Ned - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by maryjane

Chapter 3: Panties

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Panties - Mom finds Ned masturbating and has Dad take him to a whore to cure his habit. Get real, folks, that never works. Then Mom has a better idea.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Incest   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Cream Pie  

It was Saturday. I had nothing to do but hang around, thinking about fucking Mom. Yet even as I kept my hands off of Big Guy, I kept remembering our conversations.

Why is she so sure that I'm going to fuck Carrie? She's like my sister; it would be incest. On the other hand, I guess Mom has no problems with incest.

"Hi, Carrie. What'cha doin'?"

"Nothing much."

"Wanna catch a movie?"

So that's what we did, watching some crummy horror picture, sharing a large bucket of popcorn. Well, sort of watching; I kept looking out of the corner of my eye at the cute little tits she was starting to grow. They made such neat little bumps in her sweater; I just wanted to grab them.

But there I was, this brand new stud, having learned to fuck and to eat pussy, and I didn't have the nerve to do anything. I was afraid because, after all, she was almost my sister, and I didn't feel comfortable being the aggressor. I finally put my arm around the back of her seat, but not on her shoulders. I felt her glance at me when I did that, but she didn't move nor did she say anything.

What the heck is she thinking?"

Finally, and I had been waiting impatiently for it, there was this scary scene. Carrie yelped, a teeny little peep, and put a hand on my leg, squeezing hard. I moved my hand from the back to her seat onto her shoulder, sort of pulling her toward me. She came without fighting me, sinking her head onto my shoulder and her shoulder into my chest. I guess you could call it a snuggle. Her hand released my leg.

I put the popcorn bucket on the empty seat next to me and began to lightly rub Carrie's shoulder. She turned her head and looked up at me. I knew; it was time. I bent to her lips with mine, hoping that she wouldn't turn away. She didn't. Her lips met mine, softly. I had enough sense not to stick my tongue in her mouth, though I knew that Mom loved that. We broke the kiss silently and resumed looking at the movie. It was a while before she spoke.

"I can't believe we did that, Ned. You're like my brother."

I kissed her again.

"Sometimes I don't feel like that, Carrie."

"Me neither."

I took her face in my hand and kissed her once again. I wasn't concerned about her moving her face; I just wanted to get my hand in position. The kiss continued and I slid my hand slowly down onto a tit. Without breaking the kiss, she lifted the hand off her body and put it on my own leg.


I waited a few seconds and then moved my hand back to her chest. Again she removed it.

"I'm not really your brother, Carrie."

"I know, but I'm not ready for that today."

I didn't argue. I knew I was going to get my rocks off as soon as Mom got home. And I knew for sure that I would nail Carrie pretty soon.

We kissed some more and held hands but that was it. We also held hands on the walk home, and she kissed me right there on the sidewalk in front of her house.

My house was quiet. I had a few hours before Mom came home.

Fuck her instructions; I have to cum.

I stripped off my jeans and shorts and went into my bathroom; I wanted to watch myself in the mirror as I jerked off. Then I noticed the hamper and it gave me an idea. I walked across into Mom's bedroom and through it into her bathroom. I opened her hamper and there, right on top, were yesterday's bikini panties.

The crotch was still damp. I didn't know if it was from pussy juice or just the last drops of her piss, but I didn't care. I inhaled her sweet scent, wiped it all over my face and then put the damp garment in my mouth. I sucked Mom's fluids as I played with my cock. In front of the full length mirror, I could alternate between watching my eyes, looking at the dainty bikini hanging from my lips, or concentrate on my hand stroking my love muscle. There was still enough aroma for me to enjoy as I sucked the thin crotch. But while Mom provided the physical accoutrements for my masturbation, my mind was focused on the budding tits I had sought — and been refused - earlier in the day.

Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, I want to fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

I watched my cock being massaged by my right hand, the crown shining and disappearing alternately as I stroked rapidly. The scent of the crotch was in my nose, the sheer black fabric was in my eyes, and the vision of Carrie's tits was in my mind. My balls churned as they strove to spit out their load. My eyes roamed over the area, looking for a place to dump my cum. A tissue perhaps; my left palm, in case I wanted to taste it after I had unloaded; maybe the mirror, so I could watch the cum spurt out of the little slit, and then clean it up easily. Then the answer made itself known.

The black panties would make a wonderful tissue, a combination of the body of the woman who had fucked me earlier and the image of the girl, my best friend, who would one day surrender her maidenhead to me. And then I let go, looking down to see the creamy discharge shooting onto the black garment, oozing through the lace. There was no doubt that if Mom happened to handle the panties as she loaded the washer, she would feel the dried cum, would know that I had used them to catch my spend, might even realize the date on which I had stained them, the date that I was supposed to remain celibate for a few more hours.

But what the hell, I was thirteen. By the time Mom was home, my balls would be all full of cum again. And I would service her in whatever manner she wished, and she wouldn't know the difference. Don't worry, Mom, I'll be ready.

Still, I wasn't finished with Carrie for the day.

"Hi, Carrie, it's Ned."

"I know who it is, you silly goose."

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about before."

"Well, that's OK. You just caught me by surprise. I wasn't ready."

"I couldn't help it. You looked so exciting."

"To tell you the truth, it was exciting. In fact..."

My jeans and shorts were still on the floor, making it easy for my cock to get hard once again. I waited while Carrie hesitated. Then it became apparent that she didn't intend to continue.

"In fact, what?"

"I can't tell you. Never mind."

Son of a bitch, I'll bet she masturbated when she got home. Oh yes, Ned, you're going to get her sooner rather than later.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Carrie."

"OK, Ned."

My body was squirming with excitement. If she still had her cherry, and I was sort of sure about that, it would soon be mine. Meanwhile, I put my clothes back on and sat down to watch a ball game until Mom returned.

When she got home, Mom kissed me, on the lips, the same way she always kisses Dad, including that little intrusion of her tongue into his mouth.

"It's been a long day, Ned; very tiring. And it's not over yet. I don't feel like cooking. How about we order some pizza?"

When it was delivered, Mom answered the door. Although she was fully dressed in her nurse's uniform, I noticed that the delivery boy sort of ogled her body as she fumbled in her purse for the money. She obviously noticed it also, because she had a very self-satisfied smile on her face when she turned around.

Little did I know that one day I would be delivering pizza for the same restaurant, and that I would be ogling the female customers just the way that delivery boy was doing. Or that I would wind up fucking more than a few of them.

After dinner, we cleaned up, not like the pigsty that Sue kept, the one I got to see that delightful Sunday morning years later.

"I'm going to put on something comfortable, Ned. Relax; I'll be back in a few minutes."

It took her more than a few minutes. I was beginning to wonder about her when she finally came out. She was wearing a sexy nightgown, and I could see a pair of panties outlined underneath it. She stood over me and lifted the hem of the gown. Her voice was, I guess the word is sultry.

"Look what I've got on, Ned. Do you like them?"

HOLY SHIT! SHE'S WEARING THE SAME PANTIES. They must be the same; I can see the damp spot from my cum. Oh shit, I'm dead.

I could feel my face as red as a beet as I looked up at her. I was speechless.

"What did you do today, Ned?"

"I... I... took... I took Carrie to the movies."

"And see wouldn't get you off so you came home and took it out on these poor defenseless panties, right?"

I nodded.

"How far did you get with her?"

"I put my hand on her tits but she took it away."

"Not very far, then."

"No, but I called her later to apologize."

"Smart boy."

"And I think she got herself off after she got home."

"You've got a lot to learn, Son."

I picked up my head again. I was in trouble, I knew it.

"If you don't want me to know right away, then don't leave damp panties right on top inside my hamper. Push them down; then I won't know when I find them when you did it."

Still standing, she bent and took off the damp black bikini. She threw the panties toward me.

"Now suck them dry, Ned. I want to watch."

As I moved them toward my mouth, Mom interrupted.

"No, Ned; take off your clothes first. I want to watch you suck my panties while you're pulling your cock."

Can you believe it? I was actually shy about jerking off in front of my Mom, this very same woman whose clit I had sucked, whose cunt I had exploded my cum into, but I was ashamed for her to see me carrying on the age old tradition of masturbation. But once I realized that she was not my Judge but my co-conspirator, my cock got with the program, pushing against my zipper before I had a chance to strip.

There was just the slightest hint of Mom's smell. She had only had the panties on again for but a few minutes. What I tasted were the remnants of my own sperm, the dead bodies of those valiant little guys who would never get to fertilize an egg, never make a baby, never get to swim their way through a warm and delicious cunt. My cock felt warm, no, it felt hot as my hand rushed along its length, rubbing the crown on each stroke.

I looked directly at Mom's eyes as I masturbated. Sometimes she returned my stare, other times her eyes left mine, stopping ever so briefly at the erotic garment dangling from my mouth before focusing on my middle eye, that slit in the crown of my cock, now wet with the dew of pre-cum, from which would soon pour forth the juice of lust. When she heard the change in my breathing, that first warning signal of an orgasm, Mom stopped me.

"That's enough for now, Ned. I'd hate to waste a good shot of your cum. Give me those panties."

Without waiting for me, she took her frilly undies out of my mouth, knelt down and used them to hold my balls as her tongue licked off the pre-cum.

Suck it, Mom, suck my cock.

She did. She swallowed me whole, as it were, which I guess doesn't seem so strange when you realize that I wasn't yet fully grown. But the period of time between when she stopped my masturbation and when she gulped my cock down took a bit of the edge off; I was no longer ready to shoot off but would take a little more time before I could cum, a delay that I expected to enjoy as her mouth attended to my desires. But first,

"Stop a minute, Mom; I have to pee."

She smiled — not to easy to do when you have a cock in your mouth. Trust me, I know — and shook her head gently from side to side.

"Please, Mom."

Her response was to press her hand against my bladder. I understood, even at that young age, that she wanted me to piss in her mouth. What I didn't understand was why; what could she enjoy about drinking my piss? The idea didn't tempt me. I realized that it was not a question of taste, but more an example of sexual wickedness; she wanted it because it was so perverse. If everyone did it, she wouldn't have been interested. Quite the sexual animal, my Mom was, as I was learning, to my extreme pleasure.

I was sitting on my chair in the kitchen, naked except for my socks. Mom knelt on the floor before me, my cock in her mouth, like a whore servicing her customers, except that she was blowing me bareback, without a rubber.

Is this what she does for Dad? Will she be able to swallow my whole bladder-full of piss? What the fuck, the floor is tiled anyway.

I closed my eyes and let go, savoring the relaxation, realizing that was why they call it 'relieving' yourself. Her mouth worked feverishly to contain it all, to swallow as much as possible without dripping. She did a pretty good job; just a little bit oozed out, onto her cheeks and dribbling onto her tits.

Shit, I'm going to have to lick her face and her tits clean, there's no doubt about it. Maybe I'll get brownie points if I do it without her asking.

When I was finished pissing and she was finished swallowing, I slid off the chair to kneel opposite her. She smiled as I began to lick the droplets from her cheeks and nipples. My mind blocked out the taste, and I survived the ordeal.

Little did I know that in less than an hour, I'd have to repay the favor to Mom, in full.

With the piss ritual complete, or so I thought, I sat back on the chair and Mom resumed the blowjob. The feeling of her lips and tongue on my cock was exquisite; not quite the thrill of my naked cock buried inside her cunt as she rode me, but damn close. It didn't take long before my churning balls uploaded into her mouth. I use that word deliberately, as in uploading this story, which I hope gives as much pleasure as Mom received, obviously, by the cum on her tongue.

It was no surprise when she moved her face to mine and used her tongue to feed me back some of the cum I had just given her. There was still some hint of the piss taste, but the cum was a familiar, and welcome, offering to my palate.

We moved to the bed, naked. I was sated for the moment but Mom was always ready for another orgasm. I looked at her engorged pussy lips, awaiting my tongue, when I suddenly had an epiphany.

My Mom is a slut! She's a sex maniac. She can't get enough of it, she doesn't care who she gets it from and she doesn't give a shit what she has to do to get it. Drink my piss, suck my cock, take it up the ass; I'll bet they swing, at least with Carrie's parents; I'll bet she does threesomes. I'll bet that she'd suck the cocks of every one of my friends if I asked her to. Maybe she already has. She was probably the gang-bang girl of her high school. I wouldn't be surprised if she fucked and sucked my Dad into leaving his first wife.

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