Raped Teacher - Cover

Raped Teacher


Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A High school teacher, Erica Thomas learns a lot from her students too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Jeff was smugly pleased with himself. He was coming home with all his father had ordered, and with something else. He was coming home a man.

"Damn," Jeff said, rubbing his crotch. "That little filly was something" It made his cock hard to think of all the things that Judi had done to him. She had fucked him blind and he had loved every second of it.

"Shit," Jeff said as he turned his pick-up onto the highway. "I wish I could meet another one like that. Oh fuck, I feel horny." He knew that he was now going to have problems. He knew he couldn't be content just to stay on the farm, and his father wasn't going to like that worth a damn. His father liked to run everything and everybody. Well Rebus wasn't going to run him any more.

He was wondering how he was going to break the news to his father when he saw the blue car pull off the road and vanish into a clump of trees.

Jeff knew the highway. He had spent most of his growing up years walking up and down the road and going through the woods. He knew that there was nothing down there except a dead-end road.

He had plenty of time and Jeff didn't mind helping out a friend, or even a stranger. The fool probably thought the road was a shortcut or something.

Jeff pulled the pick-up into the dirt lane. He drove for about a half mile before he came upon the blue car parked beside the road.

And then he heard the girl scream.

"No!" the girl screamed. "Please, not that! Please don't kill me." Jeff didn't thing about anything. He opened his dashboard where he kept his pistol. He grabbed it and went darting through the woods where he'd heard the girl's voice.

He burst through some bushes and found the girl on the ground. He recognized her. Susan. He had gone to school with her. She had a bad cut on her forehead and she was nearly unconscious.

He looked up when the boy came through the woods searching for her.

Carl. A football player. Carl carried a tire iron and he was weaving drunkenly.

"Hey," Carl said. "What's going on? We were just having a little fun. We were just seeing how far the little cunt could take a tool up her cunt." "You bastard!" Jeff said.

Carl came at him with the tire iron. Carl never would have done it if he'd been sober. Carl had fought Jeff before and knew how strong he was. But the beer was making Carl feel like he was stronger than the world.

Jeff knocked the tire iron from his hand and starting beating him with the pistol. He clubbed Carl to the ground in a pool of blood. Carl wasn't dead, but he would have a headache for a long time. Jeff heard other movements in the bushes.

Tim, Bill and Danny came running through the bushes.

They stopped short when they saw Jeff.

"You're sick!" Jeff said savagely. "You're all sick!" All three of them rushed at Jeff. They were surprised at the fury with which he met them. He clubbed Tim to the ground, kicked Bill in the balls, and gave Danny a hard blow to the stomach. He turned on Danny, who was bent over clutching his gut and clubbed him to the ground. Danny took off crawling and bleeding and crying out loud.

Jeff turned back to Susan and picked her up with strong and gentle arms.

He carried her easily back to his pick-up truck and put her in the front seat. She was bruised and bleeding and nearly naked. The pants she wore were torn in a dozen places. Her halter top was in the same condition.

"Goddamn it," Jeff said.

Jeff walked back to the blue car and reached in and turned on the ignition. He put the car in gear and stepped back. The car started rolling. It rolled into a tree and burst into flames.

Jeff went back to his pick-up and got in. Susan was moaning, but her eyes were open.

"It's all right," he said. "I'm taking you home."

Rebus was standing on the porch when Jeff pulled into the yard.

"What you got there?" Rebus said as he gazed at Susan.

"A girl," Jeff explained. "She's been hurt bad." "Well, what the hell did you bring her here for? Why didn't you take her to a hospital?" "Because I brought her here," Jeff said.

Rebus must have heard the new note in Jeff's voice because he frowned. There had never been any confidence in Jeff's voice before. Rebus had always been able to run over Jeff and get Jeff to bend to his will. Something must have happened while he was in the city.

"You're not bringing her in," Rebus said.

He didn't like the looks of the girl. She looked as if she'd been hurt bad and a girl who'd been hurt was not what he needed around here. What if she died? There would be reports that would have to be made and perhaps one of the girls he'd brought there would come forward and talk.

He had always explained them as simply friends to Jeff, but he had a feeling that Jeff knew what they were there for. Rebus could get into a lot of trouble no matter which way he turned.

Jeff picked the girl up in his arms and walked toward the house.

"She's not coming iii!" Rebus insisted.

"What do you suggest I do with her?" Jeff asked.

"I don't give a damn. Take her to the hospital or leave her beside the road. But she's not coming in." Rebus crossed his arms against his chest. Jeff stood before him quietly, the girl still in his arms. Susan was moaning softly now and then, and he knew she needed rest and attention.

His father smiled and Jeff decided what he was going to do. He had always felt so frightened of his father, but now he knew that he was strong enough to face him.

"Fuck you," Jeff said.

A pained expression came across his father's face as Jeff pushed past him. He carried the girl inside and to his bedroom. He put her down on the bed. He heard his mother come into the room behind him.

"Who is she?" his mother asked.

"A girl I knew at school. She's been hurt bad. A few boys hurt her." There was a gasp and he looked up to see another woman standing there. At first he didn't recognize her. Another one of his father's friends. She wore a pair of tight jeans and a frilly blouse. He could tell she wore no bra.

"Susan!" Erica said. "What s happened to her?" And then Jeff realized who she was. Miss Thomas. Erica Thomas. His cold teacher whom he'd had so many wet dreams about. What was she doing here? She was certainly not his father's type of woman.

"It's Susan," Miss Thomas said. "I know her from school. What's happened to her?" "A few boys got rough with her." "Were Tim and Carl among them?" Miss Thomas asked.

"They were, Jeff said. "But I don't think they're going to be bothering anyone for quite a while." A look of smug self-satisfaction came across Erica's face. So Jeff had hurt them. She could tell by the tone of his voice that he had hurt them badly. She was glad. They had paid for their brutal use of her.

She looked sadly at Susan. Susan was breathing heavily and looked as if she had passed out.

"Both of you," Jeff's mother interrupted, "get out of here. I'm going to work on her and see if I can fix her up a little. It won't be nice to watch." Jeff nodded. He followed Miss Thomas out of the room. They went into the living room. His father sat in one of the big chairs. His face was flushed red. There was a bottle of whiskey in his big hand.

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