A Different Sort of Lifestyle - Cover

A Different Sort of Lifestyle

Copyright© 2006 by Lazlo Zalezac

Chapter 31: I Want More!

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 31: I Want More! - It's easy to forget what you wanted out of life once you get caught up in the rat race. The things we wanted when young get forgotten while competing to out do the neighbors. At some point, you just become lost. Does it have to be that way? Not necessarily.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Slow  

Shirley lay in bed staring at the clock in disbelief. Almost two hours had passed without her noticing. Her thoughts were distracted by the buzzing of the vibrator. She sat up and pulled it out from under her. Studying it for a minute, she figured out how to turn it off and the room fell silent except for her heavy breathing. Lying back down on the bed, she stared up at the ceiling.

She rolled over on her side and curled up into a ball while she struggled to come to grips with her feelings. Looking back at the clock in wonder, she said, “I’ve gone my whole life and I didn’t know it could be like that. So much time was lost because I was acting like an idiot. If sex with Daryl can be like that then fuck being a proper wife. I’m never going to let him out of the bedroom.”

Her afternoon of self pleasure was the result of a trip to a sex therapist. The therapist, after a long talk with Shirley, had suggested that she determine if she was physically able to have an orgasm. Rather than use her hand, the therapist had suggested that she get a vibrator. Not suspecting what she would learn from the experience, Shirley had stopped by the pharmacy and picked up what was called a vibrating massager.

Following the instructions of the therapist, she had undressed and then applied the vibrator between her legs. Expecting nothing to happen, the first orgasm slammed into Shirley with a vengeance. Lost in the feelings, she kept the vibrator in place. She lost consciousness after having experienced one orgasm after another. She had lost count of how many times she came.

As a result of her activities, she was sweaty and sore. Even more important, she was forever changed. She pulled the covers over her and went to sleep.

Daryl was getting tired of waiting for his wife to address the issues in their marriage. Driving home from work, he listened to a country western station. The sad music of lost loves, screwed up lives, and pickup trucks seemed to resonate with how he was feeling. When a commercial came on, he glanced down at the radio and said, “Makes you wonder why we bother with love anyway. When it is going good you can’t think about anything else and when it is going bad you can’t think about anything else.”

The light changed and he came to a stop. A young couple crossed the street holding hands. He was half tempted to yell a warning out the window. The problem was that he knew that nothing he could say would stop them from traveling down that road called Love. Snorting, he wondered when he had become so cynical.

The light changed and he accelerated away; leaving the couple far behind. He drove past the kid selling flowers by the sports bar and shook his head. He wondered why the kid was there everyday. Surely business wasn’t good enough to keep at it day after day. Ten minutes later, he pulled into the driveway of his house.

Getting out of the car, he spotted Ted waving to him from on one of the chairs in the backyard. Rather than head into the house, he headed to the backyard. He greeted Ted, “Hi, Son. What are you doing out here?”

“I came home and the house was all locked up,” Ted said with a worried frown. It wasn’t like his mother to lock up the house like that when she was home. He never carried a key to the house since she was always home.

“Where’s your mother?” Daryl asked glancing at her car parked next to his.

“I don’t know. Her car is here, but I don’t think she’s home. I rang the doorbell a dozen times and she never came to the door,” Ted answered with a concerned expression on his face. He was afraid that she had actually hurt herself while he had been out.

“Did anything unusual happen today?” Daryl asked looking over at the house in dread.

“She went off to some doctor appointment this morning. Other than that, she was acting normal. At least, she was acting like she has ever since you moved into the guest room,” Ted answered with a shrug of his shoulder.

“Why don’t you stay here while I see what’s going on,” Daryl suggested. He had visions of her lying dead after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. He didn’t want Ted to have to live with that image for the rest of his life.

Daryl entered the house through the back door. The first thing he noticed was a sack from the local pharmacy. The second thing that he noticed was that the house was absolutely quiet. The third thing was that his wife hadn’t started dinner. Convinced that she had taken a fatal overdose, he made his way through the rest of the house searching for her with a feeling of dread.

Reaching the bedroom, he opened the door and looked in. His heart was beating a thousand miles an hour until he saw her on the bed. He stared at her naked body in shock. The cover had slipped down to her waist baring her breasts in a fashion that had never occurred in their entire marriage. In her sleep, she was twisting one of her very erect nipples between her thumb and forefinger.

His shock gave way to concern when a small moan escaped from her lips. He called over to her, “Shirley, are you okay?”

Startled by Daryl’s voice, she woke and sat up. Unaware of her current state of undress, she looked around and spotted him over by the door. Wondering what he was doing home so early, she glanced at the clock. Shocked, she said, “Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it’s so late. Ted was supposed to be home an hour ago. I haven’t even started dinner.”

Entering the bedroom, Daryl repeated his question, “Shirley, are you okay?”

Shirley looked at Daryl and burst into tears at the thought of the pleasures that she had denied them over the years. It dawned on her what the sexual revolution had actually been about. It wasn’t about equal pay for equal work. It wasn’t about forcing women out of the house. It was about allowing women to experience the pleasures that she had just discovered that afternoon. It staggered her to think that she had almost lost her marriage over it.

Daryl didn’t know what was wrong with his wife. Frowning, he wondered if she had a nervous breakdown. He tried to think what one was supposed to do when someone had a nervous breakdown, but nothing came to mind. He moved over to the bed and put an arm around her.

Outside, Ted was getting more worried about his mother with every minute that passed. His father had gone into the house and had never come back out. After working up his nerve, he entered the house to find out what was happening. After checking the kitchen and the living room, he heard crying noises coming from his parent’s bedroom. Firmly convinced that his mother had hurt herself, Ted attributed the crying to his father. Steeling his nerve, he walked over to the open bedroom door and looked in. In shock, he shouted, “Mom!”

Upon seeing Ted, Shirley realized that her son was seeing her naked. She screamed. Daryl jumped in reaction which only exposed her even more to Ted. In a state of shock, Ted ran into his bedroom; slamming the door behind him. He threw himself on his bed thinking that it was wrong that the first naked woman he had ever seen was his own mother. His shock was only counterbalanced by the relief of knowing she was still alive.

Thirty very tense minutes passed before the household calmed down. Daryl had spent fifteen minutes trying to get Shirley calm and dressed. Then he had to deal with Ted and his shock at what he had seen. Finally, the family met in the living room to discuss plans for dinner. Daryl said, “Let’s eat out. There’s a fish place down the street.”

Looking over at the kitchen, Shirley felt a small stab of guilt. She believed that it was her duty to cook for the family, but she really wasn’t feeling up to it at the moment. She nodded her head and said, “That sounds good to me.”

Ted could not recall a time when they went out to eat when it wasn’t to celebrate a special occasion. His parents always went out to eat on their anniversary. They would go to a restaurant for birthday dinners. Other than those two occasions, they never went out to eat. Of course, he could never recall a time when his mother had failed to cook supper either. Even when he had been attacked, she had served bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches with a canned soup. Wondering what had happened, he said, “Fish sounds good.”

The trio went out to the car and drove to the restaurant. No one said a word from the time they left the house to when they were seated in the restaurant. When asked by the hostess how many were in their party, Daryl had merely held up three fingers. The silence was broken when the waitress came to the table and asked for their drink order.

Daryl answered, “Beer.”

Shirley looked at Daryl surprised by his order of an alcoholic beverage and then said, “I’ll take a glass of Chardonnay.”

Shocked at the fact that his parents were drinking, Ted answered, “Coke, please.”

When the waitress left to get their drinks, each of them returned to reading their menus. After considerable internal debate, Ted decided that he would have the fried shrimp. His mother almost never made that dish and it was a personal favorite. He had wondered what Crab Legs would taste like, but he just didn’t have the nerve to try it. He sat back in his chair and watched his parents while they continued to read the menus.

Shirley was distracted. Her mind kept drifting off from selecting a meal to what she had experienced that afternoon. She kept glancing at Daryl wondering if he would be able to take her to such heights of pleasure.

Daryl wasn’t in much better shape. Every time he glanced over at his wife, he remembered the image of her sleeping while playing with her nipple. He kept shifting in his seat trying to get comfortable despite a swelling cock that wasn’t going away.

The waitress returned with the drinks and set them around the table. Once that was done, she asked, “Are you ready to order?”

Ted nodded his head. Absently, his mother and father nodded theirs as well despite the fact that neither one had selected their meal. The waitress turned to Shirley and asked, “What would you like?”

“I’ll have the fish,” she answered glancing up from the menu.

“Which fish?” the waitress asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Shirley said realizing that there were twenty different entrees listed under the category of fish on the menu. ‘Twenty different entrees,’ she thought. Her imagination turned to wondering how many positions there were for sex. She shook her head and said, “Baked Flounder.”

Puzzled, the waitress glanced at the menu to see if it had changed before she said, “We don’t have baked flounder. You can have the flounder fried or broiled.”

“Broiled,” Shirley said. Getting the sides and dressing for the salad seemed to take forever, but she finally managed to piece together a meal that seemed reasonable.

Daryl stared at his wife wondering why she was acting like an airhead. The exchange for getting his order didn’t progress much better. He first ordered fried flounder; he then changed his order to the trout almandine before changing it a last time to the broiled sea bass. The waitress was beginning to think that the entire family was on drugs.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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