Flights of Consciousness Book III: Charitable Good Deeds - Cover

Flights of Consciousness Book III: Charitable Good Deeds

Copyright© 2006 by Paul Phenomenon

Chapter 31

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 31 - David changes his business paradigm, which increases his income and frees up time for a new hobby: charitable good deeds. The adage, "No good deed goes unpunished," applies. Takes place a few years after Book II ends.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Slow  

They sat comfortably in the armored limo. Flint drove them. David sat in the front passenger seat — phased out to perform his safety checks. Three women sat in the plush back compartment. They were en route to J&T's corporate offices where David would introduce Danny to Grace and the other board members.

"Danny, I'm curious," Carol said as she pressed the button to raise the privacy screen. When it shut with a soft thunk, she continued. "You were frantic, completely distraught, when you ran from David's house to mine. Less than fifteen minutes later, you returned to his house fully composed and wearing a dazzling smile, and you marched right into his bedroom, wrapped your arms around him and gave him a hug."

"He hugged her back," Darla said, grinning.

"Yes he did, and we know why now," Carol said. "They'd struck a deal. I understand the hug. What I don't understand is the amazing transformation from totally frantic to composed and happy in fifteen minutes time. What did David say to you to bring you around so quickly?"

A dreamy look entered Danny's dark eyes. "He said, in essence, that what he could do might be frightening, but it was also wondrous. He said he'd slipped the bonds of time and moved from one generation to the one before, one after the other, into the past until he watched Michelangelo sculpt David — the statue, not the man. He said that he'd visited one possible future three hundred years from our present. That was amazing to me." She hugged herself. "I imagined myself in his place, able to do what he does, and as he put it, I witnessed greatness in the past, present, and future while avoiding evil and perversity. And with that mental experiment, I realized that his flights of consciousness are wondrous indeed."

She took Carol's hand in hers. "Before David made these... ah, his astonishing disclosures, I wanted the job as much as I've ever wanted anything. My education, my experience, everything I am fit the job. Now I know that he's unique among men — no make that mankind — I'd work by his side for no pay. What he can do, what we can achieve together boggles my mind."

She gave Carol's hand an affectionate squeeze, released it, and continued. "Gabby had a saying that became my guiding light. Dear, wonderful, adorable Gabby. 'To get you've got to give, ' he'd say, and those words defined him. He taught me charity by example. He gave of himself that I might live, that I might be all I can be. Fate or karma, or God, or whatever guiding force there is, brought me to Gabby as a baby. Now that same force has brought me to David. By working at his side, I can achieve all my personal and career goals and aspirations, and before we are finished, we will help millions of the less fortunate among us."

"You didn't mention loss of privacy," Carol said.

"My past is an open book that he's already read from cover to cover, Carol. The disclosure from my past that I feared most, what others would have condemned and vilified me for doing, David referred to as a kindness that warmed his heart. That was the defining moment. He understood! Can you imagine? He understood! That was the moment all my fears fled, and I was bathed in a sensation of... rightness. He'd witnessed my best and my worst and still accepted me as I am. He still wanted me to work by his side. Loss of privacy is a small concern compared to the total package he offers."

Carol said, "Was that defining moment also the moment you fell in love with him."

"No, Carol, for me it was love at first sight. I turned to mush when I stepped from the limo to meet him. The attraction was immediate, compelling and abiding. Then I came to know him, not completely, just a little, and my love for him deepened. I love him with my entire being, and because I love him I will comport myself properly —morally. I would never do anything that would hurt him or someone he loves."

"May I assume from what you just said that he told you about the group?" Darla said.

"Yes." Danny chuckled. "I offered the perfect segue for that disclosure, and he took it. The group. Six loving, loveable human beings. Three couples. I asked if admission to the group was closed. He said no; he said love defines the group, not sex." She looked from Carol to Darla. "Not that I don't believe him, but I'd like to hear it from the two of you. Is admission to the group open?"

"Yes," Carol said.

"I'm still grappling with that concept, but if push came to shove, I'd say yes," Darla said. "Does David know how you feel about him?"

"I haven't said anything, but..."

After a short pause, Danny said, "He knows."

David returned to his body with a smile on his face.

"Our plan worked, Flint," he said. "Wilson is talking with the police, and he offered to confess his crimes and tell all regarding Hershey for a reduced sentence and protective custody?"

"Did the police accept his offer?" Flint said.

"Wilson's attorney and a representative from the D.A.'s office are negotiating a plea bargain as we speak. I believe, however, that the FBI will get involved before a deal is struck," David said and glanced toward the rear compartment of the limo. The privacy screen was up.

Flint noticed his glance and said, "Private female confab."

David nodded.

"About Wilson, Dwayne and June will be pleased," Flint said.

"Yes, but we can't let our guard down, not until the FBI arrests Hershey and makes the arrest stick. Hopefully they'll deny bail. He's a serious flight risk."

"Yes he is," Flint said. "We may have eliminated Wilson as a threat, but I don't think we've seen the last of Hershey."

"He doesn't know we ratted him out," David said. "And I don't think he can make the connection."

"The e-mail you sent listed Wilson as Hershey's client," Flint said.

"Yes it did, but it also listed other clients, clients Wilson would have no way of knowing," David said.

"We'll see. Remain vigilant with him, David."

"I will."

Thanks to Grace's planning, introducing Danny to the board was more a festive occasion than a business meeting. The group from the limousine walked into a wine-tasting party. Malcolm had provided the wine, David found out later. Prior to their arrival, Grace had passed out copies of Danny's resume, and the board members present had discussed her qualifications.

After introductions and with Danny on his arm, David went from one member of the board to the next, during which a short discussion ensued on various topics, some related to J&T, others more personal. In this manner, once David made the circuit, each board member had a chance to learn a little more about Dr. Danielle Yost beyond what was listed on her resume. And during each conversation, Danny demonstrated her great personality and leadership ability, and charmed them with her charisma.

David was impressed, as were the members of the board.

After David made it known that Danny had agreed to be his assistant and offered her services as chairman of the board, without compensation, Grace suggested an impromptu board meeting, leaving David and Danny alone in the anteroom when the other men and women filed into the boardroom.

"Why did you stay with me?" Danny asked David.

"I'm not a member of the board," he said, which shocked Danny. "Darla and my mother represent me on the board. You, as well, when you're elected to lead the organization."

Danny shook her head. "You are one surprise after another, David."

"You need to know something about me, Danny. In any given endeavor, I first make sure the right person or persons are involved to handle it properly. Then I throw enough money at the effort and the person or persons involved to insure its success, and then finally, I walk away to search for other challenges. As my assistant, you'll soon find yourself up to your pretty neck in constantly rising waters. Learn from me. Replace yourself in any given endeavor at the first opportunity." He chuckled. "Or grow gills."

She laughed with him. "Yep, one surprise after another."

Their wait was short. Grace stepped from the boardroom and invited them inside.

John Delmont, sitting at the head of the conference table, rose to his feet and stepped to the side.

"Dr. Yost... Danny," he said, "as acting Chairman of the Board of the J&T Center for Domestic Violence, I am pleased to announce that the board met in special session, nominations were accepted for Chairman of the Board, and one person was nominated. The vote was unanimous. If you choose to serve, I will pass the ceremonial gavel to you."

"I thank you, John, and I thank each of you for your vote of confidence. Yes, I will serve, and I promise I will always act in a manner that will best serve the battered women and children this wonderful organization serves." She looked at David. "A deal has been struck. David seals his deals with a hug, not a handshake. May I suggest that this board adopt his method?"

"You may," John said and gathered her into his arms.

Danny hugged each board member in turn, took the ceremonial gavel and said, "The chair will accept a motion to adjourn."

"I'll make that motion," Malcolm Johnson said.

"And, I'll second the motion," Beverly Swan said.

"All in favor say aye," Danny said. She listened to a chorus of yeses. "The ayes have it. This session of the Board of Directors of the J&T Center for Domestic Violence is hereby adjourned."

"Where to, boss?" Flint said after everyone was buckled up in the limo. "Back to the compound?"

"No. Ridley found a possible location for a homeless library, an old warehouse in South Phoenix close to the downtown area. Let's take a quick look at it."

"Homeless library?" Carol said with a frown.

"Danny, would you explain your concept of homeless libraries and why they're needed while I call Ridley?" David said.

Ridley answered his call and, when asked, gave David the warehouse's address. David passed the address to Flint, and Ridley said he'd meet them with a set of keys.

When David ended the call, Carol interrupted Danny's explanation when she said, "Be careful, son, not to bite off more than you can chew."

David chuckled and said, "I have help now, Mom."

"Not for a couple of weeks. Danny has yet to resign her current job and will give a two-week notice. And remember, she's not homeless like your other employees. She must move her belongings across the country and get settled in the Phoenix area. Besides, by accepting the chairmanship of J&T, she just buried herself for two or three months of intense, concentrated effort."

"Mom, I agree with every point you just made," David said.

"Good, then don't..."

"Let me ask you a question," David said. "You and Darla are on top of the apartments for the homeless. Right?"



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