World on Fire - Cover

World on Fire

Copyright© 2006 by Tallorder64

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Carl Parley returns to A USA in flames. The situation in Iraq has deteriorated and the USA has had their oil imports shut off. Roving gangs have begun to take over the US and Carl decides to hide out in the West Virginia mountains and ride out the storm.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Rape  

The Iranian Director of the military looked over the aerial photographs that he had just gotten from the Russians. The photos showed the position of all of the ships that the American navy had waiting to assist in the evacuation of the Coalition troops from Iraq. The resolution of the photos was astounding. He could even see the sailors going about their duties on the decks.

The Americans had a very big surprise in store for them. The anti-ship missiles that had been recently obtained from Russia and China were ready to be unleashed on the American fleet. The missiles were the latest that Russia and China had and even some of Russia's own units didn't have them yet. The missiles had stealth capability and the Americans would only detect them seconds before they hit. The missiles cruised a few feet about the waves and the warhead was deadlier than any the Americans had in the waters off of Iran and Iraq. The tide had turned and it was the American's turn to feel pain.

Tomorrow the Americans would wake up to find that their fleet in the Mid-East was in flames. Their aircraft carriers would not be able to provide air cover for General Casey, because of the new Chinese surface-to-air missiles that had been secretly been obtained, and he would be defeated with only a small loss of Iranian lives. The Americans would be made to pay dearly for each Iranian that lost his life.

The Iranians spent the night going over the plans for the coming battle with the American Navy. The main objective was to put the aircraft carrier out of commission fast and then destroy as many of the heavy ships as possible. That would make sure that the Americans could not support General Casey from the air.

At four in the morning the Minister of Defense gave the go ahead to unleash the attack on the American fleet. The pack of cruise missiles was launched and their progress was tracked by Russian satellites as they sped through the darkness. The first missile hit the aircraft carrier in the hull just under the flight deck. The blast and the resulting fires and exploding aircraft made the catapults very expensive garbage. The loss of life on the carrier was high and the fire fighting had not even gotten under way when the second missile hit the hull under the bridge. Several of the other missiles hit the destroyers before the crews knew they were under attack and the main emphasis of the crew was to save the ships. Two large ships were sunk by Iranian torpedoes. The Admiral made the decision to pull the fleet out of range of the missiles and began to steam away from the Iran coast.

The Admiral called for air support from the fifth fleet in Bahrain but as soon as the planes got close to Iran the planes were knocked out of the air by the new truck-mounted SAM's that had just been developed by China. The Americans would never know that the missiles that had been so successful in the attack had been under the control of the Chinese military.

When the Americans began to sail out of range of the missiles Iran began an all-out attack on the Coalition. By late afternoon General Casey gave the order to surrender and sent word to the Iranian Commander that he wished to surrender and avoid further loss of life. The medics rushed to save as many of the wounded as possible.

General Casey stood in front of his troops as he watched the Iranian Commander approach his position in a Mercedes. The car pulled up in front of the General and the door opened. The Iranian Commander stood looking at the remnants of the Coalition with a look of disdain on his face.

General Casey approached the Iranian Commander, "Sir, I'd like to request medical attention for my wounded troops."

The Iranian said something to the officers that had come with him in Farsi and Casey was pushed toward an armored personnel carrier where he was handcuffed and pushed into the vehicle. As the vehicle pulled away a shot rang out.

The Commander had a sergeant brought to him and he ordered the sergeant to have every vehicle that could transport the wounded brought to him so that the wounded could be cared for. Within two hours every vehicle that could carry wounded was ready to begin transporting the wounded to any nearby hospitals.

The Iranian Army assembled the Coalition soldiers that could walk and had every soldier searched for weapons. After all of the soldiers were searched, they were started on a march out of the Coalition base. Only half of the soldiers would live to make it to the concentration camps in Iran where the soldiers would be worked to death. The women soldiers were left behind to help the wounded.

When the coalition was out of sight the Iranian Commander turned to his aide, "Kill the wounded and bury them in the dessert. Let the men have the women and after they are done with them, kill them and bury them also. We wouldn't want to let these American pigs breed and have more Americans that we have to kill."

A sergeant came up to the Commander, "Do you have any orders sir?"

"Yes, rest your men for a while. We will liberate Palestine from the Jews next. It should be fun."

Syria took control of Baghdad and quickly set about resolving old grudges they had against the people who had helped the Coalition. Iran and Syria met and set up a provisional government that would administer Iraq. The Iraqis soon found that the wealth of Iraq was being exploited for the benefit of Iran and Syria. The Iraqi people became slaves of the other Arab states. It was thought that if the Iraqis couldn't defeat the Americans, they were not as good as humans.

The Turks marched through the Kurdish areas of Iraq and by the end of the second month half of the Kurdish citizens had been exterminated. There was a mass exodus of the Kurds to the neighboring countries. The Turks thought that they had cowed the Kurds finally but they had only won the first skirmish.

Most of the Iraqi oil wound up going to India and China. The oil shipments were watched closely to make sure that none of it found its way to America.

The Muslim population in The Netherlands demonstrated for days after the capture of the American forces in Iraq. The Muslims in France soon joined the celebration and it turned to rioting and burning cars and the apartments of the non-Muslims. France mobilized the riot police but they were ineffective against the victory crazed young Muslims. France asked for help from the UK but Tony Steele was afraid that he would incite violence in his own country and he was still trying to negotiate the release of the British Coalition prisoners in Iran. The rioting grew in Western Europe and the rioters were reinforced by the Muslims from Eastern Europe.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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