SG-69 Mission 1 - Cover

SG-69 Mission 1

Copyright© 2006 by Dark Pen

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is the first story in what might become a series of stories set in the Star Gate universe. There is some sex in it -- but not until the second chapter. If you're an SG-1 fanboy, you'll want to take a pass on this one -- unless you have a sense of humor.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex  

After their lunch with Orla, they were shown to a chamber where they would be sleeping. Most people just slept outside, since the sex went on late into the night, but important guests, the Chief and her contingent and rooms in the Temple.

The team's room was fairly large, with only one way in or out. There might be more that were not apparent, considering what Finn had seen last night. It had one large bed pallet, a bathing area (open to the rest of the room), and an area for toilet use, which fortunately was hidden by a thick curtain. The real surprise was the hot and cold running water and modern drains.

"Anyone for a bath?" asked Wilds, smiling as she saw the size of the tub.

It would easily hold four people -- six if they were very good friends.

"I'll take one later," he said.

"Oh don't be shy," she replied, her smile growing wider.

Thing was, much as he was reluctant to admit it, it was very tempting. Alexa was looking at him with a hungry sort of look as well, although she seemed to be more shy about displaying her interest. Thing was, Finn didn't understand why either of them had any interest -- in him, anyway -- or why they were choosing to show it now. He shrugged internally: Maybe it was something in the water.

"That's all right," he said, "You can clean up, and I'll wander around outside."

"With all those otherwomen around?" asked Alexa.

He could swear she was pouting -- just a little. His hard dick wished the two of them would stop the teasing.

"Yes," he replied with an exaggerated sigh, "I'll have to try and ignore them as I scope out important things. Like, you know, escape routes?"

"Whatever," said Wilds, "Alexa and I will be fine without you."

He watched as Wilds almost... almost put her hand on the other woman's shoulder. She didn't though, frowning slightly to herself, and looking a little confused for a second. Finn sighed and left room to scout around.

There were a lot of people outside and all of them were friendly, offering drink or food as he walked past them. Some were very friendly, offering quite a bit more. In fact, he soon had a small squad of girls -- he swore some of them couldn't be a day over fifteen -- following him around. All of them had white ribbons tied around their neck. He would have asked them about the ribbons, but every time he stopped to say something to one of them, they would giggle and blush, or display their nearly naked bodies in a very provocative manner. About the third time that happened another woman joined them who looked to be a bit closer to his age.

"I've been watching you," she said, holding out a cup for him to drink from. He took it, drinking the cool water. "Have you no liking for virgins?"

"Is that what the ribbons mean?"

She nodded and moved closer, her lush body almost rubbing against him. His cock was hard, he was hot in more ways than one and he just wasn't thinking very well. He felt slightly out of control.

"Perhaps you prefer a more... experienced partner," she said, running her fingers over one of his biceps.

Her touch brought a shiver to his body and made his cock throb. Any other time, and he'd definitely be taking advantage of this. But right at the moment, he was supposed to be scouting the lay of the land, not being distracted by the thought of getting laid. Still, it was more than a little difficult to concentrate with so much beauty around him and the sexual activity going on. While not as widespread as last night, there was no lack of sexual couplings. He wondered where these people got their stamina.

"I suppose there's something to be said for for both," he replied, trying to be diplomatic. "But at the moment, I'm not looking for a partner."

The woman frowned, as if she didn't understand.

"Are you not looking for a fourth?" she asked. "At least for the year? I have heard the your mate is the Coyote's Gift to the Chief."

He was about to respond, when the woman continued.

"Even if you are not looking for a permanent partner, this is a time of sharing the joys of one another," she smiled. "I would very much like to share with you."

She started sinking to her knees, and for all that Finn wanted to stop her, he just couldn't. Something in the back of his brain was trying to tell him he should have more self control, but the front of this brain, and the little head, were overwhelmingly for getting a blow-job.

The woman fumbled with the zipper on his pants, and Finn was without the presence of mind to stop her. Smiling, she decided to just pull his pants off, which Finn decided wasn't a good idea, so he undid his belt and opened his pants. It didn't take long for the woman to get his erect length in her mouth. She made a humming noise of pleasure as she sucked him off.

There was still that part of his mind that was screaming at him, wondering what the hell he was doing, but it was shut out by the softness of the lips around his cock. That softness was soon joined by another set of lips, kissing his own. One of the virgin girls had grown bold enough to rub her body against his, while kissing him. He wasn't thinking of anything but the scent and feel of her warm brown skin as he ran his hand it. She moaned and pushed into him, as the woman on her knees picked up the pace.

His fingers slid between the younger girl's legs, drifting over her hairless mons and her moans grew a bit more urgent. She broke off the kiss as he finally slid his fingers of the slick skin of her pussy, then smeared the moisture over her clit. It was nice and hard, and he had no problem finding it. Finn had just enough presence of mind not to push his finger into her body -- she was a virgin, after all, and he doubted she'd be happy having someone's finger open her for the first time -- but he was able to easily bring her to a strong orgasm. The entire thing was too much for him, and he found himself emptying his balls into the unknown woman's mouth, his orgasm extending far longer then usual. It was he best blow-job he'd had in a long time.

"Ooo," purred the woman as she stood and kissed him on his cheek, "thank you for your pleasure."

With that, she disappeared into the crowd as Finn hastily pulled up his pants. Despite what had just happened, he found that he was still pretty worked up. Perhaps wandering around here without someone from the team was not such a good idea. He headed back to the temple.

He knocked loudly at the door, waiting until he heard someone tell him to come in before entering. In his present mood, the last thing he needed to see was a naked woman. All the beautiful, mostly naked women wandering around were definitely affecting his judgment. He went to a small table and poured some more water from the cool jug and downed it. What he could really use was a good shot of Scotch, but that wasn't happening anytime soon.

"So, what happened?" asked Wilds, "you find anything out?"

Yeah, thought Finn, but discovering just how friendly the natives were wasn't something he was willing to share. Or perhaps the problem was that he was all too willing to share.

"Not really," he said, "everyone seems pretty friendly."

He turned around and looked at Wilds and immediately wished he hadn't. While she, and apparently, Alexa hadn't gone native, they weren't far from it.

"It's hot," said Wilds, "and my uniform was dirty. Besides, it'll help us blend in."

Each of the women was wearing one of the native short skirts. Instead of being barefoot, they'd found some high boots which came to almost their knees. Finally, on top, they'd donned a slightly translucent, white sleeveless top with a deep V in the front. It was obvious that neither one of them was wearing a bra and it was especially obvious that Wilds wasn't. Her tits were quite big, and quite firm. He thought, but couldn't confirm, that the large nipples he could almost see, were pierced. Oh my.

"Well, since you've used the facilities, would you mind giving me a few minutes?"

"Sure," said Wilds. "Unless you need someone to help you get washed?"

Alexa was quiet, and, he thought, a bit embarrassed. Perhaps Wilds's overt flirting was upsetting her. He'd have to speak to the Major about her behavior. Later.

"No, thanks, I've got that handled."

The women smiled at him and left. Finn sat down for a moment, trying to figure out why the hell he hadn't ordered them back into uniform. He really couldn't see any harm in not wearing it, though and besides, with the way things were going, they probably would have stripped right here. Something was definitely going on.

The hot bath was very nice. Washing in a cold stream was not his idea of fun. Finn knew that he liked his luxuries; a big hot tub, a big shower, a willing woman and a nice dungeon, being among them, but he could do without if he had to. He did try to keep his mind off the willing woman part, since he was certain that all he had to do was walk around the camp a bit to find one who was interested in his style of fun. Hell, he wondered if Rika and her sister might be interested. Those two were certainly quite kinky...

With a start he realized he'd dozed off in the hot water. His cock was once again rock hard, and he contemplated just jerking off and relieving the tension. He didn't much enjoy masturbation, beyond the fact that it did help keep his normally overactive sex drive under control. He looked over at his clothing, set on a (heated) drying rack next to the rest of the uniforms. And lingerie that the women had once again prominently displayed. Sighing, he got out of the tub, ignoring his iron hard cock, and searched through his stuff for some clean clothing. The door opened and almost before he realized it, his gun was in his hand.

The young woman who entered had no idea what a gun was, and so didn't stop until her eyes came to rest on his rampant cock. She immediately knelt, then leaned forward, pressing her small breasts to the floor and extending her arms in front of her, palm up.

"Master, the Chief has sent me to you to see to... any... needs you might have," she said.

His cock pulsed and it took all his will power not to walk over to the girl, pull her up by the hair and push his cock in her mouth.

"Uh, thanks," he said, "but I'm fine right now."

"Your body says otherwise," said the girl. "The Chief says that since your mate is obviously well trained in sexual service, you might be missing her abilities."

The Captain was not his mate, and while he was missing someone's services, it certainly wasn't hers. Although, considering some of the things he'd seen her doing, he wondered of perhaps he'd be able to sample some of her skills. When he was silent, she continued.

"I am well skilled in accepting the whip," she said, "as well as rope. I enjoy the rougher pleasures the same as your mate does. If you wish to share me with your other mates, I would look forward to that as well."

His head was spinning with lust, and his cock felt was a hot, throbbing, iron bar. Wasn't this what he'd just been wishing for? Still, self preservation over-rode his cock.

"Thank you for your offer," he said, and she looked up, clearly unhappy and more than a bit hurt by what she knew was going to be a refusal, "but right at the moment wouldn't be a good time."

Her lips trembled a bit and she said, "I... if I do not please you, the Chief will send another..."

"No, no," he interrupted. "You're beautiful and very desirable. But now isn't a good time."

Her face immediately transformed.

"I understand Master," she said.

She got up and left, and Finn scrambled to put on some clothing. The best he could find were some boxers, a clean pair of fatigue pants and a black t-shirt. He was just pulling up his pants (not overly easy with a large, hard, cock in the way) when the damned door opened again. Gripping his pants in one hand, and the pistol in the other, he sighed with he saw it was Wilds and Shaw.

Wilds took a look at him, and smiled.

"Damn," she said, "looks like we missed the fun."

Finn shook his head and put down the gun so that he could fasten his pants. He was not unaware of the looks the two women were giving his well developed, if somewhat scared, upper body. He'd been in a few fights, and had a couple of nasty scars to show for it.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he grumbled. "And don't you know how to knock?"

"Oh please," said Alexa, "we just saw that girl leaving here. Are you going to stand here and deny you just had sex with her?"

He looked at her in surprise. Not only surprise at her question, but surprise at her tone, which was accusing, angry and... jealous? Naa, couldn't be.

"Actually, I can," he replied. "I was just getting dressed when, like the two of you, she just walked in here. And yes, she did make a rather attractive offer, but no, I didn't take her up on it."

"Pity," muttered Wilds, "I would love to have seen some of that action."

Again, Finn chose to ignore the comment. It was obvious by this time that something was affecting all of them, and the sooner they could get the hell out of here, the better. He just wished that they didn't have to wait for the Challenge until tomorrow.

He lay down on the bed and tried to resume dozing. That wasn't to be though.

"I found out more about this Challenge," said Wilds.

"Oh?" he asked, opening one eye. "Do tell."

"It's not just a fight," she said. "Tonight, I'm pretty sure one of us is going to have to prove our love for our mate by having public sex with her."

Finn's eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright.


"Yup," added in Alexa. "We're going to sit at the high table tonight, and one of our place settings will have a red disk under it. Whoever has the disk will have to have sex with Reed, while everyone else watches and eats."

"Man these people are way into sex," muttered Finn.

"This could be a problem," said Wilds. "We're not talking about a little playing around here. We're talking the real deal. And since the Chief's been playing with her, you know what they're expecting to see."

Finn slowly nodded. They'd want a BDSM scene. This was really turning into a problem.

"Don't worry about it," said Alexa, "I'll handle it."

Finn's eyes about bugged out of his head.

"Excuse me?" he asked. "You mean to tell me, you'll have no problem doing a public bondage scene with Reed?"

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