Perfect Wishes - Cover

Perfect Wishes

Copyright© 2006 by BillyRay

Chapter 20: Return

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 20: Return - A man gets three wishes and uses them to get super powers.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Mind Control  

Over the next few months I tried to resume some of my old ways. I had Susan more conscious about her health, she was eating better and we were getting some exercise by walking down to the strip mall every night to get some money (I looked into robbing the crooks around here but even the criminals were poor in this area), then over to the Winn-Dixie for groceries. Like always, helping someone else made me feel better.

Part of my problem was that I had been feeling sorry for myself. I missed Melody and April. I knew what happened to Melody but I had no idea about April, even if she had survived her injuries had been so extensive that she may be in a coma or at least crippled.

All I really knew was that Susan had been half right when she said that love wasn't for people like us. It would suit her fine, but it wasn't for me. With what I had to do, anyone I loved would become target.

I still had no plan. I couldn't think of anything that would make them pay dearly enough for what they had done. Anything I came up with didn't seem adequate. It was frustrating.

It was just after Easter when it came to me. Bob, Stuart and even Tex were inconsequential. I should have taken care of them right from the beginning. Any of them alone were no match for me. As I found out on my rampage, it took four or more pretty powerful telepaths to overpower me.

It was the power structure behind the telepaths that was screwed up.

It went back to the idea I had after my first meeting with Stuart. The telepaths have had no adult supervision. They had no moral compass. They didn't care about what they did to the 'dead heads' because it simply never dawned on them that they should. Some, like Larry, did develop an ethic of sorts and that said quite a bit about their own inherent goodness. Most people, even 'dead heads' had to learn how to be good people. It almost never comes naturally.

I was still trying to work out the details when, one day after school, I arrived at Tina's house for our usual rendezvous only to find Susan there as well.

"What are you doing here?" Her change in diet and increase in activity had her looking much better. Her ass and waist had shrunk to attractive proportions. Tina had been spending a lot of time at our house. Now that she was more focused on school, she had become friends with Susan (who shared her academic focus) and had been giving her make-up and hair tips. We had been getting along much better and that had improved her attitude. Susan had actually been getting attention from some of the boys at school.

"You didn't think I forgot did you?" I wondered what it was she hadn't forgotten.

Tina popped up from behind the kitchen counter with a cake in her hands. They sang happy birthday to me. There were two candles on the cake - a 'one' and a 'seven', which I took to mean that it was my seventeenth birthday. Nothing obvious gets past me for very long.

"Well," laughed Susan, "cut the cake so we can eat it ... then I'll leave and let Tina give you your present." She winked at Tina who laughed.

The cake was very good, Susan and Tina had made it, and my present was extremely enjoyable - yet far too mundane to chronicle.

It always amazed me how little things could make such a big difference.

Last fall, Susan had been a surly sedentary young woman, unattractive in both looks and demeanor. She had no aspirations in life, no direction.

Now, she was a delightful, fairly attractive girl who was working part time and wanted to become a social worker. Apparently Wesley and Susan had been involved with county social workers from time to time and Susan was very unimpressed with them. Once she had been given drive and focus to make something of her life a direction hadn't been too far behind. As almost always is the case, a person with a real direction in their life has a hard time being surly.

Tina had been on the fast track to nowhere. Her primary objective had been to get knocked up in her senior year so that at some point in the summer following graduation she would have a baby and the state would pay her enough for a trailer of her own. Then she figured the real party would start.

Now she wanted to be a teacher. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but, like Susan, she also knew that if she worked hard and explored all the alternatives, she would eventually get the education necessary to live her dream.

But it wasn't the difference in them I was talking about. It was the difference in me. By simply by taking a little focus off of my misery and trying to help these two young women I had lost a lot of my anger. Don't be mistaken; I still had all my resolve. Bob, Stuart and Tex would die. Changes would be made. But I would do it with a clear head.

And so it was that one Saturday, shortly after school was out, I decided to say goodbye to Arkansas. I woke Susan up early.

"What ... What is it?" she yawned.

"I just wanted to say goodbye."

"What?" she woke up pretty quick. "What do you mean, goodbye?"

"I'm leaving. I'm going out to California. I'll call when I get settled."

"What you gonna do out there? I ... I thought we were supposed to look out for each other? What am I going to do with you gone?"

"You'll be fine, you got your plans. You'll be working full time this summer and next fall you're off to college. I've got something I've got to do." I didn't feel like a long scene so I dabbled a little and simply had her accept this.

"I don't want you to go ... I'll miss you." Susan said sadly.

"I'll miss you too, big sister."

I gave her a hug and another promise to be in touch. Then I left.

I went to Tina's house and repeated the scene all over again. She wanted to slip away for a goodbye fuck but I declined. So with a hug and kiss I was away.

Using my powers to help me get rides and avoid difficult questions, I hitchhiked up Hwy 530 into Little Rock. From there I was able to get a ride to Oklahoma City. It was getting late so I spent the night in a furniture store. Turns out the manager 'forgot' to check the store thoroughly and set the security system that night - very convenient for me. I left the store early, panhandled enough for breakfast and was back on the road. The second day I made it to Flagstaff and basically repeated my Oklahoma City experience, except this time it was a major department store.

By mid afternoon the third day I was passing through Barstow on my way to L.A. The trucker who picked me up was talking incessantly. Since he had bought me lunch, I pretended to listen but I had tuned him out hours ago. I knew what I was going to do, but it depended on me being on the inside. I had to make the telepaths find me - but it had to be in such a way that they wouldn't kill me out of hand. I had to make a stir, but not such a big one that they would decide I was just another stupid kid who couldn't handle the ability to control minds.

It was evening when I got to L.A. After I got dropped off I 'found' a nice guy who was willing to give me a ride to my destination - one of Bob's strip clubs.

Even though I was quite a bit bigger than I had been when I inhabited this body, it had been less than a year and I still looked very young. So, I made the bouncer at the door believe I had paid, was of legal age and entered. It was a Monday night so there were not many patrons. Only one telepath in residence, I don't think he noticed my broad scan, though he was watching me with interest due to my obvious age. Five bouncers were apparent, evenly spaced about the place.

I took a seat at the catwalk and placed a five-dollar bill on the edge, staring at one of two beautiful, big breasted blondes currently dancing naked. She came over and squatted down, skillfully slipping the bill in her garter. In any other place the stripper would have immediately noticed my age and called for a bouncer, but Bob's girls weren't big on independent thought. She shook her large tits in my face and then lay back on the stage, spreading her legs and pushing her lovely little twat in my face. The telepath was still watching me, I made it obvious that I was spending a few seconds concentrating on each bouncer, and then I 'concentrated' on the stripper in front of me. Basically I was telling them not to notice anything out of the ordinary, and the stripper was to believe that anything that happened was normal for the tip I had given her.

I leaned forward and took a few licks at her pussy. It was nice and clean and tasted fine, but my main reason was to make sure it was wet. Then I stood, unzipped my pants and plunged my cock into her slick snatch. She was laying back on the stage, gyrating her body to the music, I stroked her pussy with my cock and nobody seemed to notice. I saw the telepath was using his cell phone.

I drove my cock into her pussy like this for several minutes. She was very pretty. Straight, dazzling blond hair just past her shoulders. A small patch of dark pubic hair just off of her pussy told how she became a blonde. She had large 'D' cup tits that were as natural as her hair color, a tiny waist and a well-rounded ass. Her pussy was nice and tight and the way she was moving helped quite a bit.

It didn't take long before I filled her hot pussy with cum.

I zipped up my pants and sat back down to watch. She rolled away and regained her feet. She continued her dance with my cum dribbling down her legs.

A few minutes later the telepath came and sat next to me.

"That's some show, don't you think?"

I glanced at him but otherwise ignored him.

"Aren't you a little young to be in here?" he asked.

I sent a clumsy probe in his direction, it hit has shield. I turned and stared at him, my best look of fear on my face.

"Don't worry." He laughed, "I'm not going to do anything to you. In fact there is someone coming who wants to help you. Why don't you come with me, we can wait in the back."

He went back to the club office. I followed trying to look suspicious. He asked me questions about who I was and where I was from. I stuck to Wesley's history and answered the questions truthfully. I knew they would check out my story. Before long, Bob showed up.

As soon as I saw him my rage boiled up and threatened to override my common sense. All I wanted to do was to grab him by the throat and slowly squeeze the life out of him. I wanted to look into his eyes as I killed him. I wanted to throw fire into his brain for hour after hour, keeping him awake and feeling every brutal second. I wanted to tell him who I was and why I was killing him. Watch the fear appear in his eyes as he realized this was the end. Instead, I sat there, trying to look as calm as I could.

He asked me the same questions and I gave the same answers.

"You're too young to work for me." Bob employed about a dozen telepaths who monitored activity in his many clubs. That way he could exceed the limits of what was legal without worrying about vice cops. "I do know someone who may be interested in you though. I'll take you there tomorrow if you want."

I agreed and he asked me if I had a place to stay for the night.

"I can find a place," I said stubbornly, "I ain't had to sleep out in the cold yet."

"I bet you haven't, but you have done a good job of staying under the radar so far, I would hate for you to fuck it up now. Why don't you stay with me tonight? I've got a couple bimbos at my place that make these girls look like amateurs."

How could I say no?

At his place I met a gorgeous red headed woman who went by the name Tiffany. She had large 'D' tits, narrow waist and perfect ass and hips. She was also very enthusiastic about satisfying my every whim. She brought me something to eat, then fed it to me. She ensured I had enough to drink and didn't seem to mind that I was roaming my hands all over her scantily clad body whenever she was within reach. Bob watched amused. I concentrated on Tiffany so I wouldn't be obsessed with killing him.

Bob put some porn on the TV and I allowed her to give me a blowjob since Bob was getting one from blonde lovely named Melinda. Later though, when we went to bed, I told her nothing would make me happier than to just sleep next to her. She accepted this and happily snuggled up next to me and drifted off. I explored her mind and found her just like April, terrified and confused, trapped in a tangle of controlling threads, but aware of everything just the same. I concealed my presence since I didn't want Bob to know I had been there, and eventually went to sleep.

That morning Bob took me to the office. It was a different place than before. I got a tour; the basic layout was the same except this time the apartments and gymnasium were on a much higher floor than the office. I was given a temporary apartment and told I would meet with the boss the next day.

The next day was very similar to the first time Danny met with Stuart, except this time I had a makeshift shield in place that kept out most of his fire. I hadn't probed his mind this time but he always made it a point to show the new guys just what he could do. The only other difference was that in addition accepting the 'job' and the apartment, I also accepted his offer of a live-in bimbo to warm my bed in the apartment. It would have looked suspicious if a horny seventeen-year-old boy had turned down the offer of a beautiful woman to share his bed. Her name was Bethany and I had helped salvage her from one of the rogue latent telepaths we had put down when I was Danny. There was nothing of what she used to be in her mind. She was a bimbo, plain and simple.

I would like to say I took the high road and didn't screw her. But that would be a lie. I was in a horny teenager's body; she was a beautiful woman with thick brown hair falling to mid back, an adorable face and a hot voluptuous body. She was eager and anxious to please me so I let her.

Every time I arrived at the apartment she would greet me with a hug that molded her perfect body to mine. Her tits were large, real and they felt marvelous against my chest. She kissed me lustily, her tongue dancing in my mouth, her fingers running through the hair on the back of my head.

Her waist was so tiny I could wrap my arm completely around her during these embraces. My hands would roam down to her ass, which was round and compact. As my hands slid over her body she would tremble with anticipation.

The rogue that initially kidnapped her had loved blowjobs and we hadn't been able to completely program out her desire for the taste of cum. So she always started with a blowjob that would put the most talented porn star to shame. Her mouth seemed to be everywhere at once and her hands were never idle. She would be caressing my balls and ass while stroking my cock in time with her mouth's movement. She could completely engulf my cock, taking it deep down her throat until her lips touched my balls. When I came, which never took long, she would suck it down like drinking a milkshake from a straw - my cock couldn't pump it out fast enough for her. When I was done filling her mouth she would savor the last bit of it in her mouth for a long time before finally swallowing it down.

Her pussy was clean, hot and talented. Its tight, slick, velvety friction never failed to provide sparks of pleasure that shot up and down my spine. She had hair trigger orgasms and always came repeatedly while I was licking or fucking her. She coaxed intense orgasms from me. Whether she was on top and bouncing that voluptuous body up and down on my cock, or I was on top driving into her tiny, tight pussy, she was the perfect sex partner.

Living with a bimbo was an interesting experience. In or out of the bedroom, she was exuberant in her efforts to please me. But 'in' was where she really excelled. She was responsive, cooperative, and talented. Everything you would want in a sex partner, except 'she' wasn't there. While having sex her there was no respect and appreciation for the person that she was. When I was with Tina or any of the other women I had been with, we knew it was sex just for the fun of it, but there was still the personal connection. She liked me for who I was, and I liked her the same. With Maria, Melody or April there was the love that we shared which turned sex into more than just a physical coupling.

With Bethany, there was none of that. Of course she eagerly declared her love for me, but she had no love to give. And how can you love someone who isn't really there? There was no personality to appreciate. It was sort of like masturbating (Okay it was better - but you know what I mean). She was whatever I wanted her to be - except she was incapable of being what a man really needs. A man needs a partner - another person to share his life, his hopes, and his dreams. She couldn't share those because she had none of her own - though she used to.

I did develop affection for her. Like you would a favorite pet. I know that sounds callous but that's really all she was. Any sign of disappointment hit her hard so I tried to make sure I always acted pleased with her no matter what. If she 'pleased' me it filled her with joy. It wasn't her fault that she had become what she was. If I could change it I would. The only way to really change her would be to completely erase what she now was and build another false persona.

I had tried it once, 'Danny' had discovered who one of the bimbos was through a missing persons detective. I had mined the memories of her family and what friends I could find. I tried to rebuild the woman she had been. It hadn't worked. She had still been an automaton. No initiative, no creativity, she couldn't do anything that hadn't been programmed into her. She was a flesh robot. She couldn't even learn something the traditional way, without programming a skill into her she couldn't do it.

I also learned to be very careful with experiments like that. It seemed with each new mind wipe the brain became less and less able to take in new information. Sort of like a video tape that keeps getting erased and re-recorded on. Each new recording has a little less quality than the previous one. Enough mind wipes and it was conceivable that you could end up with a person who couldn't be programmed at all. So, Bethany was what she was. At least I could try and make her happy.

She provided limited companionship and sexual release. It was all I had. It was all I would ever have. I could never risk love again. I could never put someone in that vulnerable of a position again. If another person I loved ever ended up tortured the way Melody had been...

I had to bide my time. I had to wait until I had been programmed into all the drones or my takeover would have to be very bloody. I would have to take out Tex first.

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