The Preacher Man
Copyright© 2006 by hammingbyrd7
Chapter 23: Blinking Yellow
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 23: Blinking Yellow - In the far future, the Earth is ruled by a single global theocracy, and a young student of history learns that in every revolution, there is one man with a vision.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Science Fiction First Pregnancy Slow
Time: Judgment 3, 8237 10:53 AM
"Thank you Nikahaldi, for a fine marriage ceremony."
The CL-7 marriage priest nodded nervously and got off his knees, trying to stretch his stiff legs without being too noticeable about it. Royal weddings were clearly not his specialty. Not that I could blame him. All Royal weddings are done at capital cathedrals, at least they were until now. The Nikahaldi had been tense throughout the ceremony. But he was efficient and thorough in inspecting the medical aspects of the marriage. He carefully reviewed all the logs as well as the videos of the injection cycles before registering my bride as a certified eternal virgin.
His meticulous attention to the medical details made the marriage ceremony take longer than I expected. I wouldn't have as much time with my new bride as I had hoped before her first sleep cycle would take her. It was almost an hour after morning Prayers before I could meet my new wife.
It was a short walk to her holding pen. We were deep within my cathedral complex, in a private chapel area adjacent to my living quarters. Within moments I was standing before Shephatiah. She was dressed in a white and blue marriage burqa, the traditional colors for a Karbalan wedding. The required black marriage hood on top of her veil was completely blinding her, and I could hear her breathing heavily underneath it. Hyperventilating? After such a long ceremony, I thought the air under the hood must be getting stale.
Completely hiding my deep shame, I reached up and released her hood and burqa veil. My mind seemed to fracture into a hundred directions. A part of my mind returned to Abigail's words. The Holy, first wife! You were right, she is so beautiful! Another part of my mind realized Shephatiah had been crying under the hood, and my soul seemed to drown in shame and sorrow. Her eyes were downcast, staring at the floor, waiting for permission to look at me. I tried to hide my distress by clearing my throat.
At the sound of my voice, Shephatiah raised her head slightly, her eyes looking at my arm insignias for a moment, a checkerboard of squares, purple and red on the bottom, green and blue on top. It identified me as a fourth-level Ruling Royal, Citizen Level 27. With the current twin vacancies on the Supreme Council, I was currently ranked seventeenth in the global hierarchy. I saw her mouth twitch at the sight.
Shephatiah completed her head turn, looking up from my arms and gazing into my eyes. I realized in an instant that she was expressive as Abigail in communicating with her eyes. But this was so different than my first marriage! Abigail's eyes were full of pure joy. Shephatiah's eyes were a complex mixture of fear, resentment, and despair, with an unformed swirl of darkness that could easily organize itself into hatred. Outwardly she was maintaining the required silence and stillness, even tilting her head back as required to expose her bare throat as a sign of obedience. Inwardly my instincts were warning me to watch for both homicide and suicide.
Sensing that I wouldn't grab her throat, Shephatiah broke the eye contact and lowered her head again in submission. She started kneeling on the floor before me, awaiting my commands. I assumed the Nikahaldi's video monitors were still on. This was no place to have a conversation. "Follow me Shephatiah," I said simply and turned and headed out the door. I heard the faint sounds of her rising and walking behind me.
We reached the inner bedroom of my private quarters a few minutes later. I looked at the clock. It was already past 11 AM. Abigail and I had had several lengthy discussions about what I should do now, tell Shephatiah beforehand that she was not an eternal virgin, or wait until after her purge cycle when she would have the physical proof of her memories. Abigail tearfully concluded that without physical proof, there was very little chance my new bride would believe me, and that perhaps it would be best to wait. Abby had heard of horror stories of men teasing their virgin wives with lies about recovering their memories, just to play with their emotions. So cruel!
But now there was very little time to do anything. I sighed in relief that the clock had spared me from the painful choice. I simply gestured with my arm and hand to Shephatiah's marriage book upon the bed, and then walked over and sat down by the windows to gaze at my private courtyard and gardens below.
I heard the soft turning of the pages as she read the rules of the house. My own eyes were fixed on the bright summer flowers waving energetically in the ubiquitous wind. Even in my inner courtyard, the wind never stops. And on the horizon to the northwest, a compact mass of black clouds was hurtling towards my islands. I thought a brief but violent storm was not far off. As I watched, the first band of clouds raced in at an angle and covered the northern sun.
I sighed and closed my eyes. I very much wanted Abigail here when I brought Shephatiah back, but there is a strong tradition for men to have a few days alone with a new wife, especially one taken at the marriage gate. It would have been seen as very odd for Abigail or Michal to be here, and they were both scheduled return on Judgment 5. That was the earliest that would be considered socially acceptable.
An uncertain whisper from the bed, "Ilias?"
The tentative question brought me out of my thoughts. Shephatiah had quietly stripped herself of clothes. Her burqa, halter, and panties were folded neatly and placed against the side of the security console near the bed. My new wife was lying flat on her back, bent legs raised and held wide apart. She was clearly testing her book's description of her right to call me by name, and was also submitting herself for mounting.
I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I saw a look of puzzlement in Shephatiah's eyes, and realized she was wondering why I wasn't undressing. I saw her eyes gazing shyly at my body, and then she looked up at me.
I was so embarrassed. This was so wrong. I briefly waved my hand at her and shook my head no.
Shephatiah misinterpreted my gesture completely. She thought I was rejecting her choice for a coitus position. She turned her body to kneel, head and taut breasts on the bed, rump held high in the air, legs flayed out to open herself at her rear. Her head was turned towards me, and there were tears in her eyes.
And my heart was filled with shame. I was again torn between wanting to reach out and touch her as an expression of apology, and a deep desire not to violate her with the unwanted contact of my body. Abigail's heart was full of joy when she first submitted to me. Shephatiah's submission was being driven utterly by intimidation. I quickly decided against touching her.
"Shephatiah, no..." I whispered.
She gave a brief grunt and a jerky nod, and then reached with both hands to her butt, low on her hips near the backs of her thighs. She gave a sobbing gasp and squatted a bit lower in her kneel, pulling her ass cheeks wide apart to expose her anus. She was now in another class-taught position, clenching her jaw against the coming pain as she made herself accessible for anal mounting.
I felt like crying. "It's not that. Are you sleepy?"
A pause, and then her head tilted up to look at me. She sighed. "Sleepy? A little sire, just this last minute."
"It's the start of your first purge cycle. You're going to get very sleepy, very soon."
"Do you want to wait until then? Sire, it's your right to fuck me while I sleep."
"That can be very dangerous," I said, telling Shephatiah something I was sure she already knew. "Strong physical stimulation can arouse a woman out of her purge cycle. The damage to the mind can be catastrophic."
"I know. Sire, you have the right to damage my mind. It's..." She paused and looked confused, very sleepy and barely able to stop herself from saying something blasphemous. Any criticism of her state as an eternal virgin would be a capital offence. I was watching her eyes, they are so expressive! I knew she had almost said, "It's already damaged."
She yawned deeply and sighed, the cycle almost taking her. "It's your right to have sex with me now."
"I know. Let's wait. I'll stay with you as you sleep. You won't be disturbed. I promise."
Shephatiah breathed deeply and then nodded, letting her body fall from its rump mounting posture to the bed. She was lying on her side facing me, her breasts and body trembling as she fought to stay awake. She was so innocent, so vulnerable! My need to show concern for her broke through my shame. I moved up near the head of the bed and sat back down, covering her nakedness with a thin sheet. She nodded and smiled at me slightly in gratitude. My hand came up and started stroking the side of her head.
Shephatiah was in a brief window of time between awake and sleep. Her eyes were glassy but still full of intelligence. Her breathing was deep and slow, her mind pulled down by the power of the eternity drugs. She finally turned peaceful as her sleepy mind could no longer hold onto its fears. I smiled at her and kept petting her head, very gently, tucking her in and covering her with another blanket. She realized I would not violate her as she slept. She tried to give me another smile of gratitude, but the cycle took her in earnest. Within seconds she was deeply non-responsive.
Shephatiah, my third precious wife! There is so much I need to tell you! Have I done everything correctly? With my new CL status, I was sure all my actions would be examined under a microscope, and I had racked my brain to come up with absolutely the most undetectable and untraceable way of controlling her virginity injection cycle. Nothing was foolproof. There are just too many unknowns. It the end I realized I would just have to take some risk.
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