Your Secret Is Safe - Cover

Your Secret Is Safe

by Caesar

Copyright© 2006 by Caesar

Erotica Sex Story: John ends up pimping his mother for his buddy Dan, but hates it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Voyeurism   .

copyright 2005

There was a young fellow named Kimble Whose prick was exceedingly nimble,

But fragile and slender,

And dainty and tender, So he kept it encased in a thimble.

Mother stood there at the entrance to our living room holding father's robe closed with both hands, frozen in fright that I should be home.

Dan looked from me to my mom and then back - a smirk growing on his lean handsome face.

Me, I just stood there mouth open - my heart felt as if a hand clenched it while my lungs seemed to stop working.

Just when I felt dizzy and thought I may fall to the carpeted floor beneath me, mother spun around and rushed deeper into our home. A gasp of despair the only sound from her until the door to my parents room slammed shut.

If there had been any chance of a misunderstanding, it had disintegrated with mother's response to my intrusion into my own home.

Dan shrugged and finished zipping up his jeans as my eyes coldly turned towards him.

Here was my best buddy - the guy who bragged he could fuck any married woman in our neighbourhood. Of course, I thought at the beginning of the school year, that it was just another stupid boast that guys like to do. Yet in the last five months, Dan has shagged 8 women - all over forty years of age. One was even the principal of our school. He bragged that shagging a married woman was too easy - much easier than guys our own age.

To put it simply, I thought him a god.

He pulled his favourite tee-shirt over his head before returning his eyes to me - they held no remorse at all.

Before I could open my mouth to say a thing - anything - Dan spoke up, "Aren't you going to ask me how your mom was?"

My mouth moved but nothing came out - of course it was obvious what he was referring too. My god - what will this do my parents marriage?

He saw and probably even understood my silence and shocked look, "It wasn't the first time you know?" My best buddy wanted me to ask, wanted to tell me how mother was in bed. He sat down in my dad's favourite chair and began to pull on his socks. By his feet I saw white cotton half beneath the couch - mother's panties!

When his feet was covered Dan stood back up and strode before me. "Well... are you going to say something?"

Like what?

He must have realized that my silence was shock - that I was not going to come out of it any time soon. Dan sighed before tentatively making a suggestion, "Why don't you go to the mall and play some arcade games - I'll calm your mom down and then meet you there. Okay?"

Leave? I get to leave! It was the first sensible thought I've had since getting home.

I turned and left without a word.

I didn't play any arcade games as Dan suggest - but sat sipping the same bottle of water for nearly ninety minutes. All I could think of was my mother laughing lightly as she stepped into the room, the front of her robe open so that I could see the dark brown inverted triangle between her legs and one of her round white tits. Dan had paused behind her, then slipped around and just starred as mom seemed to realize she was exposed before covering herself. Then that terrible silence.

My life felt over.

How can I explain my parents marriage - it was worse than others and better than some. At least from my perspective. Mom and dad, when home at the same time, which was rare in itself, barely spoke - never went out together. Yet they rarely fought, both worked long hard hours and both loved me very much. At least my parents were still together - which is more than I can say for many of my peers at school.

How long has this been going on? Why would mom do this?

Dan sat down across from me before I realized he had shown up.

"How is mom?" Seems my voice is working again, it seemed the best question to ask if not a little weird in asking my best buddy that very question.

"Better." He studied me for a few pregnant seconds before continuing, "You gave her a real fright there John."


"It wasn't easy but I calmed her down." Dan chuckled to himself before explaining, "She actually thought her life was over."

That was the first thing that Dan had said that made sense to me. "How long have you and mom... ?" I couldn't help it and I knew I was glaring dangerously at my best buddy - he simply ignored it though.

"Fucked? Six weeks." That long. Did he have to use that word to describe what they were doing together? I thought he was doing that big-titted woman two blocks down and asked him. "She? I haven't fucked her in weeks. Your mom really is a hot piece John."

I felt my face heat up and knew it was turning red with growing rage.

Just as I was leaning over to threaten my best buddy, to tell him to go to hell, or to perhaps wrap my hands around his fucking neck - he interrupted with another chuckle, "She really loves it John. I mean, your mom does not know the meaning of 'no'. She will do anything!"

The water that I had already consumed felt as if it were about to come back up.

When Dan originally made his boast about fucking the over-forty babes in our neighbourhood, it became a game for us. He would shag one of the old sluts and then tell me all about it - what sounds she makes, her likes and her dislikes, even how she tastes. I'm sure we have sat talking about his conquests for many hours. There was that openness between us because of these talks - we simply spoke about how it is. I revealed my pitiful conquests with girls my age, Dan would explain in detail what he had done with one of their mothers - for example.

When Dan said 'anything', he meant it. This coming from a guy who liked married older women - to leave them with an overflowing cunt full of cream, or perhaps a good facial or tit-job before sending them home to their husbands and kids.

My god - I felt the blood drain from my face when I realized that that was what Dan was talking about with my own mother. She would do 'anything' and, of course, Dan liked it kinky.

"Listen buddy - things might be a little strange around your house for a while until your mom gets used to it." What 'things'? Either Dan was ignoring my disgust and my rage or he was so excited and selfish that he did not even notice. "I gave her a nice hand-job before leaving - she gets real complacent after she orgasms. So don't bring up what happened this afternoon okay?"

My eyes trailed down to the one hand above the table, wondering if those were the fingers that had been inside my mother's sex.

Taking a sip of water, my mouth having become so dry, I asked, "You want me to pretend it never happened?"

Dan looked at me for a second, perhaps reading me before answering, "No not that buddy - I have a better idea." He leaned in conspiratorially. "I want you to pimp her for me." He then leaned back triumphantly.

Did my ears hear right? What the hell is he talking about! Rage was filling every part of my being - he wanted my mother as a whore?

It was the first indication that Dan had seen any sort of emotion from me, and waved his hands between us, "Calm down John!" Which of those fingers had been inside mom? Did they still smell of her? Dan often let me sniff his fingers after shagging one of his conquests. "I don't mean it like that! I want you to help us be together - your mom and I."


"Geez! I thought it would be your mom that was the tough sell. Listen John, I told her that you have known about she and I fucking since the beginning. I told her that you approved and that you were happy for her."

I took another long drink of water, not believing what I was hearing.

"She was, like, fucking hysterical or something until I got her knees apart and brought her off again." 'Again' - how many times did Dan bring my mom to orgasm this afternoon? "Then I was able to convince her that you will keep our secret and that you will even help us be together."

This was all too incredible to believe. "There is no way she believed that!"

Dan smirked and explained, "She did... after I explained that you are gay."

The house was incredibly silent, so quiet that it was thunderous, as I closed the garage door behind me.

Dad mustn't be home yet.


"John?" Mom strode to the end of the hallway, leading from the kitchen. Her face was very pale and she looked terrible, scared and deeply hurt. I hated seeing her like that.

We stood hallway length apart and starred into the others eyes for a long silent time when finally mother asked nervously, "I made pot roast."

Training kicked in, "Sounds good." My eyes trailed down her clothed body and I wondered about the naked woman that I had seen earlier - seeing my best buddies hand, in my mind's eye, between those pale soft looking thighs. No matter how much I think of it, I can't picture mom's face twisted with passion as Dan brought her off with his fingers.

Colour was returning to her face, as I realized my appraisal of her clothed body must be obvious to her. How could she believe I was gay - hadn't I brought home any of my dates? Well, actually I haven't. Most girls I went out with lasted one or two dates and I don't recall a single one that mom might have met.

Then the phone rang.

Mom disappeared back into the kitchen and I heard her answer it. In only a few seconds she called out, "John, its for you? Its Dan."

I followed mom into our kitchen, smelling wonderful with the perfectly cooked roast and vegetables, and took the phone from her hand. "Hello?"

"Hey buddy. I take it things are okay over there?"

Mom stood arms length next to me, wringing a dishcloth with her white-knuckled hands unconsciously while watching me closely.

"Things are...", what could I say? I had no idea how I even felt about all this. "... okay." It just came out.

Another chuckle through the receiver of the phone - I was really starting to dislike his one-sided laugh. This game of ours was okay when it was someone elses mom. "Will you and your dad go out tomorrow morning about eleven... say for two hours?"

"Two hours?" I turned and looked at mom, her eyes moving away from my own. "Eleven tomorrow?" He wanted to fuck my mom while I distracted dad. Mom was looking very embarrassed, very uncomfortable. I felt maliciously vengeful all of a sudden, "Want me to leave the back door open for you Dan?"

Another chuckle, "I have a key buddy, but thanks."

I put my hand over the speaker and hissed at mom, "He has a key." Her eyes quickly looked into my own before again turning away. Its obvious that she gave him that key.

"Tell your mom that I want her to wear the white stockings for me tomorrow will ya buddy?" Dan was enjoying this.

With my hand still over the speaker of the phone I hissed, "He says to wear the white stockings mom."

I just glared at mom for several lengthy seconds before she quickly nodded in acceptance, her eyes trying to unsuccessfully tear away from my angry gaze. Her non-verbal answer caused my stomach to turn into knots. "She can't wait Dan."

Mom's face turned bright red.

Dan must have sensed my displeasure, my anger, and knew it time to go - he thanked me then hung up.

Mom started to turn away, the call at an end, and return to supper - obviously anxious to get away from my piercing angry gaze.

I had to break the thick silence, "I am not gay mom."

She looked at me over her shoulder quickly, as if judging me, before answering, "Dan told me how the two of you used to 'experiment' together."

Oh god! That fucking lying bastard!

Before I could defend my honour against this slanderous remark, one that hit me right into my teenage homophobic soul, mom continued. "I am certainly in no place to judge you." I sensed otherwise from her but realized it was fruitless to continue this discussion.

Dad took me to his club for an early lunch and we talked 'guy stuff'. Mostly golf and sports. He asked me about school and girls - both of which I mumbled some answers.

He was clueless and I felt ashamed with my knowledge!

Mom was home right this moment, wearing white stockings and probably nothing else. Was she on her knees with her round plump bum up in the air? Or on her back with her toes pointed towards the ceiling.

I loved my dad and until my shock the day before, I would have said the same about mom. How could she do this to him? So they didn't have a passionate relationship any longer, does it matter? They made a vow before god and now mother is slutting herself to her son's best friend. And she and Dan wanted me to be an accomplice. Keep dad distracted while they fuck!

Dad, being the normal clueless middle-aged man he was, did not even sense my barely contained rage, my disgust.

Then I saw him checking out a waitress's bosom as she bent over to pick up a fork. That single leer from him placed doubt in my mind about how solid my parents marriage was. Was dad fucking someone too? Did mom and dad even love each other any longer?

Dad saw me catch him looking and he made some typical bravado comment, winking at me as if it was our secret.

If he only knew the secrets I held!

"I haven't had a woman that gets so wet so quickly buddy."

Once, Dan had a widow down the street that peed when she orgasmed - I guess this was different.

We sat at our favourite haunt, the mall food court and he could not shut up about fucking my mom.

I never asked him a question about the two of them, I never gave any indication that I wanted to hear anything about what when on - but the shit just rolled out of Dan's mouth.

"And she seems to love the taste of herself. I mean it gets me fucking hot to see her lick the fingers off that were just inside her cunt."

Did he have to refer to my mother's anatomy as 'cunt'? Who cares if we both used such terms for other girls of any age - this was my mom!

Why haven't I beaten the shit out of Dan? Why haven't I threatened mom to tell dad unless she gave up her teenage affair?

Around the house mom avoided me, could not meet my eyes. She knew I knew. Hell, she probably can guess how her young lover is giving her only son all the dirty intimate details.

So the reason I hadn't put a stop to their tryst is that I was enjoying mothers humiliation. The slut deserved to feel how she does, knowing that her son realizes what kind of woman she is.

With that thought I interrupted Dan as he was, no doubt, about to tell me more details of my slut mother, "Dad won't be home until after seven tonight Dan, why don't we head to my place."

Dan's face looked suspicious and then surprised and then finally joyful. "That's a great idea buddy." He understood me perfectly.

We strode to my place in near silence - as close to it as Dan can get. It was my chance to ask him how it started.

"Well... its like this John... I could not help but notice how our eyes often met and held. If she had been someone elses mom, I would have jumped at the chance." This was the first and only time I heard anything resembling regret or guilt on Dan's part. "When the flirting started I knew she was hot to trot." I never heard anyone actually use that term before, other than some dumb television show. "I went slowly at first, hugs and innocent touches." He smiled at the memory, his mind far away. "She ground her groin into me the first time I grabbed her ass. I knew then she was going to be a great lay." He chuckled humorously to himself the rest of our walk.

"Mom, I'm home and I brought Dan!" I could not help but smile maliciously as I said this. Mom slipped into the end of the hall, looking nervously at me and her young lover.

While looking her right in the eye, "I told Dan that dad won't be home until after seven tonight mom."

Shock registered on her face but her eyes moved slowly to her young stud. As did my own. Dan was just standing there smirking towards her, already starring at her mid-section - probably imagining what he would be doing to her in only a few minutes.

"You look delicious Sarah." His enthusiasm was obvious in his voice. Mom stole a quick look at me as her cheeks turned red. "Good enough to eat!" His bawdy laugh irritated me but I saw the corner of mother's lips curl in a smile. She really liked this jerk!

Dan casually stepped down the hall to mother, turning her around and wrapping his arm about her waist. His hand, though, slipped down and grasped my mothers meaty ass before looking over his shoulder at me, "We'll see you in a while buddy!" My best friend, or should I now call him my ex-best friend, looked very pleased with the situation.

Mom turned to look at me nervously over her shoulder before she was lead away - her cheeks still a bright red.


Silence for nearly ten minutes before I heard a low moaning come from up the stairs, from the spare room. It was mom, as evident from the quickly increasing volume of her moans. Without any accompanying noises, I guessed Dan was going down on her - doing as he promised only minutes before.

I sat in dads chair starring at the black television as my mind listened to every sound coming from upstairs.

Mother's pleasure was getting louder and more desperate and I knew what was coming... or rather, whom. And when it did, I listened in amazement how passionate my own parent was. How little do kids really know about their parents right?

Silence again and I wondered if I would see Dan come smirking down the stairs while zipping up his pants. Fucking jerk.

Then more noises, the old spare bed was squeaking, mother started to moan slowly again and other, unfathomable noises. It increased but I was distracted by a loud smacking of flesh and guessed that mom just got her ass slapped.

I knew Dan enjoyed spanking a woman's backside - turns him on that a woman double his age gets hot from a boy spanking her bare ass.

This lead me to guess that my mom was upstairs on the spare bed, its covers in disarray, on her knees with her big ass up in the air. Dan, of course, was kneeling behind my mom, looking down at her ass hole, at his cock moving in and out of her very wet sex. Did her pale skin have a red hand-print from the smack?

I shook the images from my mind, forcing my eyes to again focus on the black television before me.

The bed frame was now bouncing enough that it was overshadowing the other noises coming from mother, hitting the floor and probably the wall as the two lovers fucked like mad. I would rather hear mom's moans of pleasure than that old bed bouncing around - but of course, they were going at it like animals that they caused the furniture to jump around.

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