The Preacher Man
Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7
Chapter 34: Consummation
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 34: Consummation - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Science Fiction First Pregnancy Slow
One hour later...
My mind was drifting, not quite asleep but not fully awake either. It felt so nice to hold Chanah in my arms again. My hand was idly stroking her stomach as she slept, her head was against my shoulders, and her clean hair smelled so wonderful. I sighed and opened my eyes and looked up. It was a little past noontime.
Abigail was nearby quietly reading a book, curled up on one of the beanbag chairs. She noticed that my eyes were open and smiled at me. "Hi Ilias."
"Hi," I whispered back, and then looked back down at Chanah. "She's really a delight to cuddle with, you know..."
Abigail gave a small laugh. "Actually, I wouldn't know! Sheffie yes, Michal yes, but Chanah... well, she likes to sleep by herself."
I blinked at Abigail, considering her words. "Ah... I'm sorry there wasn't a good way to give you some privacy from the monitors, in the bedrooms I mean."
Abby shook her head. "It's okay. The three of us are almost pure heterosexual anyway. When you're sleeping with Michal or Chanah, Sheffie and I would rarely do more than just cuddle with each other. Chanah though, she loves us, but all her sexual interest is focused totally on you." Abby paused for a moment. "Ilias?"
"Uh huh?"
"Chanah, she missed you dreadfully this past month. She's more than ready to make love to you now."
"Ah... You sure?"
"Uh huh." Abigail took a moment to stretch. "Sheffie and I think you two were incredibly wise to get to know each other first. We're both a little jealous of what your first experience will be like. Chanah... Sheffie and I missed you greatly, but Chanah pined for you Ilias."
She was silent for a moment and then continued. "The three of us had some quiet discussions in the lab. Chanah is shy in some ways, much more than Sheffie or I."
"I know. When we had our sleep nights together last year, Chanah and I would rarely allow ourselves to arouse each other. It was so incredibly sweet. As her master, she would be eager to satisfy me, but as her equal, she wanted to spend lots of time sharing her thoughts first, getting to know me."
Abby nodded. "So what'd you two talk about?"
"Oh, everything I guess, everything that matters. What our hopes are, what we like and dislike, what we fear. It was very touching. We spent a lot of time talking about our childhoods, talking about our dreams..."
Abby nodded again. "She really opened up to us too. She let Sheffie and me come right underneath her shyness."
Abby eyes drifted down to my sleeping wife. Chanah stir in my arms. "Well, I think that's my cue to take off."
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be working with Michal and Sheffie in the lab. Expect us not to come out before dinnertime." Abigail gave me a last smile and playfully raised her eyebrows at me, then got up and departed.
My hand was still on Chanah's stomach. I looked at her for a while as I petted her. My hand drifted up to hold her by her ribs for a moment, and then I started petting her breasts.
Chanah stirred and wiggled a bit as I petted her. She sighed deeply and then spoke to me, her eyes still closed. "I still feel as if I'm dreaming. I don't want to open my eyes."
"Hah! I love you, and I've missed you."
Chanah nodded. "I love you, and I've missed you too. Not having you around, it was as if I were living in a great empty hole..." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Ah, not a dream, good."
I kept stroking her breasts through the loose clothing. Chanah kept giving me a big, playful smile, and soon I felt two hard bumps pushing up from her breasts through her shirt. We kissed. I held her tit with my fingers and rubbed her bump against my palm as the tips of our tongues gently touched and caressed. Chanah's hand came up and pressed my hand firmly into her soft flesh.
"I've never felt this way about anyone Ilias. Some of the girls at the monastery formed very close relationships with other girls, but I was... reclusive. I liked to bury myself in my studies. But now... Hmmm." She wiggled her breasts under my hands. "That feels so nice. Will you come underneath my clothes?"
We spent the next hour petting and slowly undressing each other. Eventually we wandered into the master bedroom and continued are explorations there. The universe seemed full of pleasure and softness. Chanah's nose and lips drifted down to my cock and sac. Her nose was running along my erection and it felt wonderful. She sniffed me for several lazy minutes.
"Ah, I think I can smell Michal here."
I gulped, hit with a sharp memory of my plane trip. "Uh, really?"
"Well, maybe I'm just imagining things. I did have a chance to talk to Michal for a bit, just after you came home. Ilias?"
Sweet kisses on my erection, and then a playful lick. I began to relax again. More playful kisses, and then a long and wet, lingering suckle on my penis head that left it throbbing. Chanah looked up at me and smiled and finally voiced her thought. "You're plainly ready to make love to me. I'm ready too. Will you mount me?"
Before I could reply, Chanah turned and knelt on all fours, raising her rump high in the air and wiggling her hips. I came behind her and started to kiss her butt cheeks and the backs of her thighs. The skin under my hands and lips felt wonderful, smooth and clean and supple. Chanah wiggled her hips again, encouraging me to climb up and mount over her back. Instead I gripped a butt cheek firmly in each hand and separated her, and then started kissing down the length of her butt crack.
Chanah giggled at the sensations at first, then froze when I reached her anus. I gave her a wet, lingering kiss and then began licking her tight hole, pressing the tip of my tongue into the brown circular opening. Under the pressure and stimulation, the tiny hole began to dilate. I lifted my head, and saw spot of bright red where she was beginning to open. My tongue returned to lap her, broad strokes all across the aroused anal opening.
Chanah shuddered and lowered her back into a deep squat while keeping her rump high, lifting and exposing her anus completely. I suddenly realized Chanah was expecting me to anal mount her. Chagrinned, I pushed her over playfully onto her side and hugged her face to face.
We kissed passionately. Chanah raised her top leg and draped it over my hips, allowing my erection to slide between her legs and press against her downy pubic fur. My hand joined my cock and I caressed the skin of her inner thighs, so soft! I started rocking back and forth, sliding and pressing my erection along her bottom of her pelvis until I felt her labia part. The scent of Chanah's arousal filled the air, and I could feel a slick moisture coating my shaft and knob.
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