Girls Gone Wild - Cover

Girls Gone Wild

Copyright© 2006 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Likable louts, Tony and Pruett love playing pranks while drinking their beer. One night they get the idea to paint Girls Gone Wild on a Van. Of course, first they need a van. But they proove to be resourceful in more ways than one, and their adventure is launched with a few mishaps and lots of sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   School  

Many thanks to "Techsan" for graciously giving his time and effort to me in editing this and other stories of mine in recent months. As always, I appreciate your excellent support, thanks again, Techsan.

Late the next afternoon, Tony met with Barely to set things up for that evening's session at Crazy's place.

"You know," Barely said, "I came across something last night when I was editing the tapes."

"What was that?" Tony asked.

"It's best I show you, then you tell me if you want it back in. It was me, I'd keep it out. I just don't feel comfortable with it."

"Let's have a look then," Tony said and sat down in front of the TV.

Barely ran the tape with Kristy and Heather. "Look at how Pruett checked their IDs," he pointed out.

"Christ, you're right," Tony said. "I remember now, old Pruett was wanting to get it on with them. He didn't even glance at their IDs. I know they're probably underage. You were right to cut it out. Let's put it away, someplace safe."

"We should erase the damn thing," Barely said, "It could come back and bite us on the ass, someone gets hold of it."

"Yeah, I agree, but let's run it from start to finish again. Those girls, underage or not, were really hot."

The tape was run, and with a hardon nearly bursting through his jeans, Tony reluctantly erased the incriminating evidence, and any hope of proving without a doubt that he and Pruett had broken the law.

Next, Barely ran the remainder of the tapes, which he had put together in a rough chronological order. It was a rough work, one that required a lot more time and editing, but it was enough to provide Tony with an idea of what he had and what was needed to flesh the tape out so that it became a viable commodity on the porno market.

"This is great, Barely," he told his friend. "We need to use the warehouse tonight. I mean, we'll find a few willing girls and maybe some guys, and drive them over there. You can go there first and set things up. I'll find the girls and will bring them on over."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Barely said, agreeing with Tony. "What I'll do is set up a couple different sets and we can... let's see... maybe if there are other guys there to boff the broads... I can shoot one scene while you shoot another."

"That would speed things up, for sure," Tony said.

"We get it done twice as fast," Barely added.

"Let's do it!" Tony said and they both nodded and set out to gather all the necessities needed to do the job.

Lieutenant Sullivan of the Vice Squad formed a detail of four detectives, two male and two female, to sit in a van outside Crazy's place and film the Girls Gone Wild van as soon as any illegal activity seemed to be taking place. The two women were to go into Crazy's and observe the alleged porno crew from there.

"We have a search warrant for the van, but will only use it if we have reasonable cause. Be especially alert for any underage kids being approached, or leaving with these men. Don't jump on them too soon, or you'll have no case. Give them time to take off their clothes, but don't let them actually have sex. We stop it before that happens. Are we on board about that?"

They all nodded their agreement.

Sullivan continued, "Obviously, if anyone is under age, we'll arrest them all. If, however, they are of age, and they state that they were perfectly willing to perform sexual acts... well, then, we can't do anything; it's a free country."

He paused, and then continued. "Any one underage, you confiscate all the tapes on board, arrest any adults and then get a search warrant for their homes and look for any other incriminating evidence there."

Deana, one of the female detectives asked, "What about this Pruett guy? He's still in the hospital, and he's the one supposed to have boffed the two girls."

"We leave him alone for the moment," the lieutenant said.

Deana had another question. "We're outside, they're in the van. How the hell will we know who's doing what, and to whom?"

The Lieutenant glared at her, and then turned to the black detective sitting across from Deana. "Johnson, will the sound detector work on this? If so, please explain it to Deana."

"Um, yeah, Lieutenant, I think so." He gave Deana a baleful look and said, "It's a directional mic, and as long as we're within two hundred yards we should be able to hear what they say inside the van."

"That satisfy you, Deana?" He was not really angry with her, for she was new to vice, but he felt that she should have known about directional microphones by this time.

Deana, embarrassed by his curt reply to her question, nodded weakly, and the others followed, nodding that they understood his position, and soon left to set things in motion from their end.

Meanwhile, at Crazy's, Tony and Barely had their cameras set up at three strategic points within Crazy's. Barely had brought a cousin along who had some knowledge of camera work. Their goal was simply to film the kids in the bar and to capture any erotic antics that took place.

Tony's primary job was to lure some of the drunker girls and not so drunk guys to the van and then to the warehouse where several different stages were set up from which to record the actual sex acts they hoped to get out of the girls.

The vice squad set up their observation post approximately 75 feet from the Girls Gone Wild van. They heard and recorded every word spoken by Barely and Tony while they were inside the van. Fortunately for them, they kept their dialogue to phrases about the equipment, and not what was actually intended later in the evening.

Rescue volunteers waited patiently outside the front entrance, certain that a handful of teens would require their assistance from alcohol and drug overdoses sustained by some of those foolish enough to overindulge.

The two women from vice wandered around Crazy's not certain of what they were looking for. They had no accurate description of Tony and did not know that his accomplice was black.

Tony and Barely wandered around Crazy's, and eventually made their way to the bar. They ordered a couple of beers and, when Crazy himself saw them, they learned that they were drinking on the house.

The college girls, as usual, flocked to the bar, anxious to perform all sorts of willing rituals; one of which was to bare their breasts or genitals for Jell-O shots, or free T-shirts. They were lured in by drink specials, promotional merchandise, and the chance to "go wild".

Stark Raving Crazy's was the most popular establishment frequented by the almost rabid females who tromped in after crossing the beach sand littered with empty, crushed beer cans, condoms, and bottles of Nair, handed out as promotional gifts by sponsors of the various contests conducted on the public beaches less than a block from Crazy's.

By ten o'clock, there were over 2,500 very young and very drunk people careening around inside. The police (other than the vice squad on hand) had been paid to leave them alone, and even the vice squad was under orders not to interfere with the rescue volunteers, who stood in the background, unless requested to help.

For Tony, this was nirvana. The place was filled with drunken women willing to flash their tits, or pussies, or French kiss another girl for little more than a jell-O shot, or tonight's special, a Girls Gone Wild T-shirt.

And at ten-fifteen, Crazy Stark himself announced that for this one night only, Girls Gone Wild would be auditioning willing 'persons' for a video to be distributed nationally in several months. A roar went up from the drunken crowd, most of whom missed the instructions from Crazy on just how to apply to get in the video.

Pieces of conversations could be heard anywhere one turned. They were all similar.

"Isn't this is the wildest vacation ever?"

"We had a group shower... two girls and three guys... it was wild!"

"Ginny had oral sex with this guy in Appleby's while we waited for our order."

"I hope they pick me. I'm ready and willing to take on anyone!"

"You're a filthy slut, Amy!"

"Yes, I am and proud of it. Now, where's that pussy they want me to eat?"

"What kind of guys do you like?"

"Two at a time, silly. Gotta fill both holes, right?"

Barely and Tony were manning their cameras as the crowd milled around them. Then Tony handed the camera off to Barely's cousin, and went into the crowd with a microphone while the other two videoed him.

"Hi," he said to a pretty girl who was half black. "What's your name?"

"I'm Rita," she replied with a drunken slur. She wore a skimpy top and a very short mini skirt. Her pink underwear was visible every time she crossed her legs, which to Tony, seemed to be every five seconds. He soon realized that she was on ecstasy and on the hunt for someone with a stash of cocaine. He eased out of the conversation as quickly as possible.

Immediately, several other girls moved in on him. One was a hot Indian girl and her not-so-hot, frizzy headed girlfriend. Tony engaged both in a conversation, but the girls actually scored very low on the scale he had established for the girls to be picked up that night, and he wound up dumping them as well.

Tony turned around and bumped into a pretty, but plumpish blonde girl in a bikini and a jaunty black, cowboy hat. "What can we expect of you if we put you in the video?" he asked with a leering grin.

"I'm planning to kiss girls," she said, and glanced at the brunette to her left. "I was kissing her last night. You missed us then."

"Let's see you kiss her again," Tony said, as Barely went into a crouch and elevated his camera lens. The blonde in the cowboy hat smooched her brunette friend, and then smirked at the camera.

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