Flights of Consciousness Book III: Charitable Good Deeds
Copyright© 2006 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 23
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 23 - David changes his business paradigm, which increases his income and frees up time for a new hobby: charitable good deeds. The adage, "No good deed goes unpunished," applies. Takes place a few years after Book II ends.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Science Fiction Time Travel Extra Sensory Perception Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Father Daughter Group Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Slow
Flint flopped on a sofa in Darla's great room. He was wiped out. He'd checked Eileen and her mother into a resort hotel, took David and Nora to the compound, where Darla helped him pack a few things for Eileen for the next day, and then drove to Dorothy's friend's house to pick up Dorothy's things, which he'd just dropped off at the hotel along with what Darla had packed for Eileen. Looking back, he had worked over sixteen stressful hours that day, and the day wasn't finished. He should drop by the security room and say hello to Ramon Gomez, who was monitoring the camera feeds and intrusion alarms. Flint knew the security room guards appreciated it when he stopped by to chat with them.
With a grunt, he rose to his feet, deciding to make himself a drink before dropping by the security center.
"Fix me a drink, too," Darla said.
Flint jumped. He hadn't noticed her walking into the room.
She laughed softly and said, "Park yourself on a bar stool. I'll make the drinks. You work too hard, Flint."
"Some days," he said as he slid onto a barstool. "Today was one of them, but it was a good day. Productive." Sorry Ramon, you were just preempted, Flint thought. "What are you wearing under that diaphanous gown?"
"Nothing," Darla said and put a drink in front of him. "It is diaphanous, isn't it?"
"Like a spiders web," he said.
"Uh-uh, it isn't sticky like a spider's web." She sipped from her drink and leaned on the bar with her elbows, cupping the drink in her hands. "With the slightest effort, it would slide off my body."
"I misspoke," he said and took a healthy swallow of scotch.
"How tired are you?" Darla asked. "I mean, do you have the energy to make the slightest effort?"
"I will always have that much energy and more," he said and started to reach for the string bow at her neck.
"No, not now, not yet," she said. "You have muscle kinks and knots, right?"
"I thought I did. I'm not certain I do now."
"Do you have a hard-on?"
"Is it so hard it would be painful for you to walk with me to my mother's house to use the hot tub?"
"I'll manage," he said.
She walked around the bar, bare legs flashing.
"Should I get a suit?" he asked.
She snorted. "Not this time of night. Not with me."
She took his hand and they walked out of her house and along the path to Carol's house, but around the side of the house to the hot tub. It was on and bubbling, steam rising in the night air.
"I assumed I could talk you into joining me, so I turned on the hot tub earlier," Darla said. "That might sound presumptuous of me, but if you'd been too tired, I wouldn't have pressed you. I would've soothed your fevered brow in other ways." She helped him remove his clothes. "Now is the time to make that slightest effort, Flint."
He pulled on the bow, she shrugged sexily, and the diaphanous gown puddled around her feet. She moved into his arms and kissed him. "You love me, right?" she said.
"I think you should move into my bedroom with me," she said. "It was designed to house a man and a woman."
"What does that mean?" he said, groaning softly as she stroked his cock.
"I have a big bed, as you know, and I have rearranged my walk-in closet to make room for your clothes; the same for some drawers. More evidence of my overblown presumptiveness, perhaps," she said and moved to the cool deck onto her knees. Her lively tongue reached out and twirled around the crown of his throbbing cock.
He felt befuddled, under assault mentally and physically. His question had asked for clarity, and she had only told him there was room for him to move into her bedroom. He wanted more.
"What does moving into your bedroom with you mean?" he said again, and then emitted a soft groan of pleasure.
"It means, Flint, that we'd be living together. It means that I'm in love with you, too." She dipped her head and took half his length into her mouth.
"Yes!" he exclaimed, and not because she'd finally taken his cock into her mouth. She loved him! Dreams could come true!
"It means that besides loving David and Joe, and Nora and my mother, that I also love you." Her tongue encircled the bulbous crown, and she moved her mouth down around his cock and sucked while she licked. "Can you live with that?"
"Yes," he croaked.
"It means that for our next bacchanalia in the communal room behind locked doors that you will be with us." She sucked and licked some more. "It means that besides loving me that sometime soon you'll also need to love Nora and my mother. You already love David, but you'll need to get to know Joe enough to love him like I love him." She bobbed her head and sucked. "Like David loves him. Joe is a sweet man, Flint." She stoked his cock and looked up at him. "What's more, they'll need to love you. Without all the love going back and forth, what we have, the love we have for each other won't work, Flint."
He reached down and pulled her to her feet. "I love them all now, Darla, not like I love you, but I love them." He kissed her passionately. "But I can't make anyone love me. Love just happens. What if..."
She placed a finger over his mouth. "Hush. Just let it happen then. That's what I had to do. I was fighting my love for you, and my mother told me to quit it, to just let it happen, and it did. I do have one question you need to answer right now."
"Do you want to come before or after taking out the kinks and knots in the hot tub?"
"After, in our bed," he said.
"Our bed. I like the sound of that," she said.
As hot water pummeled his head and body, David reflected on the seven-hour flight he'd just finished. There was a slight risk, but David believed that the baker and her family would accept the sexual peccadilloes of David's family, and the story of their homelessness that Darrell had told was accurate. They were good people.
He checked out the three housekeepers at the Johnson Center shelters, searching for a housekeeper for his mother. The housekeeper managing Kara's shelter in Kara's absence was capable of managing a shelter, and with a shelter under construction, they'd soon need another manager, so David concentrated on the other two, selecting the one that wouldn't be revolted by incestuous shenanigans, a woman named Melissa Huntington. David liked Melissa. She was a lively, happy person with a good sense of humor, and had happily fucked her brother in her youth, still fucked him on occasion.
Last evening before the flight, Flint had said that they hadn't started their offensive against Robert Hummel. That wasn't entirely true. David had started to collect the names and addresses of Hummel's perverted friends on previous flights. Last night, he completed that list and placed the fourteen names on a spreadsheet along with the voluminous details he'd gathered on each man. Reconnaissance was complete. Now a battle plan must be devised. David would consult with Flint on the battle plan.
David also spent fifteen minutes making messes in Wilson's house. No, making messes was too benign to describe what David did to Wilson's house. He vandalized the residence.
A painter had prepared Wilson's home office for a new coat of paint, leaving the unopened cans of paint in the room. David opened the cans and dribbled the paint on the carpet from one end of the house to the other, splashing some of the paint on walls and furniture. He did the same with the liquids in the refrigerator and pantry; the liquids included honey and molasses. Then he dumped solids on the liquids, solids like dry cereal, coffee grounds, and potato chips. Rolls of toilet paper plugged up toilets. Frozen meat went in the washing machine and dryer, which David turned on just before he left. Using a squeeze bottle of catsup, he wrote Cancel your contract with Pete on the walls in the kitchen, master bathroom, and living room, and as he was leaving, he set off the burglar alarm. He returned two more times that night, not to make more messes, just to set off the alarm.
Sleep-deprived, harried men made mistakes.
And, of course, he studied Arabic. Rima would be pleased with his progress.
"How about I drive while you read this," David said and handed Flint the spreadsheet listing the loosely organized group of pedophiles associated with Robert Hummel. The document contained thirty pages printed horizontally on standard-sized paper. They were leaving the compound to pick up the baker and her family.
David remained silent as he drove, thinking about the important development that had happened the previous evening that he'd missed completely. Flint had moved into Darla's bedroom.
"I love her, David," Flint had said as they sat and drank a cup of coffee before starting the day. "But then you knew that. Last night, she said she loved me and asked me to move in with her. I am a happy man!"
Wanting Darla's side of the issue, after coffee, David loped to Darla's bedroom, finding her just getting out of the shower. He took the towel from her hands, and dried her off.
"Flint moved in with me last night," she said.
"I heard," David said.
"Are you all right with that?"
"I am if that's what you want," he said.
"I love him," she said.
"Then I'm happy for both of you," David said. He was crouched to dry her feet and couldn't resist planting a kiss on her pussy.
"Kiss it some more," she said. "Lick it, too."
David was busy obeying when Darla said, "Sexy, huh?"
"Yes," Flint said.
David started to turn his face toward the sound of Flint's voice, but Darla stopped him.
"Does watching my brother lick my cunt excite you, Flint?" Darla said.
"Yes," Flint said.
"Then take off your clothes. I'll suck you off while my brother fucks me," Darla said. "Don't stop, David. Oh, I'm so hot! I've dreamed about this."
As he licked, David heard the shuffling sounds of clothes being removed.
"He's naked, David. My lover is a sexy man. Ripped. A hunk of the first order.
A beautiful, long cock that he's fisting while he watches you lick my cunt. Get on the bed, Flint. I'll fuck you while David gets undressed."
David watched as his sister straddled her lover and stroked his cock. She looked toward him, rose up on her knees and settled Flint's cock in her cunt. "Sexy, huh?" she said and lowered herself around Flint's rampant shaft.
"Yep," David said.
Darla leaned and kissed Flint. "I love you," she said.
"And I love you," Flint said.
Darla straightened her back, and now naked, David moved to the side of the bed. Darla took his cock in her dainty hand and stroked it.
"When I was a girl, Flint, the cock in my hand took my virginity. From that moment, even before that moment, David and I formed a bond of love and sex than neither of us can deny. I can't have his children, but I can love him, and I can fuck him. Now I love you, Flint. I can have your children. We can build a wonderful life together, but that life will include my brother. Can you handle that?"
"Yes," Flint said.
"Good. Oh, I'm so happy. I don't believe I've ever been happier." She leaned and kissed Flint again. Then she straightened and kissed David.
"I've changed my mind," she said. "I don't want to stop fucking, Flint, David. What I want is Flint in my cunt, and you in my ass."
David grinned and winked at Flint. "That's all right with me. How about you, Flint?"
"Hell yes!"
David opened a nightstand drawer and pulled out a tube of KY Jelly. After crawling onto the bed, he lathered the jelly on and in his sister's rosebud and did the same with his cock. She leaned forward, and he entered her slowly.
"Yes!" she wailed. "Perfect. The two men I love above all others are fucking me!"
"What about Joe?" David said as he quickened his thrusts.
"He's a close third, but don't tell him I said that. Besides, when he's fucking me, he moves up in the rankings."
David laughed. "Don't you just adore female logic, Flint?"
He laughed, too. "It is often convenient."
"Hey, desist with the extraneous comments and just fuck me. Fuck my cunt! Fuck my ass! Oh, my. This is perfect. Yes, yes, yes."
Flint climaxed first, but David soon followed, and the double dose of semen took Darla over the top. They collapsed in a heap that ended up with David on one side of his sister and Flint on the other, each of them paying her homage with their words, caressing hands and soft kisses.
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