Doctor's Daughter - Cover

Doctor's Daughter

Copyright© 2006 by NiteWriter

Chapter 3: The girls go to battle

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3: The girls go to battle - Nicki falls in love with a handsome doctor but the relationship is complicated when the daughter developes feelings for her too

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Slow  

I thought that would be far into the future though but the seeds were sown the first time she saw us together. He had taken me to a ballet. I had never been to a ballet in my life but did a crash course on the internet, cramming as many facts as I could about Swan Lake, that we were seeing, and any other ballet I could swot up on. I actually quite enjoyed it. The music was lovely and it was quite pleasant to watch, although in truth I would have been more at home at a Green Day concert.

We got a taxi back to his place, where I had left my car. We had just a little kiss before I got back into my car, and looking past his head, at the upstairs window, who did I see?

Yes, the less-than-happy stare from Fliss the green. I grimaced as I pulled out of his drive. This was going to get interesting!

When I saw him the following day at work he admitted he had got 'a rough ride' from Fliss about seeing a 'floozy' who was obviously 'after his money', but equally obviously he had made it clear this was not the case and that it was he who had made all the running. Nevertheless he thought it sensible for Fliss to meet me properly so that we should get to know each other and take the heat out of the situation.

The upshot was that the three of us went out to a very nice restaurant. Fliss was all sweetness to me, when her dad was around anyway, and things seemed to be going fairly well. That is until after the main course when I decided to go to the ladies room and Fliss got up too and excused herself. Once inside the ladies she changed, pushing me against the tiled wall and putting a hand against the wall each side of me.

"What the hell are you doing with my dad?" she snarled. "He doesn't need anyone else, certainly not a gold-digging trollop like you!"

"I'm not a gold digger, I like him that's all, and he obviously likes me enough to ask me out."

"You are not right for him though, he has a well respected reputation and doesn't need a... a..."

"... common trollop like me?" I finished, smiling.

"Exactly! And it's not a laughing matter. If you're after his money I'll make sure you don't get a penny!" she spat. She let me go finally and I was able to use the toilet. Yes I knew this would all end in tears for somebody, more than likely me! I seriously considered ending things, but then thought 'why should I?' Back at the table it was all sweetness and light with her, and I knew she was a two-faced madam and a formidable foe.

During those first few months we dated once or twice a week, and although I truly wasn't after his money he did spend an awful lot on me. I tried to spend as little time as possible at his house so as not to antagonise the 'sweet girl', and we took to going to hotels when we started sleeping with each other. On the occasions Fliss and I were at the house at the same time things followed the same pattern of her being polite and nice to me while daddy was around. But if we were left alone she made no secret of her real feelings towards me which bordered on the threatening on occasions.

Inevitably the time came when Paul was called to the hospital for a lengthy operation and had asked me to wait at the house for him and we would go out later. Fliss told me to go home and wait and she would get him to call me when he returned.

"Well he asked me to wait here," I replied, "So I'll just sit in the garden if it's OK with you."

"No it's not OK. I have friends coming round and don't want you in my house!"

"It's OK I won't interfere with you. I'll just sit outside and keep out of your way." I was trying to keep calm but I could see she was coming up to the boil. Maybe I should go, but then why should I? It was her dad's house and he had asked me to stay.

"Why aren't you listening? I said I want you to go. You can come back when he gets home. Don't make me have to throw you out."

"Look you don't have to like me, but let's at least try to respect or tolerate each other or else you'll end up upsetting Paul."

"Respect YOU? Never! I won't let you get your hooks in him, now get the fuck out RIGHT NOW!" With that she grabbed my arm and pulled me from my chair roughly and projected me towards the door.

Now I was getting mad too. I wheeled round and shouted, "I'm not going! Your dad asked me to wait here and I will!" She lost it completely and went for me. She aimed a hard slap at my face which I blocked with my arm but with her left hand she grabbed a handful of my hair. I screamed with pain but found myself being dragged toward the door, my head bent forward looking at the floor.

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