Perfect Wishes - Cover

Perfect Wishes

Copyright© 2006 by BillyRay

Chapter 5: Predator versus Predator

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 5: Predator versus Predator - A man gets three wishes and uses them to get super powers.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Mind Control  

Shortly after the big orgy I flashed on an idea of how to use some of my extra funds to pay bills down faster, without drawing attention.

Before finding the lamp I had picked up extra money running concealed wires for folks for things like phones, TV cable and computer networks. This had been entirely under the table before. I went down and registered it as a personal business. This way I could claim I was making a thousand or more dollars a month with which I could pay off things faster.

Sure I would have to pay taxes on it but so what, there was still a lot of money that I wasn't claiming. We were living pretty good.

I didn't want to run out and pay cash for a new car, but I was able to take the cars we already had in and have them fixed up as good as new. We went out to some very nice restaurants quite often. We ate well at home too since grocery money wasn't an issue.

Most nights we usually had a guest in bed.

Maria had always wanted a maid and it was a simple procedure for me to find some available hottie who had no obligations and have her believe that it was her job to come to our house some time in the afternoon, tidy up bit, do some laundry, cook a meal, clean it up and join us at bed time. Some I had returning at regular intervals and some were one time deals. Often, one of Maria's friends would join us along with our 'maid'. I wasn't controlling them anymore, they came and went as they wished.

On an average day I would wake up to our 'maid' sucking my cock, (she, having instructions on what time I needed to wake up, and, her 'internal clock' set to wake her up on time). I would then have a nice morning screw with her, Maria and anyone else that happened to be present.

After that I would either go to work or go mete out justice until I felt like going home.

The 'maids' were conditioned to be very sultry, sensuous and demonstrative so dinner was always very erotic.

I know what you're thinking. I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard...

I rewarded the girls in one-way or another. They were paid very well for their time, and since most of them came from the nearby college that helped them out. I had also found that by combining mind reading with telekinesis I could make a few synaptic connections, which would result in the person being able to utilize more of their brain. This gave them better thought processing, better analytical reasoning and much better retention.

I usually tried to clean up their self-perception and self worth as well. Any who didn't have a direction in their life were given the belief that it was about time to get going on that. Grades improved, majors were declared and those that weren't in college or a trade school made plans to get there.

So they were better off after they did a few stints as our 'maid'.

These encounters were fun, exciting and fulfilling. But to set them all down here would likely get boring. There are only so many ways to fuck. I have my favorites like anyone else so I will avoid the redundancy and only chronicle those that stand out.

Like Heather.

When one installs alarm systems for a living he or she will spend a lot of time in the homes of very rich people.

This particular day found me in the home of a very successful grocery magnate, Mr. Gregory Martin, who owned about a gross of large grocery stores throughout the state. The House was over 5000 square feet and had 4 bedrooms, (including one multi-room master suite) 4 1/2 baths with an incredible family room in the walkout basement, which happened to walk out onto a lovely beach.

But, the nicest part of it (which I noticed right away) was the amazing trophy wife he had, Heather.

He was just leaving for work as I arrived. We exchanged pleasantries and I did a quick scan. He was an all right guy. Nearing 60, he was looking forward to retirement but deep down he knew he would never really retire.

Hard work and an acute business sense had brought him from a smallish corner store his father started to the success he now had. He treated his employees right and their loyalty and good feelings toward him had a lot to do with his success.

He left and I got to work.

I reached out and had Heather believe she was interested in what I was doing so she would stick around for a while. I was enjoying the scenery.

She was twenty-three and the epitome of the blonde bombshell. I know my tastes generally run toward the brown-skinned variety but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman.

Tall, about 5'10" she was a living, breathing Barbie doll. Large D-cup tits, a narrow waist and perfectly rounded hips over very shapely legs.

Her face was flawlessly chiseled with bright blue eyes, a petite nose and sensuous lips.

What really made her stand out though, was her hair. So golden it almost glowed. It fell in thick waves to just about her shoulder blades.

You have heard the expression that beauty is only skin deep. It truly applied here.

Inside she was very ugly. She was selfish, greedy, manipulative and almost completely amoral.

I was curious about this and did a deep scan of her memories. She knew she was pretty; she had been beautiful and fawned over all her life. She was the cutest kid in school throughout elementary school, and since then had always been the hottest girl in class. And, she had always known it. Her parents were well off, thereby giving her all the advantages.

By age of fourteen she fully realized the effect she had on the male of the species. An early bloomer, anyone seeing her at fourteen would have guessed eighteen. She used this to her advantage and began practicing the art of manipulation. Within a year or two she recognized the limitations of simply teasing and began to explore the possibilities of going further. She knew what the promise of sex would get her and wanted to find out what actual sex could.

But she was wary that once a man had her she could lose a little of her control. So she decided that she would become so adept at sex that they would want to be with her again and again. She read everything she could find about sexual techniques - some, actual instructions like the Kama-Sutra and some, more illustrative on the fantasies and desires of men like 'Penthouse Letters.' But the study could only do so much - she needed a practice patsy.

Her brother seemed the safest. He was about a year older than her and not as popular in school despite the family's money. Though he was book smart, he had moderate acne, and, having lived in the shadow of his perfect little sister all his life, almost no self-esteem.

She began by becoming friendlier towards him. Helping him pick out clothing and making hairstyle suggestions. She solicited his help with her homework and this led to a campaign of teasing and 'accidental' exhibitionism. She began thanking him for his help with hugs and kisses, brief and innocent at first they gradually started lasting longer and longer until one day, during a long hug, she kissed him full on the mouth. She then 'allowed' one thing to lead to another until they eventually ended up in bed. After that, they began having sex regularly.

She used these sessions to perfect her techniques.

She knew he felt terribly guilty over having 'seduced' his younger sister but couldn't bring himself to stop - she was beautiful, enthusiastic and talented.

It lasted about two years. During his senior year she tearfully informed him that she had finally realized what 'he' had done to 'her' and that they would no longer be having sex.

She said that she wouldn't tell anyone as long as he was nice to her and didn't bother her anymore. She managed to make him feel even guiltier than before and he became a social hermit.

His last semester of high school was dismal and he barely graduated. Soon after that he discovered drinking, crawled into a bottle and has been there ever since (about five years now).

He has been cut off from his family due to his drunken behavior and has worked a string of menial jobs barely making ends met. She hasn't given it a second thought. In fact, she was one of the key players in getting him cut off because she found him embarrassing.

Her family's social position gave her access to some very promising young up and comers, but she was impatient. She didn't see why she should latch on to some youngster who was building his wealth and then be stuck with him... she wanted it all with no strings.

When our grocery king's wife of nearly forty years died, Heather went to work. Her family had always been friendly with the Martin's and she made herself available to 'help' wherever she could. Drawing upon her skills it didn't take her long to have this vulnerable old man falling in love with her, and believing that she was falling in love with him.

They were married a little over a year after his wife died, over the objections of his two children, a boy and a girl, both about ten years older than her. She used this animosity to her advantage ensuring that her loving husband had her firmly implanted in his will to protect her from his 'hateful' kids. She figured that within a few years she could have them completely out of the family business, after that she didn't think she would have to wait long before this old workaholic keeled over leaving her with everything - which she would promptly split up and sell to the highest bidders.

This brief history covered her two most prominent victims but there were others. She would descend upon an unsuspecting target with all her guns blazing. Most men didn't know what had hit them. She would get what she wanted and move on. Always with them feeling they had done something wrong.

Back to my turn... Her appearance already had mister happy at attention and she was noticing (smugly). I knew what I was going to do; I just didn't know how I would choose to go about it. As I was working on getting the alarm system installed I hit upon a plan.

I made her believe that she had a rare condition that required regular doses of sperm from donors with an uncommon blood type. (Pretty flimsy I know, but I have found that a belief is a belief, and also that the fewer actual details I provide the better. Once a person believes something, their mind will fill in the holes with all sorts of confabulations and rationalizations.) Once that belief was in place I then had her believe that these doses were generally administered vaginally at a sterile clinic and at great cost. Those suffering from this condition were not treated very well at these clinics and they never liked going there. A girl with this condition who could hook up with a guy with the right blood type was spared this horrible process.

She further believed that through her manipulations of some of the workers at this clinic she was able to get a list of donors and was seeking out one in order to make him her lover - and personal sperm donor. Any guesses as to who she believed was on that list?

Not a scenario that would hold up in the long run but she would forget it as soon as I left anyway.

As I like to do, I gave her the ball and let her run with it. She disappeared into the master suite for about half an hour. By the time she came out I was pretty much done but had left most of the devices open and was still putzing around like I wasn't. She was now wearing a skimpy, pink, silk nightgown and a sheer housecoat. She had deftly applied a minimal amount of make up and the difference was quite noticeable. She expressed sincere interest in what I was doing and was appropriately impressed with how I was doing the work. She was pleasant and friendly offering me coffee or soda pop and was really a very good conversationalist. Her 'interest' in what I was doing had her frequently looking over my shoulder, 'accidentally' brushing her full firm breasts against my back, her arms often made contact with mine and she made sure she was adequately awed by my musculature (which was really pretty good at this point but I'm sure that it didn't matter).

As things went on she began to compare my body with that of her husband who, while 'nice enough', 'just didn't have the energy a younger man might - especially one in such good shape.' Most guys my age are half in denial already and it doesn't take much to flatter them.

All in all she was very good. In fact, had I not known what she was doing I might have easily been duped. When she turned it on she exuded a sensuality and sexiness that had my heart pumping regardless of what I knew or didn't know.

As for my part I decided to play hard to get and when I didn't respond to her suggestiveness I could sense her frustration, although, without my special mental abilities I don't think I would have spotted it. Like I said, she was good.

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