Flights of Consciousness Book III: Charitable Good Deeds
Copyright© 2006 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 5
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - David changes his business paradigm, which increases his income and frees up time for a new hobby: charitable good deeds. The adage, "No good deed goes unpunished," applies. Takes place a few years after Book II ends.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Science Fiction Time Travel Extra Sensory Perception Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Father Daughter Group Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Slow
David watched as his sister nuzzled her face between his wife's shapely thighs. No matter how many times he witnessed the beauty of the event, it never failed to excite him. He fisted his very hard erection.
"Fuck her," Nora said to David. "Fuck your sister. Poke her cunt with your long one."
David rubbed his hand between Darla's legs. She was wet. Ready. But he wanted a taste of her nectar before poking her. She squealed happily as his tongue rasped up through her slit, lapping up her juices as he twirled his tongue in her hole.
When satisfied tasting, he leaned back, lined up his cock, and poked her. One thrust buried his length in her wet heat.
"That is so sexy," Nora said as she softly cradled Darla's head in her hands. Her hips waved, but only slightly.
David felt his sister's fingers rubbing her own cunt. When he pulled away, her hand wrapped the base of his cock, and when he thrust slowly forward, she released him. Her fingers flashed over her clitoris.
"Suck on it. Suck my clit now, Darla," Nora said. "Yes! Perfect!"
David reached around his sister and fondled his wife's breast, pinched the nipple slightly, and then pulled it out away from her chest. He quickened his thrusts and moved his hand back to Darla's hip. He ran his hands up and down the outside of hers thighs as he moved over her. Her flesh felt warm and silky smooth to his touch.
Darla's imagination had taken flight. David wasn't fucking her. Flint was pounding her cunt. Her conjured mental image of Flint's tool made it three times larger than average, like a cock in a Japanese pillow book.
When David's wet finger pressed her pucker, Darla pushed back until it popped inside her. Yeah, she thought, Flint in my cunt with his monster, David in my ass, and Joe in my mouth. Her fingers flashed faster, and she applied heavier pressure directly to her hard clit.
Fuck me, Flint! she screamed silently. Fuck me!
Nora's fantasy was different. Flint was licking her cunt, sucking on her clit. After she came, she'd fuck him. Roll him to his back and mount him. Ride him until she climaxed again.
"Suck it, suck it, suck it," she hissed out loud.
Darla didn't just suck it, though. She also lashed it with her tongue. Nora felt her orgasm start to gather, and her waving hips became more pronounced.
Come in me, Flint! Come in me now! Darla urged silently.
David recognized the signs of his sister's pending climax. The membranes inside her cunt became more active, throbbed and grabbed at his swiftly thrusting shaft. His wife, too, was nearing her orgasm. The red splotch on her upper chest was spreading, and her eyes had taken on a glazed look. He wondered what she was thinking. He knew she usually fantasized while fucking. They'd shared fantasies from time to time in the past.
"Yes!" Darla screamed into Nora's cunt as Darla's body went rigid with her orgasm, which set off Nora's climax.
Darla's pulsing, orgasmic cunt took David to a peak, and he roared with pleasure as he grabbed his sister's hips and jammed his cock deeply inside her. Semen spewed from his cock into Darla's depths. He reared back and slammed his ejaculating cock inside her again, and then again, and again.
The three of them collapsed in a heap on the king-sized bed. David rolled to Nora's right, Darla to her left. David took his wife into her arms and kissed her. It was a romantic kiss, which she returned fervently. Then he watched as Darla kissed Nora. Their embrace was not romantic. It was passionate.
"I love you, Nora," Darla breathed, and Nora pulled her in for another passionate kiss.
"I love you, too," Nora said.
Then they attacked David. He didn't mind. Loving attacks were always welcome.
A little later, Nora said, "David, can you meet me for about an hour tomorrow?"
"It's time to put on your super cape."
He groaned with dismay.
"You promised." When he said nothing, she added, "We've isolated a terrorist cell in the city — maybe. I'll put you next to one of the members of the cell so you can connect with him and, through him, his associates."
"I can do that," David said, but reluctantly.
. Janice woke up, showered, and dressed in the only other outfit she owned. It was clean but wrinkled. Maybe, Darla or Nora would let her borrow an iron. It was still dark outside when she walked toward the kitchen. Don't shuffle, she told herself. Walk straight and tall. You're not a bag lady anymore.
She'd gotten up early because she wanted to talk with her new employers about her duties some more. She was terrified that she'd make a mistake, do something that would get her fired. As early as it was, she was surprised to find Flint and David having a cup of coffee. Flint frightened her a little. Admit it, Janice told herself, just about everyone and everything frightens you.
"Good morning, Janice," they parroted.
"Good morning. My goodness, you folks are early risers," Janice said.
David jumped up and said, "Coffee?"
"Please," Janice said, "but don't wait on me. I can fix my own coffee."
"I'll wait on you this morning, Janice," David said. "You can fend for yourself tomorrow and every day after. Today, this is my way of saying, 'Welcome.' How do you like your coffee?"
"Black," she said, but immediately shook her head. "No, years ago I used to drink it with cream and sugar."
"Let me fix it for you the way I like it," David said and a few seconds later set a cup of coffee in front of the new housekeeper.
Janice sipped and her eyes lit up. "Oh, this is good!" She sipped again. "I feel like I'm dreaming, and I'll wake up and find myself in a cardboard crate again. Instead, I woke up on a soft bed with clean sheets in that wonderful room you're letting me use. I feel spoiled. I didn't even have to wait in line to take a shower! You can't imagine how that makes me feel." She drank some more coffee. "Oh, this is good. Is Darla or Nora up? I want to borrow an iron. I hung these clothes up last night before I went to bed, but after being carried around in a plastic bag, they're still awfully wrinkled." Janice snorted a self-effacing laugh. "They match my face."
"Darla and Nora are still asleep," David said. "Enjoy your coffee, and then I'll show you where we keep the iron. Remember, you're going shopping today."
"About shopping. I can't let you do that, Mr. David." She was wringing her hands in her lap. Tears stung her eyes. Don't cry; don't make a fool of yourself. Crap! Crap! Crap!
Suddenly she felt her chair turn, and David took her hands in his.
"Look at me Janice," he said, his voice calm but insistent, his expression concerned.
"If I make a mistake and you fire me, I won't be able to pay you back," Janice said, squeezing his hands as tears streaked her wrinkled cheeks.
"What kind of mistake?" he asked.
"I could ruin some clothes doing the laundry, or break something while vacuuming, or..."
"If you were in charge of housekeeping, would you fire someone for those kinds of mistakes?" he asked.
"No, unless..."
"Darla won't either," he said. "In the total scheme of things, some ruined clothes don't mean diddly-squat. Mistakes happen, Janice. You're a part of this household now. What counts in this household is effort and how we treat each other. Silly mistakes don't count. Got it?"
Janice squeezed his hands with hers, and her happy smile belied the unhappy tears that had streaked her cheeks. "Got it, Mr. David."
David Stanley is a good man, Flint thought and sipped his coffee.
Nora padded into the room. She was scrubbed clean, smelled fresh, and completely naked. Flint watched as she poured herself a cup of coffee. She drank it black, he noticed. He also noticed that he was uncomfortable, not because his employer was naked, but because he had a massive hard-on.
Nora didn't help matters when she glanced at the bulge in his pants as she sat down. She said nothing, just gave him an enigmatic smile.
"Janice needs to borrow an iron," David said.
"I'll show her where one is after my coffee," Nora said. "Good morning, Flint, Janice. I don't dress until just before I leave for work. I hope you don't mind."
"Fine by me," Flint croaked. He couldn't take his eyes off her tits. They were magnificent! Everything about her was magnificent. "Please excuse me for staring," he said. "I can't help it. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Nora."
She grinned. "Thank you, Flint, but I disagree. Darla has more curves, is womanlier, much more beautiful than I. I'm... well, I'm a chick from the sticks. Too thin. Wiry. How about meeting me at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility about five o'clock this afternoon? I want to see how good you are with a pistol."
Flint looked at David. He nodded.
"I'll be there," Flint said.
"A shooting match?" David said to his wife.
She sipped her coffee and nodded.
"I'll be there, too," David said. "This I've got to see."
Darla waked barefoot into the room. She wasn't naked. She wore shorts and a blouse. Taking in Nora's nudity, Darla said, "Show off."
Nora laughed. "Not at all. I'm just being me."
Darla grinned and said, "True. I take back my biting comment." When she sat at the kitchen table, she looked at her brother and said, "Are you finished work for the day?"
"Yes, unless Mom can't cover our short trades just before the markets close. The markets are trending down, so I went short."
Janice frowned. "How long have you been up, Mr. David?"
He laughed. "Janice, my work day only lasts about fifteen minutes, a half-hour if I have to close the day."
Her frown deepened.
"Will we have a profitable day?" Nora asked.
"A very profitable day, about double the average," David said.
"I don't understand," Janice said. "How can you be rich and only work fifteen minutes a day?"
"I'm a day trader, Janice," David said. "I buy when the markets open and sell just before they close."
Janice smiled and said, "Good job."
Nora laughed. "A very good job, and speaking of jobs, I'd better get ready for mine." She rose from the table and padded away.
Darla watched Flint watch Nora until she left the room.
"Nice, huh?" Darla said to Flint.
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