Doctor's Daughter - Cover

Doctor's Daughter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Chapter 4: Fliss seduces me

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4: Fliss seduces me - Nicki falls in love with a handsome doctor but the relationship is complicated when the daughter developes feelings for her too

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Slow  

I walked away but I came back later after a call from Paul. I did think of telling him what had happened but didn't want to cause an upset so kept quiet. That weekend Paul proposed. Of course I would accept but knew what this would bring down on me from Fliss so suggested to Paul he draw up a pre-nuptial agreement and tell Fliss about it.

"Why?" he asked, "Are you getting some grief from her?"

"No," I lied, "But I think she may still be wondering if I'm just after your money and this will reassure her that all I want is you, and that the marriage won't affect her inheritance."

"Well I'm not planning to die for a long, long time and much could happen before then, but if that's what you really want then I'll tell her. It's not necessary though, I know what I mean to you and you've never asked me for a thing. The agreement wouldn't affect anything I earn after the wedding so you're not going to be destitute even if it all goes pear-shaped."

"Thank you sweetheart and yes of course I'll marry you, nothing will make me happier."

We went back to the house and he called Fliss down from her room. When she was told about the engagement she turned and glared at me and if looks could kill I'd have dropped dead on the spot! To her father though she turned and said how happy she was about it and even congratulated me, although I knew just what her other face was thinking. I looked at Paul and prompted him to add the other bit.

I think he was a bit embarrassed about talking of a pre-nup but it worked. Fliss smirked at me and then turned back to her dad and told him that was a sensible thing for him to insist on.

"Oh, I didn't even consider it," he said, "And I wouldn't have, but Nicki insisted on it before she would say yes." This obviously confused Fliss. She frowned and looked at me quizzically as if to say 'what the hell are you up to?' From then on, things actually improved between Fliss and me, and when we were alone she even apologised for misjudging me. I spent more and more time at the house, usually spending the weekends there except if I was on nightshifts. Even when Paul was called out to the hospital, which happened quite frequently, Fliss would get more and more friendly. It was also apparent that there was an attraction between us. I had felt something ever since the incident when she had groped me, but had tried to bury those thoughts. I suspected that Fliss had definite lesbian leanings and several times I had seen her getting more than friendly with her friends. Between us though nothing further had happened.

Until one hot summers day, that is, when Paul had been called in for transplant surgery that would take many hours. Fliss and I had been sunbathing for about an hour, talking quite happily about the impending wedding, but we were both beginning to overheat.

Fliss asked if I fancied a dip in the small indoor swimming pool they had. I kept a bikini in the bedroom for this purpose and told Fliss I'd go and change out of the sundress I was wearing. The patio led into the pool area and I started heading towards the other door to the rest of the house. She tugged me back and said "Oh don't bother with that, let's skinny-dip. No-one can see and anyway we're all girls here aren't we."

With that she pulled up the sundress and over my head before I could say no. I wasn't wearing a bra so I stood there in a very tiny pair of panties. She untied and pulled off the small strip of material she laughingly called a top, which in fact covered just her nipples and the lower part of her boobs and tied in a bow between them. She lowered her shorts and thong as one and pulled me towards the pool. I discarded my panties, pausing only to kick them away from the waters edge and jumped in with her, still holding her hand.

The water felt cool after the hot sun and we frolicked in the water with a beach ball that was floating there for about 20 minutes like a couple of ten year olds. After a while I stood at the side of the pool getting my breath back. Fliss swum over and held the bar either side of me. She brought her knees up and gripped my waist with her legs wrapped around me. She had just turned 14 and was awakening some strange desires in me as her vulva pressed against my tummy. I was trying not to let this change the silly mood we had got in and was assuming she was just in a playful mood. Suddenly, though, she pulled herself in hard against me and kissed me.

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