Birthday Babysitting - A Present For Sis - Cover

Birthday Babysitting - A Present For Sis

Copyright© 2006 by Lubrican

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Bobby forgot his sister's birthday, which was bad enough, but he's also broke, which made things worse. But there WAS something she needed that he could provide, and which would make her birthday a special event.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy  

Bob gulped as he stared at two large, round, soft looking breasts. Her areolas were huge, covering a third of the tip of each breast. Those areolas were dark, but the nipples protruding from each were even darker. There was a strange look on her face as he stared at them.

"See, I told you they look awful," she said.

Bob's mouth was dry and he had to swallow before he could speak.

"I don't think awful is the word I'd use," he sighed.

"They look deformed or something," complained Lori.

"They look beautiful to me," he said.

"You're just being nice," said Lori, loving the feeling of her brother's eyes glued to her naked breasts. She really did think they looked bad, with their oversized areolas and heavy swollen appearance.

Bob's mind couldn't keep up with control over his mouth. "If Todd's not hungry, I sure am," he gasped.

Lori didn't bat an eye. "Well, let's just see then."

She reached for Todd, who came happily and latched onto a fat nipple before she even sat down on the bed. She cradled him in her arms and looked up at the ceiling, a look of pain on her face as the tingling of her milk letting down shot through her nipples.

"What's wrong?" asked her brother anxiously.

"Nothing," she said, looking at him again. "It's normal. There's this kind of exquisite pain when he sucks." She looked at her brother's wide eyes, which were darting back and forth between the breast Todd was slurping at, and the other one, which was exposed. "Get me a pad out of the diaper bag. My other one is going to start leaking any second now."

Bob fumbled with the bag, not knowing what he was looking for exactly, but trying to find something that looked like a pad to him. He found package of round cottony looking things that reminded him of coffee filters, except smaller. He pulled one out and held it up with a questioning look on his face.

Lori looked at him, her eyes half closed as the baby sucked strongly.

"Press it to my other nipple," she ordered.

"Me?" gasped Bob.

"Yes, you," she said.

He actually tip-toed to the edge of the bed. Then he couldn't decide whether to lean over or sit down beside her. He chose to lean forward and tentatively approached the naked nipple that was now within reach.

"Hurry, I feel it starting," she said.

Just as he got the pad within a couple of inches of the nipple he saw dots of white well up from different places all over the dark nubbin and form fat drops that threatened to fall off the nipple. He licked his lips unconsciously as he dipped the pad under the nipple to catch a drop and then pressed gently against the nipple. It felt very strange to be so close to her naked breast.

"Thank you," she said.

"This is weird," he said, barely above a whisper.

"I though you wanted to see them all these years," she said, her voice serious.

"I did," he said simply. "I just never thought I'd get to ... that's all."

"Do you really like them?" she asked.

"You have no idea," he said.

Her hand came forward and the back of it brushed up against his hardness.

"I think I do have some idea," she said smiling.

The only noise for a few seconds was Todd, slurping noisily and making little grunting sounds as he sucked.

"You really don't mind that you turn me on?" asked Bobby finally.

"I love you, little brother. Nothing can ever change that. You and I have a special bond, and we always will, no matter what. I could divorce Randy, but I can't divorce my baby brother," she said, looking up at him with large eyes.

Bob stared back at her. "You're really thinking about divorce?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Not really," she said, looking down at the baby. "This date we're going on will tell me a lot about whether trying to save things is worth it or not. I keep hoping he'll grow up and become a man. In a lot of ways you're more of a man than he is Bobby."

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Time to change over," Lori said, changing the subject as well.

She manipulated the baby to the other breast and Bobby stepped back, staring at the one that had been emptied. He could tell a difference in it. It was still large and round, but less swollen looking somehow. The areola on that one had gotten smaller too, and was now only a couple of inches in diameter. The nipple looked crinkled, but was wet. Without being told to he swabbed at the thick rubbery protrusion with the pad.

"That feels good," said Lori, smiling at her brother.

Bob's cock was about to break through his pants by the feel of things. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing and kept swabbing the nipple, even though it was dry now. Todd spit out the new nipple and Lori sighed.

"He's done. He eats better at night than he does in the daytime. I'll have to express the rest." She looked up at her brother and her eyes slid down to his crotch. "You'd better go on home now Bobby, and take care of that little problem you have before it does lasting damage or something." She grinned at him.

He blushed, knowing that she knew exactly how he would "take care of" his boner. But she wasn't disgusted by it, and that made him feel somehow free in a way he'd never felt before.

"Yeah. I'd better go," he said, backing up.

Lori laid Todd on the bed and stood up. She made no effort to cover her naked breasts.

"Don't I get a goodbye hug?" she asked.

"You've got to be kidding me," he croaked.

She came to him, her hips swaying somehow and put her arms around his neck, pressing her naked breasts against his chest.

"I really do love you little brother," she murmured. She kissed him on the lips, gently, but quickly. "Thank you for this wonderful treat today. It was fun being naughty."

Bob gulped, but couldn't say anything. His hands had automatically come to her sides and her naked flesh felt hot and soft under them.

Lori, with a gleam in her eye, bumped her mons against his erection and then pushed him away.

"Now, go on. I'll see you Friday night ... about five?"

"Yes ma'am," said Bob by reflex.

Lori's laugh filled his ears as he turned and fled.

Neither of them was laughing that night, however. Lori waited up, eager to show Randy her new dress, but he called, drunk and said that he was staying out late with his friends. It ruined her mood and just before he hung up she heard a male yell "It's your turn to buy a round, Randy." Before she went to bed she pulled up their bank account online and saw where he had pulled another fifty dollars out of the ATM. She went to bed knowing that fifty was gone. She was going to have to take measures soon. She worked too hard for Randy to piss it all away on booze.

For Bob, it was entirely different. He went to bed early, with the unconcern of youth, thinking about what had happened that day. Contrary to his sister's assumption, he hadn't masturbated when he got home. Instead he cherished the sexual high he was on and nurtured it until bedtime, thinking back to what her breasts had looked like, and how close he had come to touching one of them skin-to-skin. But the primary thing he thought about was that she had shown him those breasts on her own ... offered them to him in a sense. He tried to make that feeling last as he finally wrapped his hand around his rock hard penis.

He lasted about forty-five seconds.

Friday night came and Bob looked forward to seeing his sister in her new dress again. When he got there Randy was already dressed and ready to go, and was sitting in an easy chair, drinking a beer and watching a basketball game on TV while Lori finished getting ready upstairs. Bob called out when he came in the door. Randy waved his way and he heard Lori call back to him "Come on up for a minute Bobby." He bounded up the stairs and went to her room. When he walked in she was sitting at her vanity, hands up in the air, putting the last touches on her hairdo.

She was dressed in panties.

Black panties.

That was all.

She glanced at him in the mirror and laughed when she saw his open mouth. "You've seen me almost like this. Hand me my dress, would you please, Bobby?"

He reluctantly pulled his eyes from her dark tipped breasts, so round and beautiful and saw the dress lying on the bed. He picked it up and by the time he turned with it to her she was standing, facing him. She took the dress, lowered it to the floor and stepped into it gently, bending over. Bob found himself bending to one side to see her hanging breasts, like ripe fruit on a tree. Lori looked up and saw that he was staring at them as she pulled the dress up over her hips and toward what he gazed at.

She stopped as the dress got just below her breasts.

"You want to touch them don't you little brother? That's a no-no, you know. Looking is one thing, but touching is another."

Bob looked. In fact he stared. While he was staring he licked his lips.

Lori arched an eyebrow. "Oh, so you want to taste them? That would definitely be a no-no."

His eyes pled. He thought she was going to cover them up, but then she whispered, "OK, OK, but just one little taste."

Then she grinned and shoved her left breast toward him. Bob couldn't believe it as his mouth descended over the stiff dark nipple and he gave it an exploratory suck. His sister rasped in a breath and her hands came to the back of his head, holding his lips on her nipple.

"Ohhh that feels so nice and naughty. You know, if I hadn't already fed Todd you'd be getting a mouthful."

Then it was over and she was kissing him on the lips. Not a sisterly peck, but not a long spit swapping kiss either. Her eyes were hot as they looked into his.

"I like being this naughty," she said.

Then she pulled the dress into place, tucked a couple of nursing pads in position and pushed Bob toward the door.

When they got to the living room, Lori had to go stand in front of the TV to get her husband's attention. When he finally saw how she was dressed he whooped, jumped up and said he was ready to go. He put an arm around her, his hand landing on her round ass and pulled her toward the door. "We'll be back around one," he said. And they were gone.

It was quiet in the house. Bob realized his dick was stone hard. And that it had been stone hard all the time since his sister had let him suck her nipple. With a sigh he sat down on the couch and started watching the rest of the game Randy had been watching.

He was asleep when they got home. Lori woke him up when she came in the door. He looked at her questioningly as she was alone.

"Randy's drunk on his ass again. This was just another excuse for him to go out and get wasted. Can you come help me get him inside?" Lori said.

Together they got him in the house and down the hallway to their bedroom. Lori asked him to help get Randy undressed and while they were doing that Bob saw he could see down her dress to her beautiful breasts. Lori looked up once and grinned as she saw where he was looking.

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