The Vice Principal - Cover

The Vice Principal

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is the begining of a story about sexual relationships at a private middle school. Mr. Kennedy is the Vice Principal responsible for the schools dress code and for imparting corporal punishment to the students and apparently their parents too. Follow the tale of lust and sexual gratification of ninth grade students, their teachers and their parents.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie  

My name is Kevin Kennedy and I am the 33-year-old Vice Principal of Woodrow Wilson middle school, a very private institution for the communities well off that serves grades 6 through 9 in a small town in the mid-west. The students that graduate from Woodrow Wilson are on an educational fast-track, first to their last three years of high school and then on for their college degrees. Our Principal, Ms. Mary Steiner, is a very strict disciplinarian who has the reputation for demanding that both the faculty and students make the most of their opportunities while at Woodrow Wilson.

Believe it or not my primary job is to ensure that the schools dress code is enforced, strange but true. Oh I realize that most students and their parents think that the vice principals job is more than just enforcing the schools dress code but Ms. Steiner is a stickler in that aspect of education. When she was first interviewed and then subsequently hired as principal she refused to take the position unless she had the backing of the faculty and parents on how teachers and students alike should dress while on campus and their written approval for corporal punishment. To her it's all strictly a matter of discipline — if you can follow the schools' rules then you can follow life's rules.

The dress code itself is actually very simple; boys are to wear black pants with white shirts, long sleeved in the winter and short sleeved in the summer. Girls are required to wear black pants or skirts with white blouses. Skirts, if worn, are not allowed to come above the students' knees. Teachers are to dress similarly to the students except that male teachers are required to wear ties at all times. The lone exception to these rules is for gym classes when gym clothing is acceptable.

Most people would think that being responsible for ensuring that middle school students dress appropriately would be, at best, a mundane job but that is not the case at all. In fact I have found several ways that make my day much more enjoyable that anyone might ever think, but you just have to read along to find about these job perks.

This year Lizzy Johnson has been my dress code nemesis for having numerous violations of the schools' rules. Lizzy is a ninth grader who is just beginning to feel her oats and recently has been looking for ways to express her individuality, ways that certainly do not meet with Ms. Steiner's approval. As we speak I am waiting for an audience with Ms. Steiner concerning Lizzy's latest rules infraction, going bra-less during a gym class. I am sitting on the wooden bench just outside Ms. Steiner's office and being eyed suspiciously by Mrs. Hudson, the 60 plus year old secretary to the Principal. Mrs. Hudson is leery of everyone waiting for an audience with the Principal, but that is normal for her as she suspects everyone of one infraction or another of the Principals rules. I looked up when I heard Mrs. Hudson's phone beeping and she looked at it then over at me.

"You may enter now Mr. Kennedy."

I entered Ms. Steiner's' office and was directed to a chair in front of her desk, a position that is designed to ensure that Mary is in the dominate position during any discourse. Mary had her desk made especially for her office and it is about a foot higher than the normal office desk and she sits behind it on a high back drafting stool looking down at her prey while they sit cowering in the armchair.

"Well Kevin, tell me what's going on with Ms. Johnson and her latest infraction of the schools dress code?"

No good morning or how are you, just right to the point. "Well Ms. Steiner, I have made an appointment with Ms. Johnson to meet me in my office after school to discuss her latest infraction so I'll be able to tell you more tomorrow morning."

"Mr. Kennedy, this behavior of Ms. Johnson is becoming disruptive to the school and its students. I specifically hired you to take care of any dress code violations and if you can't even make a 14 year old ninth grader follow the rules what the hell do I need you for?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Steiner, I'll do better, you'll see." She looked down at me over the top of her 'granny' glasses and seemed to stare deep into my soul. Mary Steiner is somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 and I think she has a nice body but it is hard to tell with the clothes she wears. Her daily fare of clothing is a long black flowing dress that buttons up the front all the way from the floor to her neck, kind of the 1890's 'school-marm' look. She has jet black hair that she wears in a tight bun and she never wears any make-up. Her breasts look to be a decent size, but then again it's hard to tell.

"Well you better get Ms. Johnson back on track and damned fast Mr. Kennedy or you'll be looking for another job! That will be all."

Properly chastised I walked back to my office and sat down at my desk and thought about my problem child. Lizzy Johnson was from a well-known local family that has money, a lot of money. Her mother doesn't work, per se, but does a lot of volunteering at local charities and her father is the owner/manager of the local bank. No one knows much about Ben Johnson as he keeps himself well isolated from the rest of the town folk but everyone seems to like his wife, Gloria.

I pulled Lizzy's file from my inbox and once again scanned the file encompassing the entire time she had been a student at Wilson. She was a good student never having any grades lower than a B and mostly A's. In her first three years there had only been two infraction of the rules, one for being late to class and the other for talking back to her homeroom teacher, nothing that I considered serious. But this year she had done a complete turnaround, almost like she was a different girl. Her grades had fallen, not dramatically but they were now in the B's and C's range and her attitude was different, more... ah... challenging to authority.

I looked at her picture in the file and saw what appeared to be the beginnings of a beautiful woman. At 14 Lizzy had already shot up to five foot six and her breasts had grown during the summer to what looked to be about a 'C' cup. She had long legs, a nice round butt and long blonde hair that cascaded down over her shoulders outlining her deep azure blue eyes. There was no doubt about it; Lizzy was going to be a beautiful woman and probably break her share of hearts.

I heard the bell ring and looked up at my wall clock and saw that it was four o'clock already and that classes were over for the day. About five minutes later my speakerphone lit up and my secretary announced,

"Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Johnson is here as you requested."

"Please send her in Mrs. Wiley."

My door opened and Lizzy Johnson stepped into my office. She hesitated by the door, waiting for directions. "Close the door Ms. Johnson and have a seat." I pointed her towards a chair that was next to my desk.

"Thank you sir."

I looked over at her and sighed. "What am I going to do with you Ms. Johnson?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Kennedy; I don't know what you mean."

I starred at her for a full two minutes, and then said, "Look Lizzy, you're going to have to be honest with me and tell me what's going on inside that head of yours. You know full well why you're here, so please explain why you weren't wearing a bra during gym class as required by the school's dress code."

"I was told by... well Mr... Mr. Kennedy I... I just really didn't feel like it, that's all."

"You didn't feel like it? Jesus this isn't a democracy Ms. Johnson, you'll follow the rules or your family can make other arrangements for your schooling. Two weeks ago you were caught kissing a classmate down behind the locker rooms and for that you received a spanking. You do remember that don't you?"

Her face blushed as she remembered me lifting her skirt and caning her panty-clad butt with my 18 inch bamboo cane. "Uh, yes sir, I remember."

I reached over to the edge of my desk and picked up the cane and started tapping my open palm as I looked at her. "Do you remember what I told you I would do the next time you broke one of the schools' rules?"

"Yes sir."

"WHAT did I tell you I would do Lizzy?"

"You said I would have to remove my panties the next time so you could cane my bare rear end."

"Ah good, you remembered. Are you ready for your punishment?"

"Ohhhh, Mr. Kennedy, you really aren't going to make me take off my panties are you, I mean I'm 14 years old?"

"I know how old you are and yes I am Ms. Johnson. Now stand up and take them off." She reluctantly stood up and reached under her skirt and took a hold of her panties and slowly pulled them down from under her skirt. She had tears in the corners of her eyes as her panties came into view.

"Please Mr. Kennedy, don't do this. I promise that I'll be good and won't..."

"You know the school's rules on corporal punishment now come over here and hand me your panties." She walked over to me and placed her panties in my hand. They were plain white, as required by school regulations, and I noticed were a little damp from going to the bathroom. "Christ Lizzy, your panties are wet, don't you wipe yourself?"

"Ah, yes sir I do, maybe I just missed a spot, I'm sorry."

"Bend over my lap Lizzy, it's time." Reluctantly she bent over my lap, her hands trying to cover her butt. "Move your hands Lizzy or I'll cane them too." She moved her hands and I lifted up her skirt and saw that her butt cheeks were as white as ivory snow and as smooth as silk. I picked up my cane and put the first one directly onto her left butt cheek.

"Owwww. Oh Mr. Kennedy, that hurts."

"Well I'm really sorry but you have to be disciplined for these infractions." The second hit landed in almost the same position but on her right butt cheek.

"Owwww... oh God, please Mr. Kennedy, stop, I'll be good, I promise."

I set the cane down on my desk and looked at her bare ass. God what a great looking ass, even with the two raised welts. I reached out and rubbed her cheeks letting my hand trail down towards her pussy.

"Mr. Kennedy, what are you doing? I don't think that you should be touching me like that?"

"I'm just checking to make sure you aren't seriously hurt, that's all. Now stand up Lizzy."

She braced herself and pushed up and off my lap. As she stood her skirt fell down into place and she just starred at me. Finally she opened her mouth, "Am I done now Mr. Kennedy?"

"Not yet Lizzy, I want to make sure you aren't violating any other school rules. Please remove your blouse and let me see your bra."

"MR. KENNEDY! That's just not proper."

"Yes it is Ms. Johnson! I'm responsible for ensuring that the students of Woodrow Wilson middle school are abiding by the dress code that has been established by both the parent and administration. Seeing as you have repeatedly violated that code I need to make sure that you are dressing properly, now please remove your blouse."

She reached up and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. When all the buttons were opened she pulled it out from her skirt and took it off her shoulders. She was wearing a regulation white bra with a rear clasp. "You know something, that bra looks a little to big for you, what size bra do you wear Ms. Johnson?"

"Uh, a 34C sir."

"I think that yours is too big, hand it over to me so I can check the size." She starred at me for a good minute, then, without a word she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and took it off and handed it to me. She covered her breasts with her arms and looked embarrassed. I looked at the bra for a second then looked at her. "Arms at your sides Ms. Johnson!" She quickly dropped her arms and I starred at her breasts, God they were absolutely magnificent! At 14 there obviously wasn't any sag and she has these dollar sized pink areolas with the cutest tiny nipples poking out from the center of each breast.

"Why are there strap marks around your breasts Ms. Johnson?"

She looked down at her breasts then felt around where the bra had cut into her chest. "Gee, I don't know Mr. Kennedy."

Although she was standing only a couple of feet away from me I wanted her even closer. "Come here Ms. Johnson and let me check your fit."

She stepped up between my legs and stood there, her eyes growing wide as I reached out and touched her breasts. They were so fucking soft and smooth and I wanted them in my mouth but new better than to take this any farther, at least right now. "Well Lizzy, I think with a couple of adjustments to your straps everything will be just fine. Now please get dressed, and then you can catch the last bus for home. But you have to listen to me carefully, no more rules infractions or I'll have to tell your parents and I know you don't want that, do you?"

She snapped her bra and was buttoning her blouse before she answered me, "No sir. I sure don't want my mom involved; she would kill me if she knew what I had been doing."

"Good, then we'll consider this matter closed."

Lizzy left my office and when I stood up I saw that her panties were still on the side of my desk. I picked them up and sniffed the crotch. The aroma of the 14 year olds pussy was mesmerizing. God damn this was going to be fun!

Almost three weeks passed and I was in the hall watching the students as classes changed. I saw Lizzy out of the corner of my eye and noted that she was standing next to the girls' entrance to the gym and she was wearing her regulation skirt. The only problem was that it came at least two inches above her knees, another clear infraction of the schools rules. I walked down the corridor and up to the three girls as they stood there chatting. "Ahem," I growled at the three of them, "Ms. Johnson, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Oh sure Mr. Kennedy."

The two other girls eased out of the doorway and scurried off to their next class. "I want you in my office as soon as the last bell rings; do you understand me Ms. Johnson?"

"Yes sir, I'll be there."

I walked back to my office and sat down and wrote Lizzy's mother a note:

Dear Mrs. Johnson:

I have had several problems with your daughter and have tried to discipline her without involving you or your husband but I'm afraid that my efforts to straighten out Lizzy have been in vain. I would like to meet with you to discuss her behavior this Friday evening at six p.m. in my office if it is convenient for you. Please call my office to confirm your appointment.


Mr. Kevin Kennedy

Vice Principal

When Lizzy arrived at my office at the end of the day I handed her the envelope that was clearly addressed to her mother. "Lizzy, please deliver this letter to your mother."

"What... what is it Mr. Kennedy?"

"It's a letter to your mother Lizzy. I want to discuss your behavior with her on Friday night."

"Oh Mr. Kennedy, can't we work something out? I mean, my mother will..."

"You should have thought about that before defying the schools regulations young lady, now we're done here."

That afternoon Mrs. Johnson confirmed with my secretary that she would be at my office on Friday evening and that she looked forward to solving her daughters' problems with the school and authority, and so did I.

Friday afternoon finally arrived and everyone had left the school grounds by five thirty and Mrs. Johnson arrived at my office promptly at the requested six p.m. I showed her inside and asked her to sit on the couch while I pulled up the armchair so I could face her. Before I sat down I went over and closed and locked the door to my office then came back and sat down. "Look Mrs. Johnson, I'm really sorry that we have to meet this way but we have to resolve the issues between the school and Lizzy.

"I'm not sure what the problem is Mr. Kennedy but rest assured that we will resolve all of the issues before I leave here this evening."

I studied Gloria Johnson for a few minutes and I could see the resemblance between her and her daughter. Gloria was taller at almost five feet ten inches, long legged and had breasts that probably were 36D's. She was in great shape but to my dismay I could see where her daughter got her fashion sense. Gloria was dressed in a light Grey business suit with thin black lines running down the front on either side of the jacket. She had an off white almost cream colored blouse under the jacket and I noted that the skirt was at least four inches above her knees. She had on dark stockings and cream colored and black high heeled shoes that complimented her suit very nicely. "Resolve the issues before you leave... I hope so Mrs. Johnson, I hope so."

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