Doctor's Daughter - Cover

Doctor's Daughter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Chapter 6:... and finally

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6:... and finally - Nicki falls in love with a handsome doctor but the relationship is complicated when the daughter developes feelings for her too

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Slow  

Once again I was alone with Charles, looking at each other. "Very unfortunate," he muttered, "Very unfortunate indeed, that lassie is not happy I'm afraid. But you mustn't worry my dear; there is nothing at all she can do. Nothing at all. But I knew it would turn ugly if something like this happened."

When I got home there was just me there. After all the visitors offering condolences and the funeral, the place had been full of people since Paul died it seemed and yet here I was alone. The peace didn't last. The front door crashed and Fliss stormed in, not it seemed in any better mood. She stood in the doorway seething at me. "You fucking bitch, how did you get him to do that?"

"Honestly Fliss, I was quite prepared to have the agreement, in fact I wanted it. You father just changed his mind. Look Fliss, as far as I'm concerned you have a right to live here as long as you want. That's what Paul would have wanted."

"Oh great, so I can live in my own house," she sang sarcastically, "How very kind of you! Let me tell you something, you're not going to get away with this. No way!"

"Look, at the end of the day you have two million so can get a place of your own if you wish. I don't deserve this attitude. You must respect your father's wishes and move on. I tell you what, why don't I make us both a drink and we can sit here and talk things through." I got up and walked toward the drinks bar in the corner, calling over my shoulder to ask what she wanted. Suddenly her elbow was round my throat from behind, pulling me backwards.

"Move on? Move on? You bitch; the only person moving on is you! You're going back to the solicitor first thing tomorrow and sign the house over to me or I swear I will make your life a living hell, if I don't actually kill you!"

"Fliss, this isn't the way, we can sort this out but I can't do that."

"You can and you fucking will, you cunt," she shrieked.

"You don't understand. I couldn't even if I wanted to. The house isn't mine until the will is dealt with and that can take up to a year!"

She pulled me backwards, her arm still around my neck, until I was sitting on the floor.

"Stay there," she ordered like I was a dog. She went and stood at the bar counter, deep in thought, and poured a large slug of brandy in a tumbler. She downed it in one gulp and coughed as the liquor burned her throat, but poured another one straight away. "Want one?" she asked grudgingly.

"Yes please. Look, let's sit down and talk about this like adults. We've been getting on well and I don't want to fall out with you again. I know you're disappointed about me getting so much, but that wasn't my doing. I signed the pre-nup in good faith and I wasn't to know Paul had other plans."

"OK, let's talk and I'm... , well I'm sorry about just now. I am feeling so hurt that daddy deceived me like this. It's so unfair." She sat on the settee and I went and sat next to her.

I saw tears forming in her eyes and I realised how hurt she was feeling. I put my arm round her shoulder to try to comfort her but she was tense and tried to shrug it off. But I persisted and drew her to me. She let go, weeping quietly at first, and then sobbing hard as her face buried itself into my neck. In between huge sobs she said, "How could he... do this to me... I thought... he loved me."

Of course he loved you, silly thing, he didn't forget you did he? How many girls your age are millionaires twice over?"

"I guess so," she said thoughtfully, "I didn't mean to have a go at you, it's not your fault I know, but I just was so shocked." Her arm went around my waist and held me tight.

"It's OK Fliss, as I said I want you to feel the house is still your house and nothing changes there. I loved Paul intensely and you are part of him to me so I love you too."

"Do you really? Even after the way I treat you sometimes? I will try harder I promise."

Her hand left my waist and moved slowly onto my breast. I wasn't sure how to react.

Now that her anger had passed I was glad we were getting closer again but I wasn't sure I had in mind for this much closeness. She squeezed my boob rhythmically and the tension flowed out of me. I could already feel dampness below me and I let her continue. She turned her face up to mine, offering her lips to kiss.

Was this all going back to the incident with her torn top when she had called me a lezzy and had forced me to say I liked it? Had she been trying to tell me something that day?

She wasn't the first girl to touch me or kiss me. She was young. I remembered that I had dabbled and experimented with girl friends when I was young like many girls do and maybe she was still in that stage and this didn't mean anything. For me, being 11 years older, it felt strange now, but I kissed her lightly on her upturned lips. She immediately responded with a passion that took me by surprise, the kiss rapidly turning into a full- blown lips-open tongue-mingling one.

She was kneeling beside me now, pushing me backwards to lay me down. I knew I had let this go too far and I broke the kiss. "I really don't think we should be doing this Fliss, I've only just buried my husband and..." I didn't get to finish my protest as her mouth was on me again, both her hands going up to cup my bra-less boobs, her fingers pinching my nipples, making them spring into an aroused state. It didn't take a genius to know this was rapidly spiralling out of control and I tried to push her up again but apart from the fact I was getting wet now and losing willpower I was also no match for her strength and my pushing against her chest had no effect.

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