Making The Grade - Cover

Making The Grade

by Caesar

Copyright© 2006 by Caesar

Erotica Sex Story: Wasting his football talent on the team slut, Gary is confronted by his parents.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   .

There once was a plumber from Leigh,

Who was plumbing his maid by the sea,

Said she, "Please stop plumbing,

I think someone's coming!" Said he, "Yes, love, I know that, it's me."

It started in my last year of high school - when my academic achievement nearly ruined my athletic scholarship to a prestigious university.

I came home late from another date with the team lay, Suzie. She was intoxicating - and who cares that she has had sex with nearly every guy on the football time - she had real talent, could suck cock for an hour! Not that I would last anywheres near an hour - but she would just swallow my stuff and then gently suck me back to hardness for another go. With blow jobs like that, it didn't matter that we didn't fuck!

My parents were waiting for me when I got home that last date with Suzie. The coach had called, I would not be able to continue with the team if my marks did not improve, and he wanted my parents help.

So I am a big guy, tall and very wide shouldered and heavy - but my short overweight balding father screamed and caused me feel very small. How could I do this, mess up my whole life? What could be more important than being the first in our family to go to college? Mother stood behind him, arms folded sternly and just glared at me.

"You talk to him Glenda - he won't listen to me!" Dad stormed out of my room and I heard my parents bedroom door slam so loudly it felt like every wall in the house shook.

Mom gently closed my door and stood before it, arms again crossed over her chest. "Tell me honey, is it that girl you are seeing?"

The calmness of her voice seemed to surprise me as much as her correct assumption. I was addicted to Susie's mouth - I could not think of anything else but that sucking machine hungrily drawing the sperm from my balls. I also quickly realized that I didn't want to stop seeing Suzie - for the same reasons. "No mom, I swear."

She just squinted at me and I knew there was no lieing to this woman - there never was a way to get anything past her, she could always see right through me. So I turned my head away in shame - mom knew I was ruining my scholarship chances on a girl.

"Tell me Gary - are you using protection?" Her voice was firmer this time, no nonsense.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment, mother and I had never had any sort of sex talk in our lives. "Ah mom, please!"

There was a minute long pause that was awkward as hell, when mom spoke up in surprise, "If you are not having sex with that girl then what could she possible have that would keep you away from your team and studying?" I told you she could aways read me. At this point, I wished I had banged Susie if only to prove to myself that mom could not guess right - it was a waste of mental effort of course.

Then she hissed, "That little tramp is sucking you off isn't she Gary?" Her arms falling to her side, the fingers shaped into claws.

I turned to her in shock and surprise - was every guy tormented by a mother that could read them so well? "Mom!"

Mother calmed down slightly, but she looked and sounded suddenly very tired. "Well you wouldn't be ruining your life over a hand job would you Gary?"

It wasn't a question I was willing to answer and again turned my head away feeling humiliated.

Mom turned to leave, her hand actually on the doorknob when she froze. I willed her to leave, to end this night. But she just stood there starring into the white closed door.

And then she turned.

I knew something had changed, some hurdle or decision made and a cold chill ran down my spin. When mother looked like that it normally meant something drastic, some measure of determination that I knew not to cross.

Stepping towards where I sat on the edge of the bed, mother reached out and rolled her hand through my hair gently, like a caress. "She must be good?" I could smell the scent of mother's personal soap drifting from beneath the terrycloth white bathrobe she had on. "And when she is not sucking you off, she treats you like a god right - listening to your every word?"

When my face again burned up with shame, it was not because we were talking about my private affair with Suzie but that mother was right. Suzie looked up at me with those big green eyes like I was a god - the perfect listener - as if just being with me was food enough for her.

And do you want to know something? Being the star of the football team was great, the cheers of the crowd, my fathers pride and joy right? But then there came the hours of training that left me bruised and exhausted - but wait, that's not all - then came the hours of studying. I was not gifted with a brain as I had been with a passing arm, I had to really work at studying. Suzie was the first thing that made me feel important, like there was something more than bruises and studying.

Hell, I think I'm in love with the girl.

Since I was looking everywhere but up into mother's face, she carefully knelt down onto my hardwood floor directly before me. It was an odd position but I was in such a humiliated mood that I did not give it another thought.

"Look at me honey... please?"

There was a strange quality in her voice, gentle rather than maternal. I turned my face and looked her right in the eye - brown like the hair on her head.

"I want you to know I love you okay?" She said this so firmly, so anxiously that it took me by surprise. How did we end up here at this point after mom putting down my girlfriend Suzie so viciously.

She seemed almost desperate for an answer, so I gave it, "I love you too mom."

Her face visibly softened and a soft smile appeared.

Then mother's hands moved from my knee up past my thighs to my crotch and she began to fumble with my zipper. It took me up until that point to realize what she was doing, my mind confused and suddenly scared. Before I could get a word out my jeans were opened and mother quickly drew my soft penis out to the air.

"Mom... what... ?"

Then she leaned forwards and took my soft penis into her mouth.

You could have ripped the roof off the house and I would not have noticed.

Fully submerged within my mother's mouth, I felt her thick warm wet tongue teasing the sensitive head of my cock.

Good god that felt good!

"... stop it mom... please... !"

She didn't - if anything she sucked harder, her tongue working in tandem so that the effect was delightful. Suzie would do this for me - but this was different this was my mom!

My cock began to harden and I noticed that mother began to move her head, her lips moving up and down slowly along the veined surface of my shaft. Only an hour ago Suzie had sucked me off, her form of a good night kiss - would mother realize that my girlfriends saliva was coating the flesh of my penis? Why the hell was she doing this?

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