Perfect Wishes - Cover

Perfect Wishes

Copyright© 2006 by BillyRay

Chapter 4: The Party

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Party - A man gets three wishes and uses them to get super powers.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Mind Control  

During the next 6 months I evolved my work techniques to the point that I could do a whole weeks worth of installs in 1 or two mornings.

I didn't bother fronting for the customers anymore, when I left they would believe that I was there the day my invoice reflected and they remember me working a full day and using all the appropriate tools. In reality I simply stood in the middle of the house and used my telekinetic eye and tools to run all the wires and install all the devices. It usually took about twenty to thirty minutes for a relatively large house. The customer would then sign the invoice, which was dated for the day and time I should have been there. On that day the customer would, at about 5 or 5:30 in the evening send the normal test signals that I would generally send at the completion of an install.

This way I was clocking my normal five 10-hour days every week. I had plenty of time for crime fighting and money gathering. There were even a few times the customer who was home during my visit happened to be a very pretty housewife. As I was perpetually horny these days I would, in those circumstances have the woman believe that I was her husband or that she and I have been having a long-standing affair and today was just another day of lovemaking. When I left, along with the normal instructions I returned her beliefs back to normal with her memories appropriately altered. It was that distraction which sometimes caused me to spend an extra day working.

It still gave me lots of time to spread justice. The hoods and thugs I ran into were dealt with in three basic ways - according to how big of an asshole they were.

Some crooks were just overall losers: Call it bad luck, call it lack of motivation or goals, call it simple laziness. Call it whatever you want, but these aren't really bad people. They are just trying to get by. They made many mistakes in the past and the best they think they can hope for now is a minimum wage job and permanent classification as 'working poor.' So, they steal, or deal or scam. They really don't want to hurt anyone and rarely do... physically. What damage they do is usually covered by insurance.

For those who really haven't caused too much damage except to themselves, I will instill in them a belief that they can do better, that they really need to establish some goals and set a direction for their lives. They decide to seek out higher education, in some cases college, in others some sort of vocational training. Either way they cease being a drain on society and begin contributing to it.

Then there are the more violent types: Those who commit violent robberies or just seem to enjoy victimizing others - to include rapists and child molesters. I do believe in our justice system so I let it take care of these types. The only intervention I take is making sure the justice system gets involved with all the information it needs to take certain action.

Some of less monstrous of these types I run into while stopping muggings, assaults and around the peripheries of rapes. I even find them at the drug houses I take down. Usually gang members who may only have been in for a short time or have no desire to engage in the truly heinous acts that the more seasoned members get involved in. Surprisingly I have found that this description fits most of them. Since my modes operandi at drug houses is to take the money and leave the operators to their fate, when I run into a person like this I will give them several serious injuries and leave them with the memory that the others punked out and gave the money to a rival gang that pulled a stick-up - and he was only one who tried to stop it. This would save his life, and give him enough respect so that he could safely leave the gang later to get his life back on track Otherwise, I bring them to the attention of the police in various ways. The simplest is the one I used once but am afraid to use it again - to avoid bringing attention to myself. In that case he was a serial rapist, who I had walk into the nearest police station and confess everything. Afterwards, I realized that if hundreds of criminals began turning themselves in, folks might start to think it strange, thus garnering the attention I hoped to avoid.

So I developed other ways. Often when I stopped someone during a crime I would have them accidentally drop a wallet or some other identifying object and made sure that any witnesses would have clear memories of the incident and the criminal. Other tactics included; having them brag excessively about their crimes - eventually leading the police to them, having them neglect incriminating evidence, and the good old fashioned anonymous tip (after ensuring some handy evidence would be found).

My favorite was happening upon an armed robber planning to hit a liquor store. There were police in the area, so I made them believe that they were thirsty and that the store in question would be a good place to buy a few soda-pops. I then made the crook oblivious to the presence of police until they identify themselves. So with one cop standing at the door and another at the cash register this guy walks in and pulls a gun on the owner. You may have seen the video on TV.

But most often, for crooks like these, I indulged in my fantasies of being a super hero. I would sense the fear of the victim and intervene. Usually pummeling the crook in the process. Sometimes I had everyone believe that the victims fought back, sometimes it was attributed to a 'good Samaritan' who always had a different description. Once I even had everyone believe that one of the crooks, a guy on his first stick-up, had had a change of heart and stopped his partner halfway through the robbery. This got him off easy with the courts and I made sure he took his life in the right direction after that.

That leaves us with the worst of the worst. Those whose crimes were so extensive and heinous that should they ever go to trial for even a portion of them they would easily get the death penalty - at a large expense to society. These types were generally firmly entrenched in street gangs, biker gangs or organized crime syndicates of one type or another. Multiple killings and financial ruin of their victims were the mere beginnings of their resumes. These were also the types I got most of my operating capital from. By the time the money reached them it was usually so far removed from its victims that returning it would be next to impossible. At that level it was also amassed into pretty large sums, and generally entrusted to these folks for safekeeping until it made it to the next level.

At the street and biker gang levels these were the guys running either the individual drug houses or were in charge of drug dealing territories. With the street gangs it was mostly crack, with the bikers it was mostly met-amphetamine. With the organized crime guys, they were the ones at the 'lieutenant' levels and occasionally 'captains'.

Either way, dealing with them was easy. I simply walked in, liberated as much money as I could find and left. I then left them to the tender mercies of their colleagues. Of course, 'tender' and 'mercy' being words completely foreign to their colleagues, they often ended up getting the death penalty and I saved society a ton of money in the process. And, a few times their colleagues got sloppy and were busted for the murders taking even more assholes off the streets.

The wishes had changed my life in three major ways. I now had no money worries whatsoever, I was able to indulge in my childhood fantasies of being a super hero, and I was pretty horny - with the ability to have sex with anyone I wanted to. Mostly I wanted to with my wife. Her daily exercising was really paying off. Her tummy was now much flatter and very firm. Her arms and legs had toned up beautifully and her tits had regained a little of their former firmness - and she still had one the most beautiful faces I had ever seen.

Still, I had plans for a lot more pussy in my future. I mentioned that I thought Filipina women were very beautiful. Several of Maria's friends bolstered that stereotype quite nicely. I had Maria now joining in on the conversations about their respective husbands' sexual prowess (or lack thereof). Her friends were impressed by her stories of how often we had sex and how many times she came.

I slowly had Maria come to the conclusion that it wasn't right to keep me all to herself and she should share me with her friends. They often gathered at our house to talk. Certain that I could not understand them they spoke openly while I appeared to be reading or watching TV. They found themselves more and more noticing my nicely toned body and wondering how I looked naked and how my cock would feel inside them. Their pussies started to become wet in my presence.

I set it up and waited to see what would happen.

I arrived home one Friday evening to find the house full of beautiful Filipinas. That was not that uncommon but I could tell that tonight was different.

As I filled my plate with food in the kitchen and joined them at the table no one said a word. They just watched me. I began to eat and Maria moved behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.

"Sweetheart," she said mischievously, "would you do us a very, very big favor?"

"What would that be," I responded playfully, "and how much is it?"

They all laughed at that and Maria slapped me on top of my head. "No, crazy, we want you to look at something for us and tell us what you think."

"What will I be looking at?"

"Us." She answered. "You will look at some of the clothes we bought today and tell us what you think of them. You finish eating and wait in the living room, we will be right out."

About a month ago they had aired the Victoria's Secret fashion show on TV and I had 'arraigned' for an informal get together at our house that night and they ended up watching it and thinking of how the lingerie would look on them, and what I would think of it.

I just wanted them to get ideas about dressing sexy - and they came up with giving me a fashion show! This was why I just gave them the motivation and let them come up with the how-to part of it. I wouldn't have thought of this.

I finished my food and moved out into the living room with a can of mountain dew (since I was now immune to toxins, I found alcohol no longer had any effect on me). I was just settling into the center of the sofa when the door to the master bedroom opened and out they came. They had dolled up in a hurry!

Maria turned on the stereo and ZZ Top began filling the room with music for the girls to move to.

"First," said Maria, "the outfits we bought to wear when we go out dancing."

She was wearing a red mini that seemed more like a long tube top than an actual dress. It snugly fit every curve of that (once again) wonderful body. Her long black hair fell straight to her lower back and ended in a 'V' cut.

Next out was Leena. She was about nine inches taller than Maria. She filled out her blouse nicely. It was white and lacy. It clung loosely to her figure showing the promise of some very nice tits. The blouse was tucked into a black leather mini-skirt that just barely kept her pussy out of site. She was at least a C cup with narrow waist and a tight little ass.

I looked up at her face; she was smiling at me, encouraging me to continue to look her over. Her lovely south pacific features had been affected by some White and Asian blood in her genetic past. Her eyes were almond shaped behind oval wire rimmed glasses, which were small and had a very sexy effect on her face. Her hair was a dark brown rather than the typical jet-black and had slightly lighter hi-lights. It was thick, parted just over her left eye and hung down to her shoulders. She stood there, her tits sticking out her shirt in just the right way, and her ass, pushed out by the spike heels she wore. She could tell I thought she was beautiful and instead of smugness, I detected a little relief in her expression.

As soon as I finished getting the full effect from Leena out came Rose. Rose's hair was very curly, as black as hair can get and was down to just past her shoulders. She definitely had some Chinese in her. Her eyes were slanted up slightly on the outsides and her eyebrows were shaped to show this off. When she smiled her mouth made a lovely shape that revealed incredibly straight white teeth.

Her pink dress had short sleeves that only seemed to be attached right under her arms. From there it plunged in front and back. Her tits were half exposed giving an effect of incredible cleavage. Even though her tits were about a midrange 'B'-cup they looked respectably sized since they were on such a tiny frame. She was about 5' 2" and couldn't weight 90 lbs. Not anorexic at all she was nicely curved - just very thin. The plunge in back showed about an inch of ass cleavage as it rode down the curves of her tiny buns. Her dress showed every curve. Stopping just south of her hot snatch it revealed all of her gorgeous legs. After my eyes made the trip down her body I looked back to her eyes in time to catch her look of pleasure as she correctly interpreted my response to her and her outfit.

I had just finished my appraisal of Rose when Amy walked out. It almost seemed they knew when I was finished assessing each girl and were waiting for that before the next one came out.

Amy was about 5' 5" and she, like Leena, had some type of European blood in her family line. Her hair was a light brown and fell thickly in waves down to her ass. Her skin was light brown as well and her eyes brown rather than black. She had a tiny nose sitting on top of pouting lips painted a light pink. It all had the effect of softening her looks and providing her with an innocent sexiness. Her outfit, on the other hand screamed sexy with no hint of innocence. A red spaghetti strap dress was so tight and so mini that it left almost nothing to the imagination. Her 'B'-cup tits were apparently holding themselves up without the help of a bra and her nipples became more pronounced as I watched them. She was watching my eyes and my crotch when my hard-on gave an approving twitch. It was then I realized that she had been holding her breath waiting for my reaction. She let out quick sigh and looked as though she had just won a prize.

Last out was Beth. She was pure Polynesian and wore it well. Long black hair flowed to her narrow waist with just the slightest hint of a wave or two. Her face was one of classic Hawaiian beauty and her makeup was done to give the effect of a smoky slow sensuality - which was something she emanated even without makeup. Her tits were the smallest of the group although still in the lower end of the 'B'-cup range.

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