The Preacher Man - Cover

The Preacher Man

Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7

Chapter 8: The Quality of Mercy

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8: The Quality of Mercy - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   First   Pregnancy   Slow  

Time: October 23, 8235 10:37 AM

After spending four hours in morning prayers with some visiting Royalty who had come for the occasion, I hurried off to the nuptial wing of Jizari's central cathedral. My time in the wing was a stark contrast to the friendliness of the Royalty, so many of whom seemed eager to be my friend. The nuptial procedure itself was all business, and very dry, as was the specially trained Priest who performed the marriage.

"As you can see," commented the Nikahaldi, "There is some damage to the left foot. You'll have to key in your approval that this is acceptable."

My master ID card was already inserted and active in the consoles. I typed in my additional approval as requested. As I waited for the next step, my eyes went to the large monitor on my right.

And there she was, Abigail! Standing as required, and dressed in a simple burqa that was pulled back and tied to the back of her left leg to show her cast. There was also the required marriage hood above the burqa, preventing her from seeing anything.

I hadn't seen Abigail since we left the vault at Qataban. She didn't even know for sure whom she was marrying, though I was hoping she could guess. My heart was singing with the expectation of having her see me again!

A number of unexpected pages of text showed up on the Nikahaldi's monitors. There were several blocks of bold red lettering. "What is this?!" he muttered, looking totally flummoxed. He spent several minutes reading. "Sir, this woman has been defiled!"

"Yes, I know."

"And you still want her as a wife?!"


"I don't understand! I didn't even know such a thing was possible!"

I sighed. "I was the one who defiled her. I've been over the legality of this several times with Royalty. As the one who defiled her, it is permissible for me to marry her. The difference is she can be a virgin only to me. She has to be culled if I die. It's all there on your screen. I have several Royal friends who were with me in morning prayers today. Would you like to talk to them about this?"

"Oh no sir! That won't be necessary!" The Nikahaldi typed in his approval codes and the marriage registration program moved onto the next phase. He nodded in approval as he scanned through the medical logs. "Eternal virginity injections were completed during your four hours of morning prayers sir, full spectrum as required. If you have any problems sir, report them immediately."

"Should I expect any?"

The Nikahaldi Priest laughed. "I'm required by law to say that! There hasn't been a problem in seven thousand years. These injections work!" He continued to type as his console.

I nodded and then looked back to the monitor of Abigail, not trusting myself to make a verbal comment. Fateen was right, I thought. My discipline does serve me well, well enough to hide a disgust that was without boundary.

"I'm ready for you to key in your final approval sir." The Priest then laughed again. "Last chance to change your mind! It's the easy road out sir. With her flags, divorcing her would tie you up with an execution council for a month!"

"Keying it in now..."

"Confirmed. I'm keying in my final clearance... Congratulations sir! You have married! I hope you have many years of good use from her!"

It was a traditional blessing. I gave the traditional reply. "Thank you Nikahaldi, for a fine marriage ceremony. I hope so too."

I withdrew my ID card from the console and was now permitted to meet my bride. I walked a short path of corridors and stepped into her holding pen.

She stood trembling under her burqa and hood. I could only imagine her turmoil, and her courage, willingly submitting to the four hours of the evil injections that had sealed her virginity. I stood before her as her legal husband, wondering and hoping that she would also accept me as the husband of her heart. I reached up and released her both her hood and burqa veil.

Her eyes met mine, and her face burst with a smile of happiness. I nodded for her to follow me. She nodded and veiled herself, head and leg, making herself legal to walk in public. Then she picked up her crutches and followed me out of the cathedral.

My home, the world's central Security complex was adjacent to the cathedral. Grateful Abigail did not have far to walk with her crutches, we made our way to my temporary quarters, a fine private bedroom of almost thirty square meters. Abigail seemed stunned by the beauty of the countryside outside the bay windows.

I nodded as she smiled at me. "The countryside here is river valleys crossing in an east- west direction. I know, it's very beautiful."

She nodded and then saw her marriage book upon the bed. It contained a description of me and all the rules and regulations I wanted in our marriage. I was free to edit the book as I saw fit, and Abigail's normal duty would be to read the book just after waking each day. She glanced at me for permission and I nodded again. She sat on the bed and was soon eagerly reading the book.

I walked to the window and watched the scenery for a while, and then sat in a chair near her and waited.

She looked up at me and raised her eyebrows at me playfully. "This is so generous Ilias! Complete familiarity when we're alone! From my heart, thank you!"

I smiled back. "You must have so many questions! Please ask!"

Abigail nodded. "The book explained much. You are a CL-12 now, still riding the Asad. And we are flying to Jericho?! So soon?"

"Yes, very soon, shortly before evening prayers, in the same ramjet that brought you here. I'll be the Security station commander there."

Abigail nodded in approval. "I will support you husband, with every fiber of my being!" She then gave me a shy smile and looked at the clock. It was after 11 AM. "The first purge cycle of my virginity injections will kick in very soon, probably within a few minutes. I'm going to be deeply asleep for four hours."

I nodded kindly. "Yes, I know. I will hold you as you sleep."

Abigail nodded back. "Thank you Ilias. You are so sweet to me, sweet and kind. Ilias... Do you want my virginity now?"

"Uh... Perhaps when you wake up?"

"Thank you again! I've received so much training on how to please you! I'd hate to have you excited and then have me forced into sleep by the cycle. I promise, my heart is set on pleasing you!" She paused for a moment, looking a little sleepy. "Ilias?"


"I do have a question. How were you ever able to stop my execution?"

"Ah, that was Ammar's doing."

Abigail frowned, blinking her eyes awake, and then gave a small gasp. "The mayor of Qataban?!"

I laughed. "Yes! But he is an amazingly humble person. He prefers his Guild title of station commander."

"Yes, I've heard that. But what could he do? Execution decisions are controlled entirely by the Priesthood."

Abigail yawned and suddenly looked very drowsy. I got up and came to her side. In a moment we were both lying down on the bed. My fingers came up and caressed her face for the first time. "Comfortable?"

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