Raped Teacher - Cover

Raped Teacher


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A High school teacher, Erica Thomas learns a lot from her students too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Susan Clark didn't want to be a whore but she knew that's what she was. She knew the boys called her little Miss Hot Pants and they bragged about how often they had gotten her to part her legs. She didn't want to have that kind of reputation, but she couldn't help it. All she'd ever really wanted was love and the boys gave her that.

She didn't get any kind of love at home. Her mother was a country woman, large and hard, who worked from morning to dusk and had little time to waste on sympathetic understanding. She had one older sister named Clarice, but Clarice was only concerned with her life, and had no time for younger sisters.

Her father was a drunk, and the only concern he had with his family was sexual. He had a huge sexual appetite and when he wanted it, her mother had to put down whatever she was doing and give him some cunt.

He might reach for her on the couch while watching television. Many times Susan had to leave the room because she couldn't stand to watch her father's huge cock going into her mother.

Or he might have fucked her when she was washing dishes, while she bent over the sink, or it might have been while she was washing clothes or hanging them up, and he would simply pick up her skirt and stick it in her cunt.

So Susan had sex all around her. Her sister Glance was known around school as a whore. Rumor had it that dance had fucked more boys than any girl had ever had in the history of the school, and it was even rumored that she had fucked a few of the men teachers.

Of course, when Susan started school, she got the same reputation that dance did. She really didn't want the reputation but she found it was the only way for her to get attention and love.

She remembered how excited she'd been on her first date.

Susan didn't know about

Clarice's reputation then.

And one of the football players had asked her out.

She'd been thrilled at being asked out by a football player. Football players were the elite of the school. They were better looking, more popular, and the best of all the boys, and the rule was that they didn't ask out eighth-graders.

She knew that she was attractive to boys. Not as attractive as Clarice, but she did have a good figure and her tits were full and her ass was round and inviting.

She knew she'd probably have to kiss a few times but she expected that. And there was really nothing wrong with kissing, as long as the boy didn't get too fresh. Lots of girls kissed and nothing was ever said about it.

Charles Greene had been the boy who asked her out. Charles was the quarterback for the football team, perhaps the best-looking boy of them all.

She asked him where they were going and he kind of smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it, sugar," he said. "We'll find someplace nice to go." "But what'll I wear?" Susan asked.

Charles grinned at her. "Awww, something simple." She didn't realize what the grin meant then. But she knew that his grin gave her an uneasy feeling. She soon forgot about it though because of the excitement of dating a football player.

That evening Charles came by for her. She had picked out a halter top and shorts to wear, hoping that he didn't decide on some place a little fancier.

He gave her a whistle of appreciation.

"Nice-looking outfit." "Thank you," she said, feeling a thrill.

Charles walked her to the car.

"Yes sir," he said as she slipped into the car, "I knew you was nice-looking but, baby, you've got one sweet-looking ass in those tight shorts." She blushed red at his words. Being her first date, she really didn't know what was expected of her so she didn't protest at his vulgar words. She figured that all the girls put up with a few vulgar words from boys. Perhaps it was just Charles' way of complimenting her.

He put one heavy hand on her knee as he pulled the car out of the driveway. His hand felt hot to her. She brushed it away. That was being a little too forward. He would have to date her a few times before he put a hand on her.

"We've got to pick up somebody else," Charles said.

"Oh? Then we're doubling?" "Something like that," Charles laughed.

Susan wondered who the other girl and boy would be. She hoped it would be a nice girl who wouldn't look down on her. A lot of the senior girls were very snotty.

Susan found out that it wasn't another boy and girl. It was just another boy.

Charles stopped the car in front of Carl Fenstein's house. Carl Fenstein was a junior, but he was one of the most popular boys in school. He was tall, good-looking, and the best lineman on the team. But Susan didn't care much for him. He had an evil way of looking at her.

Still, Susan didn't say anything as he opened the front door and slipped in beside Charles and Susan.

"Hi, babe," he said. "How's things going?" "Just fine," Susan replied.

"I hope you don't mind my coming along," he said. "I was kind of lonely at home by myself" The look in his clear eyes told Susan that he really didn't give a damn if she minded or not. And he wasn't lonely. A boy like Carl could never be lonely.

"No," Susan lied. "Of course not." "Good," he said. "We're going to have lots of fun today. Lots of fun." Susan couldn't think of any way to answer him. She seriously doubted if they were going to have any fun with Carl along. Carl had all the personality of a bully.

Charles pulled the car out of the driveway and started toward the highway. He drove for about an hour. The moon was out and it was a bright night. Susan wondered where, they were going, but she didn't want to say anything.

Finally he pulled off the road into a shaded area.

There were many trees and a river near them. Susan wondered what kind of fun they could have in an empty place like this.

Charles went around to the back of the car and took out a picnic hamper. It wasn't food that Charles took out of the hamper. He took out a beer and popped the top.

Charles handed it to Susan. Susan had never had a beer, and she didn't want to start now.

"No thank you," Susan said.

"Aw, come on, baby," Charles said. "Be a sport. Drink. One beer won't hurt." Susan didn't want to be accused of not being a sport so she took the beer. Maybe all the girls drank. Probably they did. Susan had read once where most teenagers did drink.

She took a sip and made a face. She didn't like the taste of it at all. Charles laughed at her and opened up another beer. He handed this one to Carl who took a long swallow "Good stuff," Carl said.

Charles opened his beer and took a swallow that matched Carl's.

"That roadside place," he said. "I don't know where I'm going to buy it when they close down." "We'll find a place," Carl assured him.

Charles and Carl drank two while Susan was trying to finish off her first. She finally finished it and dropped the can. Charles quickly handed her another can.

"I couldn't drink another," Susan said.

"Come on, sugar," Charles pleaded. "Don't be like that. You'll learn to like it." "Sure," Carl agreed. "It's a taste you get used to." "I couldn't, really," Susan insisted.

Charles forced it into her hand. "Just drink up. There's plenty more.

Susan reluctantly took another drink.

Charles and Carl were beginning to feel good.

"Come on," Charles said. "Let's go down to the river and look at the water." Susan didn't want to go, but she found herself being pushed down the bank. Charles took a blanket along. The little river was running fast. Charles stretched out the blanket on the green grass and sat down.

"Here," Charles said, patting the blanket.

Susan sat down on the blanket beside him and Carl sat down on her other side. Charles took a long drink of his beer, and smiled at Susan.

"So you're in the eighth grade," Charles said. "You know I am," Susan said.

"That's funny," he said. "You sure don't look like an eighth-grader with your body and that long hair. You look more like a senior." "Thank you," Susan said.

Susan took his words as a compliment, but she was beginning to feel a little uneasy.

"Is Clarice your sister?" Charles questioned. "Yes," Susan said. "She wants to be a nurse."

Carl laughed. "Goddamn! A nurse. With those hands she'd make a good one.

Susan wasn't quite sure what he meant, but she had a bad feeling. The date was not going exactly as she'd imagined it. She had some idea of romance on a date. Getting to know a boy and having him getting to know her. Maybe a chaste kiss at the end of an evening.

But you didn't have dates with two boys and a girl. Two boys made her feel nervous and unsure of herself, and she didn't like the way they kept looking at her.

She was a virgin, but she had seen her parents fucking too many times not to have a good idea of what could happen.

"How about a little kiss?" Charles asked.

She saw nothing terribly wrong about giving Charles a kiss. Just a small one. She lowered her face to Charles and gave him a chaste kiss on the mouth. She ignored the probing tongue that pushed at her lips.

"Aw come on, sugar," Charles said. "I know that you can do better than that." "I don't think so," Susan said shyly.

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