Taste Of Independence - Cover

Taste Of Independence

Copyright© 2006 by Caesar

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Using his Aunt's hate for her husband, nephew comes to dominant her completely.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Cheating   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   MaleDom   Voyeurism  

The money from the publisher, more than expected as they included a price for the first series of photos plus a bonus as an incentive to do more, was much more than anticipated. Aunt Sharon had nearly broke down crying when she saw the cheque - and had hugged it to her bosom before rushing from the house to go open a new bank account and deposit her earnings. Had I become the instrument of my Aunt and Uncles marital demise?

The bathroom, the set for the next scene, was the typical mature couples refuge. It had lace and pinks in abundance - it had flowered bath rugs and matching towel sets. But it was also perfect for this next set and I had seen how Aunt Sharon had agreed just from the look in her eyes.

The first photo to the publisher had been taken in this room - though it had only been with my Aunt seated on the edge of the tub and showing a little leg and cleavage. This time would be much different.

Having slowly disrobed and strut before the mirror, all by direction and with the camera clicking away - Aunt Sharon sat on the toilet and, on command, urinated into the bowl. I had been nervous when I had foretold her about this act, but she had seemed nothing but anxious to do it. The camera caught the yellow stream coming from between her legs.

Then I had her climb into the tub, use the shower head to wet the area between her legs and then apply my Uncle's shaving cream to her recently trimmed bush. Carefully and while biting her bottom lip, Aunt Sharon used one of her husbands blades to shave her bush completely bare until only skin was showing. I then handed her the bottle of baby oil.

"You are such a naughty young man Andrew." I have learnt - that my Aunt took special pleasure in any act that seemed to be passively aggressive towards her husband, my uncle. Aunt Sharon took the bottle, opened it, and then poured it over her breasts and down to her navel so that it was dripping off her flesh. Then my Aunt began what could only be described as a voluptuous self-massage, she rubbed the thick oil into herself - from neck to knees. Paying particular attention to her breasts, thighs and her hairless sex.

When she started to ease, first, one finger and then two into herself - I gasped, "Put one foot up on the edge Auntie." As I squatted down for a better view - the camera clicking dutifully away.

I could smell her excitement - knowing much of the moisture around her sex and fingers was not baby oil, but cunt cream. This had not been scripted - but it was a fantastic continuation of our scene.

Then, anxious to appease my every command, she knelt next to the tub and filled it with water and bubbles before slipping in. She looked so innocent, looking up with only her shoulders and above showing. My Aunt then put both feet and knees on either edge of the tub and proceeded to play with her sex, eyes clenched tight and lips open slightly so that I knew she was pretending.

This realization caused me to ask the question I could not even consider in my wildest fantasies asking her, "Do you play with yourself often Aunt Sharon?"

The question broke the fake passionate mood radiating from that overflowing tub and her eyes opened, first looking down at my lap and then up to the eye of the camera. "Not since I was a teenager."

That caused me to pause and look at her without the LCD screen's interference - was she serious?

She must have seen my surprise and continued, "It is a sin honey."

If that be true, then where were her hands at that very moment? "But... ?"

The question must have been obvious, "I am not masturbating for my own desire honey, but because you asked me too."

Okay, that did not help my confusion in the least, in fact it only added to it.

My Aunt looked away from me, gazing soberly at the wall beneath the shower head - the mood lost, her hands coming out of the water, her feet dropping back in. Something just happened that I had no comprehension of, something I could not decipher - but I did know I did not want it to end here, like this.

I stood up and retrieved my Aunt's white terrycloth robe, holding out for her - "I am sorry Aunt Sharon."

She showed surprise for a brief second before she stood and slipped the cloth over her wet naked flesh. "Thank you Andrew."

No 'honey'?

She started to move towards the door, obviously assuming this picture session was over. "Where are you going Aunt Sharon?"

My aged Auntie stopped and turned in surprise, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Why don't you go get the toy and meet me in the study?" My uncle's study.

A malicious pleased smile grew upon her lips.

"If that would be okay I mean?"

She nodded before answering, "I would like that very much honey."

Aunt Sharon dropped the robe on the floor outside her bathroom, it having been worn merely seconds, and ran on her toes to retrieve the dildo from its hiding spot - her voluptuous wet flesh moving so deliciously.

I spent the next ninety minutes taking hundreds of digital pictures of my Aunt masturbating with her fingers, my uncles favourite monogrammed pen and, of course, that big fat dildo. Over the leather chair and even laying upon his hardwood immaculate desk. I used the word 'fuck' and 'cunt' dozens of times, she signing and gasping each time - smiling at being treated so commonly.

Aunt Sharon was left a quivering sweaty mess, her legs barely able to hold her weight, as she came up to me and stood on her toes to wrap her arms about my neck and hold me tightly. "Thank you so much honey - that was wonderful." I could feel her overheated wet soft flesh through my clothing and feared she would feel my hardness pressing into her stomach. She was smiling happily when she looked up into my eyes and held that gaze for a long pregnant minute.

God help me but I just stood there frozen with my arm at my side, the camera still clenched tightly in one hand, but I thought later after leaving her that if I had only angled my head to kiss her she would not have resisted. In fact, I imagined that she wanted me to kiss her.

This was our little secret - the two of us subversively taking graphic erotic photos and accepting money for it. When my uncle was around Aunt Sharon would look at me out of the side of her lowered gaze or give me a private knowing smile. We were tied by this secret and she seemed to blossom because of it.

When the old man was not around she was more approachable than ever before, pampering me silly - from food to laundry to even running my shower to warm it in the morning. It was her way of thanking me, I knew, as I had not accepted a dime of her well earned money. This was her way of showing her love for me I realized with not a little pride.

My mother, through her weekly phone calls, even noticed the change in her sister - telling me I must be doing something right as she can not remember the last time Sharon seemed so happy.

Since she was more open when we were alone, I proceeded to unravel the puzzle that was my mother's older sister.

She spoke openly about her lack of sexual knowledge, her frustration about being married to man who had not touched her in nearly a decade and when he had had left her wondering if that was all there was too it. Disappointed and lonely she had grown resentful of her life and even her god, though she would never admit to such I knew.

Aunt Sharon admitted to never having an orgasm, not even knowing what to expect. She never touched herself in lust until our photo sessions started. So many firsts between us already - more glue for our secret binding relationship.

After numerous queries, she had admitted that she really enjoyed two things about or sessions - the first was the way I looked at her, a look she had never seen focused towards her before, the second admission was that she really enjoyed when I took control of the sessions, told her what and how to do something. This even included using the more 'base' names for her vagina - for example, her 'cunt'.

These admission got me so passionate that I contemplated jerking off in my room - but instead, politely told my Aunt to meet me in the television room in the basement - wearing nothing but her black thigh high stockings and carrying her 'dildo'.

In response she just stared at me for a few seconds before a smile rapidly appeared and she rushed from the room to comply. When I appeared with the camera in hand I thought I detected mild disappointment but that had to have been my imagination as for the next hour Aunt Sharon did every single act that I requested she do before that camera.

Two more sessions happened - one a staged production of her getting dressed to go out, lingerie and all - the last, a long leisurely masturbation session with dildo and fingers, fully naked and on her marriage bed. That session also included a new toy we had purchased together, a small slim vibrator that had spent a rather long while in her anus.

I instigated each session, I directed every second. Yet, throughout, she watched me carefully - her eyes boring into the bulge in my pants to glaring suggestively into my eyes.

The fact that she wanted me to take control was finally hitting through my dense defences. The woman that I had grown up with was not the real person inside - her stiff grumpy exterior was a defence from her frustrated loneliness. Giving her a release, I was privileged to be shown that real and passionate little girl inside the sixty year old woman's body.

The fact that I could, if I should wish it, fuck her was mine only for the asking. Nothing was said but it no longer needed too.

She coincided to me that simply being near me caused her 'cunt' to become excited - a reaction to another person that has never happened to her before.

Having her comment so openly about 'my condition' had sparked a desire that had been growing within me so brazenly these last weeks. Directing and photographing such a deliciously naked woman was wearing on my soul and even on my morals.

Aunt Sharon had wanted her own money and now had earned over ten thousand already - but as far as I knew, she did not spend more than a little on various items. Mostly lingerie and sex toys for our photo session. So as I had known all along, it wasn't about the cash. The hint of what really was going on within her lay in the look she gave me - submissive was the term I had come up with just days before. With me alone she did not have to be the stern and responsible adult - she was that virginal teenager who jerked off guys so she could meet her mothers, and gods, values about being a 'good girl'. Good girls don't have sex before they are married. Good girls do not use their mouth except to kiss the man they marry. Good girls do not even touch themselves when the man they marry ignores them for years on end.

Alone with me, Aunt Sharon was finished being a good girl - there was no doubt about that in my mind now. She was but mine for the asking.

"Take off the robe Aunt Sharon, I have one more scene for you to do." She almost moaned in frustration - it had been a long afternoon already, and her body was sweaty and exhausted from her instructed self abuse.

It all our scenes together Aunt Sharon had masturbated furiously numerous times, but I have yet to see her experience an orgasm. She had admitted to me that she had never had one - and the concept was so foreign to me. How can her body not meet that inevitable end when she has so obviously been aroused under my direction? It is obviously something that I has fascinated and intrigued me since her admission. And it was in my thoughts now.

I took the camera into both hands and confirmed there was enough photos for a few more minutes. The robe was draped over the back of the kitchen chair before I looked up from the camera as I knew it would be.

"Now get down onto your knees please." Politeness never hurt anything, isn't that something this woman had taught me so many years ago?

I walked around her kneeling form slowly, taking about a half dozen photos - her head moved to watch me, probably wondering what was coming next.

Stopping directly in front of her while looking through the small LCD screen I spoke calmly, "Open the front of my jeans Aunt Sharon."

The camera caught her shocked look before she gazed downwards to my obvious excitement hidden, as it always had been up to this day, in my pants. The trembling hands rose and my anxious pleasure rose as well, this was going to work.

The button at the top popped open loudly but the zipper fought her as her fingers shock wildly. Her eyes though were wide and unresisting, perhaps even anxious.

After a frustrating two minutes, and me giving no help to her, my zipper lowered allowing my jockey's to thrust out obscenely from the open part of my jeans. My Aunt was all eyes, starring at that bulge and its wide wet spot where I had leaked continuously through this last photo session.

"Now push my jeans slowly down to my knees." Her trembling hands grasped then tugged downward, none too gently until she had done as instructed.

Her eyes were wide and starring at my bulging underwear but her lips trembled as she demurely asked, "Are you sure you want to do this Andrew?" We both understood that this was different, this could take us past the lives we have lived - our relationship will not help but change.

I ignored her question.

"Take it out Aunt Sharon... but slowly." I had to capture this moment for all time on digital and wanted it to last.

Auntie finally seemed to hit that brick wall - her hands came up but they were trembling so bad, she clenched them numerous times to still them. Her eyes finally tore from my crotch to her fists and I saw that they had started to tear up, "I don't think I can do this honey?"

That moment was captured for all time in picture and it, more than any other picture, would excite and remind me of this moment.

"Then no hands Aunt Sharon, just use your teeth." I forced the smile to disappear from my lips. She would do this, I had no doubt.

Again she hesitated, a tear running down once cheek, before leaning forwards and taking a bit of my underwear between her white teeth. Then they began to descend, my Aunt's eyes watching the bulge carefully until my hard cock sprung out of its confines and she gasped even with her teeth clenching my shorts. After I was released, my underwear easily slipped down to rest just upon my jeans, around my knees.

She seemed to have forgotten her own tears as she knelt a breath away from my throbbing member - its head glistening pink with my abundant pre-spend. These last weeks have been torturous for me, directing a naked mature woman who I had discovered to be both submissive and damn sexy. What had she expected to happen - masturbating with fruit while I watched, continue to be celibate?

Then she surprised me by looking up at the eye of the camera and asking, "Will you make me suck it?" The way she was acting, I did not know if she was scared or excited at the answer she expected to get.

I put the camera down and looked her in the eye, my mother's older sister, "Yes you are going to suck it." Calling my penis an 'it' seemed a bit odd, but I let it go.

Her eyes moved down again, "I have never done this before honey."

My cock jerked before her face and she gasped - see what she is doing to me?

"I have never seen one so close before either."

I have had enough, "'It' is called a 'cock' Aunt Sharon. You are about to suck my 'cock'."

Her eyes looked up almost shyly, no one has ever said such a thing to her in her life I knew, "'Cock'."

I nodded, giving her a gentle smile.

"Now Aunt Sharon, close your eyes and open your mouth - then take my the head of my cock just in past your lips."

She nodded, blinked twice, the tears already dried up and then looked back down at my throbbing member and closed her eyes. The rest was according to my instruction and I felt her warm wet mouth engulf the head of my prick gently.

I remembered to snap more pictures of the momentous event.

"Rub your tongue around the head and on the underside as you suck please." She did this immediately and I knew in this, as with all actions leading up to this moment, she would do exactly as I instructed. "Now move your head slowly up and down, taking as much of my cock into the back of your throat as possible." My dick hit the back of her throat and she gagged - but only the one time, she never went that deep again - so this gave her three quarters of my cock to work with.

The feeling was exquisite.

This photo set would be fantastic!

"You have kept me hard for the last couple of hours Aunt Sharon - so this won't take long - when I say so, hold my cock in your hand and aim it at your face." Her eyes opened in surprise at that statement, looking up into the camera for a perfect moment captured on digital. The she mumbled 'OK honey' with a mouthful of cock and I had to suppress a desire to laugh with pleasure.

God, her mouth felt great!

In no time at all, "Take it out now Auntie!"

She moved anxiously, both her hands holding the base of my saliva covered cock as she aimed it at her own face. Eyes wide and locked on my penis, I wondered if this was another first for her - watching a man orgasm up close and personal. I had little doubts that getting her faced hosed down had never been done to this sixty year old woman.

A loud growl escaped from me as my dick began to blast! I was past caring and my head fell back onto my shoulders as my hands held the camera steady, simply holding down the capture button so that a picture was taken approximately every second. It felt like a month of sperm was pumping out my dick and it felt fantastic!

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