Black Mailed Teacher - Cover

Black Mailed Teacher


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Liz Walker was over-sexed. She couldn't handle herself when the chance for a good fuck came along. She'd been caught fucking the football coach at Eight Miles High School just after a game in the school's locker room... so she's been asked to oh-so-quietly leave the city's other high school.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Size   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

A week passed and Liz was amazed to find she couldn't even face Ted or Beth. She was too scared and humiliated from that night on the roof, She was scared they might blame her for some reason. She might be the one to logically point to and say, "She's the one who got us into all this." After all, she was the first one Don had caught. Maybe she'd given that slimy bastard the idea with all her uninhibited fucking. She was so confused she didn't know what to think.

All she really knew was how disgusted she felt afterwards. She felt good from the fucking, but mentally disgusted. She hated herself. She hated Beth for licking her cunt as she'd been told. She even hated Ted for going along with Don's blackmailing scheme.

But what real choice did any of them have? That was what rankled. What was even worse, it was only a matter of time before Don camc back and demanded another sex show for his amusement. Somehow, it was more humiliating being put on display for his amusement than it was actually allowing the student to fuck her.

Liz didn't understand that, but it was the way she felt.

In the hallway after her second period class, she saw Ted purposefully striding toward her. She turned to flee, but he was too quick. He caught up with her.

In a low voice so they couldn't be overheard easily, he <said, "Hey, don't run. I know how you feel. Really. I felt like homemade shit all week long for doing that to you." She realized then how self-centered she'd been. Sure, a guy as nice as Ted was bound to have feelings about what they'd done on the roof he wouldn't have liked it any better than she.

"Oh, Ted, I'm sorry! How could I have been so stupid!" "That's okay," he brushed it off, "because it's taken me a while to realize you and Beth were feeling the same way I was. But look, I'm glad we've got our heads together. Things can be fun among us if we do it right. You understand what I'm saying?" She nodded. But it wasn't going to be fun. Not as long as Don was around to force them to do his bidding.

A wry smile wrinkled the corners of Ted's mouth. "Worrying about Don won't do a damned thing. I've decided to take some direct action of my own, but I need some bread." "Money? Why, sure, Ted. How much?" If a bit of money was all it took to get Don off theft case, then well and good.

"All you've got. I need a lot." She sighed. She hadn't thought Don would come cheap. "I just cashed my paycheck. A month's pay. Almost a thousand." She hesitantly fumbled it out of her purse. To lose a month's pay was hard, but it was money well spent if Don would simply vanish from the face of the earth.

"Good," Ted said, pocketing the money. "I've got Beth's already. And with two grand of my own, that makes four." "Four thousand dollars!" she cried. "Don't do it! Don't let that blood-sucker con you, Ted!" His smile widened. "Don't worry. Don's not getting the money. He's getting the shaft." Liz watched Ted walk off, more confidence in his stride than she'd seen in a long time. She wondered what he had in mind for Don.

She found out later that afternoon.

The police filled the halls, trying to control the students. Liz pressed to the edge of the crowdand saw Don being taken away by the police, his hands in handcuffs fastened behind his back like a common criminal, She asked one of the students at the front, "What's going on? What's Don done?" "Wow, Miss Walker, you'd never have thought it, would you? Don was dealing shit." He blanched a little at the word, then rushed out, "You know. Heroin. He had close to half a pound in his locker.

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