Raped Teacher - Cover

Raped Teacher


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A High school teacher, Erica Thomas learns a lot from her students too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Erica was exhausted. She had no idea how many times the boys had fucked her, but it seemed like hundreds. She was covered with their white seed. Now they were gathering up their clothes.

"We'll see you later," Tim said. "Maybe you won't be shaking that ass so proudly in school any more." "You're just going to leave me here?" "Sure. Why should we take you back? We're done with you.

"I'm going to the police," Erica said.

"No, you won't," Carl said. "You'll never go to the police and tell them what happened. You'd be too ashamed. Just think about all those moans of pleasure while we were fucking your brains out just think about those and you won't go to the police. Not ever."

Erica couldn't give him an answer because she knew that what he said was true. She couldn't go to the police. She would never be able to tell anyone about what had happened to her. Carl bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He tenderly patted her pussy.

"Now you keep it warm for me, teach," he said. "I might want to use it again sometime." The boys finished dressing and crowded into the car. Tim was driving. He waved at her just before the car vanished around the bend in the road.

It was starting to rain. Erica gathered up her clothes and dressed. She kicked angrily at the blanket. She knew that she would never again be able to face those boys. She would have to find a new teaching job somewhere else.

Her body felt bruised and tired. She had no idea of where she was, but she started walking in the direction that the boys had taken.

A half hour later it started raining harder. The dirt on the road was turning to mud. She heard a car.

It was not a car, she soon saw, but a truck. It came down the road and stopped beside her. A beefy red-faced man looked down at her.

"Hop in," he said. "This is no time for a woman to be walking on this road." Erica didn't like the looks of the man, but she didn't have much choice. She opened the truck door and climbed in beside him. She tried to straighten her dress out quickly, but she felt his hot eyes on the strip of thigh she revealed as she climbed into the truck.

"You're a mighty pretty woman," he said. "What's a pretty woman like you doing way out here?" "I was out here looking around," Erica said. "And my car broke down." "Now that's strange," he said. "There ain't much around here to look at." "I-I was just looking at the woods." "Well now," he said. "The woods is pretty. But you know, I saw those boys coming down here a while ago. Didn't you see them?" "No." "Well, I don't know how they missed you. Like I said, you're a pretty woman. I sure wouldn't have missed you.

"Please," Erica said. "Just take me to the highway or to some place where I can call a cab." "Ain't you got nobody you can call?" "No," Erica said, and then she realized that she should have said yes.

She had just implied to the man that there was nobody looking for her. She suddenly felt a little frightened. This was no young boy. This was a big, country man with a streak of mean in his brown eyes.

"That is," Erica said quickly. "I've got a boyfriend, but he's not home right at this minute." She saw that the damage had already been done.

He looked at her, grinning and licking his meaty lips.

"I bet those boys raped the shit out of you," he said.

"Oh God... No!" "I kind of thought that they brought you down here. I know horny teenagers when I see them. Did you like it?" "P-Please," Erica said. "Just let me out. I'll walk the rest of the way.

"I asked you a question!" "No," Erica said. "I didn't like it." "Shit," he said. "You're a lying bitch. I can see it in your eyes." He elbowed her in the ribs. "Now tell me the truth. I bet you got a little pleasure out of it. All those swinging cocks!" "Please," Erica tried again. "Just let me out." His face grew ugly.

"What did you do?" he asked. "Did you lead them on until they couldn't stand it any more.

"I'm their teacher!" Erica said defiantly. "They just wanted to hurt me." "I know what you are," he said bitterly. "Don't you think that I've seen you prancing around that school? I had a boy in your class.

Erica looked at him sharply. And then she remembered where she had seen him before. The big, red face. The yellow teeth. The hard muscles bulging out beneath the dirty shirt.

"Oh my God!" "So now you remember," he laughed. "I thought you would." She remembered all right. It was about six years ago since she had last seen him. The year she had first started teaching. She wondered how she could have ever forgotten him.

His name was Rebus Turner. She had taught his son Jeff. Jeff was a quiet, sensitive boy who loved books. He wanted to be somebody. The problem was he couldn't come to school as often as he wanted. His father would often keep him out to help with the farm chores.

One day she went out to see Rebus.

She hadn't meant to entice him, but she was aware of her figure. She was aware that men found her attractive and she wanted something from Rebus Turner. She wore tight pants and a tight blouse, with a very flimsy bra. She had combed her hair until it shined. She knew that few men could resist her when she looked like that.

She found Rebus working on a tractor in his field. She though that he looked just as she expected him to look. A country redneck.

"Mr. Turner," she had said.

Rebus looked at her. His ugly, dirty eyes went over her body and she suddenly wished that she had dressed a lot differently.

"Yes," he said.

"I'm your son's teacher. I'm afraid that we need to reach an understanding about Jeff" "What kind of understanding?" he asked.

"About his schoolwork. He needs to be in school more. He's a bright boy." "Shit!" Rebus had exploded. She had been shocked.

"He don't need to be in school. He's got plenty of work to do around here. He don't need nothing out of a school. I can teach him what he needs to know to farm." "But he doesn't want to be a farmer," she said. "He wants to be an artist. He has talent." "Shit," Rebus said again. "Ain't no goddamned painting going to put meat on the table." "But Mr. Turner-" "I'm done talking. I got work to do." Rebus picked up his tools and began walking toward the barn. She followed. She was thinking quickly. There had to be some way to convince him that his son needed to be in school. Evidently her charm wasn't working.

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