Ned - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by maryjane

Chapter 2: Mom

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Mom - Mom finds Ned masturbating and has Dad take him to a whore to cure his habit. Get real, folks, that never works. Then Mom has a better idea.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Incest   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Cream Pie  

Neither Dad nor I spoke on the walk back to the hotel. I really didn't walk; rather, I would say that I floated. I basked in the glow of having gotten my first ever blowjob and my first ever time sticking my cock into a cunt, even with too damn quick a cum. I had no clue about what went through Dad's mind; maybe wondering how Mom would react after he got laid or blown by a local whore, even though she had sent him out for that for that purpose. I mean, just because she gave him permission, did she really want or expect him to go through with it? Just how broadminded had these two parents of mine become?

The suite layout had a sitting room in the middle and two bedrooms flanking it. When we got there, I found the door to my parents' room ajar, Mom sitting up in bed reading. I could actually see her tits through that whatever you call it that she had covering her body. She looked out at Dad's face first, then gave a slight nod and looked at me. She had an almost saintly smile on her face.

"Welcome back, men. Did you have a good time?"

Men? She had never called me a man before.

Without waiting for an answer, she said, "Come to bed, dear, and we'll talk. Ned, its past your bedtime."

I went to my room, stripped, washed up and got onto the bed. No fucking way could I possibly fall asleep. I lay there naked on top of the sheets, my hands supporting my head on the pillow, replaying the evening. It had started with Mom catching me jerking off with a porn magazine in front of me, then a walk, a blowjob, a fuck — much, much too fast — and then seeing Mom's tits when we came back to the hotel. I tried to visualize anew the sensation of Nicole's mouth wrapped around my cock, but my mind kept coming back to the idea that I hated the feel of the condom.

Then I tried to remember the sight of Nicole naked, tits and cunt visible without my having to try to peep, just wide open for my pleasure. And when my mind recalled the feeling of sticking it into her, it rebelled at the idea that I had cum so quickly.

And that kiss, the one that shocked me because Dad had told me that whore's don't kiss. Her soft lips, pressed firmly against mine. Not a kiss on the cheek, or a peck in the air next to Mom's face, but a real boy-girl kiss, my first ever.

Holy shit, I forgot to kiss Mom goodnight tonight.

I jumped into a pair of shorts and went through the sitting room. There was a light on in their bedroom and the door was slightly ajar. Before I got very far, I heard Mom moaning. I sped up, about to say 'Are you OK?' when I suddenly realized what the moaning meant. I stopped immediately and then began to tiptoe toward the light. I knew that my parents fucked — shit, I look too much like my father to worry about being adopted - but I had never tried to peek at them before.

They were both naked, the bedclothes having been kicked to the floor. Mom was on her hands and knees facing the headboard; Dad was pressed up against her. Her tits were hanging down; I could see the one on my side, could see the nipple extended out from it. My hand was on my cock as I watched Dad repeatedly thrust against her and pull back, levering himself by holding her hips.

So that's what doggy-style means.

I could hear what Mom said. She wasn't screaming but she wasn't whispering either; she was speaking as though I were behind a closed door two rooms away.

"Fuck me, Ned. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Fuck my ass the way you fucked that cunt's ass."

'Fuck my ass?' Holy shit!

All I heard from Dad was grunting as he plunged in and out until suddenly he stopped moving and let out with a long, low moan. Then he pulled out of her and I could see his cock coated with his cum. Mom turned around on her knees, her head going the opposite way from me so that I could see the crack of her ass, Dad's cum oozing out of it. When she was facing him, she bent down and took his shiny cock into her mouth.

I thought I was going to cum right there. I snuck back to my room, closed the door and began to beat my meat furiously. It was clearly the most violent jerk off of my life. I saw the magazine lying on my night table and I knew that I wouldn't need it this time. My cum spurted wildly, all over the carpeting, until I put my hand in front of it and caught the last spurt or two. I licked it off my hand the way Mom had cleaned it off of Dad.

I fell onto the bed. I was asleep in seconds.

"Wake up, sleepy head. We've got a plane to catch. The vacation's over."

I opened my eyes to see Mom standing over me, still in her nightgown. Her tits were covered demurely but her nipples still made bumps in the front of her garment. Remembering what I had seen the previous evening, I just stared at them. Mom was never one to talk around in circles; she let you know just what was on her mind.

"What are you looking at, Ned?"

I lifted my eyes off of her chest but hesitated before saying anything. Finally,

"I didn't get a good night kiss last night."

She opened her mouth to apologize and suddenly stopped. I could see the realization in her eyes, the knowledge that I must have tried to get the kiss and what had caused me to stop. She turned beet red and her body moved to leave the room without a word. But at the door she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Don't forget to pack that magazine. We wouldn't want to corrupt the morals of the chambermaid, would we?"

Holy shit, she knows that I saw them last night. I hope she doesn't tell Dad.

The flight home was a grueling nine hour plus trip from Amsterdam to Chicago. Fortunately, all six of us were in first class. The two mothers were together, the two fathers likewise, and Carrie and I shared a two-seater in the last row of the first class cabin. The cabin was darkened so that passengers could watch the TV sets in front of each seat.

Carrie and I gabbed about a bunch of things, school stuff, neighborhood shit, even arguing about Cubs versus White Sox. I was bursting to tell her, to tell anyone, about getting blown and laid by Nicole, as well as telling about watching Dad fuck Mom in the ass. If I could tell anyone, it would be my pal Carrie, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to do it.

I fell asleep, I don't know for how long, and then I was awakened by Carrie, also asleep, as her head fell onto my shoulder. As I watched her slow breathing, I noticed, but not for the first time, just how pretty she was. But her head pressing into my arm was uncomfortable, so I gently lifted it and placed it around her shoulders. She snuggled in closely, still asleep. I began to get hard just touching her that way; when I began to think about her making me hard, I became even harder.

Oh shit, I have to jerk off. But the fucking lavatory in first class is right in front, so everyone will be able to see how long I stay in there. Get over it, Ned; you're not going to cum until after you get home.

I let her lie there for as long as possible, but finally my arm began to ache. When I removed it from her shoulders and began to slide away, she woke up. Without thinking, I bent over and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey, Ned, what was that for?"

"I like you."

"And I like you too."

"Plus, I think you're pretty."

She fluttered her eyebrows. "Why, thank you so much, sir." She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

That was the moment I knew that I was going to be the one to take her cherry. I didn't know what day, what month, what year, what millennium, but her body would be mine. She was no longer my pal, my friend; she was now my fantasy.

And so life went on. A whore in Amsterdam was not going to change my ways; I still jerked off every chance I got, several times a day, with help from porn magazines, fantasies of Carrie and memories of Mom, with her tits hanging down as Dad fucked her ass and then sucking his cock dry. These helpmates were interchangeable; none was more erotic than another. I still tried to spy on my parents fucking whenever possible, but that was rare. Mom made sure that the door was securely closed. And every time she came to my room to kiss me goodnight, her blush returned. Still, she never mentioned that evening, though I was sure that someday she would.

About a year later, and who knows how many gallons of sperm later, Dad had to go to California for a conference. Mom couldn't go, there was something going on at the hospital where she works — O.R. nurse — but to me it sounded like a load of bullshit. I really think she wanted to keep an eye on Carrie and me, though as yet there was nothing going on between us.

So Dad went, alone. Before he left, I heard Mom remind him to take some condoms and to be sure to use them. I couldn't believe it. It was enough that one night in Amsterdam she had sent him to get laid as part of the loss of my cherry — I still think it's a silly expression, boys don't have cherries. But for her to send him off to fuck around was unimaginable.

After all, Dad is a pretty good looking guy, and a good looking doctor, not yet forty but with plenty of bucks is a cunt magnet. How could Mom be sure that he wouldn't bury himself, no pun intended, inside some out-of-work starlet slash waitress and stay there?

I asked her that very question — not in those words — while we were having breakfast the morning after Dad left for the conference. Her answer was slow in coming, as well as indirect for a change, but she finally made it clear.

"You saw us that night, didn't you?"

There was no doubt about it. I knew what she was talking about. I kept a straight face and nodded, imagining the trouble I'd be in if I grinned.

"And I'll bet you went back to your room and spanked your monkey something fierce, didn't you?"

This time I grinned. "It was the most fantastic one of my life that night."

"And did you think of me while you were doing it?"

I blushed and nodded.

"Do you think of me every time you masturbate, every day you masturbate?"

"Every day?"

"Don't bullshit your mother, Ned. We know damn well how much you play with your pecker."

I decided to tell the truth.

"Not every time, Mom."

"Who else?" Her question was in mock horror. I reconsidered my decision to tell the truth.

"Sometimes a picture in a magazine."

"Anyone alive?"

Jeez, Mom, you're a nurse, not a fucking District Attorney. Why are you cross-examining me so much?

I said nothing.

"You think about Carrie, don't you?"

I just turned red.

"How far have you gotten with her?"

"All I ever did was kiss her on the forehead on the flight home. I've never tried for anything more. Not yet, anyway."

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