Bachelor Party Wife - Cover

Bachelor Party Wife

by The Jint Fan

Copyright© 2006 by The Jint Fan

Erotica Sex Story: Andy planned a great bachelor party for his brother and the stripper can't make it. He turns to his wife for support.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Brother   Group Sex   Voyeurism   .

Andy planned for weeks the best bachelor party for his brother. His brother, Karl is twenty-three years old and marrying girlfriend of five years.

A telephone rang from the other room. Andy ran into the study and answered the telephone before the machine. " Hello?"

"Mr. Gray, please?" A female caller asked.

"Yes, this is Mr. Gray." Andy replied.

"Hi. This is Brandy."

Andy smiled because he is talking to his busty stripper that he hired for the party tonight. " What's going on?"

"Well, Mr. Gray. I have a small problem with tonight's job." Brandy started to speak.

Andy didn't like the sound of this. " What kind of problem?

"Well... I'm not in the area anymore." She replied.

"What do you mean?" Andy couldn't believe this is happening. His brother's party is blowing up in front of his eyes.

"I got married last night and I'm in Las Vegas on my honeymoon." Brandy informed him. " Don't worry about the down payment. I mailed it back to you."

Andy was ready to die. Brandy was the most important part of the whole night.

"Mr. Gray?" Brandy spoke up to break the silence.

"Have a good marriage." Andy replied. He was getting sick to his stomach. He promised the guys that he had a private dancer for them.

Andy hung up the telephone. He slipped his fingers into his hair. He didn't know what to do. He promised a great bachelor party and now he is missing the entertainment.

The front door opened and closed. Andy looked up to see his wife of five years walk in from a morning of shopping. She smiled at him. " Hi honey."

"Hey." Andy lowered his head.

"What's wrong, honey?" Amy placed her two shopping bags onto the floor and stepped over to him.

"The stripper for tonight's bachelor party cancelled on me." Andy informed her. " So basically I'm screwed."

Amy placed her hands on his shoulders. " I wish I could help you but I don't know any strippers off the top of my head."

Andy opened his eyes. A thought entered his mind that moment in time. He couldn't let her do it but what if.

Andy raised a hand to her long red hair and softly spoke. " There could be a way. You could help."

"How?" Amy asked as she picked up her two bags.

"Well... would you like to help." Andy asked.

"I... how?" Amy asked. " You don't mean..."

Andy nodded his head. " Please help me with this. This is very important night for my brother."

Amy stared at her husband of five years. " I don't believe you are actually thinking that you want me to be a stripper."

Andy didn't move a muscle.

"I can't." Amy stared at him. " Your brother knows what I look like. It would be too embarrassing to me."

Andy didn't realize that. His wife would be recognized by his brother and some of their shared friends at the party. " You do have a blonde wig from last Halloween and you have a couple of antique masks that you can wear."

"I don't know about this." Amy started to think about this.

Andy watched his wife very closely. She shook her head as she thought about it. Andy knew she would be really sexy as she did a striptease for the guys.

She had the body of one. She wasn't fat but wasn't skinny but she was well blessed in the breasts department with large areolas. The breasts on her measured in at forty double c.

Andy waited for his wife to answer his idea of her with the guys. He wasn't going to push her but he had to plan what he had to do for an alternative for tonight.

Amy walked out of the room. " I'll be back in a second. I have to think clearly."

Andy watched his wife disappear from the room. Andy could feel that he is in deep trouble with his flaming redhead wife.

A few minutes later, Amy entered the room with head up. " I'll do it but I have one condition."

"You don't stop what I do." Amy informed him.

Andy slowly nodded his head. He couldn't believe that she wanted to do it." That would be ok with me."

"I have one concern also." Amy placed her hands onto his chest.

"And that would be." Andy was afraid to hear this one.

"I just strip and if someone wants something else then I have to do it because I'm a stripper." Amy filled him in.

"I understand." Andy nodded his head again. He didn't want to see her having sex with anyone else other than her.

Andy kissed his wife. " I love you, so much."

"I love you too. You know I would do anything for you." Amy kissed Andy back.

Amy broke the embrace. She kissed his cheek. " I better get ready for them.

Andy nodded his head and watched Amy retreat to the master bedroom.

A couple of hours later, Andy opened the door to the house with the eight guys including his brother, Karl and their cousin Randy.

The men spilled into the house. The tallest guy of the group of men called out. " Andy, any beer?"

"In the cooler over there." Andy pointed to the large red cooler filled with beer bottles in ice.

"Excellent." Luke grabbed one beer. " Nice and cold."

"My wife laid them for me before she went to her mother's." Andy lied about his wife being at her mother's. He knew she was waiting for them in the spare bedroom.

Andy told the guys that he wanted to check with the girl. Andy opened the door and slipped into the room. " Are you ready?"

Amy turned around to face her husband. " Do you like?"

Andy slowly nodded his head. He couldn't believe what he is seeing. His wife transformed herself from the shy redhead to a blonde vixen. She is wearing a blond wig while wearing a white peignoir with white thigh high stockings and white pumps with a four inch heel. She has one of her antique masks attached to her face. Her lips are painted with a thick layer of red.

"I'm ready for this." Amy nodded her head.

Andy slowly nodded his head. He knew that she looked ready. He was very hard because of her readiness.

"Go introduce me as Brandy. Amy moved closer to Andy and kissed his lips.

Andy opened the door and walked into the living room back to the guys. " Ok everyone. Brandy is ready. Say hello to Brandy."

Amy turned on the music from the boom box. The smooth jazz came from one of the compact discs. Amy opened the door slightly and showed off only her white stocking leg and high heel.

"Damn, look at that sexy leg." Rick moaned.

Amy's face brightened from the comment. She moved her body until she had the side of the door touching her body between her breasts. She rubbed her covered breasts against the front and back of the door.

"Looking good." Andy's brother spoke up from the couch, where he is drinking a beer. " Come here, girl for my lap dance."

Andy sat back and watched his wife dance her way across the room and over to the waiting brother in law. He thanked God that she took ballet back when she was a child.

Amy turned her back to her brother in law as she began her lap dancing. She lowered her ass to his crotch area. Amy rubbed her ass against him softly. She pulled away and turned around to face the guest of honor. She lowered herself and brushed her harden nipples and breasts against his chest.

"Awesome." Karl moaned as he took a hold of Amy's legs. " Nice legs also."

"Thanks." Amy disguised her voice.

Amy stood up. She slowly pulled away the white gaze like material to reveal her white bra and panty set. She threw the material at Andy and smiled. " Nice catch, big boy."

Andy smiled at his wife's acting job as a stripper.

"Who wants to see Brandy's breasts?" Amy asked as she danced around the living room in front of the guys.

All the men raised their hands and chanted. " Take it off."

"Who wants to unsnap my back strap?" Amy asked the men. " How about you, Rick? Do you want the pleasure?"

"You're damn right. I want to." Rick moved towards Amy.

Amy stopped dancing around the living room floor. She faced Karl and Andy. Both brothers saw a smile on her lips as Rick moved behind her.

Andy watched Rick moved his front into Amy's backside. Andy couldn't stop him without revealing Amy's real ID. Andy looked up at Amy's mouth and it showed a little turned on.

Rick's right hand went around Amy's waist and slightly cupped Amy's left bra covered breast as the other hand unfastened the bra strap. Amy wasn't taking offense to it.

"She is firm." Rick moaned as he pulled the bra off Amy's body. " Brandy has nice breasts."

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