The Preacher Man - Cover

The Preacher Man

Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7

Chapter 42: Allies!

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 42: Allies! - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   First   Pregnancy   Slow  

Time: January 5, 8240 10:17 PM

I got back to my private quarters shortly after evening Prayers. It had been a very nice service. I hadn't seen Qataban's sanctuary in many years, and was quite touched by how the local people had decorated it in honor of my presence. The vast cavernous space seemed hauntingly familiar to me. I started to think of it as a high-altitude version of Karbala's.

I got home and had a very light snack of vegetables with my wives. And then I stretched my tired body and asked Chanah to sleep with me. She looked surprised, glancing at Abby and Sheffie who both gave her "I told you so" smiles. My wives! I do sometimes fantasize about eavesdropping on them. I'd love to hear what they say about me when they're alone. Err, at least I think I do. I would never violate their privacy for real of course.

Chanah showed up at my bedroom in a very thin sleep gown, the shape of her lovely body easily visible in the dim light. We were cuddling under the covers a moment later. Except for my strange and brief intercourse with Abigail a few nights ago, I hadn't had sex with my wives for ten months. Chanah could feel my eagerness pressing into her thigh as we held each other, but she seemed a little hesitant. More than hesitant actually, tense. Somehow I wasn't surprised. I forced myself to calm down and just petted her for a while.

I kissed her temple. "Have a difficult day?"

Chanah blinked and tilted her head to make eye contact with me. "Not as big as yours, I'm sure. You must be exhausted."

"Oh, I'm okay." I yawned. "A little sleepy maybe. It's nice to hold you again."

Chanah nodded and sighed, and then rested her head against my chest. "I love you," she whispered.

I held her head to my chest with my hand, softly petting the back of her neck. Her tongue began to lick my nipple, and then her lips joined to suckle me. "I love you too." I whispered. More quiet moments drifted by. "Everything okay with you?"

"Hmmm?" A cold foot came and caressed my lower leg. I curled and trapped the foot between my own two feet and tried to warm it. Chanah sighed and pushed her open mouth against me, giving my nipple a brief nip with her teeth. "I suppose. Anything in particular you're thinking of?"

We kissed for a while. After we came up for air, I asked, "Well, how do you like Dodi?"

"Oh, she's very nice," Chanah said idly. "Polite, I think she'll be a hard worker... very intelligent too..." We kissed again for a while. Chanah shrugged her shoulders. "She subordinated herself to me..."

"Hmm?" More kisses. "Huh?"

"Dodi, I mean." There was a short pause. "She is the newest wife. Normally it would be her place to be on the bottom. And she knows my mind is undamaged. She took the time to tell me clearly that she will obey me. She even made a note of it in her marriage book. Not the part about my mind being undamaged of course."

"Ah... Did she do the same with Abby and Sheffie?"

"Uh... not that I noticed... I don't know..."

More kisses. The time passed very quietly. Chanah's hand came down and she began to pump my penis into an erection. I became aroused again. Chanah turned and mounted me. We were lying face to face, our noses touching. Chanah kicked out her knees wide and lowered herself, positioning her labia to press against my stiff cock. One clean thrust and I would be deep inside her, but I held back. More kisses. My hand reached between her legs from below to caress her vulva. She was dry.

"Chanah," I whispered. "What's wrong?"

She lifted her head up, her eyes puzzled. "Wrong? What do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe I mean Dodi. Chanah, how do you feel about me taking a new wife?"

"What?" She blinked and I felt a shiver run through her body. "How do I feel? It's not my place"

"Hey! Don't do that!" I hissed.

Chanah gulped and nodded. "Yeah, okay. I guess I feel... I guess I feel..." She started to cry. "I guess I feel ridiculous!" She gave a soft gasp and collapsed upon me. I held her close, holding her by her hips. I felt her tears falling on my chest, and then heard the faintest of whispers. "Forgive me?"

"It's okay Chanah," I muttered as she wept.

"No it's not!" she sobbed. "How can you say that?!"

"Sure it is. You had no warning, no choice, and no time to adjust. Chanah, I'm not blaming you for anything."

She continued to cry. "It's my stupid daydreams! I have so many fantasies; dreams where I have you all to myself! I love my sister-wives, I really do!" She wailed, "But I want you all to myself!"

I let my hands wander under her nightgown and petted the soft skin on her rump. She felt my desire press into her pubis from below, sliding and growing in her short, silky hair. "I love you," I whispered.

"Oh, I'm being so ridiculous Ilias! I will get over this, I promise!"

"There, there... I think it's kind of sweet, how you desire to possess me."

"You do? It's very inappropriate!"

"Well, only if you let it get out of hand. Abby felt the same way about Sheffie once. I feel as if I've had this whole conversation already, but with Abby."

"Really?" A couple of deep breaths. "She did?"

"Yes, and she got over it." A sharp memory came back to me and I laughed. "And for a brief time, Sheffie struggled to adjust to you. Honestly Chanah, I think you're very sweet. And I trust you. I know your character." I kissed her affectionately. "I'm sure you were polite to Dodi, right?"

"Oh yes, of course. And I will try to love her, truly love her, just as I love all of you. It's just that..." She gave a soft wail and said no more.

I held her. We kept rocking together, the friction of my groin against her pubis keeping me stiff. Eventually Chanah hiccupped a few times and settled down. My hands caressed her sides, her ribs, sometimes holding her head as we kissed. I felt a hot, slick moisture coating my penis. I started to pant in my desire. "I'm wet for you now, if you still want me," Chanah whispered.

We locked our mouths together, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. Chanah's breasts were pressing into me, and I could feel the hard points of her nipples against my chest. As her tongue penetrated to the roof of my mouth, I penetrated her, one long slide into a hot, tight muscle that gripped my penis fiercely.

Both of us were awash with a sense of sexual urgency. After riding me for a brief time, Chanah grunted and rolled over, transferring the mount position to me. Our mouths stayed locked together as we turned, our thrusting sliding in and out of synch. Several times I almost lost my coupling to her vagina with all the frantic motion.

Chanah finally wrapped her legs tightly around the back of my butt and locked me into her body. I took the hint and stopped thrusting, letting Chanah do all the work as she rapidly worked her hip muscles back and forth, pumping me, squeezing me, driving me as deeply into the core of her body as she could. Then she froze and let out a strange choking sound seconds before I started spurting my seed inside her. I was dimly aware how strongly she was orgasming.

The room was cool, certainly below 20C, but we both lay there sweaty and uncovered, not cold at all. Chanah still had her legs wrapped tightly around me, enjoying the feel of my gradually softening penis inside her vagina. She started covering my face with small, affectionate kisses.

I finally rolled off to lie by her side, curling around her back. Chanah took my hand and kissed it, and then pressed it against her pubis and purred. I knew what she wanted. After vigorous sex, Chanah likes me to press against her vagina and lower womb with my palm. Slow and rhythmic pulses of pressure, she says it makes her feel as if she's still having intercourse. I held her in one arm and pushed against her pubis with the other, pumping my semen out of her vagina and down her thigh. The bed was getting a bit sticky but neither of us cared. Cooing softly in her pleasure, Chanah whispered the word love once and drifted off to sleep. I soon followed.

Two months later...

Time: March 15, 8240 10:07 AM

I walked into the bright sunlight a few minutes after the end of morning Prayers. It was a fine late-summer day at Qataban, beginning with a misty dawn just a few minutes before the start of the Prayer of Ascension at 6 AM. Now it was four hours later and 25C with brilliant blue skies, though the usual afternoon showers were expected to return later in the day.

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