Without Love - Cover

Without Love

Copyright© 2006 by Robin

Chapter 2: Journey's end

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Journey's end - A journey for a young woman. The discovery of sex and her developement. Michelle's girlish fantasy masturbation begin as a first step to fulfillment.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Fisting   Squirting   Size   School  

The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her wage allowed; the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she could be on another planet.

It was not long before the freedom she had tasted, became a desire to move on, leave her parents to their lives and make her own way. The break, when it came, was full of tears, promises of support and an open invitation to come home if it all went wrong. Privately, Michelle had no intention of allowing things to go bad and would only move back home if there were no other avenue.

She took up a shared flat with another girl also branching out for the first time. Sonia was trying to leave behind a history of abuse from her father; nothing sexual in content, but a constant haranguing and nagging as if she were in the way all the time; never quite good enough. The chance to be independent and free of the shackles of family life was too great to ignore; she jumped at the chance of sharing the cost of renting a small flat.

Their meagre possessions even pooled together, hardly made a dent on the storage spaces. The flat had only the basics in it, twin beds with dubious mattresses, a wardrobe each that had little chance of closing where the hinges had been stretched and no chance of locking. A kitchenette with a small two ringed electric hotplate and a sink that had seen better days long before the two girls were born. But, it was home, their's to with as they pleased. An attack of paint and a few trawls around the second hand stores had the placed furnished to a reasonable level of comfort and quite habitable.

They got along well for a few months.

Then, Sonia fell in love, with a complete idiot. She seemed to attract the type of man who had his brains somewhere near his groin and had as much regard for her feelings as he might for a plank of wood. When she announced that she wanted to have him move in; Michelle hit the roof, especially as she had already spurned his illicit advances at a party they had all gone to, and point blank refused to allow it. The girls quarrelled bitterly, but eventually, it was agreed that he could stay over one night a week.

The affair lasted for a month before he was spotted with a short-skirted girl, coming out of a pub and jumping into a taxi. He was supposed to have been taking Sonia out for a meal that night, but didn't call. Sonia found out about his alternative plans when Tracy, one of their few friends, gleefully told her what she had seen. Sonia was mortified and, inconsolably threw herself on the bed, promising to let her life's blood. Michelle thought it a bit over dramatic, but made the right clucking noises to her flatmate until she calmed down.

Sonia was fine until Michelle made an inadvertent remark about how he had made a move on her at the party. Suddenly faced with a spitting and furious Sonia, Michelle backed off, fending blows as she back-peddled to the bedroom door. Alone in her own room, Michelle shrugged, thinking Sonia a bit mad. She undressed and fell into her duvet.

Perhaps an hour or so later, she was woken from the light sleep she had fallen into, at the sound of her door being knocked on softly, as if the knocker didn't really want to come in. She called out and a sheepish Sonia poked her head round the corner, and then the rest of her followed, apologetic and mollified. Sonia sat on the edge of Michelle's bed, waiting for the words of forgiveness she hoped her flatmate would give her. She squealed delightedly when she heard that it was okay and threw her arms around Michelle's neck in an exuberant display of gratitude.

That was when things went very different between them and signalled the end of their friendship.

The hug turned into a kiss, chaste, only cheek against cheek, but then mouth to mouth. Michelle, somewhat overawed by the sudden change, kissed Sonia back, only to find that her lips had parted and a tongue sought entrance to her mouth. Thoughtlessly, she allowed the intrusion and enjoyed the little thrill that passed over her at the enormity of what was happening.

Without breaking the kiss, Michelle pulled her duvet aside to reveal her naked body under the cover and as an invitation for Sonia to get in. The kiss broke momentarily while Sonia's nightwear was pulled over her head and thrown to one side. Naked, she lay next to Michelle and resumed the kiss. Their breasts touched as the distance between them closed until they were flat against each other, arms pulling as if to meld into one body.

Sonia's free hand, the one that was not trapped under her, sought Michelle's sex. A finger slipped over her clit to the slick lips of her opening. The touch was electric and so much different than that of a man's roughness; very delicate, smaller obviously, but also very much more experienced at what feels good for a woman.

The kiss became more frantic as Michelle's body responded to the stimulation. Somehow they breathed while tongues explored each others mouths. Sonia's nipple became the plaything of Michelle's finger tips, bringing it to an erect hardness as she gently pulled and twisted the sensitive nub. Michelle felt her wetness being brought forth by her sudden lover. Her body ached for release, needing to feel more than one finger tip inside her, even though that one finger tip was driving her to distraction. She wanted to be filled and fucked to orgasm, more than wanted; it was a primal need, an insistent demand.

She hooked a leg over Sonia's thigh, spreading her hips and allowing Sonia a much better access to her and was rewarded as first one, then two fingers followed the already busy forerunner. Three fingers now worked their magic, rubbing over the ridged hardness of her "G" spot while a thumb pad rubbed her clit in circular motions.

Unable to maintain the kiss, Michelle rolled onto her back, her hips bucking at the delight Sonia's fingers were giving her. Her legs spread wider while her hands gripped the bed sheet in claw like fists, scrunching it up as the first wave of climax approached. She was soaked now, her natural lubricants smeared over her labia and Sonia's fingers made little squelching sounds. Then, a fourth finger joined the other three, spreading her lips wider than she could remember them ever being before.

The feeling of Sonia's hand filling her cavity was so intense; Michelle was unable to do anything but lay there completely at the mercy of her lover. Sonia began to thrust her hand slowly in and out, just enough to create a friction against muscle tissue while her thumb pressed against a very hard clit.

Propped on an elbow, she could watch Michelle's face, pleased at the twitching at the side of her mouth and eyes tightly screwed shut. She watched at breath, being sucked in between gritted teeth and parted lips. She lowered her head to take Michelle's nipple nearest to her, in her mouth, sucking the dark pink nub between her teeth and gently biting on it. Michelle's body arched off the bed at this addition to her sensory overload, a screech left her throat, and her climax gushed, soaking everything.

Sonia slipped her thumb inside Michelle's soaking cunt and pushed hard until her fist passed the outer muscles filling her completely. She had to kneel to gain leverage so that she could really fuck her flat mate. The sight of Michelle helpless below her gave her a small triumph. Michelle was normally so in control and level headed, but right at this moment, with a fist inside her, she was way beyond control, humping on Sonia's wrist and squealing her climax as wave over wave coursed through her. Sonia grasped Michelle's breast nearest to her and squeezed hard, forcing the beautiful orb to misshapen, her teat pushed out to prominence and redden as blood was brought to the surface.

Michelle couldn't control herself, suddenly; her urine spurted in a golden shower, hitting the wall some feet away. She had reached a point of total release. She shuddered uncontrollably in complete orgasm.

Sonia removed her fist and lay alongside Michelle, cradling her head in the crook of her arm while the shudders gradually diminished. She kissed her mouth and held her tightly as if giving the hapless girl an anchor to the world. Sonia hadn't come herself, but didn't feel the need to. She had won a victory over Michelle who, up until now, had been the dominant of the two in their flat sharing.

They slept locked in embrace, safe in each others arms.

But it was the end of their relationship. Michelle, worried about the shift in the balance and in denial that she had enjoyed sex with a woman, decided that she would move on, leave Sonia to the flat, leave her job and travel to wherever fortune took her.

Sonia cried non-stop when the parting took place, but Michelle didn't shed so much as a tear. She had analysed what had happened and, although the experience was the best sex she had had, knew that she was neither gay or in love with Sonia.

Armed only with a few suitcases, Michelle had returned home to her parents, but only to regroup and decide where she would go from here. She had a hankering to travel abroad, but her finances were not that great, so that was one avenue not open for the time being.

She took a job in the village nearby, serving little old ladies with blue rinse hairdo's tea and buttered scones in a tea shop owned by one of her mother's friends. It didn't pay much, but meant that she didn't need to dip into her savings for the time being and would give her the chance to decide on her future. Life was passing her by and she knew it, but felt powerless to anything about it.

Then it happened; out of the blue with no warning. Her breath stopped in her throat, her knees wobbled and her heart tried to jump out of her chest.

Michelle was going about the daily mindless routine of teacakes and sticky buns, fending off questions about marriage and love lives, only a part of her mind occupied by the ritual. When he walked in; she didn't notice him at first, her back to the door with its stupid little bell over head while she placed yet another scone in front of Mrs. Friar who had already polished off two. She didn't turn around to see who the new customer was and ignored the sound of the bell.

But, then she did turn, her eyes caught sight of him and it felt like she continued to revolve. He was beautiful; the best description she could come up with. At around six feet one or two tall, with an unruly mop of golden hair, broad shoulders and nice clothes, Michelle though he was just about perfect. Her whole body subtly changed, she stood a little more erect, enhancing her breasts, a smile played across her lips and her eyes sparkled. Unknown to her, she exuded pheromone laced scent as adrenalin whizzed around her veins, shortening her breath.

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