The Preacher Man
Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7
Chapter 30: The Hammer of Injustice
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 30: The Hammer of Injustice - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Science Fiction First Pregnancy Slow
-- Excerpt from The Book of Bel'dar, Tower 1, Chapter 1, Verse 1
"Anyone who doubts the Code of Bel'dar, in any form, in any part, must be killed, for I am a jealous Holy, and will not tolerate disbelief. Be wary of the alien hidden amongst you, the one who claims belief in public but doubts in secret. This alien must be killed also, for there is no compulsion in the one true religion. Let the unbeliever be met with the righteous fire of the anger of true men, and let stones be gathered and prepared as their fuel. For belief must be freely given for it to be accepted. Let the believer know that the lack of doubt is the first of the eight great pillars of true faith."
I worked in the library for a couple of hours as Chanah slept. Budgets at Karbala used to be such a juggling act. There were so many worthwhile efforts in need of resources. I spent many, many hours each month with the Sheep Guild and the local Priesthood deciding on priorities...
Dakar was a polar opposite. The city was awash in wealth, and most budgetary decisions came down to deciding between unneeded cathedral and Guild-complex embellishments, versus increasing the city's vast endowments. I have some ideas about how to nudge the town into new perspectives, but I have to move slowly. You can't change cultures overnight.
Around 1:30 PM I got up from my library desk and stretched. I thought briefly of getting something to eat. The kitchen was amply stocked both with fine delicacies as well as simple, wholesome meals. But I just didn't feel hungry. I wandered down the aisles of my private library, idly glancing at all the historical literature Abigail had ordered.
She was so right! As the home for the Information Storage Guild, the bookbinders of Dakar do incredible work. I pulled out one of the illustrated works on fifth millennium art. The synthetic leather and heavy dura-plasti pages were beautiful, and with a minimal amount of care the art book would last thousands of years. I tucked the heavy book under my arm and headed off to a comfortable sitting area near Chanah's bedroom.
I stopped in my own bedroom first and took a quick shower, changing from my wedding robe into some loose house clothing. Then I went back out and settled into something Michal had picked out on the web, a beautiful reclining couch made of gleaming South American hardwoods and rich colorful fabrics. I rubbed my hand idly across the smooth patina as I read.
The first two chapters of Abby's book were interesting, more than I would have guessed. I reclined the couch further, just one notch above full horizontal, and lay my head back and rested. The silent rooms were superbly insulated from the city noises. "Such a beautiful life", I thought, "and now with four beautiful wives." I felt so blessed. I thought of Chanah again, how lovely she was, how different, and how beautiful and precious her courage was... My mind began to drift...
-- Excerpt from The Book of Bel'dar, Tower 1, Chapter 1, Verse 2
"My Holy curse be upon those who deny My one true Preacher, refusing to submit themselves and their descendents to the divine revelation of My Code. Let their eyes be gouged out, lest they attempt to defile the clearness of My Code with their corrupt visions. And you know it is righteous to submit to Me because it has been preached, and I the Holy am One, and Bel'dar is My one true preacher. Thus Bel'dar has preached, therefore thus he preaches. Let the believer know that submission is the second of the eight great pillars of true faith."
There was a rustle on the bed next to me. My beautiful wife had turned her backside towards me and pressed her rump into my groin. She lifted a leg and butted back into me, pleading that I couple once again into her feminine warmth and moisture. I drifted in my dream as I humped her playfully from the side, running my thick, full cock between her moist ass cheeks, separating her butt with my strokes and poking against her anus several times.
Abby laughed playfully at my failed attempts to copulate. She then arched her back, raising her rump and allowing my stiff rod to find the proper vaginal entrance. Abby giggled as I slipped inside her and then shuddered. Beautiful Abby... I gripped the side of her hip with my hand as I pushed into her depths, locking her body for my strokes, my hand loving the curving flair of her hip. As I fucked in and out, my hand wandered up and caressed her fit waist. My beautiful Abby...
No, wait... I buried my nose into the back of my wife's neck and inhaled the smell of her clean hair. Such a singular smell! This must be Michal... Yes, Michal, no question...
I thrust into Michal's soft vagina, she grunted back in pleasure. My hand came up and grabbed a taut breast, very fit, with a large, tight nipple. My gosh, this must be Sheffie! How could I have thought otherwise? This was Sheffie's breast, so distinctive...
I caressed her softness as I slid back and forth inside my dear Sheffie, petting the soft, silky underside below her nipple and then rolling her between my fingers, her pink bud swollen with arousal. I squeezed her, milking her on my downstrokes. Sheffie cried up and whimpered as I pushed deeper, forcing myself towards her womb. And yet her vagina felt as soft as a feather.
I began to desire a firmer resistance as I pushed up inside her. Sheffie started stroking my head and whispering how much she loved me. Huh?! She didn't have the body position to do that. I blinked my eyes awake, pulling myself from my dream.
I blinked again. Two beautiful pale green eyes were staring back into mine. Such a beautiful face. Rich, curly hair just off the shoulders, and the freckled nose looked so cute. The eyes, so bright with intelligence. I yawned and relaxed and enjoyed the hand that was softly caressing my head.
"What time is it?" I said smiling.
"A few minutes before four," Chanah replied. She kept stroking my head. "I've been here for quite a while, petting you and thinking." She smiled at me. "That was the first time anybody ever petted me, when I fell asleep before. I thought I'd return the affection. Do you like this?"
"Oh yes," I nodded with my eyes. "It feels wonderful."
Chanah gave me a shy smile. "I'm glad. I had no idea though, you'd find this so arousing."
"Well, your penis..."
I glanced down. Under my loose house clothing I was showing a full and obvious erection. Chanah's caresses were so relaxing I hadn't noticed how stiff I was when I awoke.
"Oh, that's probably from my dream."
"Ah, you were dreaming huh? About me?"
"Uh, no, another wife."
"Really? Which one? Was it a sexy dream?" She gave me a very playful smile.
I smiled back. "Yeah, pretty sexy. First Abby, then Michal, then Sheffie... I think..."
Chanah's eyes went wide. "Wow! You were having sex with all three at the same time?!"
"Well, not exactly. It was more as if one wife was morphing into the next. The dream was not well formed. It had lots of sexy desire and very little else."
"Ah... Ilias?"
"Uh huh?"
"Do your other wives realize how sweet you are?"
I thought for a moment. "I think so. Sheffie even calls me sweetie as a nickname sometimes, but only when the two of us are alone."
"Ah... Good. It's nice to know my sister wives are smart enough to recognize true kindness." Chanah laid herself down beside me, our two bodies gently touching along their lengths. "This beautiful dress was on the chair by my bed as I awoke. Did you pick it out for me?"
It was a cotton house dress, very finely woven, short sleeve and designed to fall just below the knees. Its base color was pure white, with green vines with large and bright purple flowers flowing through it. The dress was designed to be worn either with an under-halter or without. From the soft shapeliness of her bosom, I could see Chanah had elected to wear only the dress.
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