The Hitchhiker - Cover

The Hitchhiker

Copyright© 2006 by Meahana

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Should a gentleman pickup a young hitchhiker along the streets of Maui? You can never tell who she may turn out to be.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  

Pali was jumping up and down on the bed and diving into his father's pillow. Hanna was sitting up in bed, listening to Allen shower, and absently catching the fourteen month old toddler by the diaper before he could take a plunge off of the edge of the bed. "One time I'm going to let you go and show you that you really can't fly." She sat up straight, took a sip of her morning tea, and thought, 'He really has a nice voice, but he does a really shitty Willy Nelson, ' as she listened to him sing "On the road again..." in the shower. It wasn't long before she heard the shower door close and some rustling from the bathroom.

Allen came out of the bathroom naked and saw Hanna fix her eyes on his naked body. "Want some of this before I go?" He asked.

'He was hot before, but since I talked him into whacking off some of that bush, he's really sexy, ' she thought. "I would love it Baby, but I don't think Pali is ready to go back to bed. He still has a rush going from suckling. Besides, you're going to need your balls to be full for later."

He approached the bed and sat down. Pali immediately climbed up on his daddy. Hanna was still in her mostly open pajama top, her hair was out of the usual pony tail, and those big blue eyes were killing him. He leaned over for a kiss and said, "I can always make some more if I need it."

She wrinkled her nose and answered, "Later, you need to get ready to go now. You'll need to get something to eat on the way to the office. It's too late for me to make breakfast for you now."

Allen's head was in Hanna's lap and he was holding the baby in his hands and lowering him for a raspberry every few seconds. Pali was giggling, screaming and flailing his little arms and legs. "What are you and Wild Thing going to do this morning?"

"Going to the beach down by the lava rocks to let him chase the little crabs around. Maybe I'll read and sun a little while he naps, then get ready for the show tonight."

"Shauna is really grateful that you agreed to dance tonight. They are pretty short of dancers until Len gets back," Allen said. "Did you put together a drum suite for the Tahitian drummers tonight?"

"Naw, I'll tell them to jam around Bora Bora and I'll follow. You'd better save your voice if you want to sing for my hula."

"Lahaina Luna. I've sung it so many times that it is nearly automatic. That better be one tame Bora Bora, it can be pretty sexy and there'll be kids in the audience."

"You'd better get dressed and get going, Baby, Shauna awaits. What does she want you to come in on Saturday for? Just to have sex with her?"

"She wants to go over the budget and make some adjustments for the new hit of money," he responded.

"I think she's the one that needs the adjustments," she said with her hand in Allen's hair, "I'll bet she's one horny lady and she's picked the right guy to help her out."

"I think you're obsessed with me fucking her."

"I think she tried to talk you out of marrying me," Hanna answered.

"She didn't know you then and thought you were too young." Allen handed Pali to Hanna to get dressed. When he was finished dressing, Allen kissed Hanna and Pali and started out of the bedroom.

"Do me proud, Baby."

"Yes Ma'am," Allen said, blew her a kiss and left.

It was about ten minutes after ten when he pulled into the office parking lot. The blinds on the office were closed and the door was locked, but Shauna's car was in her parking spot. He could see Shauna in their shared office as he stepped through the door.

"Aloha kakahiaka, Allen."

"Good morning, Shauna, sorry I'm late." Shauna, like Hanna, was barefooted most of the time and today was no exception. Shauna liked to wear skirts for almost every occasion and today's was a short, loose fitting, black skirt with white flowers. She had a white, short sleeved pullover on and it was obvious that she didn't see a need for a bra today. The light from the window in back of her highlighted her waist length auburn hair. She was taller than Hanna by a couple of inches at 5'6". A beautiful woman in her own right.

"It's okay. I have the spreadsheet open on your computer so we can see it together. I've finished the numbers like I think they might go."

Allen sat down and studied the numbers for a few minutes. Shauna got him a cup of coffee and put it on his desk. "Thanks, I need some coffee." Allen took a sip and said, "I was hoping to slide in some money to update the computer center at Baldwin High."

"Shit, I forgot that. Here, let me add a row right there," she said leaning over his shoulder. Her right breast was pressed against Allen's upper arm.

Allen looked to his left and could see down her top to the exposed nipple of her left breast. 'Damn, she still has some very nice tits, ' he thought.

Once Shauna was satisfied that the addition was correct, she pushed some papers aside and sat on his desk. She crossed her ankles and left a nice opening for Allen to see her long tanned legs. "Is that better?"

Allen glanced up and saw the smooth thighs and a hint of black lace panties between her thighs and the outline of her fur plainly visible beneath them. Her large nipples were so clear the he could see the little bumps of her areola through the thin white top. "Much better."

"Is there anything that I might do to make it even better?"

"You could close your legs before I burst my dick."

"There is another solution," she said opening her legs, "I could open my legs a little more so that you could put that dick to good use." She extended her leg until her bare toes were touching the tubular shape showing in his pants. As her toes gently stroked it, Allen's cock rose to tent the pants.

Allen stood up and said, "Hanna said that you'd be extra horny with Len gone for so long."

Leaning to unbuckle his belt, Shauna said, "Hanna is wise beyond her years. She even offered you to me and I gladly accepted." She got his belt unfastened and lowered his zipper to open his pants. His cock was so hard by this time that it pushed its way out and over his boxers. "Ummm yes, I remember it now. So nice and thick and long."

Allen took a step closer and started to pull Shauna's top over her head. He stopped suddenly and said, "I'm sorry, Shauna, I just can't do this."

"By the looks of your dick you can."

"It is going down fast. This just doesn't feel right to me. I'm so sorry."

Shauna straightened herself up, smiled and said, "There's nothing to be sorry about, Allen, I understand and respect you for it. In fact, more than respect you, I admire you." She leaned against him and kissed his cheek.

"I feel like such a dick head."

"No need. Just because I think that Len might be messing around is no excuse for me to cheat on him and help you cheat on Hanna."

"I guess that Hanna doesn't see it as cheating," he remarked.

"Will you tell Hanna?"

"Yes, I won't lie to her."

"I don't understand Allen. Really, I just don't. But I've learned not to question Hanna's reasoning either. I mean, I'm guessing that Leonard fucks other women, but I don't want to hear about it."

Allen laughed, "It can be odd to say the least; you'd have to live with her to fully understand how odd it is sometimes ... and now I have two of them." Pausing a moment, Allen continued, "She wants to help a friend. But more, I think she wants me to know she isn't jealous and she wants you to know that she isn't threatened by you."

"Whatever it is, she has a hold on you. You love her so much that you had to think about her in order to get hard in the first place," she responded, "I could tell by the far away look in your eyes. I don't mind though, I respect the love that you two have." She kissed him on the cheek and they got dressed.

When Allen got home, he called out for Hanna and got no answer. Her car was still in the driveway, so she must be at the beach with Pali. He went to the bedroom, took off his clothes and put on his swimming suit. As he passed the lanai, Allen saw a note on the table. It had a big heart on it neatly drawn in pink and a smaller one that only a dad could make out as a heart. Allen sprinted across the front lawn to the small trail leading to the beach. It was about one-half mile to the black rock outcropping that Hanna liked to go to meditate and read. There was plenty of shade there and she could let Pali go naked and dig all of the holes he wanted to. Pali loved to hunt and try to catch the little burrowing sand crabs.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Pali screamed when he saw his father. He ran the twenty yards or so and only fell once before he jumped into his daddy's arms. He hugged Allen and pointed to another child playing in the sand; a tiny blonde girl that was maybe six months older than him and just as naked. "Kara," Pali pointed and pushed his way down from his father's arms.

Hanna saw Allen, pushed her sunglasses up and unplugged the ear phones. "I've been tossed aside for another woman," she said.

"Blonde too," Allen grinned, "better get after him quick about those blonde girls. Where'd she come from anyway?"

Hanna pointed to a couple necking in the surf and said, "That couple over there. They're visiting from Canada and I thought maybe they could use a little time to explore the fringe benefits of Maui."

"Ever helping people and their sex lives. You may be doing them a disservice though, Ipo ... they might end up with another one of those," Allen said nodding at the pretty blonde girl."

"Maybe so, I can't see where that would be so awful. Here they come now. They're from near Quebec; he speaks a little English and she's originally from Amiens, France and speaks almost none."

"How did you communicate with them?"

"I speak French, dummy."

"You do? I knew you spoke some Spanish. Damn, it never ends. What else do you speak?"

Hanna thought and said, "I'm getting better with Hawai'ian," she held up the CD player for him, "and this is Japanese."




"French for shit," she said smugly.


Allen shook hands with the couple once they made their way up the beach. He was a little embarrassed at how little his high school French did for him. The pair left after they put some clothes on their daughter, thanked Hanna again, and nodded at the dumb merde that couldn't talk to them. Then Allen asked Hanna, "Why Japanese?"

"There are so many that come to visit and ask questions, especially at hula class, that I thought it would be nice to be able to visit with them."

Allen said nothing and fought Pali's hat on the boy to take him home. "It was pretty cute watching them dig holes and try to bury each other. Maybe we should..."

"Don't even think about it. Not yet anyway. By the way, how did it go with Shauna today?"

Allen replied with a thumbs up and Hanna grinned. "You should have warned that couple that she will get a fine if the cops see her with her breasts bare." He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"She had nice boobs," Hanna remarked.

"I didn't notice."

"Of course you didn't. She's still breast feeding too."

"I kinda thought so."

Hanna punched him in the side, grinned and looked up at him, "You didn't notice. My butt you didn't notice."

"Such a splendid example of a butt too."

Hanna wiggled her bottom for Allen and then cuddled up for the rest of the walk home. Pali was already asleep over his daddy's shoulder.

They made their way back up the short trail from the beach and crossed the lawn to the lanai. Allen held Pali while Hanna brushed the sand off of them. Allen elected to brush Hanna thoroughly with his hands, paying particular attention to sand that might be under her shorts and around her bikini bottom. Of course that made Hanna squeal and dance on her toes. They stripped, shook out their beach clothes and headed inside.

"Gotta pee! Gotta pee," she yelped and ran for the bathroom.

"Go pee then, I'll put Wild Thing down." Pali's diaper was still fresh, so Allen put him in his crib and went to the bedroom and laid on the bed. In a few minutes he asked, "What's taking you so long in there?"

"It's none of your business. But if you must know, I'm cleaning myself with a baby wipe so I don't smell like pee. I always do that." When she was finished, Hanna jumped on the bed and sprawled up close to Allen. "Gonna tell me about it?"

Allen's eyes were fixed on that beautiful golden brown patch of curls below her navel. "I have to fess up Hanna."

"Bet she came hard, huh"

"I have something to tell you."

"Did you cum too?"

"You aren't listening, I couldn't do it with Shauna."

"No way!"

"Sorry, it wouldn't even stay hard. I just kept seeing your pretty face and the way you wrinkle your nose at me. I just felt it was cheating whether you thought so or not."

"You're so wonderful, I can't believe that I have you."

Allen sighed, "I'm the lucky one. I can't understand why you even married me sometimes."

"Because you fill the hole in my life. Not just the one or two that you're thinking about either!" she said. "I love you so much it consumes me."

"Tell me more about why you couldn't have sex with Shauna. It always seemed to me that men could do it just whenever and with whomever. It would be so wonderful to know that I was wrong; at least about you."

Allen thought a moment and responded, "Intensity I think. Even when we are having fun and just fucking or role playing, it's always intense. With Shauna, it would have been just fucking. I no longer believe in just fucking I guess."

"Why did you get angry with me today?"

"Angry? When?"

"When I told you that I can speak French, you seemed angry."

"I wasn't angry with you. I know that you speak some Spanish and that you are trying to get better, but I didn't know that you speak French. I guess sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by you. You have a thirst for knowledge and are such a quick learner. I guess it makes me feel ... well, paranoid I suppose."

"You have a lot to learn about me and the way I feel about you. I want you to be proud of me and love me even more," she whispered.

Allen put his fingers under her chin and looked into her pretty blue eyes and said, "It's impossible for me to love you anymore or be more proud Ipo."

She smiled and said, "Maybe you just like to fuck me." Hanna's hand reached for, and found, his hardening penis.

"Much more than just that, but I can't lie and tell you that I don't love having sex with you."

Her hand had edged between his legs and her fingers were stroking his prostrate. His balls were rubbing the palm of her hand and his cock was steadily growing against her wrist. Her face was buried in his chest and she was sucking a nipple. She released the nipple and said, "There was a time for awhile when I was almost certain that you were my father."

"I had the same feeling. I kept thinking, 'what if she is my daughter?'"

"But we continued to make love anyway."


"I loved you then."

"I know. I loved you too. I still do, maybe more."

"There's this girl that I dance with; she lives with her father."

"I know who you mean. You suspect that her child is his?"

"I'm almost certain that she is his child," she answered.

"Does the idea sicken you?"

"No. Not if they are in love. I mean ... well, it goes against everything that we've come to know, but if they love each other..."

"If they believe in God, then it is up to them to answer for their taboo."

Hanna replied, "I suppose, but maybe God doesn't really mind. Maybe it's not really kapu."

"I don't know, Sweetheart. I suppose you'd better read the bible and see."

"You aren't my father, so I don't really care. It's their business anyway and none of mine. But sometimes I think about it."

"You mean me being your daddy?"


"Then I can be your daddy anytime you want me to." Allen was almost full hard by now and was beginning to ache with lust for her.

She looked into his eyes and said, "Would my daddy still want to fuck me?"

"He would never want to stop fucking his princess."

She wrinkled her nose at him and smiled. "Be my daddy right now then," she whispered and put her leg over the top of his. "Feel how warm and wet I am, Daddy."

Allen's fingers pushed his cock away from her pussy and felt her open slit. "Princess is wet and ready for Daddy's cock. Do you want Daddy to fuck you Princess?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Slide my cock up into that tight little cunt of yours, Sweetie."

Hanna released her hold on his balls and took the swollen shaft back into her fingers. She groaned when it touched the entrance to her vagina and used it to massage her extended clit. She felt that a few minutes of that alone would bring her off to orgasm. Instead, she inserted the tip into her and used her muscles to try to suck it in. She didn't have to work much because her husband/daddy made one thrust and buried it all the way into her wet tunnel. A little cry escaped her lips as the tip seemed to hit her cervix.

Suddenly Hanna was on top. Allen had pulled her over on top of him and crushed her against his chest. His knees were up and she was nestled between his legs and was being squeezed by his thighs. Allen held her tight as he arched his back to drive his cock in and out of her stretched tunnel. "So tight Sweetie Does Daddy's cock feel good?"

"Yes Daddy, it feels nice ... it's so big Daddy ... so big for me." Hanna was trying to make room to fuck him back, but the hold of his thighs against her legs was too much and she had to let him fuck. The constant pressure of his cock and the tingling ache she was feeling was giving her the deep and intense pleasure that they always shared. She had never met her real father and probably would have been abhorred at the thought of sex with him, but the game with Allen was a massive turn on. "Ummm ... yes Daddy ... like that ... fuck me like that."

"Daddy is going to sperm your wet little cunt, Princess," he said and released the lock that he had on her hips with his legs.

She raised enough to let her tits slide across his chest and started to fuck him back. She could feel his hair grazing her nipples and his shaft massaging her. Hard pressure deep in and then release to nearly leaving the very wet tunnel. Each stroke made a sexy sucking noise and when he ground his pelvis against her, she felt a shudder run through her. She was sweating now from the humidity and the intense work of the fuck. Allen was sweating too; she could see it on his forehead and feel it against her soft tummy. "Cum for me Daddy, cum inside me."

Allen's hands had a hold on her pretty butt cheeks and he was pulling her to him and releasing her. His fingers opened the cheeks and one of then found the little hole just above where his cock was. He made a mental image of his cock being sealed to her by her labia and the sheen of her vaginal fluid on his cock as it left her cunt. One of his fingers slid into her open anus and he pushed it in to the second knuckle. She bit her lip and groaned from the double onslaught. "Yes... ," and his legs tightened, he sucked his stomach in and released his cum deep inside her.

Hanna felt him release and let her waves of orgasm rush through her too. She yelled, "Daddy!" and came immediately after feeling his cum seep from her cunt and roll down over her mound to his stomach. He continued to fuck her until the last of his semen was released and her contractions subsided. She collapsed back onto his chest with her eyes closed and their bodies slick with sweat. After a moment she said, "Merde, that was fucking hot!"

"Damn, I still haven't given you those panties either," he said trying to catch his breath.

"Next time Baby. Next time Daddy gets horny for his girl."

He took her face in her hands and kissed her extra long and hard. When he came up for air, he said, "When is Daddy not horny for his girl?"

"I hope never."

Jill came early to watch Pali while Allen and Hanna got ready to go to the luau. "Are you nervous Hanna?"

"Not really Mom, I dance a lot in front of people. Actually the setting at the Royal Lahaina is better because you can't really see the audience. The drummers are mostly old pros too and that makes it go well."

"I would be scared to death."

Hanna smiled and said, "Wild Thing there can be more frightening than any dance."

"He's always an angel for Grandma. I've finally convinced him that there's no milk in my breasts for him though."

Hanna and her mother heard Allen choke down a laugh in the background. "I think that one in there incites him to it anyway," Hanna said looking toward the bathroom.

About an hour later, Hanna and Allen had arrived at the luau and the place was already nearly full of people. The band was playing and the food was just starting to be served. They had about an hour until sundown and the start of the show. "My Tahitian is third after the intro and my hula is at the end of the show. I have reserved a seat for you up in the front for the o'tea and then you'll have to hustle back to sing for me."

"Why do I have to be in the audience for the dance Ipo?"

"Because I want you to," she said with an exasperated look on her face.

"Well, okay then!" Allen answered and gave her a kiss. "Jeez you give them a spotlight and they turn into super stars."

Hanna flipped him the finger and turned him to push him out. "Go away now and quit bugging me, butthead."

After the show started, the sun had gone down and it was dark, the lights went down real low and the only real lighting was the emergency lighting. In a moment a voice came on the loudspeaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, The Royal Lahaina Luau takes great pride in presenting a special guest: Maui's own Princess Hanna Keopele."

The lights went up a little and Hanna was standing with her arms over her head and her palms together. Her right toe was up causing her hip to be cocked out and she was looking down at the ground. Hanna was wearing her white rayon pa'erau skirt that tied at the side leaving a slit from waist to bottom on one side. The skirt's only decoration was a long gold chain in the front and her headdress was a simple white flowered lei. Her breasts were covered by a white sheath of matching rayon and tied in back. The lead drummer yelled out without amplified audio, "Wahine! Makaukau (are you ready?)."

"Ae (yes)."

"O'tea Pa'hai!" And the drums started to roll. During the drum intro, Hanna raised her head, lowered her arms and met the first beat of the o'tea precisely. With the sea in the background, the moon on the rise and the sound of the surf crashing, Hanna danced around the mound. The drums thundered into the night and Hanna danced.

After a couple of drum sets, Hanna raised her right arm and made a fist. The drums stopped for a moment and then lead Bora Bora. Hanna was about ten feet from Allen and danced slowly to him as the tempo picked up.

'Oh my God! She wouldn't really do the sexy Bora Bora?' Allen thought.

Hanna didn't. She kept it pretty tame, but most of the men and some of the women in the crowd probably had very good imaginations. Many women in the crowd were likely beating their husbands on the head. The spot lights were directly on her and the pale yellow lighting made her appear to be a goddess from hundreds of years in the past. Like any good dancer, she could show enough leg and just enough of a hint of panties to give an idea of the authentic dance. With the last beat of Bora Bora, the lights went down again and Hanna disappeared (but not before giving her sweetheart a kiss).

After his erection subsided and all of the men around him patted his back and shook his hand, Allen left to get ready for his Ipo's hula. His pride was more swollen than his dick had been. 'They should get a chance to see her do that at home. T'aint the same folks, ' Allen thought, smiling to himself.

For her hula, the announcer introduced Allen as Hanna's husband. They received a standing ovation for their rendition of Keali'i Reichel's Lahaina Luna. Hanna wore a below the knee pa'erau and a coco bra. She wore ankle, wrist and a head lei of white and yellow plumeria and ti leaves.

"You guys were even more incredible than ever," Shauna remarked after the show, "I wish Len and I could talk you into doing more of them with us. There will be people that will never forget your dances Hanna."

"I really can't and you know why, Shauna. It is fun to do sometimes, but Allen is one in the family that has the stage in his blood. Get him to sing for you." After a pause, Hanna said, "Next time I wish that he would drop the Princess part though Shauna."

"Thanks for offering me, Ipo, but I have plenty to do just keeping up with you and your Wild Thing."

"Now he's my Wild Thing?"

Shauna laughed at the two of them bantering and then gave them each a hug and a kiss. "Do pictures please Hanna? I know you don't need the money, but there are people out there that won't leave until you make an appearance."

"Go ahead, Sweetie," Allen said. He patted her on her butt and walked out with her.

Shauna said as they left, "No more Princess, I promise. But Hanna, you know that many people believe that you are a princess and it does no harm to let them believe that. Especially now."

"I don't mind people believing in me, but some might expect too much. But no matter what our people believe, it's private for us and not for sharing with visitors."

"I understand. There is no mystic about it; your bloodline is from your great grandmother and through your father. I'm one of the believers Hanna, and I'll do as you ask," Shauna replied.

'Probably an excellent idea, ' Allen thought as they left.

The ladies in the women's dressing area had no sense of humor at Allen wanting to shower with Hanna, so he showered alone. Poor guy. But he did manage to give Hanna the pair of pink string bikini panties that he promised and asked her to wear them home. One of the dancers happened to catch the "Daddy's Princess" on the front and the little blue bear with the cocked tiara and turned away with a blush.

They got home about an hour later and thanked Hanna's mom for watching Wild Thing. After they hugged and kissed and politely shooed her out, Allen changed Pali and put him down while Hanna got ready for bed. when Allen came to the bedroom, Hanna was laying in bed, with the covers down, wearing her blue shorty pajamas with the little bears printed on them. Her legs were open enough so that he could see a hint of her new pink panties under the hem of her right leg.

"Did Daddy come in to kiss Princess goodnight?"

"Yes, Sweetie, Daddy came to tell his Princess how proud of her he is and give her a big hug and a love."

"I like your loves Daddy."

Allen sat next to her on the bed and whispered, "I know you do and Daddy loves to love you more than anything." He put his hand on her exposed tummy and leaned to kiss her. Her mouth opened for him and immediately found his tongue. "Is that a way for a girl to kiss her Daddy?"

"It's this girl's way of showing him how badly she needs him." She reached behind his head to pull him down again for another kiss. "Why doesn't Daddy take off some of his clothes and lay with me for awhile?"

He stood up and slowly pulled his shirt over his head, then unbuttoned his shorts and kicked them away. He looked down and on her and pushed his boxers down his legs to the floor and stepped out of them. He knew that she loved to look and gave her a chance to run her eyes from his brown hair and blue eyes and down over his sparsely furred chest. She stopped for a moment and smiled at him when he took his partially swollen penis into his hand. He squeezed it lightly and stroked it a little for her. She could watch it start to swell in his grip. Her hand went under her top to touch her sensitive nipples while she watched him.

'He's so beautiful, ' she thought, 'so strong looking and such a kind face. He gets ready for me so fast. His legs are strong and muscular, they can hold me in place with no problem and not too hairy either.' Her eyes were fixed on the long thick tube that was almost entirely white. Maybe a little pinker on the tip when he got it nice and hard. It seemed to bend up on the end too and maybe that's what gave her the pleasure when he massaged her with it. She nearly drooled at the thought of her having that in her somewhere. Anywhere. She patted the bed and said in her husky voice of heat, "Sit with me, Daddy. Come close so I can touch you."

Allen sat back down on the bed and he felt her hand find his cock. Her fingers were magic when they wrapped around it and squeezed it. He leaned down to kiss her again and whispered, "You don't mind if Daddy unbuttons your jammie top do you Princess?" He didn't wait for an answer, he just started to unbutton it and kissed her. After the last button, he spread the top open and broke the kiss to look at her. His thumb made a little circle around the left breast and a small trail of opaque white fluid followed his thumb from the pink nipple. His thumb followed with the next nipple and then he leaned and sucked the milk from each breast. Hanna put her free hand on the side of his head and sighed.

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