Trapped - Cover


by Maureen Louise Reardon

Copyright© 2006 by Maureen Louise Reardon

Erotica Sex Story: Female in heat

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   .

Dedicated to Chrissy and Johhny

Chissy finally gave up. Sleep was not her companion. Despite the numbers on the alarm clock reminding her, that she was closer to a new day. As the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell. Chrissy had a sorry excuse of an air conditioner. The weak breeze that seeped from the slots on top of the droning beast. No cooler than the air hanging motionless in the room. One small consolation crossed Chrissy's mind, at least the beast was rendering some air movement. The latch on the window refused to yield to her efforts to unfasten it.

Trapped. Chrissy was a trapped in a hotel room. Ten floors off the ground and sentenced to die a slow death by melting. The exertion of yanking at the stubborn window unleashed a lone bead of sweat from the rear of her jaw. Which trickled down her neck, collecting with several more forming in the hollow along her neck. Once more she gave up.

"Dang," she muttered under her breath.

Chrissy rested her forehead on the window. The glass was cool by comparison. Prompting her to roll her head slowly from side to side. In a few short seconds even the smooth cool surface succumbed to the damp body heat radiating from her nakedness.

Casting a sideways glance toward the clock, she watched absently as minutes slipped away. The growing pool of moisture along her collarbone broke free, as her chest rose Yielding to a satisfying yawn that resulted more from boredom than lack of sleep.

The tiny stream worked its way down her chest skewing left, following the curve of her right breast. Chrissy's head still resting on the windowpane, she watched the droplet struggle downward. As the ultra fine baby hairs on her sweltering skin challenging the journey.

Chrissy could not remember being so hot. Immediately, she knew that thought was a lie a blatant lie.

Chissy had been hotter, much hotter, soaking in a hard earned sweat only a few hours prior. Gradually, images crowded past her boredom, casting aside her discomfort. Replacing it with the welcome distraction of the memory of Johnny touching her breasts. An uncontrolled shiver went up Chrissy's spine. Her nipples hardened at this welcomed recollection.

A smile of remembered satisfaction curled at the edges of Chrissy's mouth. As she drew a fingertip across the lingering bead of sweat that hung suspended, on the inside of her right breast. The meaty part of her thumb grazed the taut nugget of an extended nipple. Sending another shiver through her body, this one centered in the depths of her.

Chrissy got out her dildo, hoping to feel Johnny's rhythm, as she had before. In and out pounding and stoking, her to the core of her being.

"Yes," Chrissy whispered to no one. Completely lost in a rush of fresh thoughts, "you can take me like that. Take me. Make me beg for it to end. Make me b dare you to stop, all in the same breath.

Chrissy squeezed her breast between the flat of her fingertips and the heel of her hand, pulling away, pinching her nipple; imagining his lips doing the very same thing to her. The heat in the room closed tighter upon her flesh, forcing more moisture out onto her skin. It did not matter now. The heat was no longer an aggravation. Now it was part of a memory. It had become a by product of her recollection of Johnny and their lust. The heat had become a driver that enabled, private lust to come to a full boil deep within her body. Glowing with moist evidence of Chrissy's arousal. The heat was like a lingering caress.

Chrissy hands slid down across her belly erasing the tear, like tracks of perspiration that preceded her lusty reverie. This was what she craved. One hand slipped between her legs to cup the essence of her. Holding herself just as Johnny had done. Not moving, lifting her upward with a pressure that was Johnny's brand of perfection. Chrissy thought back to Johnny's whisper, teasing her at the edge of her hearing. Telling Chrissy how much Johnny liked to hold her like that, softly describing how Johnny could feel her swelling ever so slightly.The lubrication of her want melting in the palm of Johnny's hand.

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