A Nun Falls - Cover

A Nun Falls

Copyright© 2006 by scouries

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This is the story of two teenage girls, best friends. It follows their voyage of sexual discovery through the eyes of one of the girls fathers. Nudism, strap-ons, virginity lost, incest, rape...sadness, loss...then a final coming together.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Size   Slow  

The beach I led Maria to an hour later was famous in South Florida. Just north of Miami Beach, across the causeway from the shops of Bal Harbour, Haulover Beach was clothing optional, a beautiful stretch of sand where nudists ruled. I hadn't warned Maria in advance, and as we stepped through the dune vegetation and emerged on the beach, I heard a sharp intake of breath from the young lass. "Oh, Mr. B, what is going on?" she finally gasped, "Everybody's naked. Oh gosh, look at that," she said pointing at two naked males', their equipment swinging freely, just yards away.

"Well Maria, you and Sam told me you hadn't ever really seen any naked men before, any penises, so I figured that it was time you did." Seeing her start to laugh I asked, "What's so funny?"

"Wait til Sam hears what she missed. She is going to be major pissed off with you Mr. B."

After setting up our chairs, towels and umbrella somewhat apart from the main crowd, I stood and quickly stripped. Seeing the color that rose to Maria's cheeks and her obvious confusion as to where to look, I almost felt sorry for her, and wondered if she'd dare to strip. As I sat down and stretched on my towel, she finally asked, "Do I have to get naked too?"

"No honey, if you're not comfortable, just leave your suit on. Go for a walk, see what's out there."

"I think I'll sit here for a while sir," she said grinning. "I got to admit though, you got me today Mr. B, you really got me. I'll go topless, but I don't know about my bottoms." After sitting topless for about twenty minutes, watching the endless parade of swinging pricks, she turned and said, "Gee whiz sir, they come in all sizes, don't they? How much bigger do they get when they're hard anyway?"

Knowing that once she started asking questions, I wouldn't get any rest, I jumped up and drew her down into the warm ocean waters. After frolicking in the waves, I took her hand and walked with her down the beach, giving her a chance to see and be seen by the hundreds of nudists present. When we got back to our towels, she bent and pulled her little bikini bottom off and then quickly flopped down on her stomach. Looking up at me she said, "Mr. B, just don't say anything, okay?"

As she lay quietly, hardly breathing, I took the tube of lotion and straddling her legs, started kneading the white cream into her smooth back. Trembling under me, she stayed silent as my fingers moved across her back. Her body jumped nearly six inches when my hands first touched her two rear cheeks but still she was mute, but a deep groan escaped her lips as I ran a finger back and forth along her crack and lightly felt her anal opening. As I caressed the lotion into her muscled thighs, she raised her hips off the ground and spread her knees wider, giving me a perfect view of her pink insides. Feeling the rush of blood to my shaft, I moved from her and lay on my stomach, my body, my head just inches from her. After minutes of silence she finally looked at me and asked, "Would you like me to do your back?"

Smiling I said, "I'm about to turn over M-C, could you do my front instead?"

She knew I was teasing and challenging her, but wasn't about to back down and let an old man get the best of her. "I'd love to Mr. B," she said and picked up the tube. Tentatively her hands moved over my chest, so lightly that hardly any cream was being spread. As she touched me her confidence grew and her movements became more assured. After finishing my chest and arms and stomach, she moved to my feet and started upwards. Watching her eyes, I could see the doubt and indecision she had about how she was going to take care of my cock and balls. Finally, with her eyes half closed, she lifted my sack and started to massage my balls.

"Gently Maria, very gently, a man's balls can be very sensitive honey," I told her as she increased the pressure on my balls, clearly interested in exploring. Then grasping my soft shaft in her small, cream covered palm, she slowly stroked up and down, a grin spreading across her face as I fattened and lengthened.

"Oh wow, that's neat," she exclaimed, "He looked so innocent before but gosh, look at him now, all red and big and hard. I think he likes me," she laughed. Knowing that if I didn't move out of her reach soon, I'd bath the little tease in a different white cream, one with no UVA protection, I rolled away from her now insistent grasp.

"That's fine thank you, I think you got me all covered now," I groaned.

"Do you want to do my front now Daddy B?" she asked, smiling broadly.

"Later honey, your Dads going to have a quick dip first," I answered as I rushed toward the waves, my big shaft swinging wildly as I ran. We spent the rest of the day tanning and swimming and touching, and I was constantly bombarded by questions from the curious Maria Celeste, most of which I tried to deflect, telling her to ask her Mom or Sam.

That evening, when Maria told Sam about our day at the beach, I thought my beautiful daughter was going to have a heart attack. "Why didn't you wake me," she wailed, "Can we go tomorrow?"

"I can't tomorrow, and New Years is Saturday night, so I don't know, maybe next Tuesday or Wednesday," I offered.

"But we're going home Wednesday night Dad. I want to go tomorrow," she said pouting.

"Why don't you get your Latino boyfriend to take you, what's his name, Juan?"

"Daddy! I can't believe you'd want me to go with a boy my age, it's indecent, what would Maria's Mom think if she heard you were encouraging your daughters to go on dates at nude beaches? C'mon Dad, get real!"

New Years Eve the girls insisted I escort them for the evening, insisting they preferred me to the boys in the night clubs. At midnight, all of us having drunk too much, I kissed each of my girls, and unlike the night of their birthday, this time our kisses were long and tongue filled. As we danced they both felt my full hardness, learned how it felt to have a man's hands on their asses, his body grinding against them. We somehow got home around four in the morning, the more sober girls supporting their staggering old man. I stumbled as we approached my bed and lay half on, half off as the two stared at me. "C'mon M-C, we got to get his clothes off," sighed Samantha. After undoing first my shirt, then my shoes and socks, the girls finally grabbed my legs and struggling, pulled my slacks down, my shorts coming with them. "Look Maria, he's still hard."

"He smells too. We better get him in the shower. C'mon Sam, he'd do the same for us."

"Okay, okay. We better get naked if we're going to get in the shower. No point in ruining the dresses."

Though not sober, I was aware of their young bodies as they washed me, their soapy hands relentlessly moving over me, the three of us squeezed into the small cubicle. As Maria stood behind me, her breasts pressed into my back, she reached a hand around and caressed my chest while the other slid over my ass. Meanwhile, my innocent daughter facing me kissed one of my nipples as her soapy hands stroked my penis eagerly. Seeming unable to stop her hands, it was only Maria's cry of "Cripes Sam, that's enough! You're going to pull it off," that slowed her down, awakening her from her sexual reverie.

"I was just making sure it was clean Miss Molloy! Lets get him dried and into bed." After getting me comfortable, I could feel both of them on the bed, watching me, and could sense their excitement, a naked man so close. "I think I better stay Maria, Dad may need me tonight," Sam began, "Why don't you go to your room, I'm okay here."

As I felt Maria's soft body move in against me, she said, "It's probably best Sam if one of us is on each side of Daddy, we don't want him to fall out of bed." They were both giggling as Samantha took up her place on the other side of me, and my last memory of the night was hearing Sam's voice whispering to her friend, "It's so big. Do you think we could ever fit it in? Do you think Dad would mind if we touched it a bit?" I awoke the next morning, surprised to find the two naked teens curled over me, and wondered just what they got up to while I slept.

We went back to Haulover on Monday and it was impossible to control the two girls, Sam watching and commenting on every man that passed. "And you girls complain when men treat you as sex objects," I complained, but was ignored by my little daughters; they now knew what they wanted in life.

As we ate a late dinner, on the front terrace of one of Collins Avenue's landmark restaurants, Sam ran on and on about the sights she had seen that day, but then surprised me by saying, "You know Dad, of all the bodies I saw today, all the pricks," (and each time my daughter said cock or prick that night, I cringed, quickly looking around me to see which of our fellow diners had heard), "you were the main man, you're pretty good for an old man. Isn't that right M-C?"

"Big Daddy is certainly big, Sam, as big as I saw," Maria said laughing, clearly enjoying my embarrassment.

We returned to Cleveland and soon settled back into a more normal life, with the girls spending long hours on their studies and preparations for the S.A.T. exams coming up in early March. Although excellent students and athletes, and already both having received various scholarship offers, they still wanted to excel and they were having a friendly competition to see who would get the highest marks at Miss Priggs. They each dated most weekends in January and February but from my secret spying knew neither had gone much beyond necking and petting. During those weeks they satisfied their sexual hunger in the arms of the other, although I still got my early morning visits peppered with questions about my sex life, an unending source of discussion between the two girls.

In mid March I decided to give the girls a glimpse of my sex life and organized a charade that I hoped they would fall for. I arranged for Jill, one of my college lovers to call the house when I was supposedly out, following a script I had given her. "Mr. Burns please," she started when Sam answered the phone in her room. Hearing I was out, she continued, "Oh, this is Jill, Jill Brown, his friend from the University. I wonder if you could give him a message for me. Could you please let him know I can't make the appointment tomorrow at 12:30? Tell Mr. B that something has come up that I can't get out of, but that I'd like to reschedule, either Wednesday or Thursday."

"Where would you like to meet Mr. Burns?" asked Sam, clearly intrigued by this obviously young girls call.

"Oh, either at my apartment or if he prefers, tell him I can come to his house. I'm free both afternoons."

"Does he have your number?"

"Yes Miss, he can call or e-mail me. Have you just started working for Mr. B? I don't recognize your voice, where's Marg today?"

"I'm just filling in today, Marg's sick," lied my devious daughter, "Can you give your e-mail so I'm sure we have it."

"Sure, its coedjill@--.com, and please make sure he gets back to me today."

I was hidden watching the girls when the call came and loved seeing the excitement it caused.

"Maria, some young hooker just called Daddy. I think she thought she was calling the office. I'm serious; yes she called to schedule a rendezvous. Coedjill@hotgirls.com, Christ what do you think she is? Turn on your computer, check out her site. She's trying to set up a date for Wednesday or Thursday."

As the two poured over the site, finally finding Coed Jill, available for discreet afternoon liaisons, their excitement grew. "I can't believe your Dad. Why's he using prostitutes? He's good looking enough to get a girl without paying. Listen Sam, we've got to stay home and watch him."

That night at dinner Sam casually told me that a Miss Brown called and that she wanted to reschedule. "I think she meant to call the office Dad, it didn't make much sense." Trying to heighten their curiosity I acted a little nervous and guilty, then excused myself, saying I had to make a call. I gave them a minute to reach an extension and then dialed Jill, who was waiting for the call.

"Jill, why did you call me at home?" I complained as soon as she answered the phone, "And how come you can't come tomorrow? God, I haven't touched your beautiful body in days."

"Sorry Mr. B., my sociology prof called me to a meeting and I can't afford to miss it. I'm already having enough trouble in the course. Can't we spend Wednesday together? I miss your big prick so much. Can I come to your house; I love it when you fuck me in front of those big windows in front of the lake."

I heard a soft gasp from Sam, who realized Jill was talking about her bed, a bed she had clearly already visited. "Sure honey," I finished, "I'll see you Wednesday at noon, make sure you're well rested, I'm feeling very horny."

Later I listened to the two as they discussed the call, Sam more upset that a hooker had been frolicking in her bed than the fact that I was using one. "God, M-C, I can't believe it, he's been screwing some little slut in our bed," she ranted, "Wait til I get hold of this bitch." I watched them testing several locations from which they could see the action, the two finally settling on a large cupboard with louvered doors, just feet from the bed. They even went so far as placing two beanbag chairs behind the doors, Sam saying, "Who knows, they might be at it for hours, we might as well be comfortable." The next day Sam went to the local spy store and bought a fancy camera, digital and small enough to hide, and spent the evening making sure it worked properly.

"Do you really think we should film your Dad," asked Maria finally.

"It's our room and we can do whatever we want," Sam replied, "Besides, you want to see it as much as me."

Jill and I put on an inspired performance, the knowledge that the two teens were watching us an added inducement. Over a four hour period I came three times in Jill's soft pussy, once in her ass, once in her mouth and once over her breasts after tit fucking her. We employed a Kamu Sutra like number of positions, continually commenting aloud, almost giving the girls a running commentary as we fucked.

After we finally finished, and I had escorted the obviously sated coed to her car, I threw myself into the hot tub, trying to recover while eagerly anticipating watching the taped reaction of the girls. And I laughed later that night as I heard the girls rave; the performance clearly had amazed the youngsters.

"She took it into her mouth, the whole thing, golly, did you see it Sam," Maria gasped.

"God, how big do you think it is anyway?"

"Fuck, I could never swallow something that big."

"I think he came six times, six times!"

"Ugh, she let him put it in her ass, it must have hurt,"

"She seemed to like it Sam. What a slut she was."

"I think Daddy's too big for my cunt, but my ass, oh boy, neverrrr."

"What do you think it tastes like anyway? That little bitch seemed to like it an awful lot."

"Do you think she was acting, pretending to like Daddy? She's a pro."

"Oh she liked it Sam, that slut has a job she definitely likes."

"Oh fuck, I want a cock in me. If only he wasn't my Daddy."

"We should go into his room some morning and give him a blow job," Maria said giggling.

"I promise you M-C, I'm going to get laid soon. I think its time I slept with Tommy."

The comments and conversation went on for hours and when I finally went to bed I was happy, knowing that in the coming weeks and months the action from the girl's room would be interesting. Immediately their reaction to me changed. Although there had been a powerful sexual attraction between the girls and I for the past year, now it was changed as the two unconsciously fought to compete for my attention. Whenever one of them was in my presence, innocently she would touch me or rub against my body, pressing a firm breast into my arm or putting a hand on my arm or thigh to emphasize some point.

It was like being in a room with two cats, purring loudly as they rubbed against your legs, demanding to be caressed. I could see their eyes continually drift downwards to my groin, my big penis they had seen easily master Jill, now a central part of their dream life. Before they had been just curious, now they knew the joy, the ecstasy a cock could deliver. On Saturdays and Sundays when they visited me in bed, I took to leaving my sheet loose, allowing their hungry eyes repeated looks at the sleeping monster, and even from time to time leaving him fat and erect as we talked.

In late April, Maria surprised me, arriving home one night with a present for Sam. "What is it?" she asked, "How come you're giving me a present now? What's the occasion?" A girl who loved presents, she attacked the gift wrapping impatiently, and as I watched from my hiding place, was amazed to see her jump back when she saw what it was. "What the heck is... My God M-C,... Oh shit, you are bad sister, very bad, what do you want me to do with this anyway."

As I watched the two, Sam's back to me and the present between them, I couldn't see at first what the commotion was about, but did see Maria bend down and open the box and offer the contents to Sam. "Try it on," she hissed, "I want to see you in it." As Sam finally accepted the gift and slipped her feet into it, watching from behind I thought it might be a fancy thong or edible panties but when she turned and faced the mirror, Maria smiling at her side, I gaped, stunned by the sight of a long plastic prick leaping outwards from my daughter's pussy.

"You slut," laughed Samantha, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"I want you to take my virginity; I want you to fuck me with it."

"What, are you crazy? Why?"

"I've decided, I'm going to have sex with Rick soon, maybe next week. I want my first time with a man to be good, not to have to worry about pain. I want you to bust me."

"But Maria..."

"Please Sam, who else can do it," she begged and then moved her mouth to Sam's already hard nipple, knowing how hot her friend would become as her lips pulled insistently on one while her hand stroked the other.

"Oh stop you slut," wailed Sam as Maria moved her back towards the bed, pulling her reluctant friend down on top of her.

"Fuck me Sam, fuck your little sister, c'mon give me your big prick," urged Maria, her fingers now clamped painfully to Sam's breasts.

"Oh, you bitch, that hurts," Sam cried, 'And then in anger rammed the penis deep inside her friend, yelling, "So, how do you like this."

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, oh fuck, oooooooohhhhhh God, oh Sam it hurts, stop, oh my God please stop."

Coming to her senses, Sam paused, the penis half in, half out of Maria's now distended lips, blood slowly seeping down Maria's legs, but then resumed a slow rhythmic stroke. "We have to finish sweetie, I can't stop now." Slowly Maria's groans of pain, her protest, were lost in a new feeling, a tingle of pleasure that started deep inside of her. As Sam recognized the new sounds, the little yips Maria had always made when her clit was sucked and her orgasm approached, she picked up the pace of her penetrations, smashing harder and deeper with each stroke, finally rewarded with Maria's final surrender, a long primeval scream of pleasure. Resting back against the wall, my huge ejaculation coating the glass in front of me, I watched the two teens on the bed, lying back now, panting, both obviously moved by their illicit, artificial coupling.

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