Without Love - Cover

Without Love

Copyright© 2006 by Robin

Chapter 1: A Journey

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Journey - A journey for a young woman. The discovery of sex and her developement. Michelle's girlish fantasy masturbation begin as a first step to fulfillment.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Fisting   Squirting   Size   School  

With her knees clasped together; a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped; the sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex.

So it was, that she often got herself to sleep after bringing her body to a quivering condition, bathed in a light sheen of perspiration, her heart rate more than doubled and breath being sucked in as if gasping in the rarefied air of altitude. Michelle at eleven, never thought of the act as dirty, how could something so rewarding be anything less than joyful? She didn't associate it with sex either. Although they had covered the mechanics of sex at school; the teachers had stopped short of going into the finer details, of nerve endings or emotions and orgasm. They concentrated on just the male and female genitalia, how they connected in the act of procreation and the outcome of a successful mating. They completely missed the opportunity of sharing the pleasures that sex can bring; the emotions that are evinced or that it isn't automatically going to result in a pregnancy. The teacher instructed them on the use of prophylactics, even went to the length of demonstrating how they should be applied over an erect cock; it was the first time Michelle had seen a dildo; she remembered thinking that it was impossibly huge and something her small body could never accommodate. The idea that something so big was likely going to invade her skin was more than daunting and acted, as if it where necessary, as a preventative to any thoughts of experiment.

Despite warnings, from her mother, of being told that she would likely turn into a worm; Michelle pleasured her clit from the age of eleven or so and continued from time to time until an elderly age. It was more of a comfort thing; even when she knew it for what it was, if she needed to sleep, her finger would find her clit; her hips would rock as she lay on her side, knees locked together in a foetal position until a satisfying glow was achieved and sleep followed.

Her first foray into the experience of sex was at aged fifteen. While on holiday in Tenerife, she met a lad whose name she could never remember after the vacation. He was also on holiday with his parents, seemed to be quite nice, touching a switch in her developing body that had not yet been activated. He had a funny accent, coming from Newcastle as he did and a funny way of phrasing his sentences. The fact that he was a bit gawky, a year or so older and suffering with mild acne, was all ignored. They had a compatible sense of humour, laughing at the differences of language they had.

Michelle fancied him. Pure and simply fancied lying with him, naked, touching and exploring. She didn't love him or even have a teenage crush, just wanted to see how he looked and felt with all of his clothes off. Towards the end of the two weeks, the hotel organised a disco for its younger patrons. The DJ spoke with a heavily accented and very loud voice through the mike making it impossible to understand a word. The sound production was terrible with a bass hum drowning out almost everything. Michelle and her newly found friend decided to leave and go for a walk along the beach.

They held hands and looked at the lights shimmering across the wavelets as they walked under the shining moon. In another context or even with a few years under their belts, it might have presented a romantic scene and set the stage for a lustful conclusion, but neither of them had any experience of romance, were far too young to appreciate the finer points of love or the niceties of the prelude to lust. They were both aware though, of a heightened sense and awareness of each other. Their nerve endings jangled with a shared excitement for what might happen; the risk and unknown feelings that might ensue. At some fundamental level, a tacit, unspoken agreement had been reached, nothing articulated, but an agreement none the less, that they were about to take this brief liaison to another level. Beyond any place they had been before.

Eventually, they found a beach hut, vacated and abandoned by the daytime hordes; wordlessly, he ducked under the timber lintel and gently pulled her in behind him into the gloom of the thatched roof. They stood facing each other, heat radiating from between them as adrenalin raced around their bodies, heart beats wildly hammering in chests, heaving for breath. The crowning moment of their holiday was imminent, all of the build up to this culmination, the wild flights of fancy imagined in private moments apart all coming to a realisation of dreams.

He stepped closer, closing the small distance between them and then kissed her lips; a light touching that produced a shiver through her body. Automatically, her arms came up and wrapped around his neck. The second kiss was altogether something else from the previous touch. Her mouth opened, breath joined as lip met lip in a crushing collision. He held her waist, drawing her ever closer as tongue met tongue and the fires of passion threatened to burn them.

He felt for the clasp of her bikini top under the gauzy blouse she had chosen to wear, his fingers uncoordinated and awkward in his attempt to undo the unfamiliar thing. Eventually, he succeeded; the garment slowly fell between them to land on the sandy floor at their feet. Slowly, his hand came around to her front, snaking up between their bodies to find her breast under the flimsy garment. The first touch to her nipple, made it harden in anticipation, was electric; Michelle gasped at the unfamiliar touch. Her tits physically ached for his hands and fingers.

Along with the ache in her chest was the first stirring of a pressure in her guts, a mixture of excitement, trepidation and lust all thrown together in a maelstrom, roiling in the pit of her stomach. Her sex began to produce its natural lubricant, using for the first time, glands that would help him enter her. She felt the wetness and thought for one wild moment, that she had begun menstruating, then realised that it couldn't be that, so soon since her last cycle. She was aware of the aroma of her body too; an aroma she had not smelled before, but knew it was uniquely hers. Her body was making ready for sex, winding up nerves and heightening senses. She could feel everything all at once. The touch of his hands rubbing over her nipples with a slight rasp was sending her into delirium. She could feel the raised taste buds of his tongue as it fenced with her own, mixing saliva and tickling the roof of her mouth. His hardness, pressed into her stomach through the fabric of his Bermuda shorts, was like a hot poker.

At last, she broke the kiss to lift his tee shirt over his head with his arms held aloft. She kissed his hairless chest as the shirt joined her bikini top on the sand. She slipped her blouse off, baring, for his inspection, her breasts with nipples pointing directly at him as if he was guilty of their current engorged condition and not the reactions of her own body.

He returned her kiss, brushing his lips over one nipple while cupping the other breast. She felt almost sick from the amalgam of senses that rushed around her veins, her heart thumped behind her ribs as if trying to break out. They joined in a kiss again while she frantically tugged at the waist band of his shorts. Unseen, she managed to get them over his hips, freeing his cock; she felt it slap, hotly, against the skin of her stomach. Without breaking the kiss, she pulled her own bikini bottoms down and stepped out of them.

He cupped a breast with one hand while the other travelled down the middle of her back, lightly slipping over the humps of her spine until he reached her buttocks; then, slowly, her felt around her hip on a journey to her sex. They parted slightly, creating a gap between them so that his hand could reach its destination; Michelle grasped his cock, mildly surprised that it was not anywhere nearly as big as the dildo used in the demonstration of how to apply a condom.

She spread her feet slightly, allowing his questing fingers free access to her sex; his first fumbling touch missed her clit by some way, instead, he tried to find her entrance. He was a little clumsy; even, too impatient to get inside. Although she had been lubricating for a while now, he needed to be a little gentler, but his inexperience didn't allow for the niceties of taking it slowly. His first finger inside was uncomfortable where her slickness had not been worked to her outer lips. She gasped at the intrusion and then gasped again as he forced another finger inside her.

She rubbed his cock, trying to block out the discomfort he was inducing. He was uncut, a glance down showed a purple head as she drew back his foreskin. Then, to the surprise of both of them, he shuddered and spurted his seed to splash against her stomach. He sighed as mini-peaks lessened, instantly satisfied and saying how wonderful it had been for him.

Michelle was still somewhere about six feet off the ground, but not likely to reach a peek or even really enjoy the experience that much. He had made her hotter than she had ever been and very ready for her first time, but he had let her down badly, interested in his own pleasure before anything else. She said, without feeling, that yeah it had been great; he missed the irony in her answer. She dressed hurriedly, wiping his come off of her stomach and hand with his shirt.

As a first exploration into the sexual act, it had been a huge disappointment. They went to their respective homes a few days later, promising to write, but not meaning a word of it. She would be his first and a lasting memory for him. She had forgotten him by the time she had arrived home and wrote it off as an experience only.

Michelle dated a few boys, but was not interested in sex with them, finding the youths somehow far too immature. She was considered frigid by her peers as she went through school, earning the nickname 'Ice Queen'. It didn't bother her too much; Michelle didn't respond to the name calling, preferring to remain aloof; rising above it all. She furiously masturbated most nights, knowing it now for what it was, especially as her imagination became a featured part of the act and the gratification was no longer a means, solely to bring sleep on. Her body filled out, hips flared and breasts grew to a 'C' cup. By the time she reached her seventeenth birthday, she had developed in all ways but the one; her experience with sex had remained the single, fumbling event with the gawky kid in Tenerife, or the wild flights of fancy her mind concocted during her sessions of getting herself off with her fingers. Until, she decided that, perhaps, she would like to experience the sexual act in all its full glory. It would be her choice, under her own volition; her rules.

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