Gloria - Naked For The Winter - Cover

Gloria - Naked For The Winter

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Christmas - A Cold Time for the Still Punished Gloria

Drama Sex Story: Christmas - A Cold Time for the Still Punished Gloria - Gloria is given a chilly assignment by her boss and warned not to fail her.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   BDSM   Spanking   Sadistic  

"Merry Christmas, Samantha! It's so good to see you better - fighting fit again!"

"Merry Christmas, Mrs FitzWalter!"

Samantha and Edwina were standing looking out over the grounds. Young Edward was in bed asleep. It had been a quiet day for the couple. Samantha sighed.

"I wonder how Gloria is!"

"Out in the cold, I'm afraid, Samantha. It's a Saturday and she gets no favours! Thank heaven it's been reasonably mild. But the stupid girl has only herself to blame. If it weren't for all the suffering she's going through I'd order you to cause her more than just a bit of pain when she gets back. But it has been useful in a sense. After she sorted out those three poachers we know they aren't likely to land at the weekend when that lethal, arse kicking mountain goat is loose about the place!

"The shipments are still going on, then?"

"Must be, Samantha! We're still picking the poor buggers up and sending them straight back where they came from!"

"Why don't you move in? Or the police who are employing you?"

"We know a bit of how the operation works - thanks to Gloria. They keep them in that shed and herd them to the jetty when a launch comes to collect them once a fortnight. My informant the boatman seems to think he has an idea where that operates from. I doubt Gloria has a clue, though. Brave, tough as old boots and strong as an ox, but not too bright! Poor, strong and stupid Gloria! And disgusting with it! Sixty Nine indeed! I hope it does snow before she completes her punishment!"

When the boatman had called Edwina to tell her of Gloria's indiscretion and the marathon penalty she had been awarded, she had passed on the message to a recuperating Samantha.

"He said something about a sixty nine with a man. What was he talking about Sammy?"

Poor Edwina had needed to hold the phone a foot away from her ear, so piercing was the squawk of high pitched and hysterical laughter from Samantha, who put her recovery back weeks that day from laughing herself silly! When the sordid mechanics of this particular sexual pastime had been painstakingly explained to her she had felt sick. When Sammy had further told her how the same thing could be done with two ladies and that she and Gloria were the world's most accomplished experts at it, she had felt even sicker! Sick and somewhat ashamed at having reached her time of life and not found out about things which seemed common knowledge to everyone else!

So the absent, frozen and overworked Gloria was getting no sympathy from her employer and even less from Samantha, who, although she bore her lover no long term ill-will and yearned for the day they were in bed together once more, was delighted to think how very uncomfortable Gloria's life had become as of now! Serve her bloody well right, the two timing cow!

Samantha raised her glass.

"Here's to Gloria's continuing and very painful punishment!"

"Gloria's continuing and very painful punishment!" said the pair together.

Mrs FitzWalter raised her glass.

"And here's to a sudden and permanent change in the weather and an indefinite extension of that filthy cow's supremely well deserved punishment!

"A sudden and permanent change in the weather and an indefinite extension of that filthy cow's punishment! " The couple laughed merrily at that one! They were warm and comfortable and stupid filthy depraved Gloria was neither. And quite right, too!

Having given expressed these charitable sentiments the pair parted. Edwina went to say goodnight to Edward and Samantha returned to Gloria's cottage. Samantha loved Gloria very deeply and hated her venomously at one and the same time. On this celebration of the coming of the Prince of Peace, Samantha hated her lover. She knew it was horribly wrong of her, but she detested her friend at that moment. Sammy prayed for snow over the North Sea!

"Freeze, you bitch! Freeze!" muttered Samantha as she drove home - extremely slowly and carefully because she was well over the limit and intoxicated not only by alcohol but by her temporary and very unjustified hatred of the love of her life.

Of course, she knew nothing of Gloria's reasons for gobbling the security guard and letting him gobble her. (If Samantha had known that Jim had gobbled Gloria by that bitch's express invitation she would have exploded!) But she could guess the dirty cow's motive! Oh yes! Pure lust! Filthy cow! She knew her Gloria well enough. It might perhaps have been a cunning ploy to get information out of a possibly corrupt staff member, but Samantha doubted it! Not in a billion years! She was more likely to become a Creationist or believe all the pathetic rubbish in the Da Vinci Code than swallow that one! In any case, it sounded like far too subtle a move for that sex mad cretin! Come to think of it, Gloria wasn't even a cretin! At least a cretin had a tenth of a brain! Fucking Gloria had none! Less than none!

And she'd been fool enough to let Allen go back home without laying a finger on him. Mentally she had kicked her arse a million times about that gross act of stupidity!! One fine morning she had accidentally on purpose caught a glimpse of him when he had left the bathroom door open. What a fabulous cock that guy had! King sized! Utterly, but utterly enormous! It seemed to an enraged Samantha to be grossly unfair that ninety nine, point nine, nine recurring per cent of the world's women should miss out on an experience like that! And how abominable an affront to natural justice that the unbelievably moronic and utterly undeserving cow, Gloria should have been the one to catch him! Fucking bitch. Freeze, you fucking whore!

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