Raped Teacher - Cover

Raped Teacher


Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A High school teacher, Erica Thomas learns a lot from her students too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Jeff Turner had been making his last night a night to remember. He had been in the city for four days and he'd bought everything that he'd been supposed to buy. His old pick-up truck was filled completely and he was waiting for morning when he would start back to the farm.

His father had warned him about the evils of the city.

He was barely eighteen and he'd seen very little since he'd quit school.

He'd decided he was really going to have a good time on his last night.

He had never taken a drink in his life, but tonight he had more than made up for it. He had hit fourteen bars so far, and he had put away a few dozen.

This bar was called the Paradise.

He went into the darkness and found himself a corner table. The girl who came to his table was topless. He stared hungrily at her exposed tits. He had never had a woman before.

He had often wanted to. Even now, he still had wet dreams about Miss Thomas, a teacher he'd had, and wet dreams also about some of the girls in the school he'd gone to. Beautiful girls like Susan.

"Well," the waitress said. "Are you going to order or are you going to sit there staring?" "Scotch and water," Jeff said.

She left and came back a few minutes later with his drink. She saw him bring out a roll of bills and peel a dollar off the top. He didn't see the light that came to her eyes.

She left him and walked around to bar to where a man was sitting. He was dressed in a business suit. He was a big man, with curly hair, and a scar across his cheek.

"Boss," she said. "There's a boy over there with a roll of bills big enough to choke a horse." "Yeah? Which one?" "That country-looking boy over by the door." Her boss peered into the darkness and saw the boy sitting at a table and sipping his drink. A smile came across his face.

"Judi," he said. "Do you think you can get him to step outside with you?" "Hell," Judi said. "The way he was staring at my tits I could get him to go anywhere with me." "Good," he said. "Get him in the alley in five minutes." "Okay," Judi said. "But I get a percentage." "Sure, baby," he said, patting her hip. "I'll get you all that you need." Judi went back to the bar and got another drink for him. She walked back to Jeff s table and leaned across so that her titties rested on the table near his hand.

"I thought you might be running out," she said. "Yes," Jeff said, giving her another dollar. "I was getting kind of low." Jeff had a hard-on. He couldn't help it. He was reeling at the smell of her perfume, and he wanted to bury his face in her sweet-smelling hair. He wondered how tight she would be.

"Can I sit down?" Judi asked.

"Sure," Jeff said quickly.

Judi slipped into the seat beside him. She saw the bulge in his trousers and she smiled. This was really a rube. She looked at the clock on the wall. In two minutes she would take him to the alley.

"This your first trip to the city?" Judi asked.

"Yes," Jeff admitted.

"I thought so." She leaned close so that her pert tits rubbed against his arm. A look came to his eyes that made Judi think he was going to grab her and rape her right there. She drew back in alarm, but he controlled himself.

Judi kept thinking about how good that roll, of bills looked. She could live for a nice long time on a cut of that.

"What's your name?" Judi asked.

"Jeff," he said.

"Well, Jeff," she said. "How about your coming up to my place for another drink?" Jeff couldn't believe his luck. This pretty brunette girl looked and smelled so good. He would be willing to go almost anywhere with her. He stood up quickly, hoping that his hard-on wasn't too evident.

"Well," she said. "I take it that you accept." Judi took his arm and led him toward the back door. She knew the routine only too well. As soon as she opened the door, her boss would step out of the shadows, along with another man. They would both be carrying clubs. She would hold onto his arm tightly so that he couldn't move away. It worked every time.

Except this time.

They hadn't been aware of Jeff s fantastic strength. He had worked from the time he was a little boy and it was hard work. When he wanted to show off, he could bend metal with his hands.

The door closed and the two men came out of the shadows at him.

Judi made a futile attempt to hang onto his arm, but he shook her off easily.

He caught her boss by the throat and shook him like a puppy. He hit the other man in the throat and the man went down making gurgling noises.

He turned and caught Judi's arm before she could run away.

"We were going up to your room," he said. "I can't," Judi said. "I don't have a room around here. You see, I'm a married woman." Both men were on the ground and groaning. Boss had a bad color to his face. The other man started to throw up.

"Then you just wanted me to come out here so that they could get me?" "I..." Judi started. "That is, I-" "Tell me the truth!" Jeff was angry. More angry than he'd ever been in his life. He had liked the pretty girl. He had liked and trusted her.

He took both her arms and squeezed them together. Pain went through Judi.

"Yes!" Judi cried. "Yes, I did!" "And he's your husband?" Jeff asked.

"No," Judi said. "Not him. My husband works as a bartender." "The one inside?" "Then he knew what you were coming out here to do?" Jeff questioned.

"Yes," Judi admitted.

"Then he won't care if I take my reward." "What do you mean?" Judi asked. "You. I want you. Or I'm going to leave you like I just left them.

Judi searched the country youngster's face and she found he meant what he said. She would have to trade her body for her good health. Judi shrugged. She knew she deserved anything he gave her.

"Okay," Judi said.

"You'd better get your coat," he said. He caught her arm again. "And Judi. If you don't come back out, I'll come in. And then you really will be in trouble." Jeff watched her go and he breathed a sigh. He let the anger go out of him. He looked back at the two men. The boss still lay where he had fallen. The other man had managed to drag himself away.

Jeff knew Judi wouldn't call the police. She knew what stories Jeff could tell if she did. She might try to escape. Probably she would. Jeff didn't know if he really cared or not.

"I'm ready," she said, coming out a few moments later, wrapped in a thick coat.

"What did you tell your husband?" Jeff asked.

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