Taste Of Independence - Cover

Taste Of Independence

Copyright© 2006 by Caesar

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Using his Aunt's hate for her husband, nephew comes to dominant her completely.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Cheating   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   MaleDom   Voyeurism  

Aunt Sharon eased the fat carrot from out of her dripping wet sex and chucked it casually over her shoulder into the sink. "How did that look?" She asked breathlessly, anxious, her still-gaping sex pulsating.

"Very hot Aunt Sharon." My voice sounded raspy, my throat dry.

She smiled pleased at the compliment, her voluptuous pale skin glistening with perspiration, as her hands once again reached down to adjust the elastic top of her white stocking higher up her thigh.

I clicked a half dozen more digital pictures as she did this. Her eyes alternating between the camera lens, her hands and the bulge between my thighs.

When the stockings were again as high up as they would go on her smooth white fleshy gams she asked, "Whats next Andrew?"

"You up for more Aunt Sharon?" My eyes stole a look down to confirm that the camera held enough memory for more pictures.

A mischievous smile appeared on her lips, one that would have been so alien not so long ago. "Only if you think we need more shots honey?" 'Honey', that started just before our first photo shoot.

My eyes slowly looked my 60 year old Aunt over, wearing her new blue lace bustier and white stockings, her huge breasts hanging nearly to her navel as she sat upon the top of her kitchen table. She was breathing heavily as those wide dark nipples seemed to move almost hypnotically upon the quivering white flesh of her breasts.

A decision was made, "Lets get a few more of your backside Aunt Sharon?" I still could not say 'ass' to my mother's older sister.

She nodded, obviously very pleased to continue. Then my Aunt slipped off the table and knelt down onto the aged linoleum, turning so her backside was facing me before lowering herself down onto her elbows. "Hows this look honey?"

"Spread your knees a little more Auntie." They moved shoulder width apart giving me a very graphic view of my ageing Aunt from the rear. Then as if she were doing this professionally, Aunt Sharon arched her back downwards which caused her large buttocks to be more pronounced - the crevice between gaping open provocatively. It was obvious that she was very wet, her pink folds swollen and dripping - but I already knew this.

I did not take the camera from my eye as I took dozens of photos, most centred between her raised ass.

"Look over your shoulder at the camera Auntie."

She did, the smile on her lips and in her eyes genuine and in no way forced. Then without any direction, her left hand reached around and grasped her own buttock and pulled it apart from its partner - the pink asterisk of her anus seemingly winking towards me.

I could not help but purr, "Very nice."

"I am glad you think so Andrew." She always seemed to enjoy my every positive comment - her eyes often drawn to the bulge in my trousers. Nothing was ever said directly about my condition, about how I got into this condition, about what I did with it after our photo shoot was over.

"Okay, don't move for a second." Kneeling behind my near-naked Aunt, straddling one of her calves, I leaned in and took some closeup photos.

The lens but a breath away from her gaping anus, Aunt Sharon reached between her full soft thighs and slowly eased two fingers into her obviously wet sex.

These pictures are going to be great!

The hand holding her cheek moved in and one finger poked her own anus, shoving into it to the first knuckle.

Aunt Sharon was breathing heavily again, gasping for air and moaning loudly.

"That's it... you have a beautiful bum Aunt Sharon!"

My words seemed to break the passion within her, enough for her to catch my eye through the lens by looking over shoulder, "I am pleased that you think so honey." And she did look pleased - though, of course, that was not the only reason she was doing this.

I stepped back away from my Aunts bottom, "Okay, now can you roll onto your back Aunt Sharon?"

She pulled her hands from herself and then did as I asked, being careful of her ageing body against the hard flooring - as she has always said, she was not as limber as she used to be.

I saw that the two fingers that were in her cunt were coated with her juices, practically dripping off her fingers. I had her hold them up for some closeup photos. "Now lick them clean Aunt Sharon... just do it slowly please." I clicked away as her playful lust-filled gaze bore into my eye through the lens of the camera while her full red lips sucked, her fat juicy tongue licked, her digits clean.

"Very nice!"

She giggled again, a sound originating deep down in her throat. Another noise that I had never heard from my mother's sister until recently.

Then she sat up, holding herself upright with her hands behind her on the hard floor. "Anything more honey?"

She was seated there, one stocking again almost to her knee, her nipples wrinkled and tight and must be as hard as rocks, her hairless sex pink and swollen with desire as the juices running from that bright pink hole and covered all the flesh from her navel to the tops of her stockings with a thick coating of her sex juice. And she looked more than a little tired.

"Just one more scene Aunt Sharon. Do you have any fruit?"

A mischievous smile slowly spread on her lips, "I think I have some... would a nice thick banana do honey?"

I had to stifle the laugh of pleasure that almost burst from me, "That would be perfect Aunt Sharon."

Her eyes sparkled as she rolled over onto her knees and crawled quickly towards the cupboard. I took a second to confirm there was still enough space in the memory card for more photos. These moments were worth capturing for all time!

How did this incredible situation start? How does a boring guy like me end up directing his matronly Aunt in porn?

"Andrew? Can I come in?" The door opened before I had a chance to respond and my Aunt stood looking angry but determined in the opening - the facial expression that I mostly associated with my mother's sister. I simply turned away from my monitor and keyboard, facing her in my swivel chair. "You said there was a lot of money in those pictures you have right?"

I swallowed thickly and nodded, wishing that the conversation we had shared a week before could just be long forgotten. You see, my Aunt Sharon came into my room while I was on the phone upstairs - she saw some of the stuff I look at graphically displayed upon my monitor. I had walked into the room with her seated before my desk, scrolling through literally thousands of naked pictures of mature ladies.

"That bastard says I have to do what he says or I can just get out!" She was practically shouting and, of course, I knew whom she was referring too - my uncle. He once told me that it was a shame that you can't shoot your wife when they hit forty. The two of them barely spoke, but when they did she shrieked and my uncle growled - it was always an ugly scene. My uncle was the old fashioned man's man, expecting his wife to keep her opinion to herself, to work only in keeping their home together and food on the table. My Aunt, on the other hand, was a strong willed woman, who used her fiery temper and stubborn determination as a sword.

Aunt Sharon stomped into the room upon her hand knitted slippers, the raised hardwood flooring bouncing with each of her steady steps. "He says when he dies I can have all his money, but until then to just shut up. Me!" She dropped her heavy short frame upon the end of my bed and glared at me. "You said the ladies in your pictures often did it for money right?"

Better than telling her many might do it just for the thrill of it.

I just shrugged an answer - hating that she wanted to get me involved in their continual fighting. And that was what they did, argue loudly any time they were in the same room. Oh, my uncle didn't just berate and verbally abuse my Aunt - no one can do that and get away with it. You see, my Aunt Sharon is a very strong woman - sturdy in frame as well as spirit - she gave just as harsh as she received. Why did they stay together, why not just divorce like most other couples that did not like each other? Because of their religion - it was a sin. Isn't that a joke?

Now Aunt Sharon's cheeks turned a shade of red and she looked at the floor between us. "How much money would I get if I posed in pictures like that Andrew?"

My mouth opened but I realized I had nothing to say - her question shocked me to silence. Was she really suggesting what I think she was?

She seemed to sense my embarrassment, "Nothing too racy you understand - I could never do that."

"Are you serious Aunt Sharon?"

She crossed her arms over her ample bosom and humphed before answering, "What do I have that those women on your computer do not Andrew? Besides, I am sixty years of age - what do I care if a man wants to look at me naked?" By the tone of her voice, she seemed to disbelieve that any man could be considered sane to look at her naked body.

She was right about the photos of course - my personal archive of pictures on my computer had all sorts, ages forty and above only. And Aunt Sharon was still handsome of face, seemed to have the curves, if in abundance, and those breasts alone would turn the head of any guy who appreciates mature ladies.

My voice finally returned, "I can search on-line for you Aunt Sharon - see if I can't find out how you", here I had to swallow thickly again, "can get paid to do some modelling."

A tension seemed to lift from the room and Aunt Sharon's shoulders softened as she slowly stood up and started towards the door. She stopped just outside it and turned to face me, "This is our secret right honey, I don't want that bastard to find out okay?"

Before her question registered, I was taken back by her use of the term 'honey'. How the hell did I get myself into this?

Aunt Sharon read the printed contract for the third time, her mouth moving as she read the terms yet again. I had heard a rumour that she only had education until grade seven, though I would guess her never to admit the fact.

We were in my bedroom, me seated in my swivel chair yet again and she at the edge of my bed - the only two places to sit in the small space.

When she was done she looked up at me, a new spark in her eye that I had never seen before, "That seems like a lot of money Andrew."

I nodded, having spoken in email with the guy willing to pay for photos of anyone over fifty - Aunt Sharon certainly applied. "Yes, but only if he agrees to accept your work."

She nodded, having read that part three times. "He wants a photo? Makes perfect sense of course - so I don't disgust the guys right?" Aunt Sharon then giggled nervously and it was the first time I had ever heard her make that sound and it unnerved me. She had looked at me out the corner of her eye as she spoke, as if trying to read my expressions - though I dare say, I was still stunned by this whole conversation that I just sat there mute. "Do you have a camera honey - we can get this part over and done with right now?"

The fact that my mother's sister seemed almost anxious to start modelling and that it was I that she was asking to take her first photo startled me even further. I had to lock my eyes to her face, afraid to look down at her ample bosom or her thick shapely calves and get caught.

"A camera?" I may have stuttered something at that point.

She frowned, "No camera? I don't think we should use mine - the developers will have a hoot seeing my old pucker come out on film." She pursed her lips and frowned, deep in thought - then she brightened up considerably. "What about your uncles? He has a digital camera he uses for quotes - likes to show everyone how fancy it is, how many buttons it has - I think it would be poetic justice to use his?"

What could I do but nod my acceptance. I don't think my uncle uses his digital camera more than two or three times a year.

"I will go get it and be right back and then we can do the picture right away."

She stood to do as she had stated, but I squeaked out, "Right away? You want me to do the pictures Aunt Sharon?"

She stopped and looked over her shoulder, "You are the most qualified person I know Andrew." Then she was gone. I took her last statement as a stab at my choice of erotic material that she had discovered on my monitor.

My Aunt was gone less than a minute but it felt like an hour - my palms were sweaty and a knot had grown in my gut. She stepped back into my room and handed me the expensive camera. Just like my uncle to spend so much money on an item and then barely use it.

Instinctively I began to configure it for our needs. It was nearly idiot proof - and I was surprised at how large the internal memory card was on the thing, I could literally take thousands of photos before I had to download to my computer.

This was fucking crazy.

She stood there with an odd smile, "Okay Andrew, how do you want me?" Her choice of words did not help my nervousness one bit.

I looked up and the first thing I noticed was that her nipples had hardened and were visibly poking against her blouse. "How do I want you?"

She nodded after raising her brow at my innocent question, "Do you think a picture of just my face would be enough honey?" I just starred at her, her words seeming to take several seconds before I comprehended them. "Probably not huh?" I was still fumbling over her choice of the word 'honey' so I was still seconds behind her latest question.

Again my Aunt frowned, making her look almost older than her years, she also seemed at a loss how to start. I soon realized that it was up to me, this was why she was asking for my help - because I've enjoyed mature ladies in my vast porn collection for years. Sure I was no photographer, but with a digital camera - it was just point and click right? And if you make a mistake, click again and then again and of course, again - keeping only the best.

"I don't think just a face shot would be enough Aunt Sharon." I almost said 'facial' but caught myself.

She shrugged, her nervousness finally showing through. "I thought not."

"Maybe something risque would do?"

Her face brightened up, "Like a cheesecake photo right honey?"

"Yea Auntie, just like that." Her enthusiasm to do this was shocking to say the least.

I told her the idea that was coming to me and she leaped at it.

An hour later I was standing at the entrance of her bathroom facing her jacuzzi tub, where she sat on its edge. She had spent the last hour removing her clothing, working on her short curly hair and then applying makeup. All my Aunt wore was a large terrycloth dark blue bathrobe - my uncles she had admitted with malicious humour - nothing could be seen, but it was sexy as hell.

"Loosen the top a little more Aunt Sharon." I was looking through the rear of the camera, nervously taking various photos - all of which I did not think were perfect yet.

"So you are a boob man are you?" She giggled again as she loosened the thick robe, so with the slight angle that she sat, I could see nearly the whole of one huge white breast. Hell, I think that was the edge of her nipple right there. She moved into the position I had been attempting to place her in, most of one leg nearly to the waist was also exposed.

Her comment caused my face to flush hotly, yet again. "Please Aunt Sharon, you asked me to help?"

"Sorry honey, I am just a little nervous." It was the first time she was admitting to such. Her legs moved slightly and her robe opened exposing all of one curvy calf right up to the edge of her hip.

As the camera rose, she gave almost a shy smile as she looked into the camera and I took the perfect shot. It was almost later that I realized my Aunt had not been looking at the camera but at a point just beneath my belt when that photo was taken.

Aunt Sharon pulled her own white terrycloth robe around her sweaty trembling form and looked at me seriously, "Do you think these will be worth something?" She was talking about the hundreds of photos we had already taken these last ninety minutes. Her voice raspy and strained.

I was trying hard not to look at the dripping wet banana on the edge of the table beside her hip where she had dropped it after its use, "I know they will Aunt Sharon." Hell, I had several hundred photos - many with fingers or phallus-shaped objects moving in and out of her big hairless pink wet cunt. The photos on the memory card were some of the hottest stuff I've ever seen, and I have viewed thousands over the years.

"Why don't you go down to your room while I clean up here honey?" Her eyes looked at me nervously, perhaps suggesting I would wish to do something else.

I thought she meant for me to go transfer the pictures from the camera to my computer, so we could select the best graphics before sending to the guy from that mature adult site. But when I quickly looked at her face, she was again starring at the obvious bulge in my jeans and I considered that she may have meant something else.

When I paused Aunt Sharon spoke up almost tenderly, "I should apologize to you Andrew - this can't be easy on you is it?" Her eyes were locked on the bulge in my jeans.

I just shrugged, which she could not see of course as her eyes were considerably south of my own.

The first location was her choice and I started to realize my Aunts reasoning for wanting to do these erotic photos may have more to do with revenge than money. You see, she chose his workshop out in the garage - which would not have been my first choice of course.

The email, with attached document, had arrived only yesterday and I was fearful when I showed it to Aunt Sharon. She read it only the one time, let her hands with the document drop to her lap before taking a big deep sigh - "I guess that's it then - when do we start?"

A trembling started in my shoulders that I fought hard to contain. "Aunt Sharon, I am no professional photographer - perhaps you should find someone else to take the pictures?"

That surprised her and she looked suddenly embarrassed. "Oh? I suppose if... if I offended you Andrew, I am sorry." She turned to the fourth page of the document in her hand, "I could contact this man, though he is expensive." She again dropped her hands and document to her lap and asked in a direct but nervous manner, "Tell me Andrew, is your objection that I am your Aunt or that I would be hideous to look at naked?"

My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out for nearly half a minute - then I managed, "I do not think you are hideous to look at Aunt Sharon."

She looked away in disgust, "Well that is something I suppose."

Then she suddenly stood, the papers falling to the floor at her feet. "If you will not help me, than I think I should stop this farce. I am too old for all this anyways." She turned and strode the three steps to my open doorway, "I can just wait for the old bastard to die away."

"Don't go Aunt Sharon... please?"

Less then twenty four hours she stood on her bare feet on the dirty cement floor trying to look sexy in her work belt, including the dangling hammer and wrenches of course - her face red with embarrassment and nerves.

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