Doctor's Daughter - Cover

Doctor's Daughter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Chapter 5: The pre-nup that never was

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5: The pre-nup that never was - Nicki falls in love with a handsome doctor but the relationship is complicated when the daughter developes feelings for her too

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Slow  

As the wedding neared, Paul's solicitor arrived with the pre-nup agreement. He had brought a young clerk with him to witness it and Paul asked Fliss to come in to the lounge too. I was given a copy to read and so was Fliss and it was only two pages long so it didn't take too long. It couldn't have been clearer. Basically whatever Paul owned at the time of the marriage, including the house and everything else, I had no legal interest in for a period of twenty years, but anything added during the marriage I would be entitled to half of as usual. The agreement acted as a legal codicil to his will and would over-ride what was in the will. Fliss seemed satisfied and watched as I, and the witnesses, signed and then she left quite happy.

What happened then shocked me and the solicitor too I think. Paul produced another piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the solicitor. He frowned deeply and asked Paul if this is what he wanted and started to try to talk Paul out of it. Paul told him quietly this is what he had decided after much thought. The solicitor didn't look happy and passed the paper across to me. I read it, and then read it again. It revoked the pre-nup that had just been signed and re-stated there was not going to be an agreement.

"What's going on Paul?" I asked, "What was that farce all about just now. Look I know you mean well but I think you should leave the agreement as is. It wouldn't be fair to Fliss to do this to her."

"Well, my love, you could say it was partly for Felicity's benefit and happiness that she believes the agreement is in place, but also the very fact that you were prepared to sign it proves to me that it's not needed. If you were after my money like she thought at first you wouldn't have signed it all away would you? I never wanted one anyway and it was only at your insistence that I did it." To the solicitor he said, "Charles, I'm sorry I involved you in the deception but I want you to witness that I'm doing this of my own free will and note that my wife-to-be was opposed to the revocation. And Felicity is not to know from anyone what has taken place here. He signed the form and had it witnessed as before, then took both copies of the pre-nup and tore them in half and in half again before putting the destroyed agreement into the solicitor's bag. Paul said goodbye and walked out into the garden leaving me and the solicitors sitting there bemused.

Charles looked at me and smiled. "Well I've seen some odd things in my time but this takes the biscuit! I can see this is not your doing my dear, but I do hope that Paul lives forever and the marriage lasts a long time and young Felicity doesn't have to find out about this."

"Me too, believe me! I'm really sorry you wasted your time."

"Och, don't worry about that my dear, I get paid whether or not it is signed, so it doesn't worry me, but let's hope Paul doesn't live to regret it."

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