowly out and then back in. The head of my cock wanted to inflate but this too had to be kept in check.

"You are so tight Betts. I feel that this is where I belong."

"Keep doing that. You belong just where you are. I love you so much Wally."

"I love you too Sweetheart."

Betts' reaction to my movements was monitored by a portion of my brain while another part basked in the feeling that my hands, lips and especially my cock gave me. She didn't appear to be in pain at all. Some of the ways I moved made her react more strongly. I explored these moves with some variations. This was all stored away for my enjoyment later.

Betts first orgasm caused by my cock jumped at her. She held me so tight I thought she was going to break my ribs. The scream nearly deafened me. Her hips worked feverishly and she fell unconscious.

Paul and the munchkins were at the door and I called out quietly. "Betts just had a good one. You go have your own fun while she recovers." They hurried off because they didn't think I would catch them watching.

I moved slowly until Betts came to her senses. With her looking at me with more love than I had ever seen before I started up once more.

When Betts came next so did I. It felt like my balls went out through my cock. The feeling was so intense that I too almost blanked out. My balls were pumping and pumping but this time I had something to give. Betts only felt some of this because she passed out again.

We had one more each before I pulled out. I was damaging her vagina and she would need time to heal.

Betts woke up during the night and I slipped into her other hole while I caressed her clit. Her face was in the pillow so she didn't wake anybody up. After dawn I woke up and went back where I was before with a barely awake Betts. This was as good as the last and we went back to sleep again.

June brought us breakfast in bed. She hung her head. She was naked. I could see the marks on her body to show that she thoroughly enjoyed her own night.

"What is it, Slut?"

"I have been ordered to bring you two this food. Mom says you both need it."

June held the tray as Betts and I ate from it. Betts made sure the tray hung below June's mons. Our buttery toast got soggy but the taste was out of this world.

We all went for a shower with June twitchy and unfulfilled. She was kissed and touched in love and beyond the agony of not finding release she loved it.

Mom and Pop had not gone to work yet. They both smiled at us. Mom said, "How was your first night as a woman?"

Betts had not let go of me and looked at me instead of her mother. "He was worth waiting for. He thought of me all the time. I am a little sore now and he made me happy I was his woman by... using other openings."

"Not all girls are as lucky their first time."

I said to Mom, "I have a watery discharge now. I may not likely make a woman pregnant but it is remotely possible. I'm glad I followed your rules."

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