The Preacher Man - Cover

The Preacher Man

Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7

Chapter 28: A Risky Decision

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 28: A Risky Decision - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   First   Pregnancy   Slow  

Time: April 23, 8238 1:03 AM

My three wives and I were returning to our private quarters from my cathedral's concert hall. The spacious hall was packed with the attendees of the fourth of the spring concert series, held every eight days, and many of the men had brought a favorite wife or two along. My wives and I had fit right in. Abby and Sheffie were looking very happy, and Michal looked enthralled. Actually, Michal was bursting with happiness the whole evening. Clearly she had not had much exposure to concert music growing up, I thought. I hadn't either.

I guess I enjoyed the concert too. I don't know about this modern choral music though. It's so complex. I think I like something with more simplicity. The symphonies of the sixth millennium are very nice...

We entered our quarters. Abby closed and sealed the door. She studied the security displays very carefully for a moment and then called out, "Clear!"

We all visibly relaxed. Michal was looking very sleepy. Sheffie and Abby exchanged a brief glance and then Sheffie led Michal off to bed. Abby and I wandered in the other direction towards my bedroom. It was our night to cuddle together.

A short time later Abby and I were under the covers. Abby was lying in my arms and I was petting her, nothing too sexy. I was just brushing the side of her head with my fingertips and smiling at her. She had put a nightgown on which surprised me a bit. I thought for a moment she was trying to send me a gentle signal she was too sleepy for sex, but her eyes were bright and very alert.

"Sheffie will be joining us soon, after Michal falls asleep," she whispered.

My eyes lit up and I laughed. "You two want to try a threesome?!" This was a topic Abby and I would occasionally tease each other with.

Abby laughed back. "Ilias! Be truthful! Do you fantasize about copulating with more than one of us at the same time?"

Uh oh! A direct question! Abby wasn't joking. "Yikes! Abby! What a thing to ask!"

"Uh huh. Ilias, that's no answer, and you know it."

I would have been more worried, but Abby's eyes were full of playfulness. My hand drifted down from her head, caressing her throat and then cupping a soft breast. We kissed for a while, my mind trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy both Abby and my conscience. My dear wife was very patient, not rushing me for an answer.

Finally I broke the kiss and sighed. "Seriously Abigail, I feel so blessed, having you and Michal and Shephatiah as my wives. Search your feelings Abigail. You know my heart. I am perfectly content and satisfied with holding and petting you all, one wife at a time."

Abby gave me a mischievous smile. "And yet..." she prodded.

I smiled back and then blushed. "Yes. It's an idle fantasy..."

Abby nodded thoughtfully. "Group sex would probably confuse Michal."

"Oh, I agree."

"Sheffie and I have talked about it though."

I gulped. "Group sex? And she's coming here now? Do you two really want to try it?"

Abby laughed. "To answer your three questions, yes, yes, and a yes-maybe."

It took me a few seconds to interpret all the information Abby was giving me. Abby laughed again as she saw me break into a smile.

"Ah, sweet husband! Sheffie and I have talked quite a bit about asking you if you'd like to have sex with us together. Sheffie is all for it."

I had to chuckle. "Her playfulness does tend to run..."

Abby finished the thought. "... to the kinky side? Oh yes! You should hear some of the ideas she has when all three of us are in bed together!"

"Really?! I'm all ears!"

Abby pretended to lean over to whisper something, but all she did was lick my ear and laugh. "Ilias! I just bet you do! But don't you think we should have this conversation with Sheffie here too?"

"Oh! Well, yeah... You're right."

Abby brushed off my embarrassment. "Ilias, I'm not trying to make you blush. For all of Sheffie's ideas for group sex, there's not one I feel like rejecting. Sheffie is as much a part of my marriage as you are. Michal too, for that matter. It's just that..." Abby turned very quiet and sighed.

I petted Abby gently. She was so patient with me, I didn't want to rush her thoughts in return. The silence continued for a while, her hands softly caressing my chest and nipples. Abby finally sighed again and said, "It's just that I don't want to put myself in a situation where having sex with you becomes confusing. When I'm aroused I feel extremely possessive about you physically. I want you inside my body and nowhere else. If Sheffie were with us, also aroused... Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing! It's just that..." There was a long pause and then she wailed, "Oh Ilias! This is so hard to explain!"

She burrowed into my arms and cuddled for a while, not saying anything. I started to stroke her hair. "It's okay Abby. I think I have a dim sense of understanding you. I'm trying to imagine being in your place. I'm trying to imagine having a brother-husband with you, the two of us trying to... Well, I'd be jealous... extremely..."

Abby nodded. "I'm not saying no Ilias. I'm not even saying I don't want to try playing as a threesome with Sheffie and you. I just need some more time to think about it. Sheffie is very patient with me. She's also very eager to experiment."

I kissed her temple and whispered, "With group sex? She's never broached the topic with me."

Abby nodded and kissed me back. "I'm not surprised. Sheffie is very considerate of my feelings."

At that moment there was a courtesy chime from the bedroom door, and a few seconds later Sheffie walked in wearing a simple cotton nightgown. She sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling at me and turning to Abby. "Well, did you tell him?"

Abby shook her head. "No. I lost my nerve. We were talking about group sex instead."

Sheffie blinked. "Wow! The things I miss!" She looked me directly in the eyes and wiggled her breasts at me.

Shephatiah's eyes are incredibly expressive, Abigail's too for that matter. Sometime when we're making deep eye contact, it's almost as if we are staring into each other's minds, complex understandings and agreements can form without a word being spoken.

It was like that now. Sheffie had inhaled a deep breath and was holding it, displaying her shapely breasts and nipples through the cotton nightgown. Her eyes were watching mine as I found it irresistible not to glance down and admire the sight. The message in Sheffie's eyes was so clear. She was telling me she'd very much love to talk about group sex among the three of us, but was asking permission to defer the talk till another time. My eyes returned my agreement.

Sheffie smiled a thank-you to me and spoke to Abby. "You spoke of nothing else?! Not even the lab work?"

"Ah... You have me Sheffie."

"I take it you want me to start the conversation then?"

"If you would, yes. I did this to Ilias the last time. I'm a little embarrassed about doing it again."

I blinked. "What are you two talking about?"

Sheffie laughed. "Group sex! But not the kind you're thinking of! Ilias! We had a breakthrough in the lab today!"

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